flood a lire or famine your Canadian Red to on the job serving you I COLLEGE or and Twoyear C are offered leading to an Interim Teachers Certifi cate valid in schools of Ontario Vara open September Descriptive booklet Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario free on request ACADEMIC FOR ADMISSION Our Re Write Letters to the editor are always welcome but the names of the writers most be known to the editor yoar Course Stand ing in eight Grade papers one of which shall be English Composition or literature Course Second ary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course with Appli cant are conducted by the Committee of Selection Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school Other applicants should write to THE PRINCIPAL TORONTO TEACHERS COLLEGE Ml CARL AW TORONTO ONTARIO The Editor Dear Sir I have travelled extensively and thereby come into contact with all manner of people have observed them and where possible learned something to my advantage Among those whom I have ob served were the really detestable types who inflict their ideas on everyone who was of different outlook from themselves Here and behold I find my self faced by a stronz stainers This narrowminded shower of dogot era would like me to believe that hav ing arrived in their midst I am no longer responsible for my actions A drink or two will suddenly change me from what I am to a staggering blearyeyed bum who will kill or maim the decent ele ments of our fair town The two greatest forces of evil today are the politicians and the church More people have been slaughtered by these causes than anything else Even disease has had lo take a back seat when they hold court Drunkenness is away dovn the lethal list Having had the courage of my convictions and fought against my evil am now forced to read books considered safe by the censors see movies and plays that have been censored AH manner and kinds of laws are invoked to keep me in line Despite all this I have still sur vived and having read the Bible many times am well aware that Jesus drank and that there were only ten commandments or laws in the beginning Need say more Sincerely J Keswick The Editor Dear Sir prayer the world over is being offered to God not the god of wood and stone or to god dollar but to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who came into the world to save sinners Fundamentalists are those who believe the Bible to be the Word of God As pastor of the Pine Orchard Community church near your town I would like to voice through your paper something of what we in that congregation feel important in reference to the vote to be taken soon concerning liquor stores in Newmarket First we do not raise our voice with the feeling that we or any one have the right to force any other person to obey the dictates of our consciences But we believe that true democracy is served when those of strong convictions about what is right make those convictions known and seek sup port for them from the majority There is not room here to argue this case fully We will do that any place that we have the oppor tunity But we herein appeal to the citizens of Newmarket to con sider the alternatives between they choose As see it the choice is between the convenience of being able to purchase near home the financial gain to certain business people on the one hand and on the other the inevit- ably increased use of this dang erous and questionable luxury by men women and teenagers many of whose lives will be ruin ed by it as cold statistics can prove The expressed attitude of some members of council seems to be that they want the advantages and dont care about the dis advantages Will many of your readers vote in such an attitude Is it not terrifying that members of your municipal council can ad vocate action and say they dont care about possibly dangerous consequences Why do they not care that some young men will go to prison chil dren vill be miserable bodies will be broken on the highways so long as they have their conveni ence and gain Who are they who do not care you not your newspap er to ask how many care enough for our youth for your towns hon or for your citizens safety weigh this question before they vote and vote as in Gods stead and with Christs hand and not their own With my thanks Harold The Newmarket Public Library I Reference Department In we prepared about files of reference material cov ering subjects from Aeronautics to Weather Astronomy These have helped to fill in the gaps on current topics upon which we Little wonder that you Mr tor so easily got down off no uptodate book An ex- J her fence side of liquor or two chosen at random bad and shame and ruin if you en dorse and publish such trash I fear that the owner of your are as follows From Watershed to Watermark which is the story of the Pun and Paper Industry of one Last Friday we had a sweet conversation with a pretty eight year old girl When we were marking her books off we not iced some picture cards in the bookpocket of one she was return ing We asked her if they were book marks and handed them back to her She blushed shyly and said Oh no Those are the pretendtobe library cards I use at home when I pretend Im you Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March paper will lose many thousands Canada Retail Trade from the and play Library of votes if he runs for Parliament Dominion bureau of statistics at Jhe coming election if he con- Private and Public Investment in to allow his paper to be Canada Outlook by the de- used for the Devil in this manner of trade and commerce Native Trees of Canada Com mon Weeds of Ontario and Tra vel Between Canada and Other Inasmuch as you have contributed so aso do you servo with the Red Cross throughout the year And always somewhere in Canada human suffering will bo eased hope will bo restored lives will he saved and hearts and homes made happier because you had compassion REMEMBER IDE HI CROSS I All Red Cross canvassers are volun teer workers Besides making their own donations they give also of their free time solely and unselfishly to help others Toronto- Dominion Bank x 500 Newmarket This view of yours Mr Harvey is nothing short of the thin of communism and not too thin at that Communism teaches that Countries there is no God your doctrine A New Canadian asked concludes that there is no divine revelation of God and therefore we do not know where Perish such doctrine doctrine which leads to Sine Robert Knights us for hockey rules the other day He was about to witness his first Newmarkets Centennial The following are excerpts from the speach of Wilson Prin ce Charles School Gayle was a prize winner in the OptiMrs atorial contest It is interesting to note that first brick house ever to be built in Newmarket still stands This is the Homestead on Gorham St Not far south of this The Editor Dear Sir enjoy the game because he had read the rules Imagine somebody in Newmarket becoming a hock ey fan because of the booklet he read in the Library Lets Pretend OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA MANAGER WANTED PART TIME ONLY to 2000000 annual income possible by spending only a few hours monthly in just spare time Well established Canad ian Company wilt appoint local man or woman to supervise this sensational business No experience necessary as we train you in all phases of the business and no high pressure nun Is want as no selling on your part is required Qualifications are as follows GOOD CHARACTER AND REFERENCES SPARE TO HOURS MONTHLY A MINIMUM OF 160000 CASH REQUIRED WHICH IS FULLY SECURED If you can meet these qualifications and desire an with Company Executive in your area answer this ad immedi ately Please do not answer this advertisement unless you are definite ly interested in a business on a high plane have the necessary cash available and are a person who can make and give a de finite decision after you know the facts as those selected will be appointed immediately This is a once in a lifetime opportunity with a permanent un limited income For a personal interview in your area write folly about your self include phone number to JW WEBB COMPANY DEPT K St Alexander MONTREAL Quebec Main Street took place for by this time another form of trans- had reached us Tins was the Metro Trolley Car and the tracks had been laid down Main Street It is easy to imagine What about livening up dreary dullness of these letters to Someday- we are little weary the fun then- must have been the Editor with a little touch of from carrying heavy armfuls of J with the ladies and their wide humour by printing in your books or our feet are tired from hooped skirts getting tangled up to the Editor the following j standing and stooping and walk- 1 with horses wagons and the street lines around the building Then But Noah he sinned and we have I something pleasant or refreshing sinned on tipsy feet we trod I usually happens to give us the lift Till a great big black teetotaller need to make the day a happy was sent to us for a rod And you cant get wine at a A or chapel or Eisteddfod Also following author the curse of water has come not name again because of the wrath of Water is the best of drinks the God temperance sings And water is on the Bishops But who am that I should have board and the Higher Think ers shrine But 1 dont car where the water the very host of things Princes may revel at the pump and peers indulge in tea goes if it doesnt get into the But whiskey or beer Or even win wine is good enough for me By Chesterton East cars especially since this was Ihe era of broad walks and mud roads However peace was restored by moving the tracks a little to the west so that they ran along behind the stores and crossed Main Street at the north end where the Church now stands The trolley served our town and surrounding country well for over til years Irene Librarian The Canadian Red Cross Transit Centre at Gander Airport assists Hungarian immigrants on their arrival in North America Mm mm TEE The Editor Dear Sir I think that your special writer Our Side Of The Story dealt with the theme Is A City Man Only Half A Citizen in a fair constructive way This reader is not much of a politician but got something to ponder if not to comment upon the following pat tern in WRHs Farm representation should be strong enough in the various legislatures to secure justice for farmers with the help of fair- minded people from other walks of life It should not be strong enough to impose farmer demands regardless of justice I must satisfy myself by sub mitting the following few quotes by way of I hope constructive comment which have been clipp ed from my recent reading on this ruralurban theme a Within ten years cooperatives will he able to serve effectively as yard stick for farmtocity price spread that today gives fanners only cents of the consumers food dollar US Farm Dig est St Paul Minn Sal es of one of the nations major meatpacking concerns were down six per cent last year yet its pro fits were up per cent over the previous yoar Despite a decline in sales vol ume by Wilson and Co Chicago from in 1955 to 000000 in tit- profit margin rose from million in the form er year to million in the lat ter and Despite fewer people on the farms I would say in one sense agriculture is more important than ever because there are more people dependent on it for food and fiber US Secretary of Agriculture Benson in a recent press inter view US News and World Re ports City Reader HFC helps solve your money problems The biggest reason why so many borrow with confidence from HFC Is that they know HFC them solve money problems whether they need cash loan or merely on money matters If a loan will help you can borrow OS much as 1000 with up to months to repay This service has made HFC the most recommended consumer finance company in Canada So borrow in confi dence from HFC backed by years experience YOU MAY BORROW WITH CONFIDENCE FROM HFC jo PAYMENT TABIC I J Milt M 53 SO tun tiia 10011 HOUSEHOLD FINANCE sponsored By The OF COMMERCE And this Newspaper A Afthakk Manager Main Strot socond floor phono NEWMARKET a to end to mm Mm to Era and Express Classifieds bring results The Editor Dear Sir March In an edition of your paper Harvey goes out of his way to attack Protestant fundamental ists in his article A requisite of religious education He seeks to show the Bible as reliable and indeed not the word of Deity The case he quotes re blood transfu sion is a ease of not fundamentalism Fundamentalists of which am one believe the Bible to the very word of and others notwithstanding Peter Verse 20 states that No prophecy the scripture is of any private interpretation but Holy men of spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost The last chapter of the teaches us that verse I testify unto every man that the words of the pro phecy of this any man ihall add unto Hum Clod shall add unto him the plagues that are written in tills book And if any man shall take the words of the book of this pro phecy Sod shall take away his pail out of the book of life and out of Holy city etc At the moment of writing J mm SURPLUS INVENTORY OF KROEHLER LIVING ROOM SUITES QUICKLY REGARDLESS OF COST TERMS phone 5- 30 MAIN STREET Newmarket