Newmarket Era and Express Thursday April 1957 LAWN MOWERS Expert Repairs and Most Modern Sharpening PRE SEASON RATES PICK UP SERVICE We Sell and Service Howard Motors Boats Trailers Sodcutters Pumps WE RENT MOST ANYTHING MARINE 9133 St FUN FAIR NIGHT AT STUART SCOTT The Stuart Scott- Home and School Association has planned a big Fun Fair Night for April between and pm at the Stuart Scott school which will in clude items of amusement and in terest for everyone Movies games toy display fish pond tea cup reading white ele phant and plant sale are just a few of the several activities Re freshments will be available and homemade cakes cookies and candies will be on sale A invitation is extended to all parents and their children The vote by secret ballot was first used in a national election in Canada in Mental Health Home And School Groups Hear Panel Discussion EXPANSION IN recent years the Canadian steel industry has expanded more rapidly than the industry of any other major nation Between 1946 and the end of 1956 the increase in capacity in Canada was per cent or about tons Stelco is the largest Canadian pro ducer and in the same period invested in new plant and new material sources THE STEEL COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GANAN0QUE HAMILTON BRANTF0R0 TORONTO I SIMPLE TOOLS Theyre practically all you need to make handsome storage shelves or add spacious cabinet to any room Plus of course the easytofollow free plans and Plywood is ideal for shelving and cabinets real wood panels that can be sawn into components In addition it finishes beautifully So get free plans now at your lumber dealer This weekend make the new shelving your wife wants make the storage- cabinets your home needs All so easy with Sylvaply Plywood and free plans builtin cabinets at lumber dealers from coast to coast Simple shelving con vert to ilooiv New counterheight builtin floor cab inet Ask for free Plan No THE MIRACLE IN WOOD WATERPROOF GLUE PLYWOOD SALES vwi Ubmim imu W H EVES Ltd LUMBER COAL Davis Dr Newmarket Ph Square dancing and a panel dis cussion provided the program of the joint meeting of the Alexand er and Prince Charles Home and School associations on March 26 Mrs Michael Steel presided The meeting opened with Mrs Robert Rose at the piano Mrs John introduced Ona Nelly of the Alexander Muir school who had eight of her pup ils demonstrate their square dan cing ability Mrs Nelson Ion introduced the panelists Dr Margaret Hugh Grant Dr O No- and Dr Douglas Hutchison and the moderator Mrs Donald Downey Mrs Downey outlined the topic for discussion Our Childs Health Emotional and Physical A of thanks was extended by Mrs Phyllis McLachlan were served Mental Health Following are some of the views and opinions expressed by Mr and Dr Arkinstall during the discussion The contributions made by the other panelists will be reported in next weeks Era and Express Mr Grant said there were as many definitions of mental hea lth as there were people to make them People who are mentally healthy feel comfortable about themselves feel right with other people and are able to meet the demands of life The mentally healthy person knows himself ac cepts himself and is himself Mental health has been negat ively defined as the absence of poor mental health added Mr Grant It is the reflection of the total allround wellbeing of the individual It is the degree to which the individual can utilise his skills and capacities with sat isfaction to himself and construct ive value to his society Mentally healthy persons are characterized by a vital positive emotional approach to living both in daytoday experiences and in long range terms Interpreting it in terms of the child Mr Grant said it could be defined to mean a happy adjusted child works up to his level of ability has friends and is neither too de pendent or too independent Mr Grant quoted Dr as saying We can ex pect increasing change a more rapid tempo and we will have to count on continuing or increasing tension because the people of the world live closer together To meet life in those days to come todays school child wit have to develop emotional ha bits of tackling problems in a systematic way and integrity of character Aids in this were listed by Mr Grant as work play friends and talking Each child has three bas ic needs acceptance and affection he said The process of education is the guidance of individuals in learn ing the habits attitudes skill which contribute most to an life Mr Grant added Perhaps we are striving too hard to toach children how to a living instead of teaehinp them how to live commented one member of the audience We assume that children arc more important in the education- picture than anything else whether it is dollars or traditions continued Mr Grant He listed as justifiable complaints overem phasis on subject matter emph asis on competition with mark Riven an exaggerated im portance examinations are con sidered ends rather than means choolwork is made a burden through unnecessary homework is evaluated by an arti ficial standard of passing or fail- GREENACRES PARTY HELD BY GROUP The monthly birthday party a Green acres was celebrated on Fri day evening under the auspices the of Trinity Unit ed Guests were resident- at the Metropolitan Toronto Home for the Aged who had birthday in March Kenneth Peevers was master of ceremonies He Introduced a puppet show harmonica soloist square dance group and severa vocal soloists This was follow by the distribution of gifts and refreshments to the guests Those contributing to the pro included Misses Susan and Jane pat sy Heat r and Kmet and Robert Daniels Simmon James Playter John Gordon and las Crooks Mrs Jack Paterson was the accompanist ing an examination and lack of an effective method of cooperat ion with the home They could be reduced by smal ler classes with better trained teachers release from the lock- step system satisfying of the bas ic psychological need of the child better liason between home and school and education of the par ents in the rearing of children Dr Physical health is said Dr Arkinstall Many hu mans have grown Up with phy sically perfect bodies only to be come misfits because of poor men tal health Parents in thinking of the health of their children must strive to teach them not only that physical cleanliness is next to Godliness but that mental and moral cleanliness are even more important A happy atmosphere in the home is essential for good mental health Dr continued It is important for the child to see that the adults he loves love one another so there should be a minimum of quarrelling He must be certain of this basic affection Supreme Court Decision Favors Developer In Twp Case By Caroline Ion An unanimous decision was handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada in favor of Lang- staff Land Development Ltd and cost levy of 400 a lot by the sub- Because of legal actions divider our development in that area has Land Development been at a standstill for almost Ltd refused to comply with this three years he said We request considering it j mate our damages will exceed the fir m announced this week Costs were assessed against the township This was Markham townships upset An appeal to the Supreme Court of Ontario was lost last year When a agreement previously approved plan and a There has been con signed agreement It had a slight siderable frost damage flavor of extortion he said think the townships action We tried repeatedly to have was a proper one said Reeve second aUemprrohkVrrrulmg and agreement re- Clark The township based its of the Ontario Municipal Board I were I case on legal technicalities cessful we applied for a hearing We now have the of before the OMB in August the Ontario Water Resources The only support we received was commission water in that from Exreeve Alfred this summer added Mr Mr LoMasuner took the Clark stand that agreement had bern I was chairman of e Municipal hoard and the ruled the va lid The township appealed this decision claiming that the OMB had no jurisdiction to hear Mr Selkirks application The township revoked its ori- mo ment of planning and develop- 1 ruling in was withdrawn from Court of Canada indicated subdivision for a number of rea- lhat planning boards stand explained Reeve William was right Clark The townhips plans for Exreeve d development of that area had j with Dr He maintained changed from the time the origin- that an agreement had been have an evident because it want- agreement was signed It had It have been honored to provide for water in that been decided that no further mass by township area explained township development be permitted in this Mv decision has been justified tor Douglas a The without a t r and sewers the action of the court stat- council decided not to permit any agreement Mr It wouldnt development there unless the sub- called for septic tanks and wells surprise roe some members of divider paid a lot to cover a revoked A township council would the cost of municipal services I that a new aeree- want to take this matter to the The thinking of council on be made between the town- United Nations or the World vision development had changed chip and Land Develop- Court at The Hague since the agreement had been Ltd added Mr Clark All the courts in the land that each member of the family holds a tender consideration for the others Parents must take time for their children They should plan and do things together The family that laughs often will he a happy unit she said Children must know that they are loved and wanted to give them a feeling of security which is so essential for healthy emot ional development Dr Arkinstall warned against favoritism and anything that might encourage fear jealousy greed or revenge She said the best nourished and well dressed child is not always the most em otionally stable one Fear and frightening experiences affect em otions Adults must be and understanding There is no place for sarcasm or ridicule when dealing with children signed he added Mr Selkirk explained that had been granted for resi- There was no sanitary problem agree that this action was not a or around our property said proper one added Mr Selkirk Mr Selkirk A sanitary prob- Both the S u p r Court of development of did exist elsewhere in the Ontario and the Supreme Court on acres fronting on Bay view j where lots were less of Canada have the between Thorn hill and than square feet Such was of the Ontario Municipal Sixty houses were in the condition in our board which ruled that the where the sie of the was valid All various stages of construction when the council complied with the Health this has been done at a great ex- repudiated the agreement made tors requirements Besides this to the taxpayer of Mark- bv the previous council and re- were not avail- ham township quested a payment of a capital fearful child may learn calmness Cultivate courage desire fori from being near a calm child Ad- them approval love of ones fellows of normal emotional strength This water and sewer business able from the township and they Representing Mr Selkirk and still arent When they are avail- Langstaff Land Development Ltd able we will be glad to have before the Supreme Court of Can ada was the Toronto firm of Park inson and Gardiner Mr Fred joy in a Hard job well done said are on the whole stronger in em- was just an excuse charged Mr Parkinson appeared at the hear- Dr Emotion is 1 values than children and Selkirk to hold us up until we Mr Donald Fleming was le- ious a cross teacher soon has lean set the tone of a group she I agreed to contribute a lot for gal counsel for Markham room full of cross children A I concluded nothing ship ONLY NEW FORD TRUCKS OFFER HALFTON PICKUPS Ford pickups for 57 or Six- modern as they look The news of the year the big choice of the year in trucks- comes from FORD lord atone gives you a choice different pickups in the halfton field with your choice of VS or Six in every one You can have a supersmart ultraroomy Stylcshle body standard at no extra cost available in both and lengths You can have famous body in these two lengths You can have the fabulous lord than a car more than a truck In evvrv model the boldly modern styling you sec merely hints at the modern design with great new advances in power comfort and ride Look at these modern features that make Ford your best pickup buyby far Capacities Fords new pickup bodies Canadas to ft capacity New makes side loading lac easier New Economy Only Ford Offers halfton pickups with modern star- engine design in a Six as well as a VS And Ford engines ace the allHaw Because theyre the most advanced engines on the roaiMncy last longer require service and miles out of every gallon of gis AllNew Cabs The strongest any truck New hydraulic clutch worts like hydraulic nukes shilling New- suspended pedals eliminate holes keep cabs GO MODERN GO smfSIDf Now Ford Stylcsidc pickup bodies standard at no extra cost offer you the biggest capacities in the halfion field Theyre built wider with rugged allsteel box- section corner reinforce ments and recessed taillights Side loading is far easier Theyre the most economical as well as the smartest looking pickups in Canada today FIGURE SKATERS ANNUAL MEETING SET FOR APRIL The Newmarket Figure Skating club will hold its annual meeting in the fir hall audi torium on Monday April at pm Election of officers will he held AM prospective members are in vited to attend Only paidup members are entitled to vote The proposed program for the coming year will he presented and discus sed A resume of the past seasons activities will be given for S7enc the TRUCKS COST LESS longer too f iilSl SEE YOUR FORD MONARCH DEALER WALKER MOTORS FORD Dr Ph I Personal Income taxes repre sent Unit if per cent of the total of all paid by annually A COUNT ON THESE SIGNS FOR THE BEST VALUES IN USED CARS AND TRUCKS