IT Pages Editors Notebook arc not sure whether should declare open war against Reeve Edward or conduct a cold We have tried to maintain a policy when comes to deal ing with local politicians We to think of thorn as units whn they are at work and hu man beta when they arc out- sldt council chambers In smalt town It difficult to unbiased when one knows member of he local gov When we meet members of council at social functions or on the street we try to forget they are politicians We expect them to forget our position as a newspaper but they do not al ways behave as we would want them to behave resented a report In last weeks issue of this newspaper that he used bad language at a meeting of council Last week ho told us that he did not do such a thing and that all members of coun cil would back him up His request for a retraction on our part has not been grant ed The fact that the reeve used bad language is of little importance us and is not likely that it Is important anyone else except the reeve From the Files of Wo have four witnesses to back up our own report If the reeve uses bad language In the supposedly dignified coun cil chambers and then wants lo make a denial later It is his problem alone What dislike arc the lac- tics he uses in fighting back The fact that he went to the owner of this newspaper in hopes of arranging a reprimand for us has had an effect on our opinion of him are sure the owner would not want an editor who could not handle his own problems with local poli ticians We are familiar with the reeves tactics We could men tion more of them which we have encountered since he was elected lo the town council but we have no wish to do so We merely mention the above inci dent to explain that our atti tude towards the reeve has be come entrenched Our re gret is that we must wrestle with this altitude every time we assess his actions in munici pal government Politicians who make slips rind later wish they hadnt cannot have the records as far as this newspaper is concerned The Era and Ex press is not Hansard and 50 Years Ago SEPTKMBKR Mr and Mrs Ernest man ager of the Ontario Equitable Life Bank Hay Street Toronto were the guests of Mr Mrs Morrison District In spector Newmarket on Thurs day Mr and Mrs Parks Cay uga attended the opening of Emmanuel It g Toronto Ihls week and visited with Mr and Mrs Ave Mr and Mrs ft Tench en tertained for a few days as wel come guests Mrs Thomas Duke of Vancouver BC Mr and Mrs Hacked and Mrs Tenchs brother Mr Stuart Ma son of Mono Mills Mrs Duke proposes returning to her in Vancouver about the of October Mr and Mrs A Mathews Toronto Miss Annie and her sister-in- law Mrs George A Scott Van couver BC have been guests during week with Mrs ion Scott Mr Mackenzie who is a solo ist in Westmoreland Unit e d church and a friend of Mr Aub rey Bailey sang at the evening service of Trin ity United church last Sunday Mr and Mrs George West and children of Midland are staying with Mrs It Stew art Mist Margaret Strang spent the weekend in town Mr and Mrs if motored to last week end where they were the guests of Mr and Mrs liar- vey Mr and Mrs Edgar Noilly have moved from Main St North to Mrs Evans bonb on Prospect Ave Miss Ida Proctor has relumed after spending a few days with friends at Bond Head and vicin ity Mm W of Toronto and Miss Mary spent a few days week with Mrs George in town Mm William Which of was the guest of the Mis ses Toole last Thursday Miss Grace is viijt- her brother George lit South Bend Indiana SEPTEMBER Newmarket Girl Successful Miss Marion daughter of exprincipal of New market Model School has been distinguishing herself and bringing to hoc town In examination on nature study for teachers of the province Miss as did four other ladies captur ed a scholarship donated by Hon Dr Minister of Edu cation to the value of 50 and a three months course at the Institute Unfortunately Miss is not in a position to accept the prize this year as she propose attending the Institute next year and will continue her du ties as teacher in public school at Peterboro Miss Anderson of Toronto was a guest at the over Sunday Mr and Mrs Smith and Mrs J of Toronto visit ed at Mrs MacAithurs on Wed nesday Miss Nellie Kelly has secured a desirable position as assistant teacher in the school of the flourishing town of Brandon Man Mrs of New Mis of India Mrs Wal ler Lee Mrs Mis George Mr Mrs of Toronto anil Mrs Argles of Orchard Beach visited with Mr Bastedo during Ihe Fair Mr and Mrs and grand daughter and Miss of King City visited at Mr St during the Pair also Mr and Mrs A I and daughter Vera Mrs Curtis of King City Mis James and daughter Flora of Brace- bridge Mi and Mi J I and Miss Mildred of Havenhoe spent a few days last week with Mrs era ton near Hamilton Mr and Mrs spirit Sunday with their son Mr Al bert Kneesliaw Mr and Mrs Win Thompson left for Toncnce Muskoka on Wednesday for a month Mist spent few days last week with Mis M POOR BUT PROSPECTING GOOD Central Is how It happened explains Bob Sybil as fat hold a rock for her lo rear In the gel counter and a friend John discovered a man dtMsIt in Perth county Ontario while on a trip Hill were not and they were ready to call it quite when dropped their fishing tackle and picked up Ihelr tout The ticking heard rimed them send a sample of the to the Ontario department of mine- which reported they found uranium They are not what they are Going about It yet but consider they have come a Jong way years they have been in Canada They arrived here from In their pockets Canadian to Sylvia a Te and Impress Serving Newmarket and the rural district of North York Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger The Newmarket Era The Express Herald Published every Thursday at Charles St Newmarket by the Newmarket Kra Express Limited Subscription for two years fur one year in advance Single copies arc each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized a Second Class Mall Tost Office Department Ottawa John E Struthcrs Managing Editor Caroline Ion Women Editor George Haskell Lawrence Racine Job Printing and Production THE EDITORIAL PAGE Sports Editor QUESTIONS ON SUBDIVISION The proposed subdivision for the Lewis Irtish ami approved by town council last week probably will be the best residential development in Newmarkets his tory But councils approval leaves two unanswered questions First what will councils policy be when the next application for a subdivision is made Second how could council give its approval when health authori ties already have informed council that no health ap proval can be given for more houses until there is a sewage disposal plant The development policy adopted by council last year calls for new industrial assessment to be brought in with every residential development The amount must percent of the residential assessment Council passed Mr Charles Boyds subdivision without that required percent We merely point out that it would be dif ficult to turn down another local developer on a similar proposal now that the accepted development policy has been overlooked It is recalled that Dr Robert King sent a letter to council some months ago slating that no public health approval could be given to more subdivisions while there is no sewage disposal plant An approach has been made to the province in hopes that the new water re sources commission will undertake the sewage disposal project but it may be a long time before sec results With respect to the new Boyd development and the pub lic health authorities We are not what happens now WE MADE OUR BED Described as fighting mad a Philadelphia minister returning from the Orient last week was reported to have made bitter statements about the ignorance and highhandedness of the whites in the Orient Condemnation of Western civilization for poor treatment and exploitation of the less fortunate peoples of the world is mounting like a tide Western ers themselves arc joining in to blame this civilization for conditions in Asia and Africa Of course it was no less guilty of exploiting peoples years ago than it is today In fact today some Western govern meats Bri tain being the leader are doing their utmost to remove the stigma of colonialism Hut it must be remembered that France and Holland fought lo the hitter end to maintain their colonies The returning minister said Were the most hated people in the world today and rightly so He warned of an invasion of the Western world peril which has been feared for go rati Why shouldnt they invade Suppose you were starving and you saw people next door dumping food into Ihe garb age wouldnt you break down the fence he asked Pointing out that they are being blamed for being in terested in communism he said theyre so low that any way is up Despite the efforts being made to undo wrongs of colonialism it is not likely that condemnation of the West will decrease As long as there is a great difference in living standards there will be resentment among Asians and Africans a long history of exploit ation cannot be forgotten Ami ignorance among travel lers to these countries offsets much of the good being done by their own governments Businessmen and tour ists with plenty of money to spend conduct themselves like superior beings in underprivileged countries ignor ance of what is happening around them and a lack of appreciation for human emotions as well as living con ditions impedes the development of understanding between Westerners and Asians in particular And despite the talk about the eradication of colonialism still there are too many people who think and act like colonial administrators of Ihe century It is entirely within the realm of possibility that the rise of Asia presages lite decline of the West The serious student of history is aware of the fact that ho civilization lasts forever while the average citizen of all times has been more inclined to believe that the purpose of the universe was to produce this particular moment Like the of the past we dwell in luxury and ignore the barbarian hordes seething on our frontiers Our own actions have been the yeast that has leavened this ferment and our children will eat bitter bread We have made our bed and now we must lie in it NEED SAFETY COUNCILS After a ten months campaign to cut the traffic toll in this province Attorney General A Kelso Roberts could report some considerable progress recently Fa talities on provincial highways were reduced during this period by 1 percent as compared with the same period in This is a substantial achievement but as the Attorney himself pointed out death toll is still high Nearly two persons are killed every day on provincial highways another dies on the roadway of a city or town in Die same period On the average one able bodied person dies on the roads of Ontario by viol ent means awry eight hour working shift he said The attorney generals department provincial pol ice the department of highways and such organizations as the Ontario Safely League have been and are continu ing to promote the kind of driving that will reduce high way accidents The police have ami will continue to curb the kind of driving thai ends in a death These efforts are making the progress noted on provincial highways Bui what about local Iraffie fatalities Fre quently the victim of motor mayhem on local streets is a pedestrian ami too often victim is a child To rope with this local traffic toll in Ontario cities and towns the Attorney General has stressed We are par ticularly interested in formation of local safely councils and in the maintenance of these local safety councils jit a high standard of efficiency They are not only worthwhile they are essential to a fully successful traf fic safely I rive OUR SIDE OF THE STORY by fi HARVEY WHY ARE OUR RETARDED Alter Slims brush with tin- irate citizens of West Thimble we sort of figured that his passion for public office had tooted a mite K letch had stor med into the office and an to all and sundry that he was through finished for ever with politics and politic ians That man is hopeless he yelled If he were the last man left alive he couldnt get elect ed dogcatcher by a community of cats When Slim came into the of fice a few days later he looked subdued but by no means beat en Well Slim we asked hows the campaign going then sat back to listen to all the excuses as to he wasnt go ing to run Why its just fine he replied and plopped down in KletcVa chair and began rum- aging through his desk fie found stock of cigaret tes opened the pack lit one then 3 an afterthought put the rest in pocket We all thought thai hed you are things fir asked Slim polished nails on his coat and visibly preened He I htm used logic How logical with Ktetch we stoffed He said that campaigning for was more dangerous heir a missionary trying to spread the Word on a cannibal if land Listen said Sinn there one thing I learned acput that you didnt a the farcy un iversity of your You an if- till youre blue the face you can be as right as and as logical as Aristotle bit if your appeal to a man in a peron a hell find some for Willi you even if if only a wart on your nose or the fact that youve got oar But you a hat stands to gain by you And hell do it and Democracy tan lie preserved only by education It would hi- too bad if the schools were Vented from doing then job because of mistaken notion- of what democracy requires And yet ve arc running that rhk today ability of thru In many of our schools chil dren are being promoted regar dless of attainment and children ore being held back lo keep pace with the less able These practices ore defended In the of democracy Actu ally they area denial of the bas ic principal of democracy the principle of fair play and equ ality of opportunity This requires that ail be equal Winnies to a- head as fast as heir ability per mits Canadian educators vho pro- feu admiration for licit and culture as compared with that of the United State Mill pfiflin to pay any attention what have been doing Indeed some of our schools seem determined lo follow American methods veil after they have been aban doned in US This especially noticeable in mai ler of Hiving all children It is agreed thai entering our ore least one year in advance of our own of the tame age If yon ask defender of educat ion fait yon likely to hi told thai you compacing the with ovirajjc Canadians That am we is not lo hit Mourner I made an effort get he tool of matter Cue factor esteem in which hold edit- in with Our excessive rvgaid lor athletic may not altogether the of progressive educat ion although would Mem to have Mime with tie- open contempt which so many progressive display toward much of liberal educat ion Another lor is tin tend- iMy lo let the students deride hey are to How we expert a teenage Indent to lake If he can equal credit fur J more rapid development of children toe to one simple hump- ait have study One Inn by Hie in her of the children in any ami from school even the young children Most however is incentive to study which piiidically all school provide Incentive to Judy is provided at levels In the high it lakes live Mo of for univer sity or even for ad- to In Sweden their no lor attending university In others like Italy Ihe fees ate low like Jtiitaill system of hill- or slate to aide Mud dents of itieiilti The idea Hod who hits gone hie It Minted even when promotion may he has a iifthl in would be edible Km ope There getting into in an iiih- VCflHtll elemental In nine by dividing AtudciiU class- on of their attain- at about age of eleven it course being foil- in of the in We me living hi most complex age of history We need a deeper understanding of hist o politic and economics than did pimple societies of the Our university courses in natural are so that students have little time for and unless they had a in mathematics and science in high school It would be regrettable If a mistaken con ception of democracy were to prevent our high schools from giving thai preparation I of the chance even if he has admit that Christmas comes in July Thats what did with Hes convinced that Im the best man for the job be cause if I get elected Ill he in Ottawa most the year and he wont sec me again lie says hell get me elected even if he has to shoot every other candi date and let me win by default We were stunned Whats figure on doing now asked Klctch figures that dont suit my type of personality so hes figuring on how to sell me without exposing me he answered A sort of political pig in the poke we commented Slim squirmed a I aint so sure like the reference thats the general idea says that if you try to sell soap you dont grab people throw them down in the street and give them a bath You use an indirect approach How can you run for office if you dont let people see you we asked times have George Drew or Louis St or Low any Slim Pr4tiUy we ted ThiVs right What it va iss XK you to see So mm the lh fcttter jot lias got a- iys were o eys like when they thought of SILt eel quails- the off- a as 0 en lh he wasnt even by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches the United Slates and in some Canadian cities Hut in this country there i often an at tempt to conceal the fact that the students are being divided according to attainment as it it were something to ho asham ed of Thereby a large part of benefit is lost tu where every knows about division and where parents I where their In their classes students work to gel into the upper group ami parents help them Students come schol arship and they develop habits of work Thus the benefits the division show Up right from the beginning of schooling The belated and melancholy appearance of the sun is helping us to finish up last seasons work and at the same time try to do this falls seeding as well While the tem perature at the height of the day climbs to and we cannot help feeling what a good thing it could boon a lew weeks or even a mouth ago The one really harmful fact about this years condition is of course that it does not scorn to end with the season Everything late it sets us back for next year as well and this time of the year it means that a lot of fall wheat is not going in when it should be planted This in turn will Lilt tease the amount spring grain to be done next year One could go and on conjecturing on the possibilities and consequences There are two factor which should be considered oven as late as now in planning this falls and spring farm work Pile that from all ap pearances it seems that small seeds clovers and grasses will be very expensive year This will of course decrease the amount of grasses to grown or seeded down The other is that this years pasture the one bright and positive factor we can point to lias worked hard all long and unless these fields gel some extra plant food they may just decide that a the new seeds ex ceptionally high ami well grown and undoubtedly a lot of Us will yield to the temptation of them fa As a of fact we got bate hay it or which was planted only this spring No field can do this withe extra plant food and this should be Another effect of the sea son is a possible decrease in fall wheat acreage This stay not be very large if the present wea ther continues and may not be as large all over the province as tt can be in this section of the country Whether to plant wheat at this late dale or not is of course a tough decision to make but with proper conditions from here on wo are sure that a well above average crop can be grown if the planting i done within the next few days All the forgoing thoughts ate of reflected in the extra huge number of sates that seem to be coming up as announced in the local papers It almost seems as if this season has been the straw thai broke cam els back and persuaded some who may have hesitated that to sell is only solution far the largos majority among those selling seem be dairy farmers This whole area once one of the main milk sheds of the city is slowly diving up as far us milk goes II just could be thai like the weather affecting fanning for vears to come some of the shortsighted and opportunistic policies followed in the past few years are now bearing their fruit It could he very bitter and unhappy product A Celebration Order tor Vie tit nut of the n tit it in inter- mat tttiiiifimi ixmttit it function of the iltmii Ilium tun hie ft till indivufuut Central At a coming out party In New York Utter of iose Susan Chaskel after raiUng jtory at the first pups ever barn as the result of a transAtlantic artificial Insemination in which mother never left Ithaca NT sire never left England Or A University of London prepared samples of semen for shipment by air to Ur a- Leonard New York Slate Veterinary Cornell unWerafty who conducted Imcrnirulion of the female beagle Preserved diluted with boiled milk was used HO leaving The average life of normal dot i I