Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 28 Mar 1957, p. 5

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Clcissiiieds Continued A SALE GENERIC LAYERS WHITE Leghorns Rocks Columbian Rocks Red Barred Rocks Red Sussex Red Silver Ames tncross Turkey poults ducklings and goslings Newmarket Hatchery Newmar ket POULTRY EQUIPMENT FOR HUDSON oil brooder in good condition Phone Mount Al bert SEED FOR SALE REGISTERED Rodney seed oats germination tested by the of Agriculture Apply Pickering R R 2 phone Gormley GARRY OATS REGISTERED and commercial Garry oats the highest yielding variety in recent Ontario tests germination grown cleaned treated and bag ged on the farm Please order early to avoid disappointment Also Rodney oats and Brant barley Phone Maple Farm Bradford MISCELLANEOUS FETS FOR SALE TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Tropical Apply Cawthra Blvd phone 54072 Newmarket USED building material large used doors and various sizes used lumber hardwood flooring building board etc suitable for garages cottages etc All must be sold to clear the warehouse Morton Bros Ltd Main St Mount Albert WOOD FOR SALE MIXED wood hard and soft wood Phone 22410 Mount Al bert WELL tile and 36 Immedi ate delivery Lome Baker and Son concrete products Newmar ket phone LARGE quantity of rich loamy top soil Apply Grange Farm Queensville phone THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET TENDER for SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION SEALED tenders marked as to contents will be received by Her bert Coons and Associates Lim ited at Street West To ronto Ontario up to twelve oclock noon FRIDAY APRIL for the construction of sidewalks and sidewalk culverts on Millard Avenue from Crescent to Queen Street SPECIFICATIONS plans and SALE REGISTER FRIDAY MARCH 29 Auction sale of New Holland baler Mas- Harris selfpropelled combine modern and horse drawn implements litter carrier water bowls piping hay grain etc on lot- concession 4 North York Twp west of St on Keele Street first lane south of Steeles Ave on east side Property of Oman Bowes Sale at pm Terms cash No re serve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers c3wll SATURDAY MARCH 30 Exten sive monthend auction sale and Farmers Market at the Stouff- Sales Arena on No Hy selling all classes of livestock by weight or by the dollar We have listed an extra good lot of furniture for this sale also the usual miscellaneous articles poul try eggs vegetables NOTE We will have a special sale in the hall consisting of pairs of mens womens and childrens tender forms may be obtained at footwear also a large amount of the office of the Consulting En gineer at Bloor Street West Toronto on and after March 29 dry goods This will be the big gest sale of its kind ever held at the sales arena If you have upon deposit of a certified never visited this sales arena this cheque in the sum of ten dollars payable to the Engineer This deposit will be refunded upon the return of the documents in good condition within seven days after the closing of tenders THE LOWEST or any tender not necessarily accepted Brooks M Gladman Clerk Treasurer Mayor Herbert Coons and Associates Limited Consulting Professional Engineers St Toronto c2wl3 WOOD FOR SALE CLEAN dry firewood All kinds Free delivery Taylors Sawmill Aurora phone A Venue cfiwl2 PLANTS FOR SALE AFRICAN VIOLETS LARGE flowering violets new and rare varieties many blooms Potting soil fertilizer Clarkes Violet Centre on Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket Open am to pm except Thursday and Sunday MISCELLANEOUS AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price 125 Best Store phone TW Newmarket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and throat for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone TW New market THE BEST BRONCHIAL j COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds The Best Drug Store Newmarket NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELIZA BETH LATE OF THE TOWN OF NEWMARKET IN THE COUNTY OF YORK WIDOW deceased CREDITORS of the abovenam ed deceased who died at the Town of Newmarket in the Coun ty of York on or about the day of January arc hereby notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the undersigned proof of their claim on or he- fore the day of May after which date the assets of the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims to which the undersigned will then have notice DATED at Newmarket this 28th day of March AD Kenneth John Maclnnis and Myles Maclnnis Executors by their Solicitors Stiver Vale and Errington Newmarket Ontario is your invitation to attend Make this your MEET ME AT THE MARKET Never a dull moment with four auction rines operating at the same time Sale starts I pm Sellers Atkinson Pollard Gafer auctioneers clwl3 TUESDAY APRIL Extensive auction sale of fresh and springers feeder cattle trac tor implements including 2 trac tors combine baler new Holland forage harvester forage wagon side rake swath- cultivator for Ford tractor 3F tractor plow power mower MH front end loader baled hay grain furniture etc at lot con 3 Brock mile east of the proper ty of Willis NOTE These are an extra good lot of tractor implements Faulkner and Woods clerks Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale p Pinedale WA will have re freshments Reg Johnson and Atkinson auctioneers c3wll WEDNESDAY APRIL 3 Ex tensive auction sale of cattle feeder cattle chunks sows tractors combine fertil izer seed drill power mower bale elevator ft manure spreader ft packer chisel plow lever harrows one way disc double disc side rake SO T baler hay grain etc at lot 23 con 2 tenders clearly marked Tenders for Refreshment Booth and Store Concession Bass Lake Provincial Park will be receiv ed by the undersigned until pm Monday April 1st A DEPOSIT in the amount of Twentyfive dollars must accompany each tender COMPLETE details may be ob tained from the District Forester Department of Lands and For ests Maple Ontario The high est or any fender not necessarily accepted Clare Mapledoram Minister of Lands and Forests Toronto Ontario Marcb ONTARIO SEALED tenders clearly marked Tenders for Refreshment Booth Concession Sibbalds Point Pro vincial Park will be received by the undersigned until pm Monday April 1st A DEPOSIT in the amount of Twentyfive dollars 2500 must accompany each tender COMPLETE details may be ob tained from the District Forester Department of Lands and For ests Maple Ontario The high est or any tender not necessarily accepted Clare Mapledoram Minister of Lands and Forests Toronto Ontario March CARD OF THANKS Mrs Martha Crook wishes to I thank all her friends for cards letters and gifts during her re cent illness and stay in Womens College Hospital Toronto I CARD OK THANKS wish to thank my friends and neighbors for cards flowers and acts of kindness during my stay in York County hospital and Welleslcy hospital Toronto Mrs R O Sturdy Trusses surgical supports elast ic hosiery for those who suffer from various veins ankle and knee trouble Arch supports Lumbago belts Hi Drug Store phone TW 54091 Newmarket For HARDWARE We Deliver Phone TW READYMIXED CONCRETE For Footings Floors Patios etc CONCRETE and BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD 5601 ship mile south of Elgin Mills and Victoria Square side- road the property of Floyd D Perkins NOTE This is a good lot of stock the implements are new or nearly new extra good Be sure to see these implements Smith and Woods clerks Sale pm Sellers and Atkinson sales managers and auctioneers THURSDAY APRIL County Shorthorn Breeders club spring sale at fair grounds at pm bulls and 11 females Ontario govern ment bull policy applies D auctioneer For cata logues apply to Cecil W Robin son secretary Out SATURDAY APRIL Exten sive important sale of grandfa thers clock antique and modern furniture tools etc on Rich mond Street in the Village of Maple directly across the street from the new Vaughan Town ship Municipal Office Property of the estate of the late Mrs Bertie Jackson Sale at pm sharp Terms cash No reserve Alo the dwelling to be sold subject to reserve bid Ken and Clarke auctioneers THURSDAY APR Auction sale of head grade cattle including fresh cows and springers heifers farm imple ments forage harvester McKcc with selfunloading box Case tractor model tractor forage harvest wa gon new Case tractor manure spreader on rubber full lino of implements at lot con 4 Whitchurch on Don Mills Rd miles east of Newmarket pro perty of George W Smith All above cuttle are vaccinated and bred to Maple bull No reserve as owner giving up farming FUNERAL and AMBULANCE cash Sale pm Alvin farmer auctioneer phono PERKINS Flower Shop Member Florists Telegraph Delivery Association Flowers wired to all parts of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A Specialty 181 Main St Newmarket Phone TW Strasler Son FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND AMUULANCK SERVICE PHONE THEAKER DREWERY TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR TRUCK SEALED tenders clearly marked as to contents will be received by the undersigned until oclock noon THURSDAY APRIL FOR the supply of a 3Ton Dump Truck complete with steel gravel body hoist and all accessories to be delivered to the Township shed Vandorf Ontario TENDERS to submit price on a complete new unit also to sub mit price on new unit with trade- in allowance on a Chevrolet dump truck that may be inspected at the Township shed TENDERS are to be submitted on forms which together with specifications may be obtained at the Township office Ont LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent RR Stouffville Ont TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH TENDERS FOR GRAVEL SEALED tenders plainly marked Gravel Tender will be received by the undersigned until 12 oclock noon THURSDAY APRIL FOR crushing supplying haul ing and spreading on any road in the Township of Whitchurch and to be applied to the satisfac tion of the road superintendent approximately 30000 tons of crushed gravel more or less to pass through screen and to consist of not less than 65 stone BIRTHS AT YORK COUNTY HOSPITAL ACTON On Friday March 22 to Mr and Mrs Donald Ac ton Newmarket a daughter On Friday March to Mr and Mrs Norman Baldwin a daughter CRAWFORD On Friday March to Mr and Mrs Arthur Crawford Thornhill a son DAVID GE On Wednesday March 20 to Mr and Mrs Roy David Oak Ridges a daughter DAVIS On Thursday March to Mr and Mrs John Da vis R R Kettleby a son On Thursday March to Mr and Mrs Ross vis Oak Ridges a son On Saturday March 23 to Mr and Mrs Zephyr a son HUNTER On Saturday March to Mr and Mrs Howard Hunter Keswick a son HINES On Thursday March to Mr and Mrs John Douglas Newmarket a son JAMES On Wednesday March to Mr and Mrs Wilfred James R R 3 King a On Thursday March to Mr and Mrs Kril Bradford a daughter On Monday March 25 to Mr and Mrs James McAllister R R King a son MELBOURNE On Friday March 22 to Mr and Mrs Ross Melbourne Bradford a daughter POLLARD On Sunday March to Mr and Mrs George Pollard R 2 Stouffville a son On Friday March 22 to Mr and Mrs Harold R 3 King a son PROCTOR On Friday March to Mr and Mrs Trevor Proctor R Kettleby a daughter On March to Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smockum R R a son TRAVISS On Monday March to Mr and Mrs Bruce a daughter V E R H V On Friday March to Mr and Mrs Cornelius Verhoeven Bradford a daughter WALKER On Wednesday March 20 1957 to Mr and Mrs Ruscell Walker R Keswick a son IN MEM0RIAM CANE William Cane and In loving memory of a dear father George passed away March God called hinthome it was Mis win But in our we love him still His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away We often sit and think of him When we are all alone For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own Sadly missed by Florence and Bill MITCHELL In ever loving memory of our mother Susannah Mitchell who passed away Feb also our father William Mitchell who passed away Mar 27 How very close in memory Are our loved ones every day For though theyre gone those treasured thoughts Can never fade away But still they will grow sweeter As the days and years go by For in beloved memory Our loved ones cannot die Always loved and never will be forgotten by daughters Ra chel and Carrie and sonsinlaws Ross and Bob SHELDON In loving memory of Robert H Sheldon who passed away April Time speeds on three years have passed Since death its gloom its sha dows cast Within our home where all seem ed bright And took from me a shining light I miss that light and ever will His vacant place there is none can fill Down here I mourn but not in vain For up in Heaven we will meet again Remembered by his loving wife Ethel THOMSON In loving memory of a dear friend Mrs William Thomson who passed away April 6 Loving and kind in all her ways Upright and just to the end of her days Sincere and true in her heart and mind Beautiful memories she left be hind Minnie Arnold ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs James Murray Aurora announce the engagement of their daughter Nina Jean Gloster to Mr Lewis John Gor don Davis son of Mr and Mrs Icwis Davis of Kettleby The marriage to take place April 20 at pm in St Andrews Presbyterian church Aurora OPEN HOUSE Mr and Mrs Allan Cooper in- you have to SCRATCH for it when gouuse the GUS AMBROSE OF TORONTO AND THE YOUTH FOR CHRIST STAFF GREAT YOUTH SERVICE Tommy Ambrose Singing Gus Ambrose Preaching pm Service A pm Gospel Film OH TOWN TESTIMONY- giving personal Twrtimeny of ROY ROGERS and DALE EVANS at CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE MAIN QUEEN NEWMARKET X Mrs Cane of are happy to announce the birth of a son on Monday March IB at General hospital DEATHS neighbors to the opening of their new rest home known as Coop ers Rest Home Centre Street Mount Albert on Saturday Mar 30 from 24 and 79 pm his home Aurora on Sunday March 24 Joseph Harold husband of Ethel Mac and fa ther of Dr James Harold and grandfather of Barbara Jane and Thomas John Scott Kitchener Service was held on Tuesday March Interment Mount Al beit cemetery THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS ALSO price per Township truck ton loaded on CERTIFIED cheque of to accompany all tenders LOWEST or any tender not nec essarily accepted Ernest Davis Road Superintendent SERVICE Phone Mount Albert Newmarket Ambulance Service 24 hour Phone McCaffreys Flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed All Over the World MAIN STREET Phone 54862 NEWMARKET AUTO WRECKERS LTD Davis Dr Phone Newmarket USED parts for all cars and trucks model parts our specialty MOTORS transmissions differ entials axle exchanges used tires We buy wrecks for parts We sell parts for wrecks STREET NEWMARKET Rose Funeral Directors SATURDAY APRIL Im portant auction sale of Mil com bine Case forage harvester with motor Case blower un loading automatic wagon boxes or racks tractor and No 40 tractor 35 head registered cattle automatic electric bulk milk cooler new registered Yorkshire brood sows hog etc grain furniture etc on lot 27 concession King on SchombergAurora Highway 2nd lane west of 3rd concession on north side Property of Aubrey Wood Sale at am Terms cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers THURSDAY APRIL Farm auction sale of dairy herd tractor implements hay grain etc at lot con 2 Scar- Metropolitan Area on No 2 at the junction of Lansing cutoff No 2 the properly of Bros NOTE The farm has been sold for a shopping centre must vacate by May No reserve Terms cash Sale 1 pm Sellers and Atkinson sale managers and auctioneers CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all neighbors the the Womens Institute and for the love ly gifts of flowers fruit baking candies cards and kind enquiries They were all greatly appreciat ed Mrs Fred Walker CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness messages of sym pathy and beautiful floral offer ings to each and everyone who has us through these days of the loss of a dear mother and grandmother Mrs Fannie A special thanks to Dr also Rev Mc Lean for his consoling words Thank you so much Flossie and Allan Martin and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends neighbors and relatives for acts of kindness cards and inquiries during my recent stay in Toronto General Hospital and since my return home Also thanks is ex tended to the WI Maple Hill and Keswick WF M Dan Mahoney CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends and neighbors for their acts of kindness flowers calls and cards also Dr Arkinstall the nurses and staff of the York County hospital Their efforts and kind ness to me were much appreci ated Mm Thornton VALE At his residence Vic toria Ave Newmarket on Sat urday March 23 George St John Vale husband of Grace May father of Claude Florida George Toronto Edward of Capreol Noel Mrs John West and Joseph Vale Newmarket Interment St Johns cemetery IN BARKER In loving memory of William Barker who passed away March 28 Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day Remembrance keeps him near Wife Annie DICEMAN In loving memory of a dear mother and grandmo ther Edith Maude who parsed away two years ago on March 31 We Utile knew when we woke that morn The sorrow the day would bring For the call was sudden the shock severe To part with one we loved so dear Our lips cannot tell how we miss her Our hearts cannot tell what to say Only God knows how much we love her And wish she were here today Lovingly remembered by daughter Delia soninlaw Al bert and grandchildren Edith Joan Tom and Mary Ann Burns In loving memory of a dear husband George Jarvis who passed away March The face loved is now laid low His loving face is still The hand so often clapped in mine Lies now in deaths cold chill I often sit and think of him When I am all alone For memory is the only thing That grief can call its own Ever remembered by wife Annie JARVIS In loving memory of a dear father George Jarvis who passed away March God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb So He closed his weary eyelids And whispered Peace be thine Away in the beautiful hills of God By the valley of ret so fair Sometime someday we know not when We will meet our loved one there Ever remembered by Mabel and Bill TWining 2332 and 2333 OFFICE 30 CHARLES ST Between Queen and Davis Dr east of Main Hours- Nine to Frl Accounts Also Payable At Toronto Dominion Bank The Bank requires your bill when you make payment PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS The Era and Express Is The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Find Main and Queen AT 10 AM Newmarket I EvaftgeHstic Crusade March irket Free Church With REV REV Durham Ontario Special Singing Every Night Except Saturday pm Sunday am pm All Welcome Attend One Of These fQ SUNDAY MARCH it 1957 TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev J Aiken Minister Mr Leon Nash Music Director 11 am Morning worship THE KING AND THE KINO- DOM Studies in the Christian Life Sunday School am Senior school am Beginners and Primary am Junior congregation am Nursery class pm Evening worship A DAY OF TRIUMPH Studies in our Lords last week Attend church during Lent Trek church Rev Reynolds Minister Mrs Gerald Organist am Sunday school it am Divine worship Evangelistic service EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE with Rev of Durham Out guest speaker March to April 7 inclusive Services at pm Special music at each ser vice All welcome FRIENDS MEETING Rotstord Street am Meeting tor worship Come and worship with us AH welcome Anxiety defeats the effective- j ness of the Christian Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest GRACE CHURCH Street Rev A Yielding am Sunday School tor all am- The Pastor 2nd message in series They Sat Down and watched Him There pm The Pastor When You Pray 2nd in series Thurs at pm Missionary Symposium with Rev Bra- den of Ethiopia Always a Grace CHURCH OF Mount Albert Gospel Sunday School pm Frank Clark Supt pm Evangelistic service Earl Minister SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps Queen It pm Salvation meeting pm Sunday school am Holiness meeting Wednesday pm Home meeting Thurs pm Cottage Prayer Meeting Captain and Mrs commanding Invite you to make the Army your church home UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH and Rev Minister 84S am Broadcast 1330 Kc am Worship Gormley am Sunday noon Worship pm Evening service Welcome to our Services FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Boy Scout Hall Newmarket am Sunday school 11 am Morning worship 7 pm Evangelistic service R Running pastor Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CHURCH Of NAZARENE 1 J fc a f Organist Ml Jane am Sunday school am Divine worship pm Ambrose and Toron to Youth or Christ staff pm Gospel film Oil Testimony CHRISTIAN RACIST CHURCH Baptist Convention Ontario and Quebec Main St Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Musical Director Crisp am Morning worship 230 pm Sunday School pm Evening Service All Welcome VICTORY Fellowship or Evangelical Baptist Churches Comer Arthur and Newton Sis Newmarket Paster Rev Roy Law son Sunday school am Pastors Bible class am Worship service Wed pm Happy Hour Wed p m Young Peoples A warm welcome awaits you ANDREWS CHURCH Minister Rev Johnston BIX Organist Mr Rudolph Heytena am Church school am Nursery and Beginners am Public worship Visitors GREETING best in books naeHoe and eeada w all kinds eta and sec at the and Gift Hall authorized agent a New-

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