MOWS MIMETO Mitt If of a held In by Donald and Mm John Alter tow word of thank by Miff Sheridan a delicious lunch served by the SAND CLUB ECINS SEASON opening meeting the wa gon for the ami Womens of Newmar ket will be held at the King Geo rge Hotel on Monday Sept- at pm A special program has been arranged New members at meeting Anyone who unable to come for the dinner is Invited to attend for coffee and business session at 8 pm tm mans By CAROLINE ION It not to find a home maker who combined success fully her Job of mother and wife with one or two activities out side her home But someone like Mr J of Brampton is an exception She has held high executive posts in more than a dozen groups and has been to remain a serene person no small accomplishment in this age of pressures and tensions Mrs has many firsts to her record She was appointed re to the Board of Governors of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and was the only Canadian woman delegate to the A phone in she milts it convenient for Mom l or tattt ails dropping ettrythinj Extend telephone convenience to any part of your home LIVING PRIVACY Take the run out of running your home have a telephone within easy reach all the house J a month for each additional tele phone in centres And where your telephone part of the decor theres a bright choice of red beige or ivory You can have your telephones installed In no time merely call your Telephone Office The Tor an installa tion it only more for color BILL COMPANY OF CANADA UN General Assembly last year Women In this district will have an opportunity of meeting Mrs Houck and hearing her tell of her experiences at the United Nations when she Is a guest of the North York Womens Liberal association next week she wilt address the groups fall dinner on Sept Mr end Mrs have five children and eight grandchildren They live on a farm near Brampton Mrs is known to hun dreds of women through her Wo mens Institute activities She has held many senior posts among them the presidency of the Peel County and Toronto area arid convener of citizenship and of United Nations on the national level For twelve years Mrs served on the Brampton and Board of Education She was a member of the Hope Royal Commission of Education She was one of the first two women on a directorate of ap pointed to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair She has served on the national board of the and during the Second World War was a group captain of the Brampton War Service canteen Her record of service in her home county includes work as president of the Grace United church Womens Sun day school teacher president of the Peel Memorial Hospital Wo- mens auxiliary and member of the board of governors and a charter director of the on and District at ion of which she was convener of adult education Mr is a director of the Canadian association of Adult a provincial director of the MeotaJ Health association present the Ontario Womens Liberal association She served as a provincial director of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board She has been a sympathetic I worker in school nightclasses for Neve Canadians She has taken a I prominent part In citizenship and social activities for these new comers to our country Added to this background of experience is an unusual ability as a vigorous and interesting speaker Mrs says that three of the things she learned from her UN work were the val ue of compromise decisions rea ched quickly are frequently harmful and It is possible for countries and people to remain friends even though they disa gree DEADLINE FOR WOMENS NEWS lor the Women Pago of the Era and Express must be re calved by each Monday to insure that it will appear in that weeks paper Publicity chairman of local or ganizations are requested where ver possible to have their copy ready for the Womens Editor on Thursday or Friday of the pre ceding week It may be mailed to Mrs- Nelson Ion Newmarket or sent in by telephone NEWMARKET BROWNIES The First Newmarket Brown pack will meet weekly at the Scout Hall on Monday at Brown Owl will be Mrs Ray The Second Brownie pack will meet at the same hour Wednesday night with Arthur Lloyd as Brown Owl HONOR BRIDEELECT AT SHOWER PARTY A miscellaneous shower was held honor of Miss Betty Shropshire of Pine Orchard at the home of Mrs Vincent Hod- on Sept Miss Shropshire is a brideelect of Sept More than were present The hostesses were Miss Margu erite Rowland and Mrs Robert After the had received her gifts lunch was ser ved The By COlVlttl BANDS Round tow to Nwmimi Mm Hfttftaay Trinity WA Hears Talk On Canadian Consumers Association The Womans Association of Trinity United church met Thurs day at pm for the opening Jail meeting The theme for devotions was the 23rd psalm after which the speaker Miss Jane Hamilton member of Board of Direct ors Canadian Association of Con sumers told of the associations beginnings in 1947 its difficult achievements and objectives Among the many buyers prob lems concerns itself with are fiber content labelling of textiles standard garment sizes toytesting nondeceptive meat wraps package weights contents properly labelled and food in spected Also consumer members complaints securing in many cases complete satisfaction The speaker was thanked lor her interesting and instructive ad dress by Mrs convener of the Citizenship pro grams Mrs sang an inspirational that was much appreciated by the gathering Tea was served by the social commit tee First of all Id like to congrat ulate the Newmarket Band on its splendid showing at the Mr- reason be a proud man when his bands marks went well over the mark was only sorry we not be at the Ex the day they competed But 1 want to speak of two bands we heard the first day we were at the Ex tins Coldstream Guards band and the band belonging to our own Services It was suppose the contrast between maturity and youth The Canadian band was a baud with alt the of youth luck of finish luck of polish and not too much of shade And yet on the other hand it had the glamor of youth They had the eagerness lo put them selves into their playing the reaching after effects and in some instances achieving good ones that made one feel here was a band in the making Then in the afternoon and even ing we listened to the band of the Coldstream Guards and what a band I know from choir and orches tra work that a musical organ ization stands or falls by what their conductor is able to put across He can should he lack knowledge and enthusiasm get from his group exactly what he gives and so leave his audience cold Or he can be the oppo site as Major Pope of the Guards was and get an amazing response from both band and audience Leslie Bell as gave vivid and concise descriptions of each number liberally sprinkled with witty quips which enlivened the proceedings and did away with any tiresome pause between the numbers In Major Pope we had I fancy the finished product of Madden Hall a man who knew every nuance every phrase and every bit of color in the music the band gave us Watching him draw one section quiet another bring all to a wonderful crescendo finale was a liberal education in con ducting One could only hope there were some budding con ductors in the audience who would take it lo heart All the pieces showed the conductors control of his per sonnel and their mastery of their instruments The number will be Ionic fresh in my mind wan composed by Mujnr One heard that grand old hymn The Hills while softly from a distance periled a church and front military post etr the notes or the Dr Hell told us that he had heard it it few weeks previously in KdhiburHli at the mists tip over the and Holly rood Castle with its Irtgk memories loomed background We heard it against back ground of a bund shell a further backdrop of the lake and the of light oiul color that blooms over the ft evninj The instant absolute that fol lowed tins number the broke out showed how deeply we had fallen under mmpxv One thing altogether apart from Ihe number of who listen wilh appreciation lo the band concerts Is the conduct of the children When towns used to be noted for their band ton- certs one of the drawbacks wore the children who roared and romped around with no regard for the fact that the majority of people came there to hear the band In contrast is the behavior of the children at the CNE band concerts We had children right and left and in front of us and they seemed to love the music If they didnt they slept or bliss fully adorned their persons with spun sugar or some other deadly sweet and bothered no body One other thing that always amuses me at these concerts is the number of people who shed their shoes and watching some people toward the close of a day at the Ex one can understand how glorious a feeling it must be to let their poor feet rest on the cool grass If one has eyes to see and a sense of humor there is no phase of life one cannot see A man from Wisconsin USA told Archie that he and his family never miased coming lie said he thought his son knew more about it Hum Can adians of the same age 1 as and fiddles go Col l HANDCRAFT GROUP SEASON tilt roup on Will Order at lo various ioo to In group tit it- it tend oo lb Hi mtmBam e i ft n- Mr I tit so- lt m A Donald Archer is redly in tune with the times High fidelity sound expert Donald Archer On older phonographs and you hear part of the sound Todays hifi the lowest and of the musical with start ling realism This modern development has meant great progress in the recording field As a family man Mr Archer also benefits by continuous progress in another field life insurant Policies more flexible and more adaptable to the needs of individual families Today you can obtain life insurance policies that provide not only basic protection but ready funds for emergencies also policies for education for your home for protecting your business and tor ensuring your retire ment income In these and other the life imunutce in Canada progressed with the limes the of in ait walk of life THE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA Jh of Jif by doubled Jo in ytan FRE TO ALL CUSTOMERS NEW SERVICE TO THE NEWMARKET Available through your local cleaner AVENUE CLEANERS DAVIS DR E Newmarket Ph one Custom Cleaners ADFORD ONT Phone AURORA CLEANERS 74 YONGE S AURORA Phono PA 75491 NEWMARKET CLEANERS beautiful Tea Towels with every 5 shirts expertly laundered this offer opening week only SEPTEMBER 14 to 21 I like ay skirts elf and handled cart lot da wear exactly y 149 MAIN ST Newmarket Phone 720