Era LEARN TO PLAY THE GUITAR I The South Sea Conservator of Music under the direction of H Da Foe lias an opening for a limited number of sincere students Instrument supplied by our studio free of cost to yon Phone Newmarket or Aurora FA Childrens Aid Society Asks County For OPPORTUNITY THIS AREA MANAGER WANTED PART TIME ONLY annual income possible only a few hoars monthly In just spare time Well established Canadian Company will appoint local man or woman to supervise this total business No experience necessary as we train you in all phases of easiness and no hljrh pressure man is wanted as no selling on York County council was asked to contribute to the York County Childrens Aid Society budget of when the first report of the newly reorgan ized group was made to council by Chairman Marshall McMurchy Vaughan township Of this sum the province will refund so that the net cost to the taxpayers of the county will be The request was referred to the finance commit tee Prior to January 1 York County Childrens Aid society had jurisdiction over the wards of all municipalities within the former county with the exception of Tor onto The area municipalities have withdrawn from it and required are as follows Good Character and References Spare 5 to Hours Monthly 3 A Minimum of Cash Required Which is Fully Secured If you can meet these qualifications and desire an interview with Company Executive in your area answer this ad immediately Pleaae do not answer this advertisement unless you are definitely interested in a business on a high plane have the necessary cash available and are a person who can make and give a definite decision after know the facts as those selected will be appointed immedi ately Is a in a lifetime opportunity with a permanent unlimited mated with the Toronto Child rens Aid society to form a Metro service leaving the York County Childrens Aid society responsible for municipalities within the continuing county Temporary office accommodat ion has been provided in New market Mr McMurchy warden of the county last year told coun ty council Betty Graham has been retained as executive director A staff of 10 has been employed the director supervisor book keeper four social workers nurse and two stenographers Estimated expenditures for maintenance of the children by the society including clothing and medical services total 82710 Sal aries will amount to I new For a personal interview in your area write fully about yourself phone number to J W WEBB COMPANY Alexander MONTREAL Quebec Jennie Prins Wins OptiMrs Centennial Oratorical Contest Jennie of the Stuart Scon school won first prize in the oratorical contest sponsored by the Newmarket OptiMrs club for girls of grades seven and eight The topic of the prepared speech es was Newmarkets Centennial Year fact we came over from Holland five years ago Each night as I say my prayers I thank God that he guided us to the friendly pret ty progressive town of Newmark et Yes friends I am proud to boast of my home town after all it can Six finalists competed at the j satisfy every need We have a hospital in which to be born a nursery school some of the best educational advantages in Can ada parks swimming pool rink and a library for profitable lei sure industries to provide a means of earning our daily bread and train service excellent stores and even a casket factory to take care of out mortal remains when the full life is over To explain the present one must understand the past created it The landmarks of the pioneers are rapidly passing from view The world in our many Che A hi W CM tl Alt WW A CON f DAIIV AT 7 for cu- for to All UNIVERSITY THEATRE STREET WEST OX TO AM TO PM If NOW A jT t it Outgunned and Outranged three fighting TERRIERS attacked and destroyed a TIGER of the seas dinner meeting at Country Acres on Monday Feb when the contestants their teachers and parents were guests of the club The husbands of the OptiMrs members were guests also Mrs Arthur More presided The speakers were introduced by Mrs Jack Peppiatt Mrs Donald Warn er thanked the girls and their tea chers for the cooperation shown in the clubs project The judges were Rev A R Yielding William Elliott and Mrs Gordon lived is strange Jennie Prins received a trophy and as her prize for placing homing indistinct with age first in the oratorical contest Her teacher is Evelyn Second prize of a trophy and five dollars them up went to Carol of the Prince Charles school William Blackhaw is Carols teacher Newmarket on a Sat- awards of charm n bracelets were presented the night for shopping and gossiping People expected to spend perhaps for the weeks food supplies One of the first storekeepers was Mr William Roe who settled here after the war of Apparently Mr Hoe was an ex pert soldier and an expert trader Hi store located where Cousins Dairy now stands was a hive of industry As the door was opened to let the settler carry out the bag of flour and the pail of lard one heard the tinkle of sleigh bells and the neighing of horse that were standing nearby in deep mow drifts tied to hitching On occasion one would see the familiar figure of the lamplighter limbing his ladder to light the kerosene lamp Vhen Mr Roe was not in his store he would likely Ik found in a session with the Indians Their meeting place was around the big elm tree which stood on what is now Timothy Street west Yes it was from this fur market j that our settlement received its I name The Indians who had form erly carried their furs from Hol land Landing to York were de lighted to hear of a new market for trade Hence the settlement became known as Newmarket As part of our centennial festi vities I would like to see a pict ure gallery of the founders ami builders of our town How strange some of their and clothes would seem to us these town builders would be El Una the first citizen Peter owner of the first frame house Mr Sutherland the first reeve Robert Simpson founder of Present Past To York County Council Sine the end of World War Canadian steel industry has expanded more rapidly than the industry of any other major nation finalists They were Sally Brier Wilson Andrea West and Gail McKnight Following is the text of Hit- winning speech by Jennie Prins Newmarket Centennial Among the redlettered days on my calendar birthdays stand out most vividly Therefore friends speak to you concerning the birthday of the recognized settle ment of Newmarket my adopted home town When the bells of our churches rang to usher in we thought yes this is centennial year the anniversary of the incorp oration of Newmarket as a vijl- age I am an adopted citizen in At the presentation of ceremony held in the Royal York hotel Toronto on February David Preston son of Mr and Mrs D O Preston New market was formally admitted to membership in the Institute Chartered Accountants of On tario the present Toronto store Mr William Cane the first mayor Mr Alexander one of the early teacher Dr Lowell Dales who operated the first hospital Mr Wesley Brooks present clerk of our town who so kindly assist ed us in preparing our speeches Mr H A Jackson principal of our present public schools and Mr Gladman who is the 20th may or of Newmarket I think a centennial celebration is a good thing for a town True the committee in charge shall have considerable expenditures for decorations prizes and parad es Mrs Smith will have to make a few extra pies to provide for visitors and speaking of visitors they will spend their money here and carry back to their own com munities the friendly spirit which they have seen demonstrated in Newmarket the friendly town Yes we will all have a good time on August and Although we are proud of this fast growing community we must not sit back and be satisfied 1 am told that at one time New market had an annual Fall Fair Let us consider reviving the fair so that we will not have to jour ney miles to the Toronto Ex hibition might have an open air rink i the pond organize a bugle band or open a craft centre Yes during our centennial year let us take up the cry of the im mortal Brock and push on brave York volunteers Jannic Stuart Scott S- m toy vU when Mi hi f lb ft it pi Urn Joy I fr-j- vh tjt ill il Jf it- mi I Hi f f J If fit the- niiii in Soup J am Sirloin it with hororaduh end apple Spring lamb and mini turkry and sauce Wild duck and wine Jelly Haunch of venlion and red rant jelly Roiled of Southdown mutton ptt I itaftz va tt AI business PARADE f r- will in r rii Christian church on San- and girts i in special wrvice a centen nial celebrations of birth of the iirfar iiUw will he worn Married 50 Years No douht i lot of people acreed recent column of ours wbfth we out that no home owner should he without a- it on his house But our reader who al ready have insurance I wonder how thouzht of up on their present policies For one thin if your policy was taken out several year it may have lapsed by now Most insurance companies make a pra ctice of reminding policy holders their policies are due to la pse hut no company is obliged to issue Mich a reminder and a small error in their office records cost you your house if any ser ious trouble should occur after your policy his lapsed Another thing that present Icv holders should do is consider either increasing the amount of their insurance extending the policy to include hazards which are not covered or both Its wise to remember that real estate prices generally have risen considerably in the last few year so the amount of coverage that was adequate a few may be far too low today After all If you did not pay I much for your house by todays I standards you should injure it according to what ft would cost you to buy or build such a house today And as or extending the cover- ace to include other hazards this would just be a case of mak ing up for something you prob ably should have done a long j time ago Up until now perhaps you have been lucky But why push your luck when coverage of these extra hazards usually to pennies month TORONTO STOUT AURORA Ml Mr and Mrs Sydney Morning Newmarket are celebrating their golden wedding anniversary on Saturday Feb REAL YQHCrt PH NEWMARKET NIGHTLY FROM SAT MAT 2 PM NEXT ATTRACTIONS FEB 2526 YEAR AFTER YEAR 2 BIG FEATURES 2 fc Place A The BATTLE of the RIVER PLATE If On H COMMAND HIM JAMES CAGNEY And BARBARA STANWYCK IN THESE WILDER YEARS LADY COLBERT COLBRRD 1 1952 1 Place I outsteps Place outsells And BARRY W SULLIVAN 4- LAST SHOW At 1 Place 1 Place Place Chevrolet is famous for its winning ways More people buy Chevrolet than any other car here car on road can touch record no other cat has consistently offered the styling and dependability that make Chevrolet an unbeatable value year alter year Again in Chevrolet ilKm ill Heres 1 ear to and it I ioiu it has the good looks and the tinecar of put fashion and function beautifully together Try on road see how Chevrolet outsteps thew all Try A the smoothest lielicM VS or you ever put a toe to try the copied ride and handling on the road Outrigger rear springs Tar resting on their laurels Chevrolet engineers have made beautiful ride even belter for 1957 Small wonder Chevrolet outsells them all More and people taking to Chevys winning ways because theyre find that Chevys value cant be beat Sec your Chevrolet dealer sec why Chevrolet outsteps outsells them now RANK ORGANIZATION PRESENTATION STARRING GREGS0N PETER FINCH ANTHONY QUAYLE AJAX EXETER ACHILLES HEY KIDS The Battle Of The River Plate AND CARTOONS WILL SHOWN A I I PM j I AT PM FOR THE ARK EUGIBLETO JOIN TILE THEATRE GOLDEN AGE CLUB AM ENJOY A SHOW AT REDUCED ADMISSION Jones a i Ed County Engineer wai of Ontario lotion founded in ii the annual I convention held in Toronto on I February and ail mora Mian wen Mi Jones immediate tin County Engineers Ontario Our New Phone Please Apply By Mail or In Person For Club Membership Card Number Is TW I HA AMI s indlptat NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD St Phone TW 52371 Newmarket Ontario