Tender had tailed time no local firms had offered price Norton Con struction Coi of Breton Smith of King City S Davits and Construction both of Toronto were the other firms making bids in the last ten call The lowest tenders from the King township council has included in the the tender of from by council fi distributed as follows WiU MJ King City ffifei rt i and drainage William subject lo the approval of septic tank and disposal bid Bros Tor- King Municipal Bldg King City and District Mrs Laura Rollins Correspondent Phone Kin Ontario municipal board The lowest of the five bids the Morrow price lower by 9V than the highest price It also less than the bid by four onto electric Harold Cook No- roofing and sheet metal Walter McLean painting Keena of Bolton heating and ventilating Lloyd Toronto contracting firms in floor July REAL BARGAINS AT Our Prices Are Unbelievably Low For Quality These Jackets Are One Example 198298 Reg To 995 Men Young Men Boys Boy a short pants with at raps lined double knees Faded blue jeans Men dross socks to the only suits to Doeskin shirts Mens jeans Boys pullover Boys dress pants waist to Ladies coats to Jfi allweather m m Indies re in Work shirts Miss Kay Clark RN King City is one of the participants in an Ontario Department of Health Exhibit booth at the CNE in the government building The exhib it is especially attractive and is drawing considerable interest Fifth Classroom The fifth classroom Is ready to be used at King City school Mr George Gould gra duate of Toronto Teachers Coll ege will be in this room Miss Phyllis Addlson also a new graduate will take the room occupied by Mrs Mary Hemphill for the lost two terms Mr Ray Burt school board sec retary reports enrolment wilt be about of which 24 arc begin ners Coming from vilie school section arc 25 pupils in grades to and from Strange section nine pupils in grades and Dr Moves Dr J and family have moved to their farm on the of King which takes their five children out of the King school to go into New Scotland school under Mrs Ruth Finch The Brooks family of King City are renting the house on their farm on of King The smaller house is likely to be rent ed also Choose Kinjr City For Home Newcomers to King City arc Mr and Mrs Richard John son and family They have mov ed from Elgin Illinois and have rented Mrs Harvey house South Mr Johnson is a management consultant with his office on Richmond St East Toronto and is a certified public accountant Mr and Mrs Johnson play golf swim bowl do ice skating and have done cubscout work Mrs Johnson conducted Girls club before she left the US Miss Dorothy grand daughter of Mr and Mrs Edwin Mr Ted Johnson and frienjf of Erie were holiday week end visitors of his brother Mr Johnson Kcelc St South who moved to the village just before the weekend Bill Jack and Aubrey Gregory Plans Near Completion For Sale By Kingcrafts On September There is a task here for every- rugs and an assortment of small The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Sept one Lady convenor of Kingcrafts third Country sale on Sept 26 told Kingcrafters at a general meeting in Kingcrafts House In August The big event will be held for the second time children of Mr and Mrs William MQpk Gregory St enrolled in Sacred Heart separate school of King on Tuesday The Gregorys who purchased the Kee home moved to King City a week or so ago from To ronto The Kces moved to Flor ida on Sept after owning a home in King City for seven years Mr belonged to the local Lions club Mrs Arthur receiv ed word recently that the Mc Kinnon family escaped a seri ous accident to McCann Nova Scotia from Toronto where they were going to live Mrs Morris is Blanche and the couple have three young children Shirley Honored With Shower Showers for Miss Shirley Raw- lings King City have been held for the brideelect whose and evening After Lady and the president Mrs Barrett Partridge heard progress reports from the handicraft conveners they were satisfied that the project will meet all expectations The last general meeting to complete things are ready The ruggers have donated most of their work to the sale since their materials are not costly They also have a piece in the raffle draw The ceramic group has a largo number of attractive well desig ned and useful pottery items in- eluding jewellery sets Mrs K Tuck gave the report The art have several oil paintings decorated baskets for marketing and gardening de corated small fry pan as party popcorn holders Mrs Peacock re plans for the countrywide event will be held at Kingcrafts House has coll intriguing antiques and at tic bygones and asked for more of these for the sale Already she has sales for many pieces Mrs Glenn Sawyer told of smock ed articles half of them baby nighties Mrs Gage Love knitt ing convener is collecting a wide assortment of baby clothes dolls outfitted and novelty sports it ems made by friends Fancy ap rons will also be in this collect ion Home baking a big seller last sale time has Mrs Henry Bord en as convener She asked that Sept in the afternoon Reporting for the rugging group Mrs Ronald said articl es including seven large hooked his parents Mr and Mrs J Grew King City They could hardly believe their eyes as their high school son looking than ever sported a crop of red hair failing almost to his shoulders It was curled Up at the ends like it used to when he was a small boy Tim hadnt The majority of the old girls were provincial honor winners having completed projects in the Junior work Four of these Sadie Barnes Dor is Cook Payne Edna Bone and Phillips had won trips to Chicago The junior WI members mov j up into the senior branches holding offices and responsibility in their districts Helen Rumble a provincial honor winner was president of King WI for three years until April She is branch district director and York Centre district convenor of a standing committee When the Vellorc Junior WI was operating up to Betty Wallace was York County home economist I Helen Bowes Rumble Dorothy Phillips Glass and Jean were the only ones who settled in the King district after their marriage Dorothy Glass is now going to live in Richmond Hill VOU UN DEPEND ON DODDS KIDNEY ridi ch tired feeScf foil Kdar You mtirp let hi PILLS JO AIR LAND SEA in Travel A BENNETT TRAVEL SERVICE Aurora PA to Wayne Robinson New- market takes place in All Saints young mustache which his mo ther described as pinkish in col or She hied him off to the bar ber shop to be shorn of his latest accomplishment before he set out for two weeks vacation at Pion eer Camp Fort Sidney Tim was doing summer vacation work with had his hair cut in II weeks Furthermore he was sporting homemade candy be boxed att Anglican Church on Friday September The department of the Co downtown store where Miss has been in charge of office work gave her a chrome kitchen shower of numerous gifts Miss Janet King the forestry department at the City who will be one of the at gave a miscellaneous shower of cooking utensils at her home when Shirleys former high school colleagues and the groom elects mother Mrs Robinson at tended Mrs- received j with her daughter and Joan Brown Toronto a bridesmaid and Beverley Smith Aurora assisted the bride to be At the home of Mrs Harry Cunningham King St a Mrs J was enthusiastic about the even ing Country Capers and auction sale The meeting decided to give the winners of the raffle draw articles their choice as num ber was drawn Mrs A who learned to paint Kingcrafts was j by Mrs Partridge for win- the Ontario Provincial first prize for an oil painting in the cultural project of Federated Wo mens Institutes of Ontario Mrs Jarvis a member will speak to the Vellorc WI in September on behalf of Kingcrafts She in Kingerafts art and NEW MAR HAULAGE AND BULLDOZING SAND HARRY and DON SEDWICK Phone NEWMARKET of King City has taken a teaching post the Oxbridge WA AJ presented Shirley t a silver cake plate Angela Powell of the assisted with the gifts Miss public school Dorothy i the daughter of Norman Maple Hoy King City who taught at Oak Ridges for three years has been engaged on the staff of the Charles school camp His father is a forester with the Maple Lauds and For ests department Concludes Tour Mr and Mrs Morris ami children paid a visit to mother last week Mrs Ar thur King City prior to their moving from Toronto to Nova Scotia the home town of the Morris is planning to build a service station on land lie purch ased which has good prospects for tourist trade in the resort part of the province Mrs spent a week at Alviston which is 40 miles from Sarnia Institute Holds Reunion At King Mr and Mrs Austin Rumble visiting IwrjKine entertained adults has been leader of the Mrs Violet Gates I children on Saturday night for two years Several weeks ago small She went there with her He who were later return j Jack a representative of j school boy was selling tickets on Rev Herbert Archibald and a realty firm has sold the Stone the King City Lions car draw his wife who were later return- 198298 property to Mr was so enthused about his job inj to California where they live and Mrs George McDonald who of selling a Lions car he seem Archibald spent a month in are retiring from their to have the impression the Ontario visiting his sisters and j farm Ron one of the club had produced the car lock relatives but made his now Goods satisfactory or money refunded farm Ron Robson one of the tenants lias bought property on Dew St owned by Norman which was original built a year ago by Day Tills properly on was built about years ago when the late George Stone first started in the bakery bust- OF ALL OTHERS FOR THE RURAL AND SUBURBAN HOME THES I MATCHLESS RANGE or 57 Matchless Ignition Matchless Economy Check these Matchless features club had produced the car lock relatives but made his and barrel tew with Mrs will give it to the hoi- j While at Alviston the party der of the lucky ticket at the Car motored to to visit Mr and Draw Carnival in King Memor- 1 Ernest ial park on Friday night Sept The draw will he made at It pm but the carnival opens at with South Girls Champion team playing against the KingVaughan Whit church All Stars Dancing in Memorial pavilion will be by Sam or There will also be and other games and a refresh- booth Finance chairman of the car- draw committee is Ray Love as- listed by Bill Irving Scott Wilson and J Jangdon The project was organ- last spring ami every week- end the car has been on exhibit J at where tickets have been sold in addition to those distributed elsewhere All pro reeds from the total event are for club activities which include welfare work among children Hi- organization and of sports August at a doubleduty party It was a miscellaneous shower for Mrs Belly Keffer 1 and her husband Jack Toronto j bridal couple of a month and was also the reunion of the Veil- ore Junior institute Over women had belonged to tin branch years ago and of the husbands had belonged In Vellorc Junior Farmers Club It was the first reunion celebration ever held three Challenging employment combines with valuable experience and train ing in Canada Regular Army The pay is good You learn new skills perhaps a trade or train to be a leader You get a of real adven ture have a chance to lifelong friends with line men young enthusiastic a cut above average After three years you make your choice to leave or and make a career with advancement training and variety Find out about one of Canadas belter careers no obligation I CANADIAN ARMY ARMY STATION Richmond St Toronto Out Army ARMY RECRUITING STATION Richmond St Toronto Tel KM I J let en on Aim I Nqmt Tel KM fi8311 I 17G City am No I Made in Canada Offer Special Price until Sept 00 Balance Including intallAtion value Down Payment 2000 on easy wov Iwo OK PHONK mini pilots all Ion burners AND oven In a split NO MATCH Simmer ton exact two lant Minute times rook In In Injur oven Hie pan Heavy insulation kern in Hie oven and out of Hie kitchen Oven window and Interior THIS IS AVAILABLE ONLY FROM SUPERIOR AMI ITS PROPANE LTD Maple Ontario Phone or Maple Our representative will call at your request Threefold Celebration On Sunday Sep Sherry five a hall year old child of Mr Mrs Johnnie City in Hone United church Vauhnn Rev A C the minister The wore 25year old full ten- embroidered silk Christening which worn by her fid her on similar occasion After Hie religion service I turkey dinner was held at the home Mr and Mrs Crooks at their St farm when over were pre- 1 sent congratulate he on anniver- sary find the wedding J versary of Mr and Mrs Phillips Sherry Christening I Day was also a focal point sent were the paternal grandparents Mr and Mrs John j of the maternal grandparents Mr- and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Crook Al Rolton amp Miss Janet of Mr and Mrs J City has completed weeks id tnnmer tamp where taught crafts to four separate crimp tn her second year at Trinity College of Toronto she won She in in She was elected head girl the graduating class by her fellow Miss plans a leaching career and her fourth will lie at the On tario Collide of Education Voii Actor dels Camp Tim Grow aged and stand- feet tall is quite an actor when it comes to performing in local skits But this time it was the real McCoy When he got home from a bush camp at the Power and Paper Mills at Smooth Rock Fall he ANNOUNCING GRAND OPENING c KING GIFT and APPLIANCES ST KING CITY Friday September noon to pm Saturday September 900 am to 1000 pm OPENING SPECIAL many more Admiral Deluxe TV 21 SET INCLUDING 20 AERIAL INSTALLATION REG Special 25995 You Save 11000 venr warranty on set and aerial FEATURING Admiral TV Radios LUCKY DOOR PRIZES To Be Drawn By Reeve Hodgson Balloons Watsons Potato Chips for The Kiddles Gibson Refrigerators Ranges Freezers Kelvinator Refrigerators Ranges Freezers Automatic Washers Driers Ironers A Victor TV Radios Aerial Installations Greeting Cards Fine Gift Wrapping Gifts for every occasion YOUR MODERN TV GIFT APPLIANCE CENTRE WHERE SERVICE COMES FIRST RIGHT ON THE PREMISES Ask about our LOW Down Payment PLAN up to 36 months to pay Phone 198R KING Phone KING