J Ice Fishing Starts On take Simcoe As last weeks cold snap set la take Simcoe which had been pea for weeks because of in consistent weather began a Although Cooks Bay has aeest for time only a few ice fishermen had pat hats out Last weekend small villages hats sprang dp and a line of then extended from Keswick each to the west side of the All fishing wasnt confined to a warm hat Many stood for hears on the ice fishing thro- ugh small holes Even if It isnt early In the season It seems nobody has told the fish for on Saturday they were not biting A few caught small perch while the majority only saw them the ice Marray left aad Don Stokes Newmarket a sled to transport their hut onto Cooks Bay A small hamlet of fish huts on Cooks Bay near Keswkk Beach is seen above Photos by Mike GUIan TOOLE In loving memory of our dear grandmother Ada Toole who passed away Jan IKS Loving and kind in all her ways Upright and just to the end of her days Sincere and true in her heart and mind Beautiful memories she left be hind Sadly missed by her grandchildren CARD OF THANKS We the family of the late James Lunney wish to thank relatives friends and neighbors for sharing our sorrow in the many acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes received during our re cent bereavement and also to thank Rev and the pall bearers We shall always re member your with deep gratitude Mrs and family CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs William would like to thank the many neighbors and passersby who gave their time and hasty labor at the fire at Drive They cannot ex press too much their apprecia tion CARD OF THANKS Mr and Mrs William Bren- nand would like to give extra thanks to the towns volunteer fire department whose thought- fulness and skill confined the fire to the upstairs of their house Most of the house was left intact with practically no water damage downstairs Queensville News The afternoon auxiliary of the Guests during the holidays at CLASSIFIEDS Continued BIRTHS AT YORK COUNTY ARMSTRONG On Monday Dec 31 to Mr and Mrs- Armstrong Armitage a son On Thursday Jan 3 1937 to Mr and Mrs Raymond Bradford a son On Friday Jan 1957 to Mr and Mrs Peter Beintama 2 Newmarket a son BURNS On Saturday Jan 1957 to Mr and Mrs Derek Burns Richmond Hill a son On Friday Jan to Mr and Mrs John Sharon a son JAMES On Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Elwood James Bradford a son YOUR CHAMBER OF COM IS BUILDING A BETTER COMMUNITY On Thursday Jan 3 to Mr and Mrs Maurice Halsted Stouffville a daughter LEPRiCH On Saturday Jan 5 to Mr and Mrs John Lcprich Jr Newmarket a daughter MacFARLANE On Monday Jan 19oi to tar and mi a i MacFarlane St Andrews Col lege Aurora a daughter MEADUS On Saturday Jan 5 to Mr and Mrs Ian Meadtis Elgin Mills a son On Wednesday Jan 1957 to Mr and Mrs Zane Lake Wilcox a son On Thursday Jan 3 to Mr and Mrs Russell Bradford a daughter WILSON On Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs David Wil son King a son EDWARDS Mr and Mrs Jack Edwards are happy to announce the birth of a daughter Susan on Dec at Toronto Western hospital DEATHS BARKHOUSE At Jefferson North Carolina USA on Tues day Jan 8 1957 George Bark- house husband of Bertie and father of Donald and Ross Resting at the Strasler Funeral Home after Friday Jan 11 1957 Time of funeral will be announced later BELL At Holland Landing on Thursday Jan 3 Neil Bell aged four weeks son of Fred erick and Florence Bell Service was held on Saturday Jan 5 Interment Pleasant ceme tery Bradford HASKETT At Wellesley hospi tal Toronto on Wednesday Jan 2 William Macfarland husband of the late Eva Osborne father of Richard kett Calvary brother of Mernie Washington state Peter of BC Kenneth of Brockville Mrs Fred Simcoe and Mrs Clarence Kerr Man Service was held on Friday Jan 4 Interment Newmarket cemetery At the Nursing home Aurora on Wednesday Jan 9 Frances Adelia formerly of Omaha Nebraska and Glenwood Iowa sister of WITH CANADIANS IN WALK IMt i i Mrs Sadie Rogers and Daniel Kenney both of Newmarket Resting at the funeral parlors of and Rose until time of service on Saturday Jan at am in St Johns church McKELLAR At the Stouffville nursing home on Sunday Jan Georgina McKellar aunt of Elmer Ferguson Stouffville George of Toronto Harry of Newmarket Hazel Thompson Toronto Mrs William Johnston Burlington and Mrs Leo Cull Newmarket in her year Service was held on Tuesday Jan 8 Interment Aurora ceme tery IN MEMORIAM In loving memory Of Leonard who died Jan 7 1954 God knew that he was suffering That the hills were hard to climb So He closed his weary eyelids And whispered Peace is thine Away in the beautiful hills of God By the valley of rest so fair Some day we know not when We will meet our loved one there Lovingly remembered by wife and son FLANAGAN In loving memory of a dear husband Hugh Flanagan who passed away January 12 1954 Sadly missed by his wife Jenny FLANAGAN In loving memory of my dear father Hugh Flanagan who passed away January 12 Three years have passed since that sad day When my dear dad was called away We had no chance to say good bye But I am sure to meet you by and by Sadly missed but always re membered daughter In loving memory of a dear wife and mother Mae good who died Jan The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while she sleeps a peaceful sleep Her memory we shall always keep Lovingly remembered by husband and family In loving memory of our dear parents George and Ethel We think of them in silence No eyes can see us weep But still within our aching hearts Their memory we keep lovingly remembered by the family MOLYNEAUX In loving mem ory of a dear husband and father John Hamilton Molyneaux who passed away Jan 3 We who loved you sadly miss y As it dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near Ever remembered by family SMITH In loving memory of a dear husband and father Bert ram Smith who passed away Jan 11 Calm and peaceful he is sleeping Sweetest rest that follows pains We who loved him sadly miss him But trust in God to meet again Sadly missed by wife and daughter TOOLE -7- In loving memory of our dear mother Ada Toole who passed away Jan In our hearts your memory lin ger Sweetly tender fond and true There is not a day dear mother That we do not think of you Always remembered by Earl and CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the ville Fire DepL and neighbors who came to our assistance in our recent fire Sybil and Leonard Salmon CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to friends relatives neighbors for the beautiful cards sent them the past year the SharonHope WA for lovely flowers and book also which were very much appreciated Thank you alt Mr and Mrs George Barker CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our heart felt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our relatives many friends and neighbors during the loss of our darling baby Lynn Marie sister of Valerie Roger and Ronnie We also wish to thank Rev J Wilkie for his comforting words the North Gwillimbury Township and the Police of North Gwillim and Markham Mr and Mrs Ronald Kydd CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our thanks and deep appreciation for the many many acts of kindness shown by our relatives friends neighbors and the Township at the time of the sudden loss of bur darling granddaughter also Rev J Wilkie for his consoling words Mr and Mrs Walter Kydd and Mr and Mrs Smith Womens Missionary society will meet at the home of Mrs Ker shaw Thursday Jan 17 at 230 The roll call will be A New Years Thought The worship period will be in the charge of Mrs Stick and Mrs Syd ney Thompson will review the study book on South East Asia Hostesses will be Mrs Milne and Miss J Traviss The evening auxiliary of the Womens Missionary society will meet Thursday Jan at 815 p m at the home of Mrs Will Ham ilton Mrs Sennett will con duct the worship service Mrs W Hamilton will take the study book Please bring literature to this meeting Hostesses will be Mrs Rex Smith Mrs Smith and Mrs The ladies of the Maple Hill and Baptist churches will meet at the home of Mrs Bill Knattett Belhaven for their monthly missionary meeting The roll call to be answered with a scripture verse beginning with the letter The officers for will be elected The evening auxiliary of the held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs Wellman Dr M Arkinstall Miss C Bates and Mrs Irwin were in charge of the worship service Mrs B Arnold sang a solo The hostesses were Mrs C Mrs Shropshire and Mrs Weddel Carols were sung and gifts were distributed by Santa Claus The election of officers for 1957 is as follows past president Mrs president Mrs Whitfield first vicepresident Mrs C Jeffery second vicepre sident Mrs Toombs superin tendent of younger group Mrs D MacMillan secretary Mrs V Cooper assistant secretary Mrs Smith treasurer Mrs D Wed del Christian citizenship Mrs J Morrilt committee on friendship Mrs Mrs Mussel- white and Mrs Hunter supply secretary Mrs A Oliver litera ture secretary Mrs Dew mis sionary monthly Mrs Smith Christian stewardship Mrs M MacMillan pianist Mrs K Hun ter assistant pianist Mrs cards Mrs J Kavanagh Mrs and Mrs Irwin auditors Mrs Dew and Mrs Toombs the home of Mr and Mrs Stick wood were Mr Johnston Toronto Burton Baker Gilmour Mr and Mrs Port Cre Mr and Mrs H Stickwood Madoc Mr and Mrs Carl Glover and Mr and Mrs C Haines Newmarket and families Mr and Mrs Arthur Ayr Ont are visiting their sisters Mrs B Dike and Mrs A J Milne and W Hawtin They all spent Christmas Day at the home of Mrs B Dike The community extends sym pathy to the relatives of Mrs T also to Mrs Ronald and family The Achievement Day for the club project being well dressed and well groomed will be held Saturday Jan 12 in Newmarket town hall All ladies interested are invited to attend the afternoon session when the 4H members will be putting on skits and demonstra tions and setting up exhibits to show the many phases of good grooming Mr and Mrs Lome McCordick Mr and Mrs Don Burns and Laura Thompson Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Sydney Thompson on Christmas Day ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Alva Clark Hol land Landing announce the en gagement of their eldest daugh ter Shirley Evelyn Margaret to Mr Jacob Paul Maries son of Mr and Mrs Oris Maries R R Newmarket The wedding to take place on February at Holland Landing Vandorf News Mr and Mrs Edward Aylett Sr spent Christmas day with their son and daughterinlaw Mr and Mrs Leonard Aylett of Toronto Miss Carol Creed of Newmark et had New Years dinner with Mr and Mrs Bert Barber and son Harry Mr and Mrs Bert Baber had New Years supper with their daughterinlaw Mrs Basil and son Stephen of Newmar ket Wesley United church SS con cert and potluck supper was held last Friday night in the church basement After a short program Santa mad his visit to the children Wesley held their candle light service last Sunday evening with a very good attendance de spite the bad weather Ruth White pent a few days with Barbara of Mead- owvale Mr and Mrs Clayton and family had dinner last Sun day with Mr Pogues sister Mrs J Cook of Toronto Miss Laura Mae Coulson was able to be home for Christmas af ter having an op eration at York County hospital Mr and Mrs John White Ken neth and Donald of Parry Sound spent two days last week with their parents Mr and Mrs Herb ert White Mr and Mrs Jack Irwin and family spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Willis Jarvis of BUckwater Mr and Mrs William Klngdon spent Christmas day with their daughter Mrs Arnold Gardhouse and Mr Gardhouse and family of Unionville Mr and Mrs Russell Snider and Helen of and Mr Stew art Mills were Christmas Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs John Pet- Mr and Mrs Herbert Grimshaw Mr and Mrs Kenneth Giles and Mrs William Powell all of Aur ora spent Christmas day with Mr and Mrs Roy Barbara and Irwin are pending a few days- with their cousins the Swan family Oi Master Ronald Thaxter of Tor onto is spending a few days with Johnnie Irwin Mr George Dewsbury was re turned to the board of trustees at the meeting on Wednesday night at the Vandorf school Mr and Mrs Robert Staley of Kempville spent the Christmas holiday weekend with their par ents Mr and Mrs George Rich ardson Powell a student at Grove school Lakefield is spend ing the Christmas holiday with his parents Mr and Mrs Clare Powell Mr and Mrs John Crawford Misses Elsie and Ann Crawford and Billie Mr Bill Kingdon Mr and Mrs Robert Staley were Christmas dinner guests of Mr and Mrs George Richardson Mr and Mrs James Wright Donald and Nancy of Chicago Mr and Mrs William and children of Mcadowvale had Christmas day dinner with their parents Mr and Mrs William Yake PLEASANTVILLE Those who have planned to make the Bogarttown WI bus trip to Toronto on January 15 please leave their fare with Mrs D Preston or at Proctors no la ter than January The Johnston brothers Max and Elmer are busy moving their big red house onto its new foun dation Mr and Mrs David Coates Sharon also Mrs McClure Mr McClure and Roger motor ed to on Sunday to the home of Mr and Mrs Camer on Mrs D returned home with them Mrs Barker of Newmar ket spent Sunday with her sister Mrs Karl Toole and family Guests for Sunday night tea with Mr and Mrs Roy Cody in cluded Mr and Mrs Cameron Cody and daughter Joan Mr arid Mrs Tony Cody Mr Sterling Co dy all of Toronto also Mrs Allan Cody and son Bob of Pine Orch ard and Mr and Mrs Chester Best of Newmarket Mr and Mrs David Preston of Toronto spent Sunday at the homo of Mr Preston i Mr and Mrs G Clure had New Year dinner at the home of Mr Murray GREETING CARDS FOR the best in Christian liter ature books plaques mottoes stationery and greeting cards of all kinds etc come and sec at the Evangelical and Gift Shoppe Howard Newmar ket William R Hall authorized agent phone TW New market The Newmarket Era in Jaw It TOE NEWMARKET ERA AND TWining 2332 and OFFICE 3 CHARLES ST Between and Davie Dr east of Mala Hoar Nine to Mew Accounts Also Payable At Toronto Dominion Bank Bank requires your bill when you make payment PRINTERS AND The Era and Express Is The Best Advertising Medium Which You Can Find HEAR The Ritchie Evangelistic Party la Ike Church of The Naiaren Albert Cera wearing Sub Jan at pm Week at LOOK The Gospel Film CON TRARY WINDS will be on MON JAN Other out standing films will be daring the meetings- GREAT MUSICAL TREAT BELLS MUSICAL GLASSES MUSIC WITH A CHASM MESSAGES WITH A CHALLENGE REORGANIZATIONAL MEETING OF THE NEWMARKET BRANCH OF THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY under the auspices of NEWMARKET MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION will be held in the GRACE CHURCH BOTSFORD STREET SUNDAY JANUARY at PM Rev C Rtidd District Secretary will be the speaker will show the film HOW WE GOT OUR BIBLE THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED Attend One Of These CHURCHES SUNDAY JAN 13197 SALVATION ARMY Newmarket Corps 14 Queen Si and Mrs 11 am Holiness meeting 3 Sunday school pm Gospel service Make the Army your church home FRIENDS MEETING Street a jn Meeting for worship Burton Hill and family expect to be with us for this service Come and join us in worship All welcome Thursday Jan ANNUAL MEETING pm Seek the Lord and His strength seek His face continu ally ST ANDREW PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Minister Rev J MA Ed Organist Mr Rudolph 10 am Church school am Nursery and Beginners 11 am Public worship Visitors cordially welcome missionary CHURCH GernUey and Bar Hanking ajn Broadcast Kc Worship Gormley a Sunday noon Worship Evening Gormley to Bible school am Morning worship pm Evangelistic service A Hearty Welcome Awaits You At Services FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Boy Scoot Hall Newmarket 10 Sunday school 11 am Morning worship 7 Evangelistic service Faster A LeBoy Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada fimeeiMm CHRISTIAN CHURCH Main SI Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Director am Morning worship Sunday Gospel service- Wednesday Jan pnr ANNU CH BUSI NESS MEETING All VICTORY CHURCH Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches Corner Arthur and Sis Newmarket Pastor Rot Roy Lai 050 Sunday School Pastors Bible class am- Worship Service Wednesday Prayer Bible Study A warm welcome awaits FREE METHODIST Rev Reynolds Mrs Gerald Organist 10 am Sunday school am Divine worship Evangelistic service pjnPrayer service All welcome CHURCH OF THE N AZARENE Mount Albert Gospel Sunday School pan- Clark Supt Special Service Rev Ritchie pat TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev M J Aiken Mr Leon Nun Choir Mr Leon Director 1100 Morning worship THE KINGDOM OF GOD Sunday School school 1120 am Beginners and Primary ajn Junior congregation am Nursery class A- 700 Evening worship THE SONG OF THE GUEST beautiful fat of The Shepherd Psalm You will