f HOUSE FOB SALE house in Newmarket bath hot and cold water basement new furnace heavy new eavestroughing gar- Age Privately owned Terms arranged Phone HOUSE FOR RENT house and Oak Ridges completely furnished oil heated Available March Phone Newmarket after 6 pm or Saturdays house new oil furnace laundry tubs garage to respon sible tenant Phone TW 56698 house all modern con veniences Phone 56158 REAL ESTATE Lots For Sale ROOM brick bedrooms oil furnace garage Available March Rent monthly Charles Boyd Realtor 240 Main St phone Tw 54517 New market brick house on highway I mile north of Sharon garden modern conveniences oil furn ace Possession March Apply Mrs Levi Sharon Phone 20604- c2w8 HOUSE WANTED TO BUY BUSINESS man in town requires good class 45 bedroom home west side of town preferred with at least bedroom or den on main floor Possession as late as June can be arranged Stoutt Real Estate Main St just south of Davis Dr phone or 56600 Newmar ket ALEX LIMITED REALTOR SOLID brick bungaow 5 rooms I plus 3room apartment large bedrooms 4piece colored tile bathroom large modern kitchen ample amount of cupboards 20 cutstone fire place hardwood floors indirect lighting in valance This is a new home Terms NEW solid brick bungalow bedrooms tiled bath modern kitchen spacious living- room dining area hardwood floors oil heat landscaped alum inum storms and screens Terms 2 ACRES treed land modern bungalow rooms bed rooms 3piece bath modern kit large modem oil heat fully insulat ed 24 workshop Immacu late home Tcrmp SMALL in town large 2 bedrooms kitchen and bath nice location central location bus and schools close ALEX LIMITED REALTOR Main St opposite Lob law Newmarket Phone CHOICE building lot town facilities scenic exposure Phone Newmarket after 5 pm SERVICES AVAILABLE DRESSMAKING and alterations done Phone TW 54940 New market ROOMS FOR RENT BEDSITTING room attractive ly furnished central men pre ferred Phone 56119 or ap ply Joseph St Newmarket ONE or two rooms heated fur nished Central Phone 56529 Newmarket FARM SALE WARM comfortable south room central Phone 52597 New market FURNISHED bedrooms Apply St or phone 56719 Newmarket FURNISHED bright and clean heated Apply Main St TW Newmarket cr2w7 RIDDELLS WELDING CEDAR STREET Phone TW 54001 NEWMARKET PORTABLE electric acetylene welding government approved boiler repairs Verandah rail ings made to order Iron work of all kinds Vincent Riddell Prop CLEAN bedroom in new home gentleman preferred Abstainer Phone 54690 Newmarket JOBBING and expert minor al terations reasonable Phone 54762 Newmarket ROOM BOARD AVAILABLE SUBURBAN BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Get your free estimate now on a New home Summer cottage Remodelling Kitchen cupboards Large or small we do them all AGENTS for prccast concrete steps sidewalks septic tank cement blocks CALL PRODUCE FOR SALE CHOICE beef by tin- quarter from young cornfid cattle Front quarter 29c per lb and hind quarter 45c per lb Cut and wrapped for freezer if desired Lloyd Grose phone Mount Albert HELP WANTED OFFICE HELP WANTED GIRL for office work with typing and bookkeeping experience for plant in Bradford Good salary and company benefits Apply in own handwriting to Era and Ex press box STENOGRAPHER FEMALE FOR general typing Must have experience Apply Canada LTD Charles St Newmarket WORK WAN I Ml fairl In hurry FOR HALE plain 1 ft in I fin ft j mi J if in All If train- Jfiallfled I ALL fcinrf A for 111 AUK and A Phone MM r1i fr a r run HALE USED TRUCK Hill HALE OATH kind in Ontario Ladies this your day Three auction rings Never a dull moment Sate pm Sellers Atkinson and Pol auctioneers clw SATURDAY FEB important auction sale of herd registered and grade Hoisted rattle new farm machinery In hiding model McCormicl tractor with hydraulic hitch new ma tor tame nearly new Case tractor hydraulic baler new vale valor stock implement grain etc on lot 5 con King known a Glen on King side a proper of lha late C T Me a real good sale- practically Watch posters Sale a soon cash No re Ken and Clarke r ACRES good land 250 acres under cultivation new buildings hydro telephone all modern conveniences on highway half mile near school store post of fice High school bus to New Llskcard Spring creek runs through farm Low taxes A real beef ranch Apoly Cane PO REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A WILL0U6HBY SONS Limited Realtors Ave Toronto ACRES KESWICK GOOD loam soil workable stucco house Barn acres hardwood bush bal ance pasture Water in house and barn This property is nice ly located 300 yards from Lake miles from a good town to church school bus and stores and only 40 miles from Toronto Part of property could be used for lake cottages Priced right as this farm must be sold by April 1st Inspect and make offer Contact STEWART Mount Albert CHARLES E BOYD LTD REALTOR NEWMARKET PULL PRICE Mi 2storcy stucco home located on lot 60 within a few blocks of main street Main floor has four rooms and bathroom second floor has three Garage Must be sold to settle an estate fiROOM home converted to two selfcontained apart ments each having its own liv ing room kitchen two bed rooms and bathroom Completely redecorated new oil furnace Owner anxious to sell A reai good investment Pull price Terms fiROOM clapboard home central floor has kitchen Second floor has three bedrooms and bathroom Garage A clean comfortable home Pull price Terms RESALE a ROOM brick bungalow lo cated on lot 3 bed rooms modern piece ceramic tiled bathroom oak floors full basement with oil furnace and laundry tubs Pull price Carries for per month mortgage red brick ranch style bungalow with attached garage located within a couple blocks of main street and schools large L- with dinette huge modern kitchen three bed rooms and tiled bathroom Partly finished re- recreation room in basement OH furnace Full price Carries for per month KESWICK 2Storey frame home located on a large lot within a few doors of shopping and schools Main has rooms and upMaiis has three bedrooms Garage Pull price rash Carries fur less than per month CHARLES E LTD REALTOR SUTTON7600 New bungalow oil furnace bathroom owner anxious to sell make an offer PEFFERLAW 3500 6room frame 2storey dwelling corner lot paved road needs some re pairs a good buy for a handy man 5ACRE FARM 7900 WITH an exceptionally good barn brooder house hydro storey house with all conveniences double garage 10000 farm on a paved highway all workable fair buildings double garage It- room Storey frame dwelling VACANT LAM I HAVE acres of subdivision land for investment buyer Can be bought reasonable J R LEANEY REALTOR High Street Sutton ROOM and board centrally lo cated Phone New market ROOM and board in comfortable home central Phone TW Newmarket ROOM and board in new home Phone TW Newmarket 99JAil until MOUNT ALBERT J 27 POLICE CONSTABLE APPLICATIONS for Polite Con stable will be received by the oclock NO JOB TOO SMALL PAINTING and plastering repairs G McBride phone TW Newmarket NATURAL Gas Heating Call clw3 I market after pm BOARDERS WANTID MRS Robert Patterson Bots ford St near Main St phone 54939 Newmarket APARTMENT FOR RENT 4ROOM apartment central Newmarket Phone TW for HARDWARE We deliver Phone Newmarket LSSNELGR0VEC0LTD 49 Ave Toronto JUNIOR EXECUTIVE BUILDERS Roman brick bungalow on big lot all services in Oversize living and dining- room large attractive kitclun Double attached garage Call Mr Lawson or Mr Wright DUPLEX brick with 3 modem baths and kitchens spot less condition Upper rented for monthly Call Mr field FOUR large room apartment reasonable rent Phone TW New apartment furnished all conveniences central busi ness people preferred Phone Newmarket HOLLAND LANDING living room kitchen bathroom bed rooms automatic gas heat pro pane gas range supplied laundry room free Reasonable rent Phone New market 4ROOM apartment selfcon tained Tw Newmarket Repairs lieModeling By Skilled English Craftsmen Finance can be arranged SIDNEY PEACOCK St Newmarket phone APPLICANTS to state education previous employment age mari tal status and experience if any Weir Clerk Georgina Township Ont i if licence Also REAL estate salesmen experi ence not necessary but a person who is aggressive and willing to work J Realtor phone Sutton BABY SITTER 3 or afternoons a week Phone TW New market FULL time waitress for snack bar Must be experienced good wages Apply in person Marine Snack FORD condition new battery lights spare and roar tiros or license Will tradein or best cash offer Also Chevrolet good motor new radiator good needs slipcovers cash or trade Dyers Wreckers Keswick phone Roche Point 1 1 Iruck 9500 series ton low mileage good tires very good ft stake body with steel sills Would make excellent farmers truck Price Ap ply Brown Vandorf phone PA Aurora clw8 USED CARS HIGHEST PRICES PAID ALL models cars and trucks wanted for wrecking ALSO used parts tires etc for sale Auto Parts 42236 miles north of No Highway on 3rd Line if A highest h yielding If frl testa treated and on farm Ontario arly to avoid disappointment Rodney oats and barley Phone Maple Bradford PETS FOR SALE TUESDAY MARCH of springers fres cow calf by side veal calf tows number of good chunk pigs hay seed cleaned and treated at th farm mile east of Locust Hit on No at the th arm of Wilson an Sons Terms cash Faulk clerk Sale pm Sell ers and Atkinson sales manager auctioneers Brant I TROPICAL fish imported stock plants tanks and supplies Gold fish Lawries Tropical ium 294 Cawthra Blvd phono Newmarket tf WINDOW cleaning MacDonald Window Cleaning Service phone Newmarket 4ROOM apartment Phone New market or Mr Wright Wake REAL ESTATE CUSTOM BUILT N1IA HOMES DOWN PAYMENTS FROM MANY exciting plans available to choose from on your choice of lots Now is the time to your new home for spring finished to your own individual tastes All homes will ceramic tile baths ultra modern kitchens oil heating and many other convenient features Offers will be accepted conditional on the sale of your present home Inquire today about your new home for spring Remember down payments will range from WE have a good choice of ranches and avail able from 1120000 NOW is the time to plan for Spring STOUTT REAL ESTATE Main St just of Davis Dr or fitiOO anytime MORTGAGE MONEY WANTED first mortgage at for years for home in town Real Estate Main St just south of Dr ARTICLES FOR SALE oil burners practically new Bar gain J W Smith Holland Landing SINGER treadle sewing machine While treadle sewing ma chine Phone Rollings Newmarket clw8 GENERAL Electric stove oven on side good working condition Apply Andrew St Newmar ket TW or 240 Main Street till pm I Newmarket MORTGAGES WANTED TWO first mortgages wonted and valuable pro perty Apply Frank Under nil I Aurora or phone PA Au rora OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight in new building on Main St located near Ixblw for muiiufmt- or Will divide rant or til YOUR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY oil space heater medium size thoroughly reconditioned Geo Mitchell phone ville VENETIAN BLINDS ALUMINUM or steel Mude for all styles of windows Free esti mates and installations Phone 56551 or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket WINDOW cleaning and Janitor services by the experts New market Services Co phone TW Newmarket At INVISIBLE MENDING Opposite post office Newmarket by weavers Hums moth- holes tears Bring your troubles also your alterations Phone TW Newmarket service Day or night Newmarket Services Co phone TW Newmarket STENOGRAPHERS TYPISTS CLERKS MALE AND FEMALE FOR employment in central Toronto WIDE salary range Starting salary depends on qualifications and experience Generous pen sion plan and sick leave credits Group insurance day week Three weeks annual holiday Employees lunch room APPLY BOX Newmarket or phone after pm BABY sitting nights Phone after by reliable sitter Newmarket TW pm MERCHANDISE NOW NASH Aluminum Storm and Screen Windows and Doors For Home Accurate Estimate RILL BROOKES Phone Newmarket BUDGET TERMS OAK dining suite Kelvlnator refrigerator Singer sewing ma chine dressers library table chesterfield metal bed complete chrome kitchen suite occasional chair settee rollaway bed bookshelves Phone M King CYLINDER type vacuum clean er complete with attachments Phone Newmarket after 5 pm MODERN white enamel combin ation heavy duty electric end coal and wood range nearly new electric washing machine In good condition the property of Miss Graham Alfred Oliver phone Queensville Cheap for quick sale Phone New market COAL or wood restaur ant stove to be removed by Mon day morning Best offer Phone Aurora PA NURSES UNIFORM CARRIED in stock and up niton nylon exclu sive agent for uniforms register ed Dawsons opposite ihe I Newmarket PREVENT CHIMNEY FIRES USE Chief Chemical Chim ney Cleaner to eliminate and scale from your and pipes No muss No fuss No odor I For sale at NEWMARKET DISTRICT COOP 110 PERSONAL NEEDED IMMEDIATELY MAN or woman to take over va cant Watkins Route in Newmar ket Nothing to invest No ex perience necessary as we train you Minimum earnings weekly Apply in writing to Mr Granger 350 St Street Montreal Quebec c4w6 TEXAS OIL COMPANY WANTS MAN OVER FOR NEWMARKET AREA WE NEED Howl man al and ate witling in pay top earnings Wc someone between and who can make trips for about a week a and van ml on mail town Ill rural property owners WORTH 1200000 Our lop men in other parts of country draw exceptional earn ings Up to 12000 in a year This opening in the Newmarket area is worth just as much the man We take care of all deliv eries and collections Pay earn ings in advance Write a con fidential letter to PRESIDENT Box Worth I Texas JITO insures to the ambitious dealers an income of 50 to per week in selling from door to our wellknown pro ducts Interesting commission Specials with free products needed l St Hubert Montreal 1948 CHEVROLET in good con dition radio heater cash Phone Newmarket TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE TO Front St Leaving Newmar ket am Returning pm Phone Newmarket LEAVE Newmarket a leave Toronto after pm Phone TWining Newmar ket WOOD FOR SALE MIXED wood hard and soft wood Phone Mount Al bert PLANTS FOR SALE WEDNESDAY MARCH tion sale of farm stock hay grain poultry etc the property of Harry Web east part lot 34 con King miles north highway miles north of Kettleby Term cash Time oclock A auctioneer AFRICAN VIOLETS LARGE flowering violets new and rare varieties many blooms Potting soil fertilizer Clarkes Violet Centre on Belfry Dr off Davis Dr Newmarket Open am to except Thursday and Sunday LEAVING Newmarket am Returning from and St Clair or 5 pm Phone New market PLANT workers Earn addi tional income selling Avon pro ducts to your fellow employees Good commissions Write Marian Towers Apt Wilson Ave Toronto Out WORK WANTED WHY SUFFER the agony of Rheumatic Pain Sciatica Lum bago whin will help you welcome relief Ak your Druggist with some book keeping experience desires full lime position in Newmarket Aurora or Sutton area Write Era and Express box WANTED TO BUY FLECTRIC ranieltc and small refrigerator in condition Phone TW Newmarket SERVICES AVAILABLE Advertising Rates Three rents a word minimum of cents for each advertise ment Half price when advertisement Is repeated on successive weeks Ten discount If advertisement paid within week of publication Coming Events cost three a word minimum cents Sale ResUlerS for the week 05 cents for each week Card of Thanks announcements for each less If paid within week of publication In Si for each Insertion plus rents a line far verse less 25 If week of publication Classified advertisements may be phoned Into left at The Era and Express office on Charles St Newmarket phone The Hisses Wood Store St Aurora Mrs Roll ing phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements NEWMARKET to and Warden Leaving am re turning pm Mr TW Newmarket TRANSPORTATION WANTED TRANSPORTATION ante Monday through Friday ley to industrial section Drive aiul SI Clair Please contact Mrs Henry phone Gorm- ley 5201 AFRICAN Violets select vac Potting soli moss and vcrmeculitc Green houses Holland Landing phone Newmarket MISCELLANEOUS POULTRY MANURE PER LOAD POULTRY manure is high in nitrogen and most valuable of all fertilizers Large quantities available at Cedar Valley Phone Mount Albert THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds and bronchi- lis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis or chesty coughs and colds The Rest Drug Store Newmarket READYMIXED CONCRETE For WEDNESDAY MARCH sale of herd of registered fully accredited listed cattle hay grain milk machine milk cooler etc lot concession 6 Twp at Vcltore Sale at 2 sharp Terms cash No Properly of Archie Cameron Catalogues and posters Ken an Clarke auctioneers THURSDAY MARCH auction sale of head registered fully Red vaccinated and also late model hydraulic tracto nearly new Surgo milker milk coolers power drill new tractor spreader new thresh machine vester and blower bale new baler new hammer mill ensilage cutlet wagon seed grain Rod and Garry oats mixe- grairt baled hay straw etc a lot con 2 King township a Farm of Temperanccville li mile west of Oak Ridges on or miles cast of King The property of W Note This is one of the goo- herds in York County all on O P also an extra good lot tractor Implements Farm sole No reserve Sam Gough on Ore and Jennings Re on the grounds Sal 1130 Cattle Sellers At sale managers and auc SATURDAY MARCH sive auction sale of farm and implements hay 1iww t household furniture the boo tings loots etc j TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS WE sell passage on all Lines PR etc Our Information and service la reliable Come In and talk over your proposed trip with Chester Rest The BEST DRUG STORE CONCRETE and CINDER BLOCKS READYMIXED CONCRETE LTD BLOCK CO LTD Brock Twp miles west r Sunderland Sixty head of purt bred and high grade cattle milk cows fresh an springers Number of heifers bred since Nov lings etc choice brootl sow with pigs good chunks pure bred hog WD Mr tractor in shape ft years Diesel 30 trad Newmarket el WELL tile 30 and 36 1 micK tractor ate delivery Lome Baker and years Ferguson tractor Son concrete products threshing machine ket phone III shredder and grain elevator I yean New Holland baler Nr Trusses surgical supports qq motor new Gefc I MACHINERY FOR SALE hosiery for from varicose knee trouble Lumbago belts those who suffer veins ankle and Arch supports Rest Drug Store model Used one ye Phone TW Newmarket tractor 33 reasonable or write box Newmarket AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Store Newmarket Price Rest plume MUCOUS IN THROAT FARM ITEMS DEADSTOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal service charge for each call Collect Newmar ket phone TW or Toron to EM 33630 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Thunas Pink Tablets for the harvester with mo tor good foraiie complete with pipes roller bearing wagons with jy new forage boxes largo Harris seed disc power drill nearly newt M power mower ft new manure spreader power take off good nuck grain binder power tak off ft tailed hay straw Rod ney oats cleaned for seed lily of wheat and mixed grain ft grass silage etc nose and throat for the dropping j NOT K This is one of the oca of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These ore same reliable pink tablets that have been for many by adults and children with good results Store phone market Price The Rest Drug New- BALED straw for sab Pin-in- QUANTITY of baled straw An gus Herman phone TW New market CREAM separator International No motor driven Phone Newmarket I wit NOW Is the time to have that broken furniture end Items repaired Csll TW through the mail only where name and address of send Newmarket for Is clearly Indicated and Into over In North HAY for sale Apply Tavish farm con Holt of LIVESTOCK FOR cow due Feb Lloyd phone 21206 and Kxprese brine results SALE REGISTER SATURDAY PER Monster monthend auction sale at the stockyards on High way No 17 Selling all classes of livestock springer cows and pigs are in good demand now Abo we have a miscellaneous auction in the hall at the rear selling poultry vegetables mis cellaneous articles will have a special lot of war surplus stock Also a Market The A will hold a home made bake sale These la dies are noted for their baking also selling new clothing and footwear Come and see one of the- fastest growing sales of Its sales ever held in Brock town ship Plan to attend Farm sold No reserve Terms cash at 1030 am Vroomanton WA will serve lunch on the ground Geo Edwards Karl dorks Reg Johnston and Tir Jackson auctioneer Kiwi TUESDAY MARCH Auctioi sale of head of regutercct anc grade cattle inchdim fresh cows springers and heifers J5 hog chunks Wood milk cooler Chore Boy milking ma chine 2 unit baled hay mow loose straw at lot con Whit church the property of Stephenson No resenre as giving up milk business dim ill health Terms cash Time sale pm Alvtn Farmer auctioneer twit THURSDAY MARCH sale of farm stock Imple ments hay straw and household furniture the proper ty of Ralph lot con East Gwillimbury re miles north and two miles east of or west of Ravenshoe There wUl be ofj fered for sale head of Wgn Continued on pa a