Officiates At Opening Of King Business It you build on service you will find your business a profit able undertaking Reeve William Hodgson said when he officially opened a new business on St King City known as the King City Cleaners and Laundry The Reeve brought greetings from the township on Friday March 22 when he offered congratulations to the partners Ken and Carter wishing them suc cess This was the second commercial enterprise to be opened in the village within a week On Friday March and Syd Bullock and Sons held open house at their new service station on South Keele and Crescent Between and 200 attended the open house Re ceiving were Mr and his wife Barbara and Mr Carter and his wife Jacqueline The parents of both young couples were also on hand to meet the prospective customers of the new business The visitors were welcomed in the evening by Mr who paid special tribute to his neigh bor merchant Keith Cambden of King Gift and Appliances who with his wife had assisted in pre paration of the open house mil found Th picking Til boys rkr Newmarket Furniture Electric Main St It was a gala opening in the centre of the Jensen block on the west side of Keele street which now completes the third business of this section Each lady was giv en a red rose bud and the gentle men were given cigars while the children received packages of Watsons potato chips made loc ally Coffee and refreshments were served Baskets of flowers decorated the scene which were given by the King City Chamber of Com merce Keith and Dorothy Camb Mr and Mrs Bill Jensen Mr and Mrs Petten the parents and son Wilfred Mr and Mrs Syd Bullock of Ron his wife Helen and daught er Debbie also Mr and Mrs Bullock Reeve Hodgson drew the lucky tickets and the prizes supplied by the business were an electric pol isher won by Mrs George Brown King City Sandra Lynn Berry King City a permanent wave and free finger waves to Mrs- Hugh OBrien Maple 2 Mrs Claire Lake Miss Sadie Claught- King City and a package of powder and perfume to Douglas Terry King RR Mrs Gordon Wells King City has been engaged as receptionist and desk clerk Raises Funds For Red Cross Campaign A twohour blitz campaign in the village of to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross on Monday evening March 25 re suited in the collection of 190 A doortodoor canvass combin ed the efforts of members of the Lfons club and two represent atives of the Womens Institute Mrs Wm Crane the president and Mrs Watson After a Red Cross representat ive had approached the WI to conduct a canvass the branch en listed the support of the Lions club Which did the major part of the campaign according to Mrs Crane The last public canvass for Red Cross by was held during World War Schomberg Lions Community Auction Sale SATURDAY MARCH 30 AT PM IN TOWN HALL In aid of NEWMARKET HOSPITAL Miscellaneous articles Roy president Harold Russell auctioneer RICHMOND HILL LIONS INGO Monday April 1 GOLDEN LINE 15 Numbers Called HALL ALL CASH PRIZES JACKPOT 375 54 Numbers Gulled ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK The Baptist Ladies Aid met at the home of Miss Cutting on Wednesday March The meeting was the last one before Rev and Mrs George Hart and family leave for their new charge in Sask Miss Cutting pre pared a delicious turkey dinner In their honor also in honor of two faithful members Mrs Harry Webster and Grace who will soon be leaving community and will be missed as the Harts will be Twentytwo guests partook of the dinner which was topped off with plum pudding Since it was Mrs Harts birthday Mrs John Lewis had made her a beautiful cake complete with candles After the regular meeting Mrs Hart was given a surprise shower of cups and saucers and other gifts She thanked the ladies say ing how much she had enjoyed the fellowship of the Immanuel Baptist Ladies Aid The president Mrs Lewis spoke on behalf of the members thanking both Mr and Mrs Hart for all they had done She expressed the wish that they would be richly blessed in their new home and church The meeting was closed with a hymn and the benediction by Mr Hart A few relatives and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Stan to celebrate their 35th wedding anniversary The four sons of Mr and Mrs Kay presented Mrs with a corsage of pink carnations and one yellow rose in the centre Misses Shirley and Mary Moffat Newmarket were weekend guests of Miss Grace Webster Rev J Vander Barrie conducted the evening service at the Christian Reform church here on Sunday Mr and Mrs and family visited Mr and Mrs P in Hamilton on Sunday Mr and Mrs J VanLuyk have returned home from six weeks in Florida Mrs P VanLuyk is visiting re latives in Holland for a few weeks King City and District Mrs Laura Rolling Correspondent Phone King Talk On Rossi v e e y Presbyterian meeting at the home of Mrs hart finalized plans for the Easter meeting April 17 It will be held at the presidents home Mrs Fred Curtis Heritage Park Mrs J H Douglas Clark- son Presbyterial first vicepresi dent will be guest speaker in the afternoon St Pauls Vaughan will be guests accepted invitations to an open meeting under the local United church auxiliary for April when Dr Long will be speaker illustrating his tour in Russia At the local meeting Mrs Charles Gordon took the opening chapter of the new study book on Asia Miss Jessie Gellatly is ac cepting 1 per member now to ward an obligation of missionary enterprise in financing two out going missionaries Realize The local mothers association Of First King Guides and Brown ies earned nearly on March 23 from a home baking sale at King City United church The baking was excellent and was sold out early in the afternoon Head con vener was Mrs J Davie president assisted by Mrs Grace Mrs Hood Mrs Jock Thompson Mrs E Harrison and Mrs A- Attends Show From Toronto attending King WI hat show were Mrs Frank Moat mother of Mrs Gregory Paul Heritage Park who was one of the modellers Also attending were W Clark whose hus band is assistant commissioner to Ontario Provincial Police Mrs Harold Harris Mrs Albert Coop er Mrs James Ross and Mrs Ar- not Barry Miss Lois sister of Mrs Bert and Mrs Robert Bennett Mrs J Harvey McKendry whose daughter-in- law is Mrs Warren Heritage Park and Mrs Ernie Rank of Newmarket were present New Business Opens Among those who attended the Rev G A Hart Accepts Call To Regina Church and Laundry business last Friday evening were a great many rela tives and friends of the partners Ken and Ron Carter Present were Mr and Mrs Poached the parents and Wil- are J Dave Carter a brother his congregations of Bethel wife and daughter Debbie Mr Pupils Make Posters I For King Lions Carnival The King City Lions Carnival colorful posters done by pupils of King City Sacred Heart King- horn and Strange schools are on display at King City stores Schomberg Oak Ridges and Maple Not only do they advertise the carnival at arena on March they show by their great numbers that pupils arc tak ing an interest in the features of the fourth annual skating event The Aurora boys trumpet band will feature music and Nobleton Figure Skating club will give dis plays There will be children ages four to 15 in the grand march Two tenminute spots are devoted to the club which is in structed by Miss Christine Ken nedy a professional Brian Bail ey Maple and Mary Jane Hogg will feature three senior dance numbers Mary Jane will do a solo number Organized early in January this club has children from KIcinburg Bolton King Mrs Lewis ton is president and Mrs Irene Bailey is vice president The costume parade by pre school and school age children of the district is an important item when prizes in age groups will be awarded by the Lions club Jack Loughran and George Bennett arc in charge of the pce- hockey finals starting at pm Winning groups are to re ceive trophies Ralph King City a professional clown is in charge of this section while Bruce Hall is chairman of costumes and Jack Parson for games Lion Jock Thompson is carnival chairman Canadian Red Cross Outpost Hospitals and Nursing Stations provide medical care and treat ment for residents of our remote areas When disaster strikes are are there through your Canadian Red Cross BRICES MEATS Juicy Skinless EINERS lb Sliced Smoked SIDE BACON Pure Porjc Small Link SAUSAGE lb 39 Reg Price Sic Tulip MARGARINE WITH MEAT lb 27 lb bit Beef nd Pork COUNTRY SAUSAGE 2 lb Grade BUTTER With Meat lb WE FULLY EXPECT TO BE EQUIPPED TO SELL YOU FRESH ROASTED CHICKENS IN TWO WEEKS PLACE NOW IT PAYS US TO SELL THE BEST QUALITY IT PAYS YOU TO BUY THE BEST QUALITY and Mrs Jack Carter the parents Mr and Mrs George a brotherinlaw of Ken Petten his wife and sons Jerry and Gregory Mrs James Mr and Mrs Blake and Betty Blake Mrs Charles Stiles who is Mrs Pet- tens mother Mrs Sadie Speers Mrs Jack Stiles Miss June Loud en Mr M Slack the auditor Mrs a 1 1 o n Coe and Mrs Gerald Banks of the Metro Laundry Returns Home Home from York County hospi tal where he had spent nearly two months is Mr A f e d McBride Gardens King City He underwent surgery and was gravely ill for the first time in his life His sisters Mrs Pearl Wil son and Annie McBride visited him daily in hospital and quite frequently twice daily Door Receptacle A door slot and receptacle will be installed in the door of the Memorial Library Springhill King City It will aid outoftown subscribers in t r n i n their books who for various reasons cannot comply with library hours The board is pleased to report that has been paid off the mortgage principal 200 of which came as special government grant after the new building was occu pied The balance on the princi pal is now 1350 Mr J Davie Keele St north in company with a number of Toronto golfers left last week end for ten days at Golf club in North Carolina Mr Da vie belongs to the Summit Golf club North Yongc St Rev A Hart and family were entertained by his colleague Rev J E C Shepherd and his wife at the Presbyterian manse King City before the Harts left for They will make their church King City Emmanuel church and Second King on Sunday March 24 Mr Hart received a call to Trinity church Sask and with his wife and three children left by motor on Monday for his new charge Mr Hart came to the King City parsonage in October and has completed a twoyear arts course at McMaster University which he combined with his past oral duties He came cast from a charge at Alta and had graduated from Western Bi ble College Calgary in The church was organized in in a new housing area The King township congregat ion will hear supplies sent by the Home Office of the Ontario and Quebec Baptist Convention They want to call an ordained young minister to take charge of the rur al circuit On Sunday March 31 a new man will be heard At the parsonage King City Rev Hart and his wife received a 12place setting of china dinner- ware in modernistic design from the three congregations Mr J dling of Kettleby read the presen tation address A sample of the dinnerware was displayed the full complement having been shipped direct from Toronto to in time for their arrival at the parsonage The King Township BYPU gave Mr Hart a cheque for 100 at a meeting in Pottageville when the presentation was made by June Peck of King City the president Mr Hart was active in building up interest and membership in the young peoples group At the home of Miss Lenore Cutting March a turkey din ner was given by the Kettleby Ladies Aid at the monthly meet ing when Mrs Hart received a shower of 16 cups and saucers The following day was her birth day The Aid members packed and shipped the direct to Regina King Street neighbors of Mr and Mrs Hart held a social ev ening at the home of Mr and Mrs A Kelley King City when they received an embossed alumi num serving tray opening of King City Cleaners home in Westmount Trinity Bap- Incorporation Into Village Being Studied By King City A detailed study of factors in volved in converting a police vil lage into an incorporated village is being undertaken by a fact finding committee representing King City organizations under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce At the first meeting chaired by the president Douglas Rennison John Turner and Harvey were appointed to study a plan drafted for now seek ing incorporation By comparison or otherwise this special committee will produce a draft of findings to the genera committee on April 3 Acting for the Lions club on March was George Harvey John Turner Chamber of Commerce Dave Glass and Don McCallum King City Firemens association Al Plante King Legion Mrs Ross Walker King Ernie Smith Donald and Ron Bolton King City village trustee board Others elected as representat ives of the respective organizat ions not present at the meeting were Jock Thompson Keith bden Bob Walker Mrs Verdun Board Says CNR Has Not Applied To Close King Station King City Chamber of Com merce will hold in abeyance any further action on h proposed closing of the King City CNR sta tion until there is evidence of a definite move to close the agency This decision was reached upon receipt of a letter from the sec retary of the Hoard of Transport Commissioners Ottawa statins thai no application of this nature has come before the board The letter was a reply to a telegram on March received from the chamber protesting the intention of the railway company to make application to close the King agency In the event that the railway company decides to submit an ap plication to the board the board requires that a copy of the appli cation be forwarded to the muni cipal authorities according to the letter After the board receives an application I district in spector is instructed to conduct an investigation on the ground in order to enable oil parties to pre sent their views No action the letter informed is taken by the board of transport until all par ties concerned have had ample opportunity to file their submis sions in the event of an application reaching the board the foregoing procedure will no doubt be fol lowed The letter was signed by C Rump secretary of the board There is no point in pursuing the matter until there la a move ment afoot to close the station prcsiditU Renninson stated The letter from the board will be filed until further action is necessary A draft letter on the chambers protest resolution to the Trans port Board outlining the reason for the Chambers objections to any proposed action to close the agency will be withheld for the present time the president said Gordon Baker and Harry Cunningham to represent Lake Marie Athletic Association Meet ings are held at the library While Thornhill village has its population in two municipalities and town ships there are certain similarit ies to King City which serve as a basis of study M points out tist parsonage in Regina where Mr Hart has taken a preaching position Mrs Austin Rumble King WI district director attended a meet ing of Centre York directors and executive held in Aurora on March Mrs Shoults the pre sident was chairman The dist rict annua meeting was planned for June at The York County Institute rally will be held In Stouffvillc park July The program is a pageant depict ing years of the Womens In stitute founded in West York district will produce the first 20 years North York the second years and Centre York Mrs Harold and Mrs Austin Rumble were se lected as directors of Centre York pageant The national WI con vention will be held at Ottawa in the last four days of October Would Like To Seize Performance Bonds On Subdivision Roads Complaints by ratepayers from Heritage Park and subdivisions on the bad condition of roads aired at a general meet ing of King City Chamber of Commerce resulted in action on March 25 A motion was proposed by Keith Cambden and seconded by Bruce Hall It unanimously ap proved that the Chamber of Com merce send a letter to bonding companies stating that unless the roads in various subdivisions in King City are brought up to spe cifications starting within days after the removal of the township half load restrictions the Cham ber will request King township council to seize the subdividers performance bonds posted with the township The forfeiture will apply to all village subdivisions in which the time limit has elapsed A copy of the letter will be sent to the sub- Thursday March Page The Newmarket Era and WI News Union Street branch will at the home of Mrs Archie S Thursday April at Motto Life without humor like a car without springs call a hat speech Renewal of membership is on the agenda The election of offi cers is in the charge of the nomin ating committee Hostesses Mrs William Moulds Mrs William Jackson and Mrs Irvine Rose dividers President Douglas Renninson chaired the meeting He said ratepayers complaints come within the scope of Chamber of Commerce activities These roads said village trus tee M do not belong to King City they are owned by the subdividers and are their res ponsibility The time limit to performance bonds with by the township is three years The money posted with the township can then be utilized by the town ship to complete the roads the meeting was told The hope of King City improv ing Keele St north doubtful The price would be prohibitive stated E R Smith village board chairman This roadway needs rebuilding Scraping the surface and putting on gravel is only fin ing up the hole It is not the an swer to permanent improvement he said He estimated the rebuilding of Keele north to the school would cost D said the roadbed docs not drain pro perly and village taxes do not pay for building roads They pay for maintaining them Drainage is also the problem in subdivision roads Subdivision ratepayers have seen little or no action on road improvements in two or three years they told the Chamber of Commerce officials ATTENTION FARMERS MONDAY APRIL 18 PM MEETING IN KETTLEBY PARISH HALL TO DISCUSS Farm fires safety on the farm and the advisability a municipal owned fire truck Speakers Aurora Fire Chief Harry Jones Jim Speiico and Fred Wicks Sponsored by King Federation of Agriculture Come and by discussion help to solve our problem See THEIM0REW0UIL00K THEM0RE CHEVROLET A VAlUff BUYIT The more you look the more you find in Chevrolet that other can just cant match The solid Body by Fisher coach- work the conveniences finer ma terials no other lowcost car no previous Chevy even has ever given you so much to be proud of Come cast your eyes Oct the inside story youve been a streetside spectator long enough The more you drive the more you like Chevys exciting edge in engine- response Even worlds most de pendable Six Chevys bestselling hat velvety Chevrolet eagerness that leaves many a higher powered car behind at the Moplight Chevy brings you five advanced en gines this yearcome try cm And famous easier handling that goes along with all that wonderful action The more you reckon up against the more youll surely like Canadas sweet smooth and sassy favorite Nothing comes close in value nothing comes close in sales So come eye and price the car thats sweeping the coun try The sooner you do sooner too will be a happy 57 Chevrolet nvr See your Chevrolet dealer- milk ing Chevy as easy to buy as it is to like CHEVROLET V86 MOST IN WORLD CHVO EVERY MONTH SINCE THE CHEVROIIT WAS INTRODUCED CANADIANS HAVE MORE CHEVROLET THAN ANY OTHER CAR NEWMARKET MOTORS St Phone 52371 Newmarket Ontario