Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 18 Apr 1957, p. 4

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I HOUSE FOE NEW house tiled bath room oil furnace and oil water heating newly decorated Inside and out aluminum storm doors and Windows full basement par- age Apply John Vleitman Box phone Bradford 181 FULL price Low down payment Modern rooms and bath winterized G Dr Keswick phone house in Newmarket bath hot and cold water basement new furnace heavy wiring new gar age Terms arranged Immedi ate possession Phone Newmarket home Newmarket good condition oil heat duplex possibility central location Pric ed to sell Terms Phone TV Newmarket HOUSE FOB RENT NEWMARKET 82 Bolton Ave Familysized borne immediate possession garage reserved tem porarily modern bathroom oil neat tenant required to decor ate materials supplied For ointment phone crlw6 TOR ALE CHOICE lots in Sutton and vi cinity single or in blocks of and Suit builder Geo Lament Broker prone Sutton til JOSEPH REALTOR home immaculate linoleum and tile floors 3piece bath good furnace large lot excellent gar den central residential Terms clapboard bungalow hardwood and tile floors spacious forced oil heating bath bright kitchen good value down brick bun galow resale and a beauty residential immaculate through out 3 bedrooms large living- room and dinette bright kitchen oak floors bath oil heating nicely landscaped down A beauly brick home hardwood and tile floors fire place chestnut trim forced hot- air oil healing attached 2car garage bath down four- piece bath and apart ment large lot residential all town facilities Good value COTTAGE FOB RENT 2ROOMED dwelling near the Holland Marsh suitable for sum mer occupancy Phone B Kays Gormley APARTMENT FOR RENT FURNISHED 3room apartment selfcontained Warm bright rooms nicely furnished electric refrigerator etc Central neat hydro and telephone supplied AVAILABLE May heated apartment cupboards and sink heavy duty wiring 3piece private bath Adults preferred One block from Main St Phone TW Newmarket ARTICLES FOR SALE 2 Quebec heaters and pipes Also cookstove cream enamel Rea sonable for quick sale Apply 644 Gorham St Newmarket HEAVY duty electric stoves white porcelain apartment size 20 x 22 25 each Apply ARTICLES FOR SALE STANDARD lamp crib and mat tress white wood chest of drawers AH new in August Any reasonable offer ac cepted Phone New- market clw6 BASSINET with folding legs and hood complete with plastic hood College St Newmarket day or skirt and lining extension gate auto scat tenda and matching folding chair matern ity dress twopiece size black and gray Phone Newmarket evening crlwl6 2 CHESTS of drawers hand made childrens desks chaise lounge completely furnished bed room including rug and pad large wooden storage chest sil ver pieces dishes etc Any rea sonable offer accepted Phone evenings for appointment 56278 Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE DRIVING LESSONS EXPERIENCED Toronto instruc tor chauffeurs operators lic ences dual controls Free home pickup Phone Valley View Lunch TW 59020 Newmarket or Res Mount Albert 22908 after pm IS WANTED TO BUY kitchen table small PASTURE FOR RENT BUILDING LOTS WE HAVE a few choice town building lots and up CONTACT KEN GROVES Newmarket FOURROOM apartment partly heated hot and cold water gar age middleaged couple pre ferred Immediate possession Phone APARTMENT downtown Main St large rooms and bath hard wood floors heating A grand apartment for business couple Write Era and Express box CHESTERFIELD chairs each coffee table mans win ter overcoat size Phone 59132 Newmarket If 1 i table with drawer medium sized corner kitchen cupboard wire inn nmtrvt a Ktf NEW fiveroom apartment on ground level in Aurora avail able May Phone PA Aurora TW Newmarket PROPERTY FOR RENT ACRES for rent Newmarket area Ideal for gardening ranch ing or cropping House barn and out buildings may be rented separately Apply Bob Arm strong Newmarket REAL ESTATE CHARLES BOYD LTD REALTOR ASKING 7roorn home located vithin 2 blocks of Main Street kitchen and bedrooms bath room attached garage This is a food home and well kept May possession See it now 2storey frame home central and kitchen downstairs Up stairs has 4 bedrooms and bath room Good basement with furn ace This home is spotlessly clean Early possession Full price Terms FULL price brick home converted to make selfcontained apart ments Each apartment has a modern kitchen bedrooms and its own bathroom Lot with a double gar age The property has been fully remodelled and a new oil furn ace has been installed Immedi ate possession RESALE solid brick modern bungalow one year old Huge looking out over a park area dinette three large bedrooms ceramic tiled bathroom oak floors full basement with an oil furnace and laundry tubs Excellent value Full price Carries for per month See it now red brick home located on a treed lot 7V Main floor has kitchen Upstairs has large bedrooms and bathroom unfinished attic Fireplace double garage oil furnace Full price with easy terms RESALE red brick ranch style bungalow with attached garage huge with Lshapcd dinette cut fireplace ultramodern kitchen three oversized bed rooms tiled bathroom Oak floors full with an oil furnace and a partly fin ished recreation room Owner anxious to sell Full price 14- Carries for per month One of the best bungalow values in ACRES with a home anfl fruit stand located on main highway leading Lake Main floor of house has modern kitchen upstairs has bedrooms and bathroom Booth is equipped with icecream freezer and 2 cash registers This is a real op- for someone Full price Low down payment re balance one mortgage Contact Welly Stevens phone CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Main Street Phone Open till 9 pm I PRIVATE SALE 3 BEDROOMS Roman bungalow large lot near shopping and churches mortgage No salary Private Phone Newmarket JOSEPH QUINN Realtor Open till 9 pm ALEX LIMITED REALTOR brie bungalow 2 large bedrooms kitchen living- room room for bath cellar fully insulated Lot 150 Lo cated near on Main highway Low Terms cash down bungalow bath modern kitchen dining area large bright full cellar containing apartment Terms 3ROOM annex apartment on street floor heated all conveni ences oil furnace basement heavy wiring Garage optional Possession May 1 or apply 265 Prospect t I St Newmarket clw6 PIANO good condition reason able Phone TW 52836 New market 21 RCA VICTOR TV set table model Phone PA Au rora ClwlG LLOYD baby carriage in good condition Phone PA Au rora back icecream parlor chair Phone Newmarket USED sewing machine Phone Bradford clwlfi SERVICES AVAILABLE DRESSMAKING Phone Newmarket DRIVING instructions Evenings or Saturdays Bob Watson phone 52587 Newmarket PUT that sparkle back in your daughters eyes by having her favorite doll repaired We will repair dolls rejuvenate stuffed toys Good workmanship rea sonable rates at the new Doll Hospital Phone 54261 Newmarket or leave at Keith Davis Sporting Goods Main St HELP WANTED CLERKTYPIST female for lo cal branch store age single preferred high school education capable all round clerk good telephone manner Training pro vided Apply in writing giving full particulars of education and experience to the Employment Department Consumers Gas Co Adelaide St Toronto ciwie FARM MACHINERY FOR SALE- NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTINC paperhanging and plastering repairs G phone TW 56246 Newmarket WOMAN to do housework Phone Newmarket PART or full time Mostly day shift Transportation from New market Uniforms provided Apply in person at Bells Corner Newmarket WOMAN a to do housework once SPRING SALE OF FARM MACHINERY COMBINES SP and pull type Brand new up to one thousand off TRACTORS used very good SPREADERS and Cobey PTO all models and sizes Up to off DRILL tractor fertilise new Reg for CULTIVATORS MasseyHarris and Ferguson Factory cost POWER MOWERS SIDE RAKES HEATED apartment cen trally located bath built- in kitchen cupboards balcony Adults only Phone Newmarket NORGE oil space heater Strand oil Mrs Harry Mount Albert or phone NOW is the time to have that broken furniture and miscellane ous items repaired Skilled Can- adian workmanship All work Phone I BATHROOM set complete with guaranteed Call 52636 and portable bathtub Newmarket for Information and Large size heater Apply 1 service St phone CEDAR fence posts any quan tity Phone Aurora PA 75392 OIL burner and space heater vice chimney and clean out so boiler repairs steam and water insulating Fred Mary St phone Newmarket ser- Al- Den PIANOTUNING and all repairs Guaranteed workmanship Tuner for music camp of the Royal Conservatory of Music churches schools etc Free estimates For information and for appointments please phone collect Ambrose Engli AV ai a week Phone TW 56805 New- 1 rge All models See for lowest prices ELEVATORS 32 heavy Reg foe HAMMER MILL one only new At a bargain MILKER OUTFIT unit good as CREAM SEPARATORS CHESTERFIELD suites occasion- Electric stainless steel Reg at WORK WANTED WANT your radio repaired in hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket TW UPHOLSTERING chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sargent Muriel Ave Newmarket MERCHANDISE FREEZER One only oft I ROOMS heated bedrooms per month ROOMS heated one bedroom per month 4 ROOM upper duplex heated separate entrance per month POSSESSION May 1st on the above apartments CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR Main St Newmarket Phone 13900 SOLID brick bungalow bed rooms oil heated 4piece ceramic tile bathroom Modern new home in immaculate condition Close to shopping new school 3BEDROOM home new oil furnace on corner lot near school bus line This is a good buy for someone Only down DOWN 3STOREV brick home in best part of town Carries for per month Oil heated 3piece hath garage See this for an in come home ALEX D0AK LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite Newmarket Phone 523856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GOOD plastering business for sale near Newmarket com plete with equipment Owner retiring Write Era and Ex press box MORTGAGE FOR SALE SECOND mortgage value asking Write Newmarket Era and Express box GARAGE FOR RENT GARAGE centrally located Phone TW 56137 Newmarket after pm OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight offices in new building on Main located near Loblaw Ideal for light manufact uring or showrooms Approxim ately square Will divide Reasonable rent Phone or SMALL apartment own en trance Available May Apply Main St or phone 56111 Newmarket WANTED TO RENT OR apartment or small house partially furnished if possible Phone Sutton 247r5 Newmarket LADYS 2piece suit blue like new Ladys trench coat navy size Also rose taffeta dress size 18 In good condition Phone PINBALL machine electric in excellent condition Suitable for club recreation room etc Original cost Sell Phone Newmarket BOYS bicycle large size in good condition speedometer and extras Also combination walnut cedarlined wardrobe with our drawers and desk Double con tinental bed with Marshall mat tress Phone New market chrome suites girls bi cycle radios dining table with leaves steel bunk beds and springs chest of drawers dress- RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Riddel Prop If 14 For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by expert weavers Burns moth- NOW Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors For Home Demonstration and Accurate Estimate BILL BROOKES Phone TW Newmarket BUDGET TERMS holes tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone Newmarket MASTER ELECTRICIANS COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL LET us help you solve your red maple Welsh dresser We specialize in single and double beds and ranges and water springs suite metal heaters Terms For free ROOM AND BOARD WANTED FOR 4year Old girl from Mon day morning till Friday night Phone Newmarket BOARDERS WANTED BOARDERS wanted At Holland Landing near highway Phone Newmarket GENTLEMAN preferred Ap ply Davis Dr phone TW Newmarket utility cabinet rolltop desk gas stove table comport table platform rocker and others Trunks ches terfield easy chairs metal crutches commode bed pans sick bed table kindergarten set and rocker Lamp tables ten nis and badminton racquets Marbletop washstand clocks linen blankets dishes utensils dishes flatware kitchen ware china etc Fred Hirst phone ELECTRIC rannette almost mw Phone Newmarket BATHROOM fixtures deluxe stepIn bathtub with shower fit tings basin with chrome acces sories tank and jacket Brand new Phone PA Aurora ROOMS FOR RENT ATTRACTIVELY furnished bed- sitting room centrally located gentleman preferred Phone or apply Joseph St Newmarket cr4wIB TWO unfurnished ply Ontario St ket rooms 1 5 Classifieds MwMMlte tfli LOT FOR SALE ACRES chiefly wooded half maple Trout stream crosses property Priced right for quick sale P phone Newmarket ADJOINING lots lotal front age ft depth ft Evans- lea subdivision Phone Newmarket COTTAGE FOR SALE BRIGHT bedsitting rooms with grill One kitchenette comfortably furnished cent nil Phone Newmarket FURNISHED bedroom with Use of kitchen for one girl in new home weekly Phone TV Newmarket BEDSITTING room comfort able home all conveniences cen tral Phone TW New market after pin LARGE bedroom with twin beds Ideal for young girls or men Across from the hospital daytime 54262 evenings Newmarket grey flannel coal Prin cess style size years in condition Phone 56673 Newmarket furnished room on ground floor suitable for couple Downtown location Phone Newmarket ARTICLES FOR PIECES sectional furniture foldaway Alio refrigera tor All in good condition Rea sonable Phone TW Newmarket COLEMAN oil circulator heater Phone TW Newmarket STOVES combination coal and electric Aho wood range Best offer accepted Phone BOYS racing bicycle in good condition Cost Used very little Mercury outboard motor single UP used about hours Phone TW New market 2vl6 GIRLS blue spring coal excellent condition Phone Newmarket 2BURNER electric range In condition Phone PA Aurora CONTINENTAL bed condition Phone Newmarket suite wal nut Phone New market or apply Andrew SI mates phone Toronto and Lake Simcoe LESLIE PALMER WINDOW cleaning and janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone Newmarket HAULAGE STONE sand and right from the pit Phone TW Newmarket REUPHOLSTERING It pa Irs ilt lint By Skilled English Craftsman Finance van be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK St Newmarket phone TW WINDOW cleaning Window Meaning Service phone 54172 Newmarket service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone TW Newmarket NATURAL gas healing by your local dealer Services Company TW Newmar ket INCOME TAX PERSONAL business farmers Call Fitzgerald TW New market tfl2 SEPTIC TANK SERVICE INSTALL complete septic tank and weeping beds at re duced rates All workmanship guaranteed We also appreciate custom trenching depths up to feet Murray Baker phone- Newmarket YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCES IS A BETTER COMMUNITY BEACH brie cottage bedrooms 3piece bathroom kit chen utility room room hot and cold water large garage Reasonable for hone VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows Free esti mate and installations Phone or apply Harold Craddock 353 Ontario St W Newmarket TWO formal dresses pink sie mauve size Phone TW Newmarket Classified Advertising Rales Three cents a minimum el or each advertise- mtnL Half price when repeated successive Ten percent discount if advertisement Is paid within week of publication Coming Event three word minimum tents Hale Registers for the first week cents for each week Card of Thanks Wedding and Engagement for each SHnouncement less rents If paid within week publication In for each insertion plus seats a line for verse let if paid week publication Classified advertisements may be Into or left at the Era and of Ilea on Newmarket The Misses Wood St Aurora Mrs Roll ing phone King or with any Advertisements accepted through the mail only where name and address send er Is clearly indicated Your advertisement inte aver nasaee UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up Cotton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite the P O Newmarket PREVENT CHIMNEY USE Fire Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate soot and scale from your stove and pipes No muss No fuss No odor Tot sale at DISTRICT CO OP PERSONAL IF Backaches are slowing vou up take and help yourself to relief from pains and aches Ask your druggist SALESMEN WANTED A TEXAS OIL- COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER FOR NEWMARKET AREA NKKI a good man at once and we are willing to pay top earnings We prefer someone be Iwceti and who can make auto trips for about a week at a time and can call on small town industrial and rural proper ty owners WORTH Our top men in other parts of country draw exceptional earn ings up to in a year This opening in the Newmarket area is just as much to the right man We take care of all deliver ies and collections Pay earnings in advance Write a confidential letter to A SWALLOW President Southwestern Co PO Box Fort Worth I Tea HELP WANTED SALESLADY wanted State age experience and references Write Era and Express box 10 SALESLADY Apply John Mornings drug phone PA Aurora WASHING MACHINE REPAIRS All makes by qualified factory trained service man STEWART BEARE Radio and Appliances Phone Newmarket OR DAYS housework Phone TW Newmarket USED CARS HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL models cars and trucks wanted for wrecking ALSO used parts tires etc for sale Auto Parts miles north of No Highway on 3rd Line Twp tft4 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan twotone privately owned new tires brand new battery com plete engine overhaul interior and exterior excellent Very YOUNG SON MOUNT ALBERT ciwia BINDER McCormickDeecing ft cut nearly new New cultiva tor tractordrawn Set lb scales Phone Mount Albert JwtS FARM ITEMS BALED straw for Newmarket moderate price 56693 Call Twining VOLKSWAGEN custom whitewalls radio or best offer Phone Newmarket DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for service for each call Collect Newmar ket phone TW or Toron to EM 33636 GORDON LIMITED EXCELLENT pasture for ac credited cattle Baled hay ami straw for sale Beaver oats per ton Taylor Sharon- QUANTITY of alfalfa and mixed hay Percy Walker phone Mount Albert METEOR sedan delivery new motor very good condition Apply lane or phone TW Newmarket MERCURY with overdrive and custom radio in good shape Make offer Phone Al bert ORDINARY Timothy cleaned 10 per bus Carl Mick phone MANURE for sale Delivered Phone 54996 Newmarket Mercury convertible power windows and seats new motor and good tires continental spare Sell for cash or trade Phone TU Richmond Hill or apply Richmond St Richmond Hill GRAVEL box and hoist Ford coach in good Joe phone Mount Albert USED milking machine stainless steel late model mag netic unit sterling unit Late model Uni versal Woods Rite- way 25 Chore Boy Stain less steel pails only lsed milker pump from to convenors genera tors pumps to Surge pumps W J Sen Surge Sales and Service Oak Ridges phone Pros pect Oak Ridges Also ITSKI TRUCKS FOR SALE quantity of carrots for sale for feeding purposes Newmarket phone Bradford 383w TRUCK Fargo pick up Price 400 Write Era and Express box III KING CITY SCHOOL TEACHER WANTED ONE DAY WEEKLY Hurt Kin City Phone IS Klnjr MARRIED WOMEN WHY not join our company We give you clean work with several rest periods daily Good companions paid holidays five- day week with time off granted and Blue Cross Apply in person to T Shoe Co Ltd Aurora phone PA Aurora TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Trans- Atlantic Lines C Pit etc Our information and service Is reliable Come in and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Best The BEST DRUG STORE Newmarket phone TW If TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE LEAVING Newmarket am to Street by a in re turn leaving King St pm Also some evenings Phono IVs Newma tfl- TO WESTON leaving am re turning Apply Srig- ley St Newmark TO TORONTO Leaving New market am returning Phone TW New market TRAN WANTED LEAVING Newmarket am moor and College St by am Returning 430 to pm Phone TW Newmarket QUANTITY of feed oats for sale Elmer Stong Bradford phono 89r21 RODNEY oats Treated and cleaned Phone PA Au rora White Blossom sweet clover per Also baled hay for sale Apply Sennet I QueensviUe p TO ajiv returning am Newmarket THE POOL PRODUCE POTATOES Irish Cobblers grown from foundation A seed Ross Zephyr 22120 Mount Arbeit CHICKS SALE R Chick Ranch Aurora formerly thatbuins Start your new laying flock now with a wellknown Leghorn chick and 32c We also distribute De kalb chicks and hybrid corn Post Office box Aurora or PA 74311 Aurora ST L weeks old week old and weeks old Going at bargain prices Single comb White Leg horns and a few Columbia Rocks Newmarket Hatchery Newmar ket POULTRY poultry quantity Bring them in or on re quest Highest Oak or phone TUmer i ALL kinds of live want ed Any amount you Toronto W your door Phone New market EORtALl con dition Aurora

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