1 fc i 4 employ men valuable aad in Canadas Army ply good You learn new a trade or train be leader You a of reaTadvea- have a to make lifelong friends with fine men young a cut above After three years you make your choice to leave or and make a career with advancement to leave or stay and with advaaoeraenv and variety Find out about one Canadas better careen no obligation I Army C aw ARMY CANADIAN ARMY Toronto I Jul Tel EM I AftMY ft Richmond St Toronto Oal I EM MM toga Id the Newmarket and Thursday January wing man for a short time In and exposure suits Work will foci ho took on hi first I the suits sometimes RICHMOND HILL LIONS GO Monday January 7 1957 GOLDEN LINE 18 NUMBERS LIONS HALL PM ALL CASH PRIZES JACKPOT 500 NUMBERS ENTIRE PROCEEDS FOR WELFARE WORK Phone TW SWU NIGHTLY AT SAT MAT MI SATURDAY Mat Evening JIFF GEORGE LEX CHANDLER NADER ADAMS BARKER MONDAY TUESDAY THE OUTS AND GLORY STORY BOLDLY AND BRAVELY TOLDI AND THE COM ADULT ENTERTAINMENT fighters are lined up for the Klska raids which Canaadian pilots made daily in until the Japanese pulled out in August SL Brad Walker led the Canadian squadron in the Kiska action often under the poorest flying conditions in the world He already had done a tour of operations in Europe and after a half tour In the Aleutians completed his tour again In Eng land Many of the aircraft above and their pilots were lost in the Aleutians when fog rolled in on the islands they returned to their base Looking Back On A Fighter Pilots Log The Experience Of A Local Man From 194045 BY J Is the conclusion of a aeries about a former fighter pil ot Brad Walker of this district Mho was a squadron leader In the during the last war He won the the American Air Medal and was mentioned In dis patches Preceding articles In the Issue of Dec and Dec 20 told of hi first lour In fighters In England and Europe and then a half lour leading Canadian fighter pilots against the Japanese In he Aleu tian Islands No Fighter Squadron had this hook completed its work when the J a- At squadrons were panose left Kiska in August equipped with new Spitfire to which featured two cannon and four machine guns Canadian squadrons there were 441 and What had been 14 squadron in the Aleutians became in England again When the wing became opera tional they wore doing sweeps rhubarbs and dive bombing against nomads The pilots did not know what the nomads were at the time about April They later found out that they were rocket launching fr ond the tin returned Canada in October Brad Walker received the American Air Medal for his work at Kiska The squadron sailed again for England and as he took the Canadians to in Lincolnshire where they helped form a wing with Wing Comman der Johnny Johnson RAF John son is the author of Wing Leader a book published last fall about wartime flying with fighter planes Walker is mentioned in The Spitfire above was purchased with money raised by the police associations in Canada Called the Canadian Policeman the was used in squadron when Walker flew with it The presentation is being made to the squadron and the officer standing four from the left is Squadron Leader Campbell of the RAF who was Walker CO He waskillcd later set up by the Germ- an It was during April that the buzz bombs had started to fall on London Walker led the wing on some of these occasions when he was completing the second half of his second tour of operations as a fighter pilot He did work over the Ruhr escorting American bombers The Flying Fortresses flew in daylight at high altitudes bombing strategic targets in Germany while the RA delivered Us nightly tonnage in pattern bombing tactics on Ger man cities This night and day nonstop bombing helped to speed the end of the war Walker and his comrades fly ing the Spitfire would pick up the bombers high over the Ruhr or over Holland and give protection warding off any Ger man Me pilots who used to make frontal attacks on the bombers aiming their sights at the control cabins Brad never received a soar from his two tours of opera tions His aircraft whs hit on numerous occasions and he ex perienced some rough moments when shells burst through the pcrspex transparent canopy over the cockpit He did make a crash landing once after his engine conked out and his aircraft took fire over the English channel he glycol en gine cooling fluid system was hit hut he managed to glide to the coast and put down his air craft without suffering injury He went off operational flying in April of 1944 He had complet ed a total of two tours the first over England and Europe half of the second in the Aleutians and the last half of the second in Eur ope One lour in fighter command consisted of more than 100 hours of operational flying In bomber command a tour consisted of trips Brad Walker did a total of operational sorties in his service with the air force He met many famous flyers while serving in England includ ing the Guy Gibson who led the famous attacks on the huge dams which supplied power to the Ruhr valley industrial of Germany He met Douglas the fighter pilot who flew with artificial legs The com mander of 402 squadron was Gor don McGregor now president of trans Canada Airlines Buzz the controver sial Canadian ace who was killed in a Norseman crash in Italy after the war when he was on his way to right in Israel was Walkers operational trip over Europe Walker was a flight commander the time In dropped out of the and went with thfi to fight nt Malta It la Well known that was In squadron that want ed to be lono wolf nod build up Ida scorr of plan credit While public him one of to top many pilot will remember that their John often refulred wop oration to protect one another or perhaps a formation of their own bombers One couldnt go chasing after German some where else endangering the safe ly of others in ones formation ft 1 1 n g determination to shoot down as many planes so strong it was almost psycho volvcd being dumped Into during testa But the permanent force not quite what he wanted aft in the air force on he decided to make break After tho became a businessman he was Interviewed this Brad not ihoui much about life as a fight pilot As he says If a close chapter Probably he has had much time to think about II being an active businessman no with plenty to keep him busy the car foulness si Bradford an Newmarket When he wai interviewed hi apartment at Bradford brought up a wooden box froi the Basement and pried off tin lid with a hammer Inside His pale blue told eye the information for these lined up many German aircraft in his logbook newspaper clippin his gunslghts and few of them from the war days and him he was sent by photographs the RAF to Malta where his type of lonewolf fighting was useful Ho added quite a number to hi kill in he dog fights which help ed keep Malta on our throughout the war In a newspaper clipping with a wartime dateline Walker is quot ed as saying jokingly that if were taken prisoner by the Germans he probably would wind up flying an It is a fact that once said to his squadron companions that he would liked to have had a crack at his own squadron with a Ger man fighter plane Fighter pilots all were keyed up like race horses most of the time but like other people there were all types Some were like Some were quiet solid types Others were nervous and shy on the ground but deadly in the air But no matter how se vere the strain and how bad the situation in the war practically all of them will admit that they had a good time After the end of operations Walker went to staff col lege He intended to stay in the air force after the war One re quired the rank of squadron lead er or above to go to staff college He went with the National Re search Council and worked under Group Captain Hall who now heads the University of Western Ontario at London With Dr Hall he worked on develop ment of pressurized flying suits in war he opened the lid he sal f havent seen any of this since got out of the air force 1945 We spent the rest of evening on the floor of his room with pictures and clippings spread alt around the top of the box was Mae West and a jagged pice of shrapnel about a foot Ion That nearly hit when I on leave in London he said had been one of his closest m during the war he had tricved the vicious looking pic of steel after it had whined his head during a raid The souvenirs of war were lik something out of a book to They were curious to Walker to After more than a decade ha gone by some of the were hazy in his memory and W could not remember many tails of related incidents About flying now Once in while he thinks it might be to do a little but really he ha had enough of it He seems have nu desire to flutter in a little club aircraft and aft all there is little relationship club flying and the kin which was done in the war Some t a a lef from the war days of course never be lost or given up The arc in the mind the personalities the ones who never came the good times and the kind comradeship which is known Walker prepares for a fighterbomber mission during his first tour In England November The ground crew is attaching bombs under the wings of his Hurricane fighter which was used for dive bombing ships intallations and troops Later he flew Spitfires Many exairmen will recall scenes like these EAST TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE SPONSOUS FARM FORUM In SHARON HALL HON JAN 7 1957 pm FREE LUfJCH ALL FARMERS AND FAMILIES WELCOME Wfi Walker YORK COUNTY SOIL and CROP IMPROVEMENT ASSOC ANNUAL MEETING TOWN HALL NEWMARKET Wednesday January am Door Prizes WO am lo 1030 am PANEL Making an Extra Dollar GUEST SPEAKERS DR B C MATTHEWS OAC Soil Dept Bank on Your Soil LAWRENCE KERR Chatham Time Money Free Lunch At Noon IIARRV WALKER Newmarket President Newmarket SecTreas I i I WEDNESDAY TWO RIG FEATURES THURSDAY IT HADNT IN THIRTY BUI IT TO A a 851 D AVI DAVI KNIGHT JULIA m Members of squadron are shown In February in front of hurricane Three figures of interest are in this photo Brad Walker is second from the left in the front row Second from the right back row is the late Lloyd Aurora killed in action Third from the right middle row is the late Norman Aurora BreU died last week in hospital Toronto Change in Drug Store Hours MANY FRIENDS Commencing the week of January there will lc a change in New market Drug Store hours ami will lie as follows one store will remain open each day until and un til ft pm The other two stores will close daily at pm except Friday at pm and close each Wednesday at noon pm The stores will alternate on a three week schedule follows Week of Monday Jan to Saturday Jan The Best Drug Store Open all Week of Monday Jan to Saturday Jan Atkinson Drugs Closed as above schedule Week of Monday Jan to Saturday Lanes Pharmacy Closed as above schedule Week of Jan to Reid Atkinson Drugs Open all week Week of Jan to Harvey Lanes Pharmacy open all week Please check weekly advertisements in the Express in The Business and Professional Column for the name of Drug Store open for the next week NEWMARKET DRUG STORES REM ATKINSON iX HARVEY A f i V IS