Ancient Walled City Site nubility or Of Presbyterian Mission rcatWuMB could be of worms Dont take chances Get Dr McKenzies Dead Shot Worm Candy from your If the cause is worms easy- take Dr McKenzies Dead Worm Candy brings quick relief to adult or c toons Special attention- will be cussed on the work in India on Sunday Feb which lis Overseas Missions day at Andrews Presbyterian churches Eversley and Strange Before the partition of India the city of was consider ed the geographic centre of that subcontinent It is one of the few walled cities of the country Behind the walls the larger part of the population Uvea in small crowded mudwalled dwellings Smart laca to fact EXPERIENCED HANDS MAKE OYSTER STEW FOR LIONS SUPPER or rather make the The oyster ladies the who will scrumptious oyster stew at King Citv fourth public oyster cupper on Tuesday Feb are experienced hands Mrs Fred Boy Oak Ridges and Mrs have Outside the walls the military barracks railway yards bazaar shopping centre of India and residences- are sprawled The church tor many years has been in this centre where military chaplains worked among the Hindus The Presbyterian church established several Churches and a school in the early days An interdenom inational womens group from the USA operates a medical mission and for over years the Presbyterian church has been responsible for the area Rev Angus MacKay a gradu ate of Knox College Toronto and a native of Ontario has spent 27 vears in the work at Mrs is a most active worker among the women and children of India Rev will be the guest speaker at all three services on February in at am Eversley at am and Strange at 230 pm The Womens Missionary So ciety of which Mrs Robert is president is sponsoring Of Of Unfed Church HoMs Special Program George Hatcly learned the art well special service at St Andrews The kitchen in King City Unit- strange at pm for which church becomes fragrant with a special program is being ar ranged Mr MacKay will show his set of colored slides telling to the of the stew made in large containers to a justright recipe The Lions have become adept in handling the large serving platei more than one serving if you j wish to the supper hour custom ers seated at Jong table in the I church more tender minded folk who just cant stand the taste of often take soup without the seafood while others do very Birthday wishes are extended well on a serving of cold meat and this week to Oher foods complement the story of his 27 years in India Invitations are being extended to several groups of the other churches and men are es pecially invited Birthday Club The choir of Trinity United church Newmarket will present the Sunday evening service Feb at 7 oclock Anthems to be sung by the senior choir will in clude Sing Alleluia Forth in Duteous Praise written by one of todays wellknown English composers Eric and an anthem written for the choir of St Andrews Presbyterian church Chearo by Arthur Bay- nan All My Hope On God Is Founded Martin Shaw another well- known English composer wrote the music for the third anthem to be sung by the choir With A Voice of Singing An evening prayer When At Night I Go To Sleep by will be sung by a group of young ladies from the Newmarket high school Included in the evening service will be two solos Mrs Schofield will sing Howells By the Waters of Babylon and Ken Stephens will sing Arm Arm Ye Brave by Handel There Bogarttown Public School Celebrates Birthday v I 11 I the menu which is not exactly reducing diet as Lion Fergus I supper chairman can vouchsafe Marilyn Sedore Kes wick years old on Friday Feb t Blouses Skirts Dresses Dresses ONE GENT SALE LADIES 2 SUITS 995 a sacrifice Rose Mary Wright Newmar ket rears old on Saturday I Feb 9 Patsy Aurora years old on Sunday Feb 10 tori one Sadler Holland Land- will be an organ selection In troduction and Fugue by de This Sunday Is known in the church calendar as Sunday about days before Easter The following Sundays are known as Sexagesima and approximately and days before Easter These Sundays lead us to the week of March 3 which includes Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wed nesday On Good Friday evening the choir of Trinity United church is presenting Stainers Crucifixion During the Sunday evenings of Lent commencing March the organist and choir of the church will present a series of Sunday evening These will in clude organ selections solos The Bogarttown Public school SS No 3 Whitchurch will cele brate its birthday this year The red brick building erected In 1857 has served the community for a century- The interior of the school has little resemblance to the condit ions under which pupils studied one hundred years ago The old box stove has been replaced by a modern oil furnace Five years ago a classroom was opened in the basement Which handles guid es one to four The- teacher is Miss V Wice Grades five to eight are located upstairs The teacher is Mrs S Young The total enroll ment is The centuryold public school has been condemned for many years The exterior has not been changed to any extent although one shed has been torn down on the west side of the building An additional shed remains It was used many years ago to provide heller for horses when the stru cture was used for a Sunday School Some of the early teachers at the Public School were Francis Starr Reuben George Bogart Joseph 1855 Following the election of the new building free schooling plan was adopted whereby one tent coll ected for each days tuition In IA7A It was decided by the hoard that money for school purposes be collected by Ihe Township coun cil In an early ropy of the min utes of the hoard the ex pense account was given in pounds shillings and pence In the total years expenditure amounted As the years roll by and the community continues grow so needs of new generations must ha met with improved school facilities Gone the box stove overhead pipes the par titioned aisles scratchy slates and high ceiling Only a timeworn hand hell on the teachers desk remains a a reminder of the days that used to he The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Feb Schools Thank Society For Flowers And Bulbs Appreciation been express ed for the work being done in the towns public schools by the New market Horticultural society Let ters were received from each of Mrs Jean Jay Mrs Cum- and Mrs Watson In the fall bulbs were supplied by the horticultural society thro ugh the juvenile committee to all he five public schools and from the elementary schools in town ON HOBBIES TO NEWMARKET LIONS Relics and antiques of his torical interest were on view at the Lions club meeting Monday night when Mr P C Band of Toronto spoke to the Newmarket club on Hobbies Of local in- connected with the school for the PRAYER IS THEME OF MEETING piano and organ and guest or years old Sunday Sharon Elizabeth Harrison Mount Albert years old on Sun day Feb Wayne Pickering Zephyr years old on Tuesday Feb Bradley Vanant Newmarket JO years old on Tuesday Feb 12 Ronnie Lyons Sutton West years old on Tuesday Feb Danny Ross New market years old on Wednes day Feb Send in your name age and become a member of the Newmarket Bra and Express birthday club NYLON CLEARANCE 69c pair MENS SHIRT CLEARING 3 for 750 Rayon Spun Blankets 595 70x90 FLANNELETTE SHEETS 495 pair RIVERDRIVE PARK The next meeting of the local i association will be held on uary in the Community Hall at come New members web Archer and Mrs K Edwards went Toronto on day February to attend a hear ing for a proposed bus service I between Newmarket and River- drive Park The newlyformed Guide com pany are holding first en rolment on February Prayer was the theme of the February meeting of the Wom ans association of Trinity United church when Mrs Kit on Ann- strong was the guest speaker M presided Mrs A Arnold was in charge of the with the topic being Facing difficulties with prayer She was assisted Mrs A Col vi lie and Mrs Samuel Jefferson Alberta Ridley played two pi ano solos Nora and Maiy Steph ens sang as their duet Living Im Jesus Prayer the milestone fit achievement was the topic of Mi Armstrongs talk A recommendation that the Newmarket Ministerial associa tion he requested to head temperance campaign was mad by Leonora Starr It was by the members It was announced that the new ly formed York Presbytery will meet at inily United church on Tuesday Feb- 26 The March meeting will be a joint program with the Evening past years A grandson of the first teacher Elmer Starr concession north of at tended the school some years ago The average attendance at this time was close to 50 students Four generations of the Stan- family have served on the School Board Mr Starr recalls how the pupils would sit in the dimly lit room and scratch out their work on slates Often the children at front of the class would be cold before the old box stove could gel the heat circulated throughout the room A new wood furnace was installed fifl years a go Quite often the long row of stovepipes leading from the fur nace would come apart and the students would then receive a holiday A drop ceiling was later install ed to make the building easier l heal The present seating and flooring wa constructed years ago and a basement was dug in the late Tin- present School Board is making plans to mark the centen ary in the Fall The members art- Richard chairman Jo shua Dreuery George Smith and Cody secretary The in- Ispector is J The original school situated on the George Hunt farm concess ion Whitchurch was burned in A Jackson supervising princi pal commending the society for its juvenile and civic improve ment program in Chairman of the juvenile com mittee last year was Mrs Anton She reported that much of the work was successful be cause of the cooperation receiv ed from the Public school board and the garden committee of Prince Charles Home and School association In the spring the society pur chased petunias and for the Prince Charles school ground Hone meal was provided the society Mrs Czernlck said Top soil was placed there by or der of the school board and the Home and School mothers plant ed the flowers in the borders which had been prepared by grade eight pupils under the dirj of the principal William In May a treeplanting cere- 1 mony was held at the school Six trees provided by Civic Improve- Chairman These bulbs were for indoor forc ing Flower pots were purchased the for this project Special soil was donated by Ste wart Perrin of Florists Mrs reported Simpson Newmarket and an original water color pamttng of Holland Landing nearly planting of a tree and the grade years old eight boys put the lesson to i Mr Band has been collecting j ica beautifying of their the unusual in clocks shoes toys school grounds scholar nation TV An Newmarket Furniture Electric documents and letters relating to Upper Canada history for the past years He encouraged everyone to have a hobby of some kind to occupy ones time during years of retirement The Newmarket Lions and their wives held a theatre party at Crest Theatre last evening Main St Other activities at this school under the sponsorship of the hor ticultural juvenile were the planting of tulip bulbs in the fall and the placing of two aquaria in Prince Charles school The bulbs were donated by members of the horticultural soc The appreciation of the is extended to Mr and Mrs L Kidd and Mrs McGhee for their large donations Contri- but ions of bulbs were made Leadership Training Courses Are Arranged By HomeSchool Council To further the aims and activit ies of Home and School Asso ciations York Simcoe Council has arranged hold three leadership training courses for all interested members They will commence the week of Feb ruary IK and be held one night a week for five consecutive weeks J waters off Vancouver Island These courses are being by the Area representatives as follows North area Mrs Car oline Ion at Newmarket Prin ce Charles school West area Mis Hilda at home in and East area Mr Frank Wolfe at the Union- viiie public school All members are cordially invited to attend and for complete details of the pro gram are requested to contact their area representative memb ers Sharks weighing up to five tons the worlds largest inhabit the A highway tax based on weight of a vehicle and the miles it has been suggested as a to teiu of increasing r eve nut her maintain highways MONTHLY PAINS CRAMPS belie cornea mi must from pain cramp backache of tension anemia monthly peri Cluneal TeU that New Formula Tab- letfl Compound retend the pom majority of not jut the pain iu It not liml at no you 30 DAYS TREATMENT If you or not Jul get Drug Store Take fur a directed to J If linking relit lend Hi the empty carton for cheerful refund of your money of file from uer them today Try our i A plan Jet our New I Tablets with added tonic iron Compound with Vitamin Only with Olds such Marks Are Not Enough Tests Aid Improvement dis cussed the InService learn ers weekly lecture W Taylor gave reaions for reading readiness testing 1 i tests show how well Mi are able to discriminate be tween objects words and bols they let the teacher know how ihe child listen remembers and observes The ability dis cern between word forms found by such It is not enough get jut a mark The results obtained be used to improve the childs reading Tests laid Mr Taylor have through four stages lip toy tag tool Only when final or tool has been reached can be effectively to diagnose and im prove weaknesses The Superior and Gifted Child will be the subject of the in course of litres aheap YEARS ahap 30 DISCOUNT 3 Days Only Thursday Friday Saturday FEBRUARY 21 22 23 STORE WIDE NO RESTRICTIONS we have it You can have it CASH SALES ONLY NO RETURNS NO LAY AWAYS NO TELEPHONE ORDERS Newmarkets Greatest Annual Sale ELMAN W CAMPBELL STATIONKUY CHINA BOOKS liLASSWARE WI News Union Street broach met i iha home of Mrs lta lover on Thursday Feb There were members and eight visitors pie sent An invitation to vuil Roches Point institute was accepted meeting Is to be held In Mi rnorial on Thursday A donation of is being in ihe Institute Best Room it New market A course for on Hospitality Foods will he held Sharon Hall Match it and from until I oclock All dies arc welcome Mis Irvine Rose was convene of an interesting program put on by grandmothers Poem were read by Mis Mrs William Mould Mn Jackson Mrs A Mi and Mr I ton Wedding on iuh hail been worn by Tin value of iinporlGrt in to Canada ilm of exported i ni lis at the past mi A ssoiona YEARS AHEAD STYLING TOO I Head over to your nearest letter tee below Gel ihe road re I thai Rock ton ihlill cars lodayThal Rocket Wi leave in pickup red efficiency And when get idus Imd 4 lh- laoel o much jouNa car But la not JJ hi car today Dont out on it I half an hour and QuaUty Dealer it oon Me- you Me- exoi OLDSMOBI NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD llolsford Phono TW Newmarket Ontario