Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Apr 1957, p. 15

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I The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday April 1957 OPENS IN AURORA Leonard Rosenberg charter- accountant has started in busi ness in this district with his office in the Bank of Nova Scotia build ing Aurora Mr Rosenberg came from Mon treal and has purchased a home in Aurora He has a bachelor of commerce degree from Sir George Williams college and is a former university lecturer TO DROP LEAFLETS BY AIR AT AURORA The Aurora Gospel Sunday school received permission from the council to drop leaflets from an airplane over Aurora if the department of transport approves and assumes responsibility coun cil decided at Mondays meeting A letter from the organization requested permission to drop 500 leaflets from an airplane flying at a safe height set by the depart ment 14 Mains For Aurora Water Hold Approval On Iron Remover King News York and is period- 1 ing is under the auspices of Ki At Mondays meeting Aurora Four different methods of iron council approved the installation removal were described The of inch mains in the new water simplest and cheapest is a coke system but held off approval of tray which aerates the water and an iron removal plant for the time should cost less than 10000 being Consulting engineer Stan Murray said that if work could commence immediately then the system should be completed by July Council also authorized William Huffman to make a pumping test at the new well at the engineers request Being an artesian well it may peter out soon or last in definitely he said A pumping test would give him some idea of the field Mr Murray strongly recom mended that the town consider an iron treatment plant He said that while tests now showed a slight improvement the iron con tent was still three times higher than department of health recom mendations He added that the degree of hardness was less in the new well than in the other wells Mr Murray stated that the water in the new well was what is term ed pump house could begin now with provision for an iron treatment plant at a later date Mayor James Murray wished to know if the iron content of the present water had been affecting pipes in the system over the last years Yes definitely answered Mr Murray There has been con siderable corrosion and conditions However it does not do a 100 per cent job and does not treat the water for he said The second method adds calgon to water which treats for rosiveness as well The chemical keeps the iron in solution The danger here he said was that are building up for a future when water collected in a reser- tenal problem Mr Murray re- voir or standpipe the iron had aUerred to the plight of the town tendency to drop out It would of Cayuga Conditions there also drop out when the water was treated The last two methods were chemicals and filtration One was a treatment with zeolite which gave the best end result but cost to S75000 for a corrosive It can pick up iron from cast 3PLOW Ivan Daniels FARM MACHINERY PH PA 74861 BA GAS OIL AURORA TO The National Farm and owe fJSut every Saturday on NBC ALUSCHALMERS A SERVICE THE VOTERS LISTS ACT Referred to In Section Notice Of Sittings Of Revising Officer TAKE NOTICE thai sittings of the Revising Off icer for the purpose of hearing complaints or appeals with regard to the voters lists to be used at the voting on MAY 1ST under The Liquor Licence in the municipality of the Town of NEWMARKET will be held at the following time and places set forth In the sched ule hereinafter set out DATE OF SITTINGS Friday April and Saturday April 13tli OF SITTINGS Committee Town Hall St Newmarket OF SITTINGS Standard Time 11 am to Noon pm pm and pm 9 pm REVISING OFFICER JAMES CLERK OF REVISING OFFICER IVESIK BROOKS JAMES OTTON ESQ will he the Revising Officer and WESLEY BROOKS Clerk of the said municipality will be the clerk of the Revising Officer AND TAKE NOTICE THAT the lists to so revised arc the original lists for each polling subdivision I A IB IC 2C 2D as prepared and certified by the enumerators for the polls J AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any voter who desires to complain that his name or the names of any person or persons entitled to he entered on the said list have been omitted from the same or that the names of any person or persons who arc not entitled to be voters have entered thereon may on or before the day of April apply complain or appeal to have his name or tin names of any other person or persons en tered on or removed from the list Complaints may be made on the first day of the above Sittings to the Re vising Officer 2 AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that such ap peals must be by notice in writing in the prescribed form signed by the complainant in duplicate and given to the Clerk of the Revising Officer or left for him at his office at TOWN HALL ST AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that at any time prior to the sittings of the Revising Officer any voter whose name is omitted from the list as prepared by the enumerators or any person who has knowledge of the fact that the name or names of any other voter or voters have been so omitted may so inform the Return ing Officer in writing stating the names and addresses of the voter or voters so omitted Wesley brooks Clerk of the Revising Officer TOWN HALL NEWMARKET Dated this FIRST day of APRIL HIS HONOUR JUDGE ROBERT FORSYTH Chairman of the Education Board for the County of York ROOM CITY HALL TORONTO iron mains as it goes through he wait on a decision on the plant have become so bad that people wont use town water they are drilling their own wells he said In he added which is nearby and draws its water from the same type of rock formation the town uses asbestos pipe with plant of the necessary size as well copper service pipes to avoid the as being expensive in upkeep trouble Councillor Keith Mayor Murray objected that ted that if the water was close to I only half the system would standards then the plant fit from the plant but the be held off until it is need- said that it might be possible to have the entire water supply Councillor Bill Bailey asked coming from the new well and in a few years when the other water is needed it could bo brought to Mr Murray how long he could said Chest Survey King township centres for a chest xray survey by the Nation al Sanitarium will be held at KM tleby July Schomberg July Nobleton July 9 and King City July Pupils Visit Mary Lake Grades seven and eight pupils with their teacher Mr Carson Bice King City school they visit ed the Fathers estate Mary Lake farm Friday after noon They were very cordially received and special pains were taken to inform the children a- bout the operation of the farm the uses of the various buildings and the wildlife animals cared for on the estate They were told how the farm was originated by Sir Henry and what changes have been made since Sir Henry first came to King in He named it Lake Marie in honor of the first Lady The bungalow which was the home is now a monast ery with other buildings added Mrs H will attend the Toronto Conference Womans Missionary Society of the United church to be held on April 10 and II She is the delegate of secretary of the presbyterial Dr Long General Super- intendant of the United Church of Canada will visit King City on Thursday evening April at King City United church He will give an illustrated lecture on his visit to Russia last year The 1 side City auxiliary A number of societies in the and neighboring districts ha been invited to attend Dr will be introduced by Rev M Jenkinson Mrs G president of the will and was told that design on the the plant using a gravity plan PAtkview 74512 Leonard R ROSENBERG Chartered Accountant Aurora Ontario Claims Water From DeadEnd Main Unfit For Drinking A blowout will be installed as a temporary relief measure on the water main on Mill St Aur ora council decided Monday night Reeve Clarence Davis showed councillors a bottle of murky wa ter from the main on that street and said a householder had com plained about the quality of the water Reeve Davis told council that the householder had the water tested by a doctor who reported that it was unfit for human con sumption The sample will be sent to the Health Unit for verification of this claim The main about feet long comes to a dead end on Mill St and is one of the oldest in town Council agreed that it should bo replaced with a line that would connect Tyler and Wellington streets DeputyReeve Victor Jones sug gested that the blowout le in stalled as a temporary measure to keep the line clear until the new main is installed The towns con- suiting engineer Stan Murray suggested that the last household er on the line could clear it by al lowing his taps to run for a short period Unique Committee For School Planning In King Township Area A unique group was formed at position lo assess future school King City school recently called problems The sections will have the Regional School Planning a certain amount of security in Committee comprising heads oft knowing their accommodation five elementary hoards or their I problems and have a central con- appointees and Inspector J suiting committee Scott is chair- are faced with man and John is providing more accommodation tary The planners represent will build an Evcrsley en- Kmghorn and Strange will roach King PASSENGER KILLED AS CAR HITS TREE Mrs Thelma Smith of Gormley was killed on Satur day night when the car in which she was riding dropped into a deep ditch on No highway east of Bayview and then struck a tree Her husband Orville Smith the driver was brought to Tor onto General hospital with facial cuts and shock He was released on Sunday Police said Smith apparently lost control of his car which swerved to the north shoulder then plunged into the ditch and hit a tree The car was demolish- led Murray McLcod of Bond Lake detachment conducted the investigation RICHMOND HILL LIONS WOLF CUB LEADERS TAKE LEADERSHIP COURSES AT AURORA school sections While the committee has no legal status it has a new ap proach in dealing with rural school accommodation problems The planners are responsible to the school sections for power to act They will keep informed on the general picture of growth and development and could act in an emergency situation They would direct the shifting of classes from an overcrowded school to a smaller one The committee was formed at a meeting of school board reprc City will have pupils in five classrooms Pooling resources to form the area involves sacrifices on the part of some schools with tin variances in the mill rates Bui there is a financial advantage in the legislative grant to the area The advantage of an area can he seen in the situation at Snow hall school Inspector as Almost overnight board had to call its ratepayer to decide what to do with pupils in a oneroom school next I GO Many year ago a common treatment for skin cancer in was to tie a live toad to lie tumor Of course it did no Today per cent of skin oncers are cured when treated early with Xray or surgery Monday April GOLDEN LINE 15 Numbers Called LIONS HALL PM ALL CASH PRIZES Jackpot 400 55 Numbers Galled ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK scntatives when general result ratepayers vot- on the values the advant ages and disadvantages of form ing a township school area of the five sections was led by Inspec tor Mcleod last week to spend to build a new tworoom school Had there been an area the would have had a place to semi its extra pupil and at the same In rough the cooperation of Trinity Anglican church Aurora a training course for Wolf Cub leaders was conducted recently at the Parish Hall Aurora Twentyfour cub musters and assistants were in attendance These represented packs from Aurora a 1 1 a I a Kettlohy Keswick Newmarket Paik and Sutton The course was planned by the and ar ranged by the District Commis sioner Horace and District Cub Master D C Stewart District Cub Master Art Towns- ley of Sutton conducted the course with the assistance of Scout Master Bruce Lindsay Newmarket and several other leaders Luncheon and dinner were served by the mothers auxiliary of the Aurora Scout Group The success of the course was enhanc ed by the hard work of the ladies Special acknowledgment was giv en Mrs K president of the auxiliary and Mrs C Stew art for their services Rev C McLollan Hector of Trinity church and chairman of the district joined the leaders luncheon and addressed the group briefly This brings to the number of Scouters in the district who have completed a course of training this year The school area is shaping up said Mr alley He said he thought it was in the best interests of the sections form the framework for an ul timate school area Mr said the value in a school area is in making the beat use of time fill its own classroom King City has taken pupils from two other school for two years Mr McLcod commended King township council for con trolling development so as not to overtax the schools Mr announced the town- long With the ship school area as range view the regional school planning committee will in a new teachers salary ceiling for grants raised from to per pupil based on average daily attendance STEWART BE ARE S Warehouse Bargains Continue EVERY THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Trustee Boards Discuss Unconditional Grants Village trustee boards of King City and met with members of King town ship council last weekend along with J Lucas the township King Township Council Briefs school 1 1 At Mondays meeting Aurora council gave two readings to by laws authorizing the town to issue debentures for for the er ection and equipping of a new public school and for an addition to the high school APRIL Aurora will go on daylight sav ing time on April council de cided at Mondays meeting A let ter from the Railway Association asked council to consider the per iod April to October for day light saving since the train sched ules would be best suited on this time Since Toronto is going on day light saving at this time no in convenience to commuters would result The King township soticitoi will he requested to prepare a by- I law for issuance of debentures to raise for a tworoom school at Snowball A resolution solicitor and the ratepayers was auditor I he purpose was to the scheme discuss the unconditional per word that capita grant as it relates to po- Ontario municipal hoard has lice villages the King City Area The amounts receive and how bylaw Also from the are applied were explained I comes word that the in detail by Clerk Rose building of Jane St The unconditional subsidy is ap plied for the benefit of residen tial and farm taxpayers The township would receive five mills from the government sub sidy Mr was to give further study and report to council Of the provinces Newfound land has the most miles of sea coast and Quebec ranks second Only Alberta and Saskatchewan do not border on salt water At the end of World War the average weekly wage in Canadian manufacturing plants was per week Is now per week sion will he undertaken by the department which is in agreement with township requirements To linlid Marsh Bridge The fifth line bridge over the south drainage canal Holland Marsh will bo constructed by M Welter at a price of W855 and The village share in the giant the steel will he supplied for was outlined by D Northern Wood King City board It will be vers The contract prices are to distributed King City Noble- he subject Jo the approval of the ton ami These com department of highways munities receive most of their A new north townline bridge tax revenue from residential and between lots and win not farm assessment The only way the grant can be applied said Reeve Hodgson is for the benefit of the whole township on residential and farm properties Villages he said are not segregated King city felt that approxi mately was the allotment from the grant to its village resi dents Mr Lucas suggested for mula or apportioning the subsi dy was a lower figure to allow for township administration of scheme The matter of the revision of township and village agreements was held over at that time When township suggested low ering the village rate to the township for services villages the percentage rate was refused by City City Council had not wavered in its opinion that the unconditional grant is to lie used for the benefit of the township as a whole At Mondays King council meeting M King City village trustee presented two proposals for changing the township agreements with police villages of King City improved except for some re pairs as King township cannot af ford to install two new bridges The tender selections were made from eleven bids The highest bid on the fifth line bridge was 1125735 and in order to bring the provincial per capita subsidy to villages Under the existing agreements the villages pay to the township onethird of their tax revenue for services given by the township Villages levy their own tax rates The first proposed method was to apply the gross township mill rate to villages from this figure deduct onethird leaving the re maining twothirds to the vill age The second method was to ap ply the net township rates to villages and abolish the deduct ing rate for village services This method was considered less fav orable by Mr The decision of council on the proposals was to consult the township solicitor and to inter view the department of munici pal affairs Westinghouse WASHERS 7950 with pump 8950 RANGES APARTMENT SIZE BURNERS special 139 Leonard Deluxe 30 Ranges 249 Window oven Reg TH0R DRYER Thor Washer Latest Custom Model With Ex CllStOm elusive SelectoHeat Control 319 REG Terms 10 down our price up to months on balance 116 MAIN ST NEWMARKET

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