will congregational fee Trinity United church the form of a pot luck in the church hill on Wed- Jan pm All of the congregation are vita to attend TOUR CHAMBER Of COMMERCE IS BUILDING A UTTER COMMUNITY Mrs Seldon Named President Trinity Womans Association IfctliRf San Mb Haft Ha Mm it to ami acta MM Ufa Mrs M B Seldon was ed as president of the Womans Association of Trinity United church Newmarket when the group met in the church hall on Tuesday Jan 3 Rev J Aik en was guest speaker and con ducted the installation ceremony Mrs Seldon opened the January meeting with the theme Giving instead of Getting The program was under the direction of Mrs J Morris Mrs Morris said each person should be thankful that she is given the opportunity of starting a new year Mrs Ernest Morton read the Scripture The guest soloist was Mrs C It Crook and her solo was The Perfect Prayer Mr Aiken explained the organ ization of the new Presbytery which is being formed in York County It will not include any of DRAPERY MADE FREE I SLIP to ay las MAIN Volunteer Workers la Theme Of TIk Hoap WA Annuel Miss Barbara Greene director of volunteer workers at Mount Sinai Hospital Toronto will be the guest speaker at the annual meeting of York County Hospital Womens auxiliary on Tuesday Jan The meeting which is op en to the public will be held in the Agricultural Board rooms St Newmarket at 230 pm Miss Greene was one of the special speakers at the Ontario Hospital association convention in November Her topic at that time was Training the Hospital Aux iliary Volunteer Miss Greene is an able speaker Her background of firstband ex perience should prove helpful for the volunteers of the local Hospit al Annual reports will be present ed The election of officers will be held the Metropolitan Area municipal ities and will consist of 24 preach ing charges This is the first pres bytery to be organized since Church union in Mr Aiken said Reports were presented on the years work It showed a success ful program both financially and socially had been completed by the WA Mrs A Arnold will be in charge of the February meeting Mrs Elt on Armstrong will be the guest speaker Those elected to office include honorary Mrs M J Aiken and Mrs Howard Cane past pres Mrs Morris pros Mrs vice pres Mrs Elman Campbell sect Mrs Robert cor responding sect Mrs Frank Rob inson Mrs Harper Price Christian fellowship Mrs Wal ton citizenship Mrs Christian education Mrs Campbell press Mrs A Mit chell temperance Miss Starr parsonage and social Mrs Harry Hooker property Mrs A pianist Mrs I Walker group leaders Mrs Morris Mrs Arnold Mrs Ernest Mrs Hugh Shannon Mrs Robinson and Mrs Hoy Meads meeting The Home and School associat ion meeting for Alexander Muir school has been postponed until Tuesday Jan It will be held in the school at pm with Par ent Education as the theme Mr Harry Beer of Pickering College will be in charge of the program ART CLUB The Newmarket Art club will meet in the Public Library Lect ure Room on Thursday Jan at pm All interested in joining the group are invited to attend JANUARY CLEARANCE 25 to 50 OFF COATS SUITS DRESSES COATS Value priced to SUITS Real bargains half price Reg for DRESSES Thrifty buys percent LADIES HATS Drastically reduced to half price Special selection of BLOUSES 99c each OFF ALL SKIRTS D0NT HISS THESE WONDERFUL SAVINGS LAMES SUCKS WOOLS AND GABARDINES REDUCED 25 PERCENT Mens Shirts SPORT Reg for Reg 298 for DRESS Reg Value Up To S9S Clearing At Monarch Stretchies Reg SO for Suits MUST BE CLEARED ALL WOOL WORSTEDS AND GABARDINES REG UP TO FOR SPECIAL 2 PANT SUIT IN FUNNEL FOR SHEETS Flannelette Real Value At 495 Pillow Case 99c pr All these and many more bargains law m Recently arrived in Newmar ket are two young LatterDay Saints ministers One is Elder Jon G Perry a student of College in Idaho El der Perry during his years at Ricks was active in dramatic productions serving two years as president of the dramatic ternity on campus Elder Darrell of Pay- son Utah is a former football player for Snow College at Utah The elders are here in Can ada for two years as fully or dained ministers acting in a missionary calling part of the missionary system of the Church of Jesus Christ of Saints They are not salesmen or solicitors of funds of any kind but are two of 11000 from their church who work through out the world without worldly compensation Elder Perry reported There are branches of the church lo cated at Ossington Ave To ronto and Burton St and Road in Allandale at the Orange Hall services being 10 am pm and 1045 am respectively They may be contacted at 364 Botsford St or phone TW The The Newmarket Era and Thursday Jan Common Round OUT OF SUFFERING NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR HOSP WA SHOP More volunteers are needed to man the Gift Shop and cart oper ated by the Hospital WA at York County Hospital Mrs J Edwards president of the group reported this week Anyone who would like to shore In this work is requested to eon- tact Mrs O Noble chairman of volunteer workers If anyone has volunteered previ ously but has not been contacted as yet would she please check with Mrs Noble to make certain her name is on Mrs Nobles list Mrs Edwards suggested VESTRY MEETING The annual Vestry meeting of St Pauls Anglican church will be held in the parish hall on Tues day Jan at pm The wellbaby clinic of the York County Health Unit will be held in the Newmarket Fireball auditorium on Friday Jan from to pm This is the clinic for routine examinations Have you ever of how many great things were possible only through suffering Very few nations or great men or great works of art of science or of industry came to their fruition lightly Their birth to greatness were as are all births painfui There has been a terrible amount of suffering where the end did not seem to justify the means The French revolution was marked with hideous crimes and bloodshed and was to re sult in a world where liberty and equality were to rule the nation Instead for a time anarchy ruled then the country was un der Napoleon an empire then a kingdom then empire again Now it is a republic but all the sufferings of these various revo lutions do not seem to have brought unity It always strikes me that the French Chamber of Deputies argue for the sake of arguing and forget sometimes the point at issue Italy came into being as a na tion through the suffering of men with a vision men who felt that liberty was the natural habitat of man The United States came into being through a revolution In this case almost civil war in fact nearly as much so as Abraham Lincolns was of Emancipation Rut out of all this suffering and conflict has come a great nation Britain and Canadas revolu tions have been not bloodless but any revolution has growing pains And so it goes Great writers agonize over books and yet out of Dickons writings lamp the abolishment of the terrible schools that infested parts of England Harriet Uncle Toms Cabin roused the Northern A to frenzy Michael suffered all sorts of setbacks as he painted in St Peters but What the world has gained Most inventors and research workers have suffered privation and scorn before they gave something lo the world and our blessing of Christianity meant the Cross and the blood of tho martyrs before it was accepted But I seem to have gone a long way from what I started out to write about which is Handels Messiah as presented recently by the Mendelssohn choir augmented by members of Ernest That evening Archie and I sat ourselves down for three solid hours of enjoyment And then I thought as I listened about the way the Messiah camp into be ing It came through suffering for Handel was going through a period where his enemies were triumphing over him and his work receiving such scant recog nition that he was really suffer ing privation Then came a break He was requested by the Duke of Devon shire Governor of Ireland lo visit Dublin In 21 days he wrote the Messiah in writing the Hallelujah chorus he said I did think did all heaven before me and the great God Himself This years performance we felt to be outstanding The chorus was magnificent and came out with a purity of ar ticulation and a wonderful rec ognition of the beauty of the words and music to which they were giving utterance The ac companiment and orchestral in terludes were beyond criticism The artists were Marshall soprano Maureen Forrester con tralto Walter tenor and James Wieher baritone Iftris Marshall it seemed to me ex celled even herself There was a crystalline purity of lone a perfection of enunciation and a warmth and depth of feeling which were beautiful There had been occasions when I heard Marshall when thought her voice was cold hut warmth and color have made of her voice one that will rank her as one of the great singers of all time It seemed me she carried us nearly to the gates of ITS Womans World By CAROLINE ION Main St Newmarket Phone TW These next few weeks will see many womens organizations in the community holding their an nual meetings and naming new officers to carry on the work in Reports will be presented on the past years activities Checking with a few of these groups to find out what they con sidered the highlights of we learned that for the members of the Business and Professional Wo mens Club the highlight of the past year did not happen in New market But it remains the big news of 1956 said Miss Ayers Regional Advisor The Canadian Federation of Business and Pro fessional Womens clubs was proud to have a 55year old Tor onto corporation lawyer Margar et P become pre sident of the International feder ation in July when the Internat ional Convention was held in Montreal Miss was called to the Bar of Ontario in and created Kings Counsel in 1938 the second woman in the British Empire to be so honored She is the only Canadian barr ister who has ever pleaded before the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in England said Miss Ayers She was the first and is still the only woman in Canada to be a director of a trust company As counsel for the Canadian Associ ation of Consumers Miss man pleaded the constitutional case which finally brought about the revocation of the ban on the manufacture and sale of oleomar garine in Canada As Chairman of the Equal Pay Committee for Ontario Business and Professional Clubs she and her committee j Dutchess Shop Erie to the Hospital auxiliary through her friend one of the Gift Shop chair men A wardrobe was designed and made for the doll and tickets sold by the group A net profit of was realized and this money was used to help stock the Gift Shop A loan of from the Hospital WA completed the financing of the shop Open house at which tea was served to approximately 300 guests saw the beginning of ser vice in the Gift Shop itself said Mrs Edwards The shop is loc ated just inside the east entrance of York County Hospital where its attractive display and service adds much in both beauty to the hos pital and convenience for pat ients visitors and staff The Gift Shop committee feels most encouraged by this enter prise and expect to be in a posit ion to repay the entire loan with in the next few months They have purchased a wrought iron cart which will lake the Gift Shop items to the rooms and wards This will provide a farther service for those who are unable to leave their bedside explained Mrs Edwards not only for our organization but for all residents of York County It was the opening of the new wing at York County Hospital Much of the arrangements for this momentous event were in the hands of the Auxiliary More than people came to inspect the new wellequipped modern ad dition The auxiliary felt a reas onable pride in their donation of a major operating table at a cost of over April and Oct IB were the dates of the semiannual teas and bake sates Old friends had an op portunity to renew acquaintances and new friends were made June the date of the sec ond annual luncheon meeting at Briars golf club It was attended by women from all over the county to hear the convener and buyer of the Gift Shop at Toronto East General speak The cigarette and soft drTnk machines operated by the Auxil iary at tlie hospital continue to he a convenience to patients and staff members A memorial book is be ing used extensively by those who wish to remember friends or re latives by a donation to York County Hospital through the Aux iliary During 1056 our quarterly bul letin was mailed to members and friends of the Auxiliary Dec is the last red letter date in our calendar for On that day the Gift Shop was opened at York County Hospital after months of study organization and hard work Prior to the opening of the Gift Shop continued Mrs Ed wards a beautiful doll was don ated by Miss of The The Newmarket Public Library For several weeks we have held a childrens Story Hour at each Saturday morning in the Newmarket Public Library Last Saturday 36 children attended Twice on fair weather Satur days wc have had boys and girls They range in ago from preschool to grade eight We have used picture stories animal stories poetry stories about children and people fables and fairy talcs have been other choirs and the Toronto Symphony orchestra under Sir nave encouraged them to tell us what they enjoy most Boys and alike almost always put fairy tales at the top of their want list Fairy tales arc traditional lit erature Traditional is a word we apply to stories and verse whose origin is lost in the mists of time However arc con ccrncd with the fairy talc as it exists today What is its value and interest for children Children enjoy fairy tales be cause they arc good stories but it is not the story interest alone that enthralls Through a fairy tale a child enters another world a world of wonder which Is like find yet surprisingly unlike the world he knows Here almost anything can and docs happen When we read The Sleeping Beauty notice the diction and the rhythm of the phrasing Tho language of the narrative has the dignity and simplicity we find in all great literature There is not an word to impede the direct and forceful telling of the story It flows in rhythmical sentences by explanatory or descriptive phrases There Is humor and poetry romance and adventure It touches art at every point One Newmarket mother us she had no use for fairy tales and called them brutal We believe she came to this conclu sion without giving considera tion either to a childs attitude toward such incidents or to the manner In which they arc pre sented Both the childs atti tude and the characteristic nar rative methods of the folk tale have an impersonal quality im portant to remember Lillian Smith in the tin- reluctant Years says Against the limitless terrors of a childs own imaginings are set the limits imposed by the convention of the fairy tale Through a succession of clear mental pic tures a child sees that even the weakest can he more than a match for the evil and- ugly things In the world if he possess courage quick wits and a good heart a useful And sustaining reflection for anyone in a world as alarming as our own But if there are fairy tales l hat awaken pity and terror there are also those that kindle wonder and imagination beauty and poetry In turning from one kind of fairy tale to another a child finds In their variety a deepening and broadening of emotional sympathy The childs response to suspense sur prise laughter beauty whatever it may be testifies to the essential Tightness and truth of the fairy tale us never forget that love ly subtle story of bygone days Paul Hazard says in speaking of the tale of Beauty and the Beast in which ugliness Is but a spell broken at last by love and pity At am January there will be a puppet show script taken from a wellknown book for boys Irene Librarian SUIT SALE Made and Stork Tip Tailors Taller MORRISONS Newmarket night ond day That en And vr rfeemt fey Furniture ft Electric HI heaven when she sang I Know That My Redeemer Maureen Forrester struck me as more of a mezzo contralto than a deep contralto hut her voice was rich sweet and Her rendering of Thou That was very fine She brought out the joy that it must show to be what Handel meant it to be Walter field did a fine piece of work His Comfort Ye was an artistic of work and his voice has the true tenor quality James has a magnifi cent voice which is just coming into maturity There Is a slight resemblance to James Mulligans voice only it lacks the real bass quality His ren dition of Who Shall Abide a tremendously difficult solo was excellently rendered I have only spoken of a few solos but these speak for all And when Hallelujah chorus was sung it fairly lifted one from time to eternity It was without doubt one of the most outstanding performances of the Messiah to which I have ever listened I think it will go down in musical history as a triumph for choir orchestra soloists and conductor It was as near per fection as is ever obtained were responsible for the Equal Pay legislation passed in Miss was President of the Canadian Federation of B P Clubs from 1MB For a glimpse at her home life we find that she was educated at Palmerston public school Listow- High School and started in Tor onto as a a week stenograph er When she went to the Law Society to get herself articled her pay was per month and she supplemented this by teaching English arithmetic and geogra phy to a Polish woman for cents an hour She now lives in a house in where she loves to entertain Her sum mer cottage is on an Indian reser vation in Georgian Bay where she fishes for relaxation not for whoppers Fishing and cooking are listed as her hobbies Miss Ayers reported As the calendar is taken down and the takes its place a quick look back on the years activities is in order said Mrs J Edwards president of York County Hospital Womens auxiliary Mireh was a red letter day BIRTHDAY CLUB Birthday wishes are extended this week to Mary New market years old on Friday Jan Wayne Berry Peter- years old on Friday Jan Keats Newmarket years old on Monday Jan Jimmy Osmond Newmarket years old on Tuesday Jan Joan Norman New Ms- 2 years I on Tuesday Jan fl- Day Kves Newmar ket years old on Wednesday Jan Send in your name address age and become a member of the Newmarket Era and Express birthday club HI YOUR us let him mange the Mills trip into one packQ9 touting sopovaM hotels side trips etc SAMPLE FLORIDA 1HiyiSIMil SUMS Includes return fit by bus severe sightseeing trips hotel toom nights in stoom AN BUS INFORMATION AT HoUl and Bring Results HOWARD PROCTOR IS AWARDED TROPHY The highlight of the December meeting of the Newmarket Horti cultural society was a competition for a table center decoration on a Christmas theme Each entry had to use living plant material Winner of the Simpsons trophy for the best entry was Howard Proctor The judges were Rudy and Eugene McCaffrey Social -News- Mrs Fred Glover Mrs Arnold Mrs James Wright and Mr Wright spent New Years Day in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Ed Hill Mr and Mrs Henry celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Wednesday Dec 10 Century Where Quality is King Newmarket 567Jfc J 154 Timothy Sausages 39 c ib 1ST ii BOLOGNA in the piece ft Pink Camay J A SHREDDED