I Business Professional Services EOUS DRUG STORE NOTICE DENTAL FOR PRESCRIPTIONS AND EMERGENCY NEEDS SUNDAY MARCH 31ST I Phone Chester Best TV of The Best Drug Store The Best Drug Store Will Be Open AH Next Week March 31 to April 6 Until pm Going to the Old Country by Ship or Airplane Reservations for Steamships Airlines and Cruises HERBERT Travelbureau Official agent for all steamship lines Trans Canada Airlines and FCLM Main St Newmarket Ont Phone STAN TROYER DR WONOBLE DENTIST Over Provincial Police Office Office TV Residence TW 56492 DR KELLY DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone TW 54191 DR C E VANDERV00RT DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone 56273 LEGAL FLOYD E CORNER Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public Aurora Ontario Telephone Aurora PA Res PA INSURANCE MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA NEWMARKET J Timothy Ph 54221 T A M Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St E AURORA Phone PA 74468 Life Fire Auto Casualty Insurance and Low Cost Auto Financing Stiver Vale and Errington BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES K R Stiver Joseph Vale QC J Peppiatt BA William MAIN ST TW 54571 Newmarket 100000 Estimate For Roads This Year In Whitchurch Twp Lawn and Garden Equipment SALES SERVICE Richmond Hill Timer Sanitary Contractor Drains Cleaned and Repaired Septle Tanks Pumped Service RICHMOND HILL TURNER INSURANCE JOHN Confederation Life Association Representative Fire Automobile and Casualty Eagle St Newmarket PHONE TW MOUNT ALBERT Builders Contractors or Farmers No and No 2 Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber j Rough or Dressed Delivered on the job by truck Lumber Co Write for prices Port Loring Ontario INSURANCE Endowments Pensions Family Income and Mortgage Life Insurance Bill Timothy St NEWMARKET AURORA PA ACCOUNTANT A A CONLIN 252A Main St Chartered Accountant PHONE NEWMARKET A M MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC 208A Main St Newmarket PHONE TW 52911 VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing Insurance St Phone TW Newmarket Mathews and Clark Barristers Solicitors Bay St Toronto Norman L Mathcwfi Beatrice- Mathews Stanley Hinsdale LLB Allan J Clark TELEPHONE 35391 VETERINARIAN DR H R VETERINARIAN Eagle St Phone Cossar Harper Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS J I JACKSON Resident Partner DR A WILLITTS ACCOUNTANT OF NOVA SCOTIA HOG AURORA ONTARIO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY General Contracting Veterinarian SUMMER AND WINTER HOMES Resident Partner Kitchen Cabinets Plumbing Street Newmarket Mount Albert Phone Tile Selling Alterations Telephone 56601 mouniMiDert on Hours and Walls c McNeill SUTTON WEST LEONARD ROSENBERG B Com MR LEON B NASH ARCr RMT Organist Trinity Unlteil Church Studio of STREET NEWMARKET TUITION FOR VOCAL PIANO AND ORGAN Dial Newmarket FOR RENT POWER TOOLS AND FLOOR SANDERS AND FINISHERS Fred Penrose Phone TW or TW Newmarket RUDOLPH Organist and Choirmaster St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newmarket Will accept pupils for the coming term Individual instruction given for OrRan and Piano Queen Street John C MooreTuLS ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Ave Richmond Hill Phone Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE an MW my IIS COIUOI TORONTO Want some help with your homework Dad Its a good thing young led is only joking Hit dad it studying the families like yours tor financial protection If lie took Ted up his the boy would be overwhelmed by problems about man aging family incomes succession duties protecting a business against caused by the death of the owner and other matters Teds father it a modern life underwriter Today life insurance repre sentatives not only study better ways to provide life insurance protec tion they seek a real understanding of peoples needs and shape plant to meet these needs which differ with every family Youll find life insurance man a good man to know lib pro crest refects the many ways in which the life Insurance business has developed with the times to meet your changing needs I Canadian ho a of I by mora iho lift 1 In country J THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA lUO are under consideration Mr Best had previously con tacted the planning board which would give no decision until the site was named Council mem bers expressed disfavor generally with this type of business but Mr Best assured them that his estab lishment would be operated satis factorily No decision was given Following several special meet ings a week ago Whitchurch township council on Thursday evening finally came to a satis factory agreement with the town ship employees on a new wage scale Road employees had been of fered an increase of cents an hour and 50 car allowance How ever the road committee had found this offer to be unsatisfac tory and presented council with a recommendation on Thursday of 20 cents an hour for the mech anic and cents for other road employees with car allow ance to each road foreman There was a considerable peri od of discussion over these figures but the road committee remained definite in its recommendation and the resolution authorizing the increase was passed The complete scale of salaries is as follows clerk 5100 assistant clerk 3600 road superintendent township officer 3000 as sessor 3400 building inspector 3100 road employees increase cents an hour mechanic rate increase cents an hour Withdraw From Pension The pension plan adopted by council for the office staff in lieu of a salary revision is now to be withdrawn It was found loo that since the road men were paid by the hour they could not be accept ed on the plan Each party now in the plan will receive his five per cent paid by him plus the five per cent paid into the fund by the township Aurora School Addition Dr VanNostrand representa tive of Whitchurch on the Aurora Total road- expenditures in Whitchurch township this year are estimated at and an appropriation bylaw covering this amount has been forwarded to the department of highways for approval Of this amount will be spent on maintenance of roads and SI on construction Construction of culverts and bridges will require and maintenance Purchase of new machinery will cost and miscellaneous items 2500 Councilit was reported visited the Bloomington corner last week with a view to having some improvement made there because of the dangerous inter section Councillors and strongly urged the in stallation of a flasher light at the corner and proposed a resolution to this effect However other members ex pressed the view that the visibili ty could be improved at the cor ner by the cutting down of the embankments and the motion was lost Robert Kennedy 3 New market was engaged as assessor for Whitchurch township at the regular meeting of council Thurs day evening His duties will commence and his salary- will be with eight cents a mile for his car George Smith of Richvale was engaged as building inspector and assistant assessor at a salary of and eight cents mileage Mr Smiths aDplication was accepted on a divided vote one other applicant receiving the support of councillor County Levy The levy for county taxes for the township in will be for general purposes and for roads making a to tal of This is an in crease over the lew of 264248 Council received notice from the Metro Conservation Author ity that the amount assessed to Whitchurch for was Whitchurch a contributes to the Holland Valley Conservation Authority the amount of Wrecking Yard Request John A Best Ave I high school Toronto appeared before council Of this amount the government requesting permission to establish would pay a grant of 1600110 a sales room and wrecking yard On the recommendation of Dr SEE HOW THEY RUN TO BE AT CREST THEATRE The next two productions at the Crest Theatre Toronto are both famous English comedies the re semblance doesnt end there They are both comedies of mistaken id entity they are both comedies of English Middle Class rural life and they are both comedies which rely for many of their laughs on dignity outraged and even slapstick and they are both per iod pieces The first of these op ening Tuesday April 2 is See How They Run by Philip King York County hospital under ob- The Era and Express Thursday March 1957 VANDORF Congratulations are extended to Master Michael Alcorn on win ning second prize with his draw ing of a health poster at the Tem perance Federation meeting in Newmarket Johnny Irwin spent the week end with Wayne Martin while at tending the ice carnival at New market We are sorry to report that Mr Arthur is a patient in and the second is Oliver Gold smiths She Stoops To Conquer which was produced at Garden in Although She Stoops To Con quer has reached the class room and is generally recognized as a classic it was in fact written for just the same purpose as See How They Run that is to make people laugh and to take money at the Box Office Leonard White whose direction servation Greig Toronto spent the weekend with his uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs White and family An interesting address with slides on antiques were given by Mrs Thomhill at the dorf Womens Institute meeting held at Vandorf Hall Wednesday evening of last week There was IMPAIRED DRIVER GIVEN DAYS John 41 of Doncaster was sentenced to days in jail for his second charge of impaired driving and his third charge driving while his license was un der suspension He pleaded not guilty when he appeared before Magistrate O S on Tuesday March for sentenc ing was stopped by police on March at Doncaster when his car was on an erratic course police said His drivers license was suspended for a year and his car impounded of Choice was popular a splendid attendance with guests with actors and audience is re- from Aurora Temper- turning to direct See How They Run He is using the original Eng lish version and not the Ameri canised one because he feels that in bringing the play up to date anceville and Bogarttown branch es Miss Ruth Slceth attended the training course for cub masters a lot of the original humor is lost which was held in Trinity church Parish Hall Aurora last Satur day Set as it is in the vicarage of an English village during the latt er war years it shows clearly how even at this critical period theatre in England provided the safety value and allowed people to laugh at the situation By any standards it is an excellent ex ample of play craftsmanship Phil ip King knows his actors his aud ience and his Theatre His writing is an example for budding play wrights and others in its ex treme economy of dialogue Not a word is superfluous The cast is a strong one Ann Every Bed is Narrow is playing the Vicars exactress wife and Alan is her hus band Geoffrey Alexander makes his Crest debut as Clivc and Nor man Welsh and Alexander ody are also appearing here for the first time The cast also in cludes Cosette Lee Low Davidson Sylvia Gillespie and Eric Heath Mrs is spending a few days with Mr and Mrs Arth ur Starr and family The Wesley Womens associa meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Scott on Wed nesday April 3 at pm The topic and devotion will be in the charge of Mrs Robert Carr on The Easter Message Roll call is an Easter prophecy Hostesses are Mrs Grant Morlev and Mrs Mr and Mrs Shirley White Gerry and Judy had Sunday dinner with Mr and Mrs Herbert White and family Mrs William Powell Aurora spent Monday afternoon with her sister Mrs Percy Allen who is convalescing at the home of her daughter Mrs Oliver Mr and Mrs Sidney and family visited Mr and Mrs Wal ter Cam Toronto on Sunday High School board presented Casting for Stoops To Con- plans to the township for a quar ter million dollar addition to the fourth concession Mr Rest told council that he would erect a building on about ten acres of land and was prepared to provide the required fences as stipulated by township bylaw The land has not vet been purchased as several sites VanNostrand council gave tenta tive approval to the expenditure Council added the proviso that the municipality having to mar ket the debenture was to he firm ly assured of the sale of the bonds before proceeding with the build ing Kevin Foley First In Temperance Oratorical Contest For County KEVIN FOLEY Kevin Foley son of Mrs Myrtle Foley Newmarket re cently won first prise In the intermediate class In the York County Temperance oratorical contest The following Is the talk which Kevin gave Ladies and gentlemen hoys and girls honorable judges fel low contestants am about to speak on the subject of temper ance Beverage alcohol is an enemy of youth say this it would wreck everything that contributes even slightly to human welfare and happiness Our faith in both the ability and the courage of young people to resist and to fight this hellish in sult to their intelligence is our strongest support To gether we shall take a look at what liquor does to youth Liquor imposes upon youth the fiendish greed that inspires the liquor industry and makes everybody in the land the object of assault of this ungodly busi ness Liquor a I stunts youth Thoughtful people as well as ma ture in- know the blighting effects of liquor It stunts Un moral sensitiveness of youth 3 Liquor defeats youth Thats what it is for Liquor has no other business except to destroy ambition efficiency and ideals So the victim may give his all in complete slavery to his dis poser How does that sound to the ambitious young woman or man who is ambitious to make his life count for the most Liquor robs youth Only a word need to be said about this Liquor is the most ruthless thief abroad in- the land It would rob youths dearest charms such as innocence sweetness and pur- I Just take a look at a de- flowered young woman or a votinp man and re minded of the charac ter of this robber of youth Liquor debauches youth What has been said prepares us for the observation that liquor debauches youth by the associa tions which it promotes the con versational inspires and the in decency which it encourages There is something in the Bible about loving darkness rather than light Well thats liquor Liquor destroys youth It destroys youths regard for others even for mother wife or sister It destroys youths respect for higher things as sacred respon sibilities precious loyalties heart devotions It destroys youths immortal soul now and eternally In the light of these simple universally known incon trovertible truths we just won der how long it ought to take one who loves Jesus to make up his mind on the liquor question Take it or leave it This is the question every young per son must decide To make a de cision one must know something about Hi What alcohol really What alcohol does to peo ple Why people drink How drinking affects driving The problem drinker The intoxicating substance in beer ale whisky wine quer is still incomplete but Jack Landau whose production of The Three Sisters will not be forgott en is returning to direct and that Douglas Rain Frances Amelia Hall and Ann are definitely cast One in of all who begin to drink becomes an alcoholic Be cause of the number of people it hurts directly and indirectly al coholism is one of Canadas most serious public health problems In Ontario there are al coholics increasing a year In Canada alcoholics So make up your mind Dont let the crowd decide for you Let yonr decision about alcohol be your very own In closing may I quote from the Bible I beseech you therefore brethren by the of God to present your bodies a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God J CENTURY FOODS Where Quality is King Timothy St Newmarket HICKORY SMOKED LEAN I FARMER STYLE SIDE BACON SAUSAGE 3 lbs LEAN BEEF POT ROAST FRESH LEAN MINCED BEEF lbs aK FRESH FROZEN PEAS lbs SQUIRREL BRAND PEANUT BUTTER lb tin 119 GARDEN FRESH FROZEN RHUBARB 2 lbs 39 FRESH KILLED FOWL 39 lb APPLE AND STRAWBERRY JAM lb tin Lockers for rent Let us stock your freezer now Front and hinds of Beef always available at reasonable price Champlain stands at The Seaway etc The amount of alcohol in these beverages ranees from pur cent to per cent There is us much alcohol in a bottle of beer Sherry or a shot of whis key Alcohol is alcohol no mat ter how you get it It has no fowl value What it does to you It affects the brain anil dangerously creases the higher function of the brain judgment self criticism and self control It affects mus cular coordination Under alco holic influence a person is off the beam and he undergoes a change of personality He hales the ones he once loved and loves the ones he used to hate The reasons people give why they drink are It helps me relax it makes me feel good forget my troubles Social influence is one import ant reason why people drink I want to be a good sport all our friends drink I dont want to be different In some crowds it takes a lot of courage for a reason not to drink Then how drinking af fects driving Drinking and driv ing dont mix For some people alcohol be comes the most important thing in life They become problems to themselves and to others Seven million adult Canadians use alcohol Sixtyfive per cent of Cana dians with only a public school education drink but per cent who went through high school drink about returned to the waterway he knew so well could he enter into the farreaching spirit of the mighty Seaway project along the St Lawrence We believe he could for Father of New France and founder of Quebec was a businessmanexplorer seeking new lands for development The Bank of Nova Scotia pioneer in Canadian progress since to share with men of enterprise and vision in developing the Canada of today by directing the savings of the community into channels that increase productivity and trade The manager of your branch is an experienced executive whose business judgment reflects his own ability and training and he has at his resource wide and varied experience of the Banks officers and department heads in Canada and abroad If you seek competent financial counsel or trade information for your business make an appointment today with your branch manager Or if you seek advice on personal savings safekeeping of valuables or travel it over with your DNS branch manager Ha will be to you THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA your partner to helping Canada grow Get to know the friendly staff at these Branches Newmarket Manager A Gath Oak Ridge Man