Business Professional Services I MISCELLANEOUS DRUG STORE NOTICE J FOR PRESCRIPTIONS AND EMERGENCY NEEDS SUNDAY MAR 10TH Phone Miss Rita Owens of The Best Drug Store The Best Drug Store Will Be Open All Next Week Mar Mar 16 Until pm Going to the Old Country by Ship or Airplane Reservations for Steamships Airlines and Cruises HERBERT Travelbureau Official agent for all steamship lines Trans Canada Airlines and KLM Main St Newmarket Phone DR NOBLE DENTIST Provincial Police Office Office 52701 Residence DR KELLY DENTIST Main Street Newmarket Phone TW DR C VANDFRV00RT DENTIST Main St Newmarket Phone TW insurance FLOYD E CORNER Barrister Solicitor and Notary Aurora Ontario Telephone Anrora PA Res PA STAN TROYER Laws and Garden Equipment SALES SERVICE Richmond Hill TUrner Sanitary Contractor Drain Cleaned and Repaired Septic Tanks Pumped Service MUTUAL OF CANADA NEWMARKET Timothy AITRORA Phone PA Life Fire Auto Casualty Insurance and Low Cost Financing A Barrister Solicitor Notary Public Etc AURORA PHONE PA Wellington St News Of North York Gas Company Is Negotiating N Gwillimbury Franchise Page The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday March Queensville News RICHMOND TURNER Contractors or raniwfs No and No Hemlock Spruce and Pine Lumber Rough or Dressed Delivered on the Job by truck Co Write for prices Port Ontario MR LEON NASH Trinity United Church Studio of Music 465 NEWMARKET FOR VOCAL PIANO AND ORGAN Newmarket INSURANCE JOHN Confederation Life Association Representative Piro Automobile and Casualty 41o Eagle St Newmarket PHONE MOUNT ALBERT Stiver v mm BARRISTERS SOLICITORS NOTARIES M Stiver Vale J William BCom MAIN ST Newmarket INSURANCE Endowment Pensions Family Income and Mortgage Life Insurance Bill Mclnryre St NEWMARKET PHONE TW AURORA PA 74525 ACCOUNTANT A A 2S2A Main St Apr PHONE NEWMARKET Coflaar Harper Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS J JACKSON Resident Partner Grace Street Newmarket Telephone TW A MILLS BARRISTER SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 208A Main St Newmarket PHONE TW 52941 VIOLET ROBINSON NOTARY PUBLIC Conveyancing Insurance Botsford St Newmarket Mathews and Ian Hope representing the Consumers Gas Company is seeking permission from North council to the township solicitor meet with the gas companys solicitors to dis cuss a franchise meeting The granting of a franchise to the gas company will entail no thing on the part of the township but to give the right to lay pipes which will carry gas to consum ers in the township Council passed a resolution that the municipal council be authorized to contact the town ship solicitor as to introducing an agreement between the Con sumers Gas Co and the munici pality of North Gwillimbury for a franchise to install the com pany pipe lines on township roads and streets for the purpose of supplying gas to the various property owners This resolution was introduced and passed after council learned that the cost of natural gas would be about half the cost of propane and comparable with oil at cents a gallon The same rates as Metro would exist and in stallation and supply could be expected by next spring New- Clark barristers Solicitors Bay St Toronto Norman Mathews Beatrice Mathews Stanley Hinsdale LLB Allan 1 Clark TELEPHONE VETERINARIAN DR VETERINARIAN Eagle St Phone DR A WILLITTS Veteranarian Mount Albert Phone 155 FOR RENT POWER TOOLS AND FLOOR SANDERS AND FINISHERS Fred Penrose or Newmarket RUDOLPH Organist and Choirmaster SI Andrews Presbyterian Church Newmarket will accept pupils for the coming term Individual instruction given or Organ and Piano Queen Street John C Moore ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR Ave- Richmond Hill Phone PERCENT AH MERCHANDISE IN STOCK RESPECT AGE Adults too may sutler from worms If your appetite in poor if have colicfcy pains are cranky sleep poorly the nswsf could be worm Try Dr Dead Shot Worm Candy for quick relief your for Dr Said Shot Worm Candy or on worms See a specialist about your money problems you are looking for a solution to your money problem no as hundreds of thousands do each year see the HFC Office Manager He has had years of training ami experience in dealing with all kinds of financial emer gencies and he can help you One thing is will not you to needlessly or excessively So whether you want a Joan or advice or money matters Visit or phone Canadas largest and most recommended con sumer finance company YOU MAY WITH MOM HFC c CM TABU M 3105 HO FINANCE 545A floor ONT WWII Building Permitted On Unregistered Land Despite the caution of Clerk Winch that the North Gwillimbury building inspector had no authority to issue a build ing permit under the building by law on property on an unregister ed plan the council did give per mission Permission was given at a meeting held in Bel haven on Monday March Churchills Repair Service plans to establish a workshop on part of lot con cession but has been unable to get the surveyor to complete the job and register the property Two properties In the same par cel have been built on because of a promise being made that the plan would be registered by last fall Building Inspector Sin clair said he Issued the first two permits with the stipulation that the surveying be finished by last fall but did not feel he could Issue more on the same land until the job had been completed and re gistered The Churchill brothers who at tended council said did not wish to wait until had been put out of business they expect he evicted their present quarters before commencing to build and that they needed a building permit today Assuring council that the first of the two buildings they intend ed erecting would he by feet and not an eyesore obtained the following resolution of coun cil That the township building inspector be instructed to issue a permit to Churchill to erect a workshop on part of Lot 12 Con providing said lot be En the plan now being and pre pared by Sturdy The reeve said he was not in favor of establishing a precedent but that they might as well he hanged for two as one Building Inspector Sinclair said he would not wish to see the same thing spread all over the township- Clerk Winch said pressure should be brought to hear on Mi Sturdy to get the job of surveying and registering completed Reeve Pollock felt that this would pro bably be done Councillor Frank said the granting of permission to build would leave the building Inspector in quite a market Aurora and Markham have the pipe lines installed to their borders and the company will be servicing the consumers in these municipalities by the fall of according to Mr Hope It is the hope of the Consum ers Gas Company TransCan ada Pipe Lines contributing the means of transporting the gas to this part of the country to ser vice consumers as far east as Peterborough north to Barric and west to Owen Sound Fran chise meetings are being arrang ed in townships and other mu nicipalities in this area SUTTON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY HAS HOPES FOR 1100 GRANTS President Jack Tale of the Sut ton Agricultural Society has hopes of receiving some 1100 in grants from the municipalities of North Gwillimbury Sutton and Mr Tate attended the March meetings of the three councils and obtained assurance that the budgets would in clude grants to the society North Gwillimburys Reeve Pollock ex Dressed the feeling that the fair will go ahead and aid that the management had his fullest confidence in its handling of the affairs of the society North council said it should he marie clearer to the population in the district that the fair was not a venture of Sutton alone but was a joint affair of the of and North Gwillimbury ami Sutton with Sutton being best place in which to hold a fair of its propor tions Georgina and Sutton are con sidering granting each and North Gwillimbury Willow Beach Student Wins InterSchool Drama Society Award Edward of Sutton high school was runnerup for the male award at the Inter- School Drama Society Festival held in Port Perry high school auditorium on Friday evening March Appearing in his schools pre sentation of Tiger Lilly he took the only honors for Sutton Five schools entered five different oneact plays and the first male award went to Don of by district high school The first I girl award was in the winning play The girl Esther Pickard of j Port Perry high school played vaMe J the part of Jenny Brown in Dark Eyes Her runnerup was Mary Park of Brock district high The World Day of Prayer ser vice will be held on Friday Mar 8 at 230 in the United church Mr and Mrs Clarence Wright and Mr and Mrs Harry Wright visited Mr and Mrs Roy Bel fry in on Sunday A number of ladies attended the in New market on Friday Feb 22 An enjoyable evening was spent on Wednesday of last week when the members Of the Even ing Auxiliary entertained their husbands in Sharon hall Mrs spent a few days in Port Credit with her daughter Mr McClurg re cently The Red Cross volunteer can- the serve by giving You need the Red Cross and the Red Cross needs you school who appeared in Bohb Sox J quick recovery for it presented J Milne who has returned home and for Mrs in the choice of plays and Thornton and Mrs J Grant along the Port Perry group rcidcnt t0 I till in hospital Mr and Mrs Jim family visited Mr and Mrs on Sunday Dr and Mrs J Stiles and Elizabeth Toronto visr Mrs Stiles on Sunday Mrs Frank Kavanagh visi her daughter Jean Mrs Johnston in Toronto last and attended a fashion show which her granddaughter Johnston was one of the dels Dont forget the euchre sored by the Womens Instill which will be held in Shai hall on Tuesday March Open house Is being held school on March from to p a are festival- Interested in SOCIAL the getthingsdone move Write to the Credit Association of 227 Laurie Avenue West for information Volunteer Fire Brigade Receives Wage Increase From North Gwillimbury We are sorry to lose Mr Ward Gowland and family who have moved to Mr Mrs w McGenerly Keswick visited Mrs and Mrs on Sunday PLEASANTVILLE AIR LAND SEA Everything in Travel A K BENNETT TRAVEL SERVICE I Aurora PA Considering the type of work involved in and the of last week risk to life limb and clothing lhc club in Gwillimbury township council raised the rate of pav for the firrt hour of work at a fire from to 2 per man and for each additional hour Reeve Rov Pollock said his dis cussions with officials of other municipalities had resulted in the praises of volunteer brigades be ing sung wherever they existed Council was unanimous in pass ing the resolution with the school board had a skating party at arena Then all gathered at Bo- garttown school for a hearty About were present York Hog Producers Elect New Officers New officers were elected at a meeting of the York County Hog Producer association on Wed nesday Feb President Is Mel Newmarket Howard is vice president and John Svtema Newmarket Is Whitchurch township directors are Dennis Ross and Andrew Hutchison directors are Cliff White John and Walter Archibald East di rectors are Oliver Rales Floyd Winger and Doug North Relief Reported Clark Martin the March meeting of North will in bur v council asked Clerk Winch if lhc relief was not getting heavy and that the word was getting around that you have to go to the township and get on relief Clerk Winch said thai direct relief is going up each day Councillor Doyle wanted to know if any ablebodied men were on relief as it rumored Clerk Winch said There are none on Humor in the township has it that aid is being given to people who are ineligihle for relief sub sidized by the government mess BROWN HILL Sad news came from Mis Clews who is living in telling of the death of her Mr Clews was a fine gentleman a retired farmer and quite Interested in curling It was while this game that Mr Clews fell on the ice which re quired him to he hospitalized Af his return to bis home Mr Clews passed away Deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs Clews who previous to her marriage to Mr Clews lived in Drown Hill Mrs Doug Meyers and girls vis ited Mr and Mrs Charles Mitch ell over the weekend Leo Cormsn went fishing up and came hack with a good Mr Kva held a demon stration for the Stanley products last week Mrs Ernest Thorpe is now home from the hospital and her heath is much improved daughter is with grandmother at St until Mrs Thorpe ii well en ough to look after her Miss Jean Hall visited the Thorpes last Sunday Mr and Mrs John Williamson visited the of his parents over the v METROPOLITAN ROAD PAVING TO BE DONE Less than a mile remains to he paved of the Metropolitan in id running through Noith township This short strip is in the Roches Reach district and the Reamish Construction Company is to do this as soon as possible before it starts to work on the fourth concession ZEPHYR Mr and Mrs Chas Ford Toron to visited Mr and Mrs Janus over the weekend Mr and Mrs Thompson and Miss Sharon and oth er friends attended the birthday parly on Saturday given by Mr and Mrs Hay Thompson for their daughter Pamela Mrs Annie Graham Toronto IN In cherished memory of our beloved mother Florence Mae Wright Bundle who went to be with the Lord on March Silently the angels look her the mansions above There to rest from earths toil ing Safe in the arms of God He has her in His keeping We have her in our hearts Ever remembered and missed her oldest son Albert dauyh- and grandson Albert loving of a dear brotherinlaw Snaddon ho passed away March Thou eh his smile has gone for ever And his hand we cannot touch we have so many mem ories Of the one we love SO Mis memory is our keepsake With which well never port Hod has him in His keening We have him in our hearts Sadly missed and re- mem be red by Jean and Art STICK In memory of Phyllis Stick la ad who March Dear sister you are not forgot ten on earth you are no more Still in memory you are with us As von were before Ever remembered Robert Hetty ium nephew Johnnie In cherished anil of our darting who was ne- March We cannot forget your smiling face Your carefree The smile Out won so many friends In those happy days One of the best the world could hold Your cherished smile your heart of cold Alwavs so good unselfish and Kind What a wonderful memory you left behind Deep in our hearts your memory is We loved too dearly ever forget missed and re- by mom dad and sister OK THANKS To all my friends and relatives who remembered me with their cards letters and gifts While in hospital and since re turning home a most sincere thank vou Everything was trulv Master Malcolm New- market spent part of Sunday with Roger Mr and Mrs Coates Sharon were Sunday dinner guests at the Mo J Clure home Mr and Mrs Walter Preston motored to Niagara Kalis and spent a long weekend visiting relatives Mr and Mrs Karl Toole and I Elgin Toole and Mrs A Barker I Newmarket had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr W Taylor Cedar Brae Mr and Mrs Carl Greenwood were Sunday night tea guests at the home of Mrs Isaac Johnson Mr returned home on Monday after spending a month with the A Richardson family at Mrs and Debra and Mrs had Tues day dinner with Mrs Peter son Aurora The Institute will meet on Tuesday March at the home of Mrs Hoy Cody Roll call An outstanding inci dent of my school days MONTHLY PAINS CRAMPS Don believe cornea who My you from turns cramps backache of liming inoutlih Clinical Teats have that New Formula Tab let athleil Iron or with Vitamin HI actually rtttmi the chum of in the majority of the pain itself Why not out your at no you DAYS FREE TREATMENT If you ar not helped get lSukhatntfnuayourDru Store Take for day a to get at the of your complaint if not lire linking relief u the empty carton for cheerful your money We have of on tile from Join them today Try our plan Get our New lilia Iinkham Tablet with Iron or with Vitamin HI ONTARIO I is mi bus MOUNT ALBERT called on Sunday friends in Zephyr last Mis Thompson Sharon and Mrs A Newmarket attended the quilting and pot hick dinner held the of the United church Wednesday of last week In the room of the church Mrs Chess Oldham and Mrs Gordon under the auspic es of the of the United church held teas last week Their were Mrs Mrs Pickering Mrs George Kestcs Mrs and Mrs Mrs Horner ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs James Mount Albert wish to announce the engagement of their daugh ter Frances Claudia to Mr Charles son of Mr Mrs Mount Albert the wedding to lake place on Saturday March at in Mount Albeit United church Mr and Mrs Sharon wish to announce the en gagement of heir youngest daughter Audrey Hazel to Mr James Oliver son of Mr Oliver and the late Mrs marriage will take Br NORM A pleasant social evening was at the home of Mr and Mrs Norm Oldham on Monday Feb when about to friends and Recently we happened to over neighbors of Mr and Mrs Alf hear a woman describing a Broad met bid them was considering buying Hut its being handled by a KCllts she said ami 1 dont wan on the eve of their departure lo the Landing Cards and crokinole were play- all that extra money After lunch Mrs commission read an address and a floor lamp was presented ACCEPT TENDERS Tender- received by North township council for a police cruiser were opened at the March meeting on Mon- a bid by the firm of Hamil ton and Son was ac cepted A Dodge twodoor so- 1 prices dan will be obtained for the sum of A cruiser now in use At a meeting of council on February Hamilton and Son also bad the tender on a new four ton truck This was at the puce of for a Dodge Vehicles are to he delivered within a month Wb wished right then for chance to explain that could save money buying through agents You dont believe It Thru tool at It this way Aside from thi human hi get a high i price as they can seller are notoriously optimistic how much their houses are worth and are likely to ask fantaMh POUND AT KESWICK North dog pound will operate about the same as last with some mo difications The location of easily The realtors are fillers vou as a buyer studied hundreds of houses tin are currently vile as realtors are doing all the time you may not know whether sellers asking price Is reasonable or outrageous Hut you can be sure that If you go to reputable dealer and tell them what kind of house you waul they will never ask you to consider any thing that isnt priced reasonably They will already have persuaded their clients to re duce their prices to a reasonable level so a deal ran be made will probably close to or in Keswick and a building now n the Keswick ball park will In converted into kennels Norman is again I the dog- catcher and will im pound the animals at this central Spot making it more convenient for the dog owners to retrieve their pets Mr re quested a list of the owners and the dog- tag numbers but was assured that they bo made available to him on Saturday March at 230 pm i engagement is announced of daughter of Mrs Hunt ley Newmarket and the late Mr Arthur Huntley to Mr Rob- James Torrance son of Mr and Mrs Philip Beauchamp Marriage to take not in trying to sell an over priced house even though the amount of the commission would be higher because It would take them far more time and ef fort than the extra amount of commission would be worth This attitude also benefits the seller who better off making a deal Immediately Instead of wait- months for someone to pay an unreasonable amount for the house So both buyer and seller bene fit materially from the realtors efforts REAL PH NEWMARKET TAT