I -rr- It Wwwartwi If eg TWrostay f At the number Canadians with was estimat ed At 9923000 About cent of Job were members labor union Ml It estimated hat In cur- rent year the value of foreign good In Canada will exceed the value of Canadian export by Mount Albert News Keswick News Half a million new dwelling unit have been built In Canada In the last five year TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH Public School Debenture Issue Heresy given thai Debenture Ureal at payable annually for a period of one It yean Hi denote I Ballon of and eeevraUaiW fully by the Ontario Municipal fraartf art available to the by placing jour order by tetter r with the enaVndgneri JOHN CRAWFORD Treasurer Township of Whitchurch ft If J Gormley Phone Pa or EAST GWILLIMBURY THE NOMINATION of candidates for the office of Reeve Deputy Reeve and Three Councillor to compote the coun cil of the Corporation of East for the year will be held in the MUNICIPAL HALL SHARON on FRIDAY NOVEMBER I the hour of One Oclock pm of which all interested are required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly If more than the number of candidates are THE ELECTION will be held on MONDAY DECEMBER 1956 from the hour of Nine Oclock am to Seven pm and no longer in each of the following polling namely MM AH MOUSE John Kenneth Howard No HALL SHARON Cecil Finder No HOUSE Terry Orel No JAMES HOUSE Carman Allan No eUARMSTRONOS Waller Armstrong Murray Cm to No SMITH HOUSE Harry Morton Vera rC No No Mm Albert Mr Warren rC No HOLLAND LANDING HALL Mrs J Mrs CoejJn rC No MRS A DAVIS HOUSE Mr A Davis Mr I Lawk rC The Cheerio club met at the home of Ralph on Saturday evening- The program In charge of Mrs Alan Hop kins Mr Wright and Mr Roy Carr Two beautiful by Malrlyno Contes at well the talk she gave In a recent public A Jour ney Into Autumn wan enjoyed by everyone Rev Robert Cur guest speaker gave a very Interesting talk Mm Trice look charge of he election of officer for The following officers were elected pre Mr Kenneth Mit chell Mr Don Thompson vlcepres Mr Foster seetrras Mrs Hoy pianist Mrs William assistant Mrs Ralph Program committee Mr Mr George Smith Mr Wright Mr Walter Clark visiting committee Mr A Hop- kin Mr McFarland Mr Vera Mr Allison Mrs M Kirlon Mr George Smith Mr M Stokes Mr M and Mr Hugh The club voted their usual donation to the Chamber of Com merce for the Santa par ade and to There was a attendance at the meeting when plans were dis cussed for the annual bazaar to be held Saturday afternoon Nov at 330 pm in the basement of the United church Mr Robert had the mis fortune to have his eye badly in jured while at work last Satur day Mr and Mrs Newmarket visited Mr and Mrs Robert on Sunday Mr and Mrs Roy were Sunday visitors In Stouffville at the home of Mr and Mrs David Several hunters have returned reporting success The first anniversary service of the Church of the Mount Albert will be held at pm and pm on Sunday Nov The singing Pitts fam ily five brothers and one sister will bring special message In song Rev minister of Grace church Toron to will be the special evening speaker Mr will be soloist at the evening service A special invitation is extended to everyone Mrs Carmen Rolling and Mr and Mrs Herman Clement were Sunday guests of Mr and Mr Frank Hughes Churchill Mr and Mr Roy and Mr and Mrs family Owen Sound wore weekend mother on Saturday Smith London visitors with Mr and Mr Mr and Mr Guy Williamson spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John Hypers Mr and Mr Fred and Miss and Mr Bud Edgar ware Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mr Dennis Thomp son Mrs Bruce Rolling and Miss Rolling spent the weekend In Toronto with Mr and Mrs Lome Clement a a Mount Albert horticultural soc iety la sponsoring a euchre and in the community hall at pm The proceeds will be for re novating the Pioneer cemetery Lunch will be- provided Federation The Whitchurch Federation of Agriculture held annual meet ing on Nov at Vandorf hall Annual zone meeting reports were given by J and Mrs Ft Armltagc and a report from the annual poultry meeting given by M McCallum Fred Wick York County field man Rave the county financial report and a talk on membership organization The officers for wore elected as follows pros first vtcepres Van- second viccpres S Starr Mrs McCal lum The Women Guild meeting held the home of Mr Moulds on Tuesday well at tended Sympathy goes out to Mrs Al ex Hopkins on the death of her father Mr Oliver of Sutton West a Rev John Williams his farewell sermon on Sunday Rev Martin of Toronto will in the pulpit at Sutton Mr Lloyd and George Stiles colled on Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson on Sun day been spending some time at the home of his daughter Mrs Bob Cunningham here He I conva- and still unable to walk af ter his serious accident early in the fall Mr Burrows and Mr John Burrow Mr Austin Hunt ley are among the hunters now In the north country Mrs Vera Herring has return ed after visiting her sister Mr Ella In Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Hogg who were recently married arc mak ing their home in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Eva and Donna of spent Sunday evening with Mr and wick Mrs Robert Davidson Mr and Mrs Dour Peters also recently married will live in Kes- and Mrs Perry Winch and Rev J Williams his wife and Mh5 Kva SHARON The Anglican church service each Sunday at am Sun day school is at am a The SharonHope United chur ch service is at am each Sunday Sunday school is at am a The Friendship circle Novemb er meeting will bo held on Wed nesday November at rim at the home of Mrs Albert Harr ison Program committee Mrs Howard Fry and Mrs Charles Haines Lunch committee Mrs Edwards and Mrs J The Friendship circle is hold ing a bazaar afternoon tea and hakesale at Sharon Hall on Sat urday December I from 3 pm to pm Mrs Harold Dixon and Bar bara Hamilton spent Saturday with the formers mother Mrs Howard Fife Mr and Mrs J visited Mr and Mr Thomas at Weston on two sons Glen and Kenneth had Sunday supper with Mr and Mrs Bernard Davidson Mr and Mr and Mis Nora Slaplcton returned to Keswick on Monday after spending two weeks with Mr and Mr daughter Mrs Hyde and Rev Hyde in Michigan Rev It Maxwell Toronto Bible College was present again Sunday in charge of the Christ- inn church service and will con tinue to supply until Rev is able to resume his work Mrs Wilder left on Wed nesday to spend the winter at her daughters in Toronto Mm day Campbell Toronto on Sun- Mr and Mrs have returned from a weeks vis it to Mrs Lewis re turned with Ihem for a visit Mr Jack Sutton as BELHAVEN Recent visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Donald Morton were Mr and Mrs Foster Aur ora Mr and Mrs Jack Mainprise Toronto spent a couple of days with Mr parents Mr and Mrs Ross Mainprise a Mr and Mrs Norman King vis ited Mr and Mrs Hope Stouff ville on Sunday Weekend guests at the home of Mr and Mrs were Mr arid Mrs Fred Brian and Wayne Toronto Famous Trkhotoojst Will Demonstrate How to Grow Thkker Hair and Guarantees It- Demonstration to Be Held Here A i pLeasantvillk A a club leader Mr George Smith was a guest of the Ontario Department of Agriculture at the Royal Win- Fair on November She so accepted the invitation to the leaders luncheon at Prince House St George St Toronto on November On completion of the project in the following were guests of the club of Toronto for luncheon on Wed- Nov in the Royal York Hotel for York county 4H club from Duckworth Jeanne Lehman Frances McCullougb Shirley Smith Walker I Eunice Judy Watts and their leader Mrs G Smith At the luncheon Frances Mc- Cultough received a lucky draw prize Following the luncheon passes were given to attend the Royal Winter Fair Brenda Glov er and Mary Lehman also enjoy- the afternoon at the fair Mrs Glover assistant leader for these projects also In the day Mrs If Lehman look- after transportation claims that hair can be grown on to be a miracle Mr- Guy Soules and brother balding heads offer a guarantee There one thine Keek wants Rav Toronto also Mrs Bill Pro- said to be certain and Dinah and John Proctor avails man knows If a Sundav tea guests of pears at the tempos a spot This new method of home treatment of and grow- thicker hair will be dem onstrated In Newmarket On- tarlo on December These Private dem onstrations will be held at The King George Hotel on Mon day ONLY noon to LONDON In an In terview here today Km I Internationally famous and director of the Hair Experts said There are IS different disorder that cause most men After iri ijr o jfi 3 if afsrarj spread jptycris normal r ire iSFnvv who for help and lose hair Canada to conduct common sense a person no one tonic or cureall could correct all NO the disorders he explained W no cureall far there tos the raot firm still capable of hair that most people are skeptical of we can perform what seems- 3 A large crowd of ladies gather ed at the home of Mrs Cooper on Tuesday evening for a cook ingware demonstration Mrss spent the weekend with her Mr and Mrs Hal- i The Happiest Shoppers Select from Our Big Collection of Gift Winners to Please Everyone GOME and SEE Your Family Clothing Centre FOR MOM Purse nylons blouses slips pyjamas scarves sweater sets For something special surprise her with a luxurious coat or jacket Coma in and ask our sale clerks about it FOR DAD Dress shirts sport shirts ties sox cuff links tie bars pyjamas sweaters T shirts trousers For something special get him one of our Suburban or all wool suits fate styles FOR SIS Cotton blouses lovely jumpers dresses skirts woolly mitts and gloves car coats or a full length wool coat FOR JUNIOR Rugged warm jeans snug ear muffs all wool melton cloth dress pants suits shirts sweaters caps or a man styled suburban coat Mr and Mrs Rob Houston and spent Saturday in Tor onto and attended the Santa were night Mr and Mrs L Harper Because of the illness and resi gnation Rev George Dix New market minister at Pine turned Union church during the past two years Harold will he the minister for an in definite time disappears To insure this begins to show up on crown we offer the guarantee you of the head there is something are not completely satisfied with wrong and it should be given your hair progress at the end of immediate attention days your money will be re- If the client follow our A 9 A A A I A A A A parade Messrs and Christie Hall friends from heir hunting trip in Halliburton on Sunday with three hear and two deer Mr and Mis Don Johnston and children spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Hall Mr Lyman Hall spent several days with Mr and Mrs Hay Thompson Mr and Mr Fife are both Mr Douglas Mount Colling- wood and Mr spent the weekend with their futilities Mr and Mrs William Steven son and Victor Virginia and Mrs Henry Kay had dinner on Sun day with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay Husbands Wives Get Pep Vim Feel Yowger luktiiua Km 40 Tabled CieJio In uiiknft I pet y At ell HOPELESS CASES DISCOURAGED the is quick to tell the hopeless cases that and Mrs Dour McClurejthey cannot be helped But the had Sunday dinner with Mr and hopeless cases are few Only Mrs Sharon if a an is completely shiny bald is he in this lost category Mr and Mrs Carl Greenwood lf how simple rules tea at the I thin or colorless the Keele home of Mr and Mrs Cooper 1 treatment van perform wonders private lion is by a to during treatment and after they finish the course there is no reason why they will not have hair all the teat of their lives said Our firm Is defin itely behind this treatment it all depends on the individual clients faithful observation of a few FOR SOUND GOVERNMENT Vote GEORGE for Newmarket council HOLT Brown from Jamaica will be guest speaker at Holt church for two weeks Tuesday evening November every at pm Mrs Emit Is in hospital is Improving is Riven the condition of his scalp and cause for his hair trouble EXAMINATION This examination is very thoroiiKh and highly technical It requires The to minutes hoi Ovists makes no HOWS HAIR If worries you rail A it The Klnjc Hotel In Newmarket Ontario on Mon day ONLY December 12 noon to The public Invited You not nerd an appointment The examina tions are private and you will not be embarrassed or ti ed In ally idv New Year DAY TRIP Aluminum welded door In Canada EXPENSES PAID FOR FOUR Shop Early at There Are Many More Gifts Come And Browse Around- Youre Department Store Mr and Mrs George Mattes were guests of Mr and Mrs Wilson Newmarket on Saturday Mr and Mis Hunt Taylor and family forties- Point were Sun day of Mr and Mrs Don Thompson Mr and Mrs Harvey have moved m their new home at Mount Albert Mr ami Mis Dime tended lh- Winter fair last week Mrs if a tmplc of vwhs at of Harold at while f Mr Is a trip down Mrs Aubrey and am- spent Sunday with Mr and Mr Coals Mr and Mis Sunday Mr end Mrs Gordon The Cheerio group met at the home of Mrs Ralph Sat urday evening I V A Until extruded PHONE FOR with information mi our NO DOWN Willi Id ay till 1M7 and then only a month plus bank interest on approved home iinuvement loan to equip linme with Sentinel aluminum storm and windows and Sentinel famous windows and are and expertly inatslled by instnllers PHONE NEWMARKET Switchyard open till pm for rail i i A feZ- A Little Paw the mumps is ill with Mrs Waller ill still 9tr- first quality of aluminum storm and windows and doors v