IN Isabel CotviUe APPRECIATION Appreciation I suppose is dif ferently Interpreted by each who reads this column There are a vast number of persons who like to hear good music listen to fine lectures and talks see good pictures eat wonderful foods and admire good craftsmanship of many kinds and yet If confronted with the people responsible for these things become absolutely tongue tied and cannot give voice to their appreciation I think if these people could realize what it would mean to the giver of any of these things to the public they would over come their shyness and say a few words of praise for the ef fort made I think sometimes that the lack of appreciation of some things or the ability to ex press that appreciation comes the way we take in cer tain things How do you read a book for instance With me books have been one of the strongest Influ in my life Books I read as a child read and reread arc as fresh in my memory today as when I first read them and more they have influenced my life People nowadays tend to look down on the childrens books of my generation Well maybe some of them tended to be too good to be true but at any rate they inspired one with high ideals and they had humor too although not of the comic book sort Of course to me a book is a new country to be explored Its personnel to be made friends of or sometimes enemies To be laughed with wept over In fact sometimes they beame too real and I wonder which world Im living in So I live every life in a book that enthralls me and if a book disgusts me in the be ginning and if it is my own I watch it burn with great satis faction If the author of a book that has given me something I need ed is alive I try to write a few words of appreciation and send it through the publishing house It may not mean a thing to the author but I feel I have tried to pay a little on the debt I owe And do you ever go through a picture gallery You just cast a glance at some and then sud denly you come to one that seems to belong to you Maybe its a KIDNEY PILLS TM stretch of water vanishing in the distance into a soft haze and as you look you realize you love it because at some time in your life you have sailed happily on just such a a placid stream It touches a nostalgic chord of memory bringing back friends and places almost forgotten We appreciate the power the painted scene has to bring back other scenes Its power is mani fold its beauty a mirror And what docs music do to you Is it just a mixture of pleasant or unpleasant sound or docs it sometimes lift you to the very gates of heaven or as in some of the weird and en tangled modern music drop you to some unholy depth Music is like picking flowers in a beautiful garden Just as pick out some lovely bloom in a garden so you pick out some exquisite theme in a piece of music Or its like a lovely little stream winding its way though field and forest light and shade For so is the theme It too has light and shade and places where the birds join their songs to the melody and little cascades and big obstacles where the sound is fortissimo Music has something for everybody its the universal language Wc show our appreciation by the way we try to enter into the composers idea And then there is the stage And how soon we appreciate the difference between the person who really becomes the charac ter he or she is acting and the other who whatever he or she says or does is still Fanny Smith or John Brown And do we ever appreciate and say so the skill and know ledge that goes into fine sewing good cooking and the evils of making and building and dec orating And look at a garden The poet says One is nearer Gods heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth And when you look at a garden on which love and care have been lavished is it not true There is the song of birds at tracted by the bushes and shrubs there arc the busy bees the butterflies and the humming birds attracted by the nectar- filled flower cups and there is the fragrance like the breath of heaven There is so much in this world to appreciate and give so little time to enjoy or voice it It seems to me that apprecia tion is a combination of a warm heart a keen mind a love of beauty and a desire to pass on that appreciation to the sources from whence it springs that be not possible then to try to absorb as much of that beauty into oneself that it can be given out again Summing it up I would say that our appreciation of all the good and beautiful things of life is best shown when try to give them out again full ure pressed down and running 1 over HERE IS HEALING Editor Note This biweekly article series wit contain interesting fads about hospitals and is published as a public service by this newspaper in cooperation with the Ontario Hospital Asso ciation There was a time and not so many years ago that infants prematurely born sometimes did not live more than a few hours Despite all the ingenuity and re sourcefulness of medical men the light of life in the little premat ure bodies flickered and went out Today for various reasons some unknown there are more premature births In Canada than in the past Happily however many more of these flickering lights are kept burning and ulti mately glow with the same bri ghtness as those with normal be ginnings There are several for this among them the a vailabillty of modern drugs trans fusions and improved methods of feeding High on the list of lifesavers is the incubator which makes it pos sible to care for the child without exposing it unduly to the prem ies greatest enemy infection These lifesaving devices which are found in practically every See a specialist about your money problems It you are looking for a solution to your money problem do aa hundreds of thousands do each year see the HFC Office Manager He has had years of training and experience in dealing with all kinds of financial emer gencies and he can help you One thing is sure ho will not encourage you to borrow needlessly or excessively So whether you want a loan or expert advice or both see a specialist in money matters Visit or phone HFC Canadas largest and most recommended finance company YOU HAY WITH HFC 1 mmth i837 3763 2427 3001 Ml 750 100 1 I HOUSEHOLD FINANCE A fl fleer hospital In Ontario maintain the proper balance of humidity tem perature and oxygen for the ba bys protection Some have auto matic alarms to warn of any un due change In temperature some have special aperatures which permit doctors and nurses to care for the infant with the minimum likelihood of transferr ing germs to the baby These incubators are an import ant factor in helping doctors re duce Canadas infant mortality which has dropped from 102 per 1000 live births thirty years ago to per 1000 today Not content with this phenomenal decline doctors and hospitals are striving to still better this record and to equal Sweden which has the low est infant mortality rate in world of only 18 out of every births If and when Canada rea ches that standard the lives of many more babies will be saved annually Birthday Club Birthday are extended this week Larry Preston ft 3 New market 12 yean old on Satur day Jan Mary Elisabeth Roberts New market 1 years old on Sunday Jan 2ft Davis Gibbons Newmarket years old on Monday Jan Donald Brian Niagara Falls years old on Monday Jan Alice Louise Mitchell Sharon years old on Monday Jan 21 Maureen Diane Read Lincoln England years old on Mon day Jan Catherine Lynn Wind sor 2 old on Wednesday Jan Ethel King Ravenshoe years old on Wednesday Jan 23 Linda Elizabeth Rose New market years old on Wednes day Jan Billle Roberts Holland Land ing 8 years old on Wednesday Jan 23 Mary Christina Ferguson Newmarket 10 years old on Wednesday Jan Janice Mae Park 5 years old on Wed nesday Jan Susan Mary Elisabeth Luesby Newmarket 6 years old on Wed nesday Jan 23 Cordon Kenneth Kes wick years old on Thursday Jan 24 Mary Lou Rose Newmarket years old on Thursday Jan Michael John Maguire New market years old on Thurs day Jan 24 Send in your name address age and become a member of the Era and Express Birthday Club NEWSftheWl for this column must ho In the office Monday night Copy must he written us briefly possible and confined to news and reports Oilier than routine reports and announcements will bo printed separately The January meeting of the Elm Grove branch met the home of Mrs Elmer The president Mrs Brown was in the chair The next card party will bo held in hall Feb I with Mount Pleasant members in charge A donation of 10 was voted to be sent to the Toronto Isola tion Hospital for polio patients comforts It was decided to serve lunch for the John Deer demonstration to be held in Bel- haven hall January February will mark the anniversary of Womens Insti tutes in Ontario Feb B will feature a program of OF ST JAMES CHURCH IN SHARON HEARS ABOUT UN On Friday Jan a meeting was held under under the aus pices of the Womens Auxiliary of the Church of St James the Apostle Sharon It was address ed by Rev Leonard Hatfield the representative of the Coun cil of Social Service of the Ang lican Church of Canada Rev Hatfield spoke on the various activities of the United Nations throughout all the east ern countries of Asia He pre sented a film made by Danny Kaye in technicolor showing the wonderful work done by the World Health Organization among the children throughout the East Institutes Can ada The members enjoyed a visit from the district president Mrs The Institute members were divided Into four groups and given each to see what money could be made with ft before the March meeting La dles in charge are an follows Sutton Mrs Kim Grove Mrs Sheldon Mount Pleasant Mrs Brown Baldwin Mrs Mrs Noble Munro took charge of the program on re search and gave an interesting paper on samplers She was as sisted by Mrs Mrs Short inguls Mrs Mrs Bullock and Mrs Hamilton who gave short readings along historical lines The February meeting will be at the home of Mrs Hos tesses Mrs Mrs Comer and Mrs Kerr Roll call Bring your wedding photograph A Valentine party will be con vened by Mrs Steve Johnston Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora For Friendly Personal Service Telephone PA AURORA f jAwe Coffee Brazil ha been portable aluminum irrigation syitems to Increase the coffee crop Results are startling yield per tree more than doubled Even if ap plied only to half Of coffee crop production would be increased by Our own Canadian farmers have found way to ue Canadian aluminum Piping for orchards field crop and foil for mulching roofing and siding for barn brooders and silo caot and pails for dairy farms Canadian output of primary aluminum being further in- created to supply i he makers of these a ml a thousand other prod uct useful in agriculture In dustry defence and the home ALUMINUM COMPANY OP CANADA LTD ALCAN PR TING r that makes yesterday years t3 lis for 1951 H A A ft y 2rv W6s iy -I- I jCA ft AS a i iVJV mJt sj f i T imti v- ii o j v 3feiK I S Torsion Aire ide I AV You can see the difference at a 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