Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 11 Apr 1957, p. 20

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Hie Era and Express Thursday April LEISURE TIME MEETING TOPIC A film followed by a panel dis cussion on Leisure Time and Community Activity was the program for the March meeting of the J Bell Home and School association Mrs Keeley presided James Taylor was in charge of the program He introduced the panelists Miss M A Smith Donald Warner and Kirk Everett Who discussed contributions to the community made by recreation commission id boy scouts HERE AND THERE Continued from Page I funds for the hospital work But how many people who have patronized it are aware of the organizational work behind the scenes More than volun teer women contribute their time to the operation of the shop and the cart which brings the gift shop merchandise to the bedside of hospital patients More volunteers are needed to continue the work Extra help is required to man the shop and the cart on Saturdays JOSEPH P HOULTON DC DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF HIS OFFICE AT Humber Drive King City Ontario PHONE Office Hours Thursday pm pm Saturday am pm pm pm Tuesday am pm 5 pm pm 10 pm And at St Clair Ave Toronto 39068 on Monday Wednesday Thursday and Friday THE IDEAL aster HANDY Booklets in GAY ENVELOPES At I FRIDAY SATURDAY A SMASH HIT FROM COAST TO COAST mi JULIE LONDON RAY ANTHONY HENRY JONES THE GiRt Help It ADULT COLOR 111 2nd Feature I I a m m em PROGRAM SAT MAT AT 2 PM MOHAWK 2 Reel Comedy 3 Cartoons TUESDAY THE PICTURE WHICH GAVE THE OSCAR AS THE BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS THIS WOMAN IN HIS ARMS WAS NOW THE WIFE OF THE MAN HE CALLED HIS BEST FRIEND iten on ROBERT TECHNICOLOR DOROTHY HUDSON STACK BACALL WEDNESDAY THURSDAY JUST ONE OUTSTANDING FILM AFTER ANOTHER IMMORTAL SONGS BURNING ROMANCE SPECTACLE BEYOND COMPARE She Kg Grayson Oreste Program At The ROYAL AURORA Till FRIDAY SATURDAY Indian Fighter And Great Day In The Morning MONDAY WEDNESDAY I Adult and Violent Saturday Adult Newmarket Nightly from 7 pm Matinee Sat at 2 pm Continued from Page exceed 60 per tent of the total assessment At the present time Newmarkets is running close to per cent The effect of this is to raise the operating cost of the town and hence the general mill rate said Mr Choppin Fire Department The estimated expenditure for the fire department in amounts to There is an approximate per capita cost per annum of two dollars and is quite reasonable for the protec tion they give us Mr Choppin told council He said the 9000 increase over last years expenses for this department are due to two things first the appointment of a fulltime chief and second the installation of an alarm system tied in with the police radio net work There are many duties which should be performed by a fire chief explained Mr Choppin cannot be done at pres ent because time is not avail able For example the conduct of and instruction at fire drills for all schools the regular in- of business premises from the point of view of fire prevention and the orderly evac uation in the event of a serious fire It is possible that civil I defense coordination might come within his jurisdiction In considering the alarm sys- torn we must remember the j town has grown in area and the j existing whistle is not always audible Also the time may not distant when steam for the whistle will not be available he added Police The police budget for is an increase of approxi mately over last year The rebate from York County for the transportation of prisoners to and from the court is esti mated at Mr said the cost of police protection was close five dollars per capita The po lice requirements are similar to last year with one exception he added The police have requested a fiveday week This requires 1 the addition of two constables toents of the cubs in the 1st New- the force at an estimated cost of market B pack The program for this year A portion consisted of a short play by the of this expenditure is recover- Brown Six and a skit by the Red able from the county Six The cubs were taught a new game of Weavers and King township municipal tax rates are based this year on two levels one oh the residential and farm assessment and the other on the commercial industrial and professional assessment As a re sult of the governments uncon ditional grant home and farm owners have the advantage of a five mill rate lower than the com mercial and industrial side of the picture The total mill rate on resident ial and farm properties is 323 mills This is made up of the cou nty rate of mills the township rate of mills relief rate A Alex Read Entertains Tomorrow Night At Variety Show Here Alex Read of Niagara Falls will be guest entertainer at a variety night at Pickering College audi torium tomorrow night sponsor ed by the St Andrews Young Peoples Society Newmarket Alex appears on Canadian tele vision programs and was associ ated for some time with the Gor don show CBC Montreal He is a musician MC and enter- Lower On Homes Taxes Go Up mills and the Aurora high school district levy of mills This is based on an assessment of 328025 Based on a commercial and in dustrial assessment of 250435 this rate is mills This levy constitutes the township rate of mills county relief 4 mills and high school mills Added to these rates is the school trustees levy which varies according to the school section- The county rate is up this year by twotenths of a mill King township therefore will contribute to the county which is an increase of over last years figure The high school district levy has advanced by one mill King townships share to the school dis trict is 5484 per cent with Aurora and Whitchurch municipalities paying the remainder The three municipalities together are re quired to contribute in which is an increase of over In the total amount King townships share in is compared with last year The townships total is for Last year the whole roll was 38775135 The total assessment is 6578460 To tal estimated expenditure of 1957 is and the estimated j revenue is therefore On the program a oneact play I estimated budget is Monkeys Paw will be pre- 1 Approximately ratepayers will receive tax bills this year Childrens Teeth Topic At H And S Panel Discussion Dr Noble was a mem- decay and restore the tooth ber of a recent panel presented to Home and School members on The Healthy Child Physi cal and Emotional A series of articles based on Dr Nobles contributions to the panel dis cussion will appear in the Era and Express A healthy child as far as the Music for the Alex Read portion of the show will be pro vided by Harvey Burlings orche stra Tickets may be obtained from members of the or at the door of the college auditorium Friday night Newmarket Cub Pack HoWs Parents Night A delightful evening was held in bo developed to the on Friday April for the par- Three New Institutes Established In Ontario The establishment of three new technological institutes in On tario was announced recently by Education Minister William Dun- These will provide facili ties for trade and technical played an old faithful game former Institute of Textiles same level as the Insti tute of Technology in Toronto The three new institutes will be located in Hamilton Ottawa and Windsor The Hamilton one is in operation now following reorganization and expansion at Opening of the Ottawa and Windsor Institutes is scheduled for next September Roads and Bridges The estimates of the Roads and Bridges appear conservative particularly in the light of the newer gravel roads which must be maintained said Mr Chop pin These roads cost more per mile to service and their over- 1 the south Lake Simcoe district all cost is reflected in the higher Horace who spoke to the costs of general maintenance to cubs for a few moments the town minding them of their good turn The water department is in meeting closed with the fortunate position of being prayers the cub promise and ing has increased the least the grand howl after which the Streets and Roads The cubs also had a singsong around the indoor The special guest of the even ing was district commissioner of Since the net national pub lic debt of Canada has increased from billion to 111 billion Of all commodities and services included in Canadas official cost- ofliving index the price of cloth- dentition is concerned is one that has normal teeth and gums Any deviation from the normal due to disease injury or inherited char acteristics would be considered to a degree at least an unhealthy mouth This condition would to some extent effect the general health of the child Normal teeth would be in good position on the dental ridge have good shape hard enamel no bro ken edges no decay wellformed cusps well closed fissures be tween the cusps a good interlock ing action of the teeth no missing teeth no soft spots on the enamel sound dentine a nerve with good blood supply and good supporting bone Normal gums would have a good color free from infection no abscesses and no fistulas That Is the picture of the normal heal thy mouth Any deviation from this results in an unhealthy mouth Decay The most common of the above abnormalities is decay which is known as dental caries This di sease often shows up in the childs mouth as early as two and a half to three years of age It usually starts in the deep fissures on the biting surface of the tooth or between the teeth at points of contact The decay works its way through a small hole in the ena mel and into the soft dentine where it spreads If this decay is not cut out and the tooth repaired the decay will proceed inwardly and effect the nerve This interferes with the blood supply of the nerve The tooth becomes nonvital or as we say a dead tooth The infection en ters the bone and we have a small area of infection at the end of the root Pus is formed which can not get away and when the sur rounding tissue becomes infected we get the large swollen face or abscess This subsides in a few days but the pus continues to drain out through the gum in the region of the tooth This we call a fistula I would like to point out that there is very little pain attached to this decay process until the de cay is very close to the nerve In other words when a tooth it is often too late to cut out the Position Of Teeth A poor position Of the teeth on the ridge or a poor interlocking relationship of the upper and low er teeth is a d malocclusion In extreme cases this could effect the childs physical health due to lack of ability to chew the food The poor appearance resulting from malocclusion could easily make a child self conscious and therefore effect his emotional health Malocclusion can be caused by habits such as thumb sucking lip Parents Use Record To Send Congratulations ToScI A Dutch bride and groom mar in Schomberg United church on Saturday April were swept off their feet while the wedding breakfast was taking place Shortly after the marriage cere mony of Dirk Vermeer and Antje the groomsman Hank Vermeer brother of the groom played a tape recording on a re cord player Hello Dirk the voice said It was that of the grooms mother Mrs Vermeer speaking in Dutch to her son The father spoke and the parents wished sucking or mouth breathing One their son and his bride great the chief causes however is j premature loss of the deciduous or baby teeth due to decay Loss of the first permanent mo lar or six year molar due to de cay is also a frequent cause To be continued next week COUNCIL BRIEFS Continued from Page mcrcial and industrial properties includes doctors offices but not their residences Finance Chair- Man Jock Choppin explained Some taxpayers have wondered if professional and businessmen with offices at home were getting away with lower rates The office of the Ontario Pro vincial Police on Main St has been rented by the town under a new lease at per month in creased The recording was arranged by the groomsman at the parents home in Glenderland Holland and flown to Canada The record played minutes in a touching scene It finished with the playing of Canada The groom has been in Canada for five years but had returned home to Holland during that time to visit the parents The bride has been in Canada for a year mak ing her home with Mr and Mrs John Township near Schomberg Social News Reeve Edward York County Commissioner at tended the annual officers ban quet for the Queens York Ran gers at Memorial Gardens Lea- side on Friday night Mr I was the official Mr and Mrs Harold Run- ions Cornwall spent a few days in town last week the guests of Mr and Mrs Harry Davis and resentative of the County of Gary miles north of Newmarket on county road between Sharon and Holland Landing Phone Newmarket Friday Saturday Cinemascope and J BLACKSH1ELD TONY CURTIS ALSO FIGHTING CHANGS ROD CAMERON Always a Children under selfsustaining It usually man ages to have a small surplus and should be commended he add ed Library Hoard The public library budget for this year is of which the towns share is 7780 The bal ance is made up by the provin cial grant Last year it cost the town 10306 for the operation of the public library Although the li brarians salary has been raised and more money has been al lowed for the purchase of hooks the cost to the local taxpayer for library service in 1957 has been decreased by year the library added almost nothing to its shelves said Mr Choppin In fact the total expenditure was some for possibly hooks This year in the original re quest the board asked for approximately hooks When discussing this the finance com mittee felt that no more than books a month could be pro cessed The request was cut to he explained newly formed Mothers Auxiliary served tea and cookies to the parents while the cubs enjoyed cream and soft drinks The 1st Newmarket Pack under the leadership of Cub- master James Taylor and the assistant are Mrs Hart Mrs Kirk Everett and Mrs John Ogilvie Cubs of the Red Six who the most points for cub activities during the past month were taken to the Pegg maple syrup farm at Holt recently The cubs were shown the process of making maple syrup given samples of the maple syrup and taken on a romp through the sugar bush TOWNS FIRST Continued from Page WOS given the green light to proceed with the planning stage Later a meeting of the young people in the IK to year old group was held and from this a temporary committee was estab lished to start a program on its way Saturdays dance was first attempt of the young peoples committee to get the program un derway The success of the dance speaks well for future programm ing The original was composed of chairman Dr Bob King Mary Smith secretary Jack Si rut hers itcg George Dan Hill and the Rev Stuart Johnston As the idea was discussed and grew additional members were added to the original committee These were Mrs Irene Jaques Miss Betty Graham Mrs John lines George Kelly and Jim Burton CARD OF THANKS wish to express my sincere hanks to the blood donors rela tives friends and neighbors for the lovely cards flowers and visits and all who remembered me in various ways with their many acts of kindness during my illness in the Private Patients Pavilion Toronto General hospi tal Thanks are extended to Dr Johnson and Dr Wilson All was greatly appreciated Mrs Bert Hunt TEEN TOWN DANCES BEGIN ON APRIL Young people of Newmarket under the ago of are invited to attend the first Newmarket creation Commission Teen Town dance in the town hall on Satur day April Dancing will be from Mil to pm will provided by re cords with the teenagers selecting the music Soft drinks will be a- vallablo This dance the firat of a aer ies planned the recreation commission will be Councillor and Mrs George Kna- pton and PC and Mrs Michael Thomas will present CARD OF THANKS l wish to express sincere thanks to my many friends Mount Pisgah and WI for their kind remem brances during my stay in the hospital and since my return home A special thank you to the six blood donors J Cox D R Woodcock C K Cryderman and R Allen also the Toronto and York Roads Commission Their efforts and kindness to me were greatly ap preciated Roy CARD OK THANKS The management of Goodwin Tanners Limited and Bluewater Shoo Company Limited wish to express their sincere apprecia tion to the members of Bradford Newmarket Aurora and Holland Landing Fire Departments for their prompt and heroic services rendered during their disastrous fire Goodwin and William West- CARD OF THANKS Mrs Wernham and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from relatives kind friends and neighbors dur ing their recent bereavement also thanks to Rev McTavish and pallhearers CARD OF THANKS I wish to extend since appre ciation for cards letters flowers telephone calls parcels and treats and extra nurses Audrey and Betty who visited me during my illness in Newmarket hospi- tal and convalescence at home for kindness shown to Lor- and and lion to Dr A Hardy Del Paton King City Save NOW on Boyswear TWOPIECE SUITS by a leading Canadian manufacturer An outstanding value in top quality boys suits Fine fleck and neat fancy designs are available in smart midtones and new shades Man tailored in the latest styles Small Inter- mediate Youths extra trousers only 500 to Values for Perfect for Spring occatioml SPORT COATS a large smart Raw fairies and shades Select from the new wool tweeds and saxonies in neat fleck and smart check designs a wide choice of blue grey and beige shades Inter mediate Youths 1718 well tailored perfect for church or dresswear Navy BLAZERS In smart navy wool blend Expertly tailored and styled hi the popular DI model A Wide Choice of Quality SPORT SHIRTS Smartly styled slacks from to Ivy League Stripes with buttondown collar Neat looking Metallic checks New chest stripe patterns Plain shade gabardines 200 MAIN ST NEWMARKET

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