i IRA YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPT NO SINGLE COPIES 10 CENTS EACH Council Hears Complaints That Police Committee Ignores Need For Signs Complaints against the police for not following the of council were by Councillor Robert on Sept when he in quired why traffic signs had not been erected on Prospect Street They had been authorized some months ago Mr said Where did my inquiry go Mr when he re- answer the win Yet cant get an answer when the Police Chief and the property committee had held More Complaint dont like to bother council with my inquiries continued Mr but with no meetings of the committee where I could dis cuss these and with the chair man of the police committee being out of circulation for sometime must bring them to council Mr said that some con- of parking from the stoplight cast on Davis Drive to the rail way crossing was necessary He said that cars were left there all day so that people owning proper head of the department Deputy J in he area could not park Reeve Violet arc Mayor asked away replied the mayor er parking meters were needed A a member of the police there committee said Councillor Mr recommended gin can tell you that there parking for a limited time per only two meeting- of J haps two hours He said that the area is too far from the main section of the shopping district the police committee this year Councillor Alex Hands added Writ lie a member of the pro- to warrant placing parking committee of which Mrs tens there is also chairman No decision was reached The He said he couldnt remember matter was held over pending one meeting this year that the I the return of the deputyreeve Object To Swimming Pool Proposed Location In Park Because Of Noise Parking A committee was named There council on Tuesday night to bring in a recommendation for the location of the proposed municipal swimming pool The action was taken following the appearance a delegation be fore council opposing the Lions park site near St Rev J Rhodes of St Pauls church referring to a report in weeks Era and aid that he understood a site east of the tennis court was be ing considered for the swimming poo He said there was no ade- parking space there and it would cause traffic con gestion and a dangerous situation foe children using the pool- Mr Rhodes said that during the ten nis season there is barely sufH- parking space a- present Next Mr said that a pool would be a greater distance from residences than it would on St Mr Rhodes added There would be ample space for parking and for the building of a refresh ment booth Mr Rhodes was folio wed by two residents from the Church area Rev Br union and A V in stone Mr said that in an other parish he had lived as close to a municipal swimming poo as he would if this one were built on the proposed lo cation AlJ peaoe and quietness flew out the window ft was built A municipal swimming pool is a bedlam he added Mr Brunt on said that the poo should be orated where the children could be happy and eventually a snackbar would he from traffic dan- bum near the pool and with the the noise would traffic difficulties caused neighboring rest- dents He recommended the fair Jack of parking space there was an added danger for youngsters finally he opposed the St site because of the possibility I the other shakers Sunday swimming marks adding that St is grounds Mr concurred said that the natural ex uberance of the children using the pool and the other noises as sociated with such enjoyment would Interfere with the regular church services Mr Rhodes explained that he a swimming pool was built favored a municipal swimming He said it was natural for Arey a narrow road At present he said he often has difficulty get ting out of his own driveway because of parked ears He ask ed council to consider what the traffic situation would he like the children to make a noise and one wanted to curtail their fun but that a more lo cation could be found at the fair grounds there Named to the special commit tee to consider a suitable loca tion for the swimming poo were the member of the parks hoard the recreation commission and Councillor Midler Local Citizens Band Wins Honors At Exhibition The Newmarket Citizens Band under the direct Ion William won first prize and he Waterloo trophy obtaining point at the Canadian National baud competition on music day AumisI The was open to band from town up to population with a maximum of players Five bands including one from Columbia compet ed In the class and the following are the points obtained by each Newmarket Citizens New Westminster Rand JO Petrol in Conceit Band Lome Band icorgftnwn Woodstock Lions Club Hand The Hand one of the oldest organizations serving Newmarket awl community having been formed over years ago There are pictures in the band hall buck as far as The money which the band has received will go towards re placing wornout uniforms This week A gave to one of the bandsmen to help buy uniforms and ho hoped others might do the same Contributions may be sent to the Era and for this purpose Bandsmen also would like to I we a bandstand built in the com munity for concerts There are a number of builders among the players and if material could he obtained they would construct yea the won sec ond prize at the CNE and won finds two year in a row at the Waterloo festival This la the first time the top award has Judged best in the show was this white snowdrift glad grown by Mrs New market It competed at the Newmarket Horticultural Societys annual gladiolus show held in the Photo by Ed Stephens basement of the library this year Societys Gladiblus Show Called Big Success- Awards For All Year In September The Newmarket Horticultural Mr Proctor won the Bank Society held its final show of the of Montreal prize for a decor at the gladiolus show in the jive basket of glads and the It library basement last weekend Considering the weather it was one of the best shows we have had in years said Michael Steel chairman of the show committee There were entries including cut flowers and vegetables In previous years the show has been held in church rooms the scout hall ami In either places a round town The library base ment Is the best spot the society has had Mr Steele explained that the coolness helped to pre serve the flowers We hope to hold all our shows there front now on The library board bus very cooperative he add ed Judges it this were Mr and Mrs Can field Aurora Mr Can I field himself it note has judged in inter nation al gladiolus show Mr Caul fie Id Judged the glads and Mrs Caul field judged I he rest of the show The prizes for the whole year will he awarded at the find open been won by Newmarket at the meeting of the society in Hughes Cup for the best glad in t reduced after 1919 Three prizes were won by Mrs I K the Sweepstakes Glad beginners section the It id lers Mill prize for the most points for beginners and the Newmark et Motors prize for the most points for vegetables The Dahlia Sweepstake was won by Mr Mrs annuo won the Cecil Taylor Plaque for the best glad in the show The Hank of Nova Scotia Prize for Hie display cut flow ers was won by Mrs L and I he Lumber prize for the most points in the glad show was won by Mr Ar milage This is the point standing in the show ft May es most points for glads ionn Mrs K Proctor Mrs Harmon A Evans Mrs Hendricks Squires ft Mrs Simmons Barry Kent Bray ACCOUNT PltOM SURVEYOU An account from a surveyor for work done for Aurora was challenged by Councillor Bill when it was introduced for payment at the last meeting The hill from Gibson was almost double the original mate asked that the council demand a written ex planation before authorizing pay incut l would like to know said Councillor Bailey why an ex perienced surveyor should be so far off the mark There may be a perfectly good reason for It but if there is think we ore entitled to know it he added Convention Of Mayors Discusses Problems Of And Finance Mayor Herbert at tended the annual confer ence of the Canadian Federation of Mayors and Municipalities in Hamilton last week In an inter view yesterday with an Era and Express reporter he recalled the highlights of the convention It was an interesting and suc cessful affair the mayor report ed with the usual pattern being followed of business sessions in the morning and early afternoon and social events and entertain ment later Many excellent addresses were presented The subjects ranged from Apathy in Municipal Af fairs to Protection Against Ra dio Active Fallout These were followed when the schedule permitted by question periods and further discussions by panels of experts on various subjects The conference attempted to find some solution to the hard fact that municipal revenues are limited to a tax on real estate and so are not capable of great expansion as are the revenues of the provincial and federal gov ernments Many resolutions were forwarded to these senior of jjovernment from the confer ence Among them were resolutions which concerned such topics as Crown proper ties should be liable to municipal taxation fe deral assistance should be avail able for necessary municipal fin ancing municipal purchases should be free from sates tax old age pensions should be increased school and hospital costs should be standardized and further as sisted and a national health plan should be established A report was presented on the financing of education in Alber ta When the school boards bud get is approved the municipality directs mills to school costs and Hie provincial grants everything beyond that Some thing of this kind appears desir able in other provinces so that every child in Canada can have equal educational opportunities the mayor suggested On the social side of the con ference the entertainment of the delegates was the most lavish ever seen at affairs of this kind An elaborate luncheon or a fine buffet dinner was provided every day by local industries or host municipalities The most striking of these en tertainments was on Monday continued Mayor when a special train carried all the de legates and visitors to Stratford for a performance of The Merry Wives of Windsor For a New market visitor an added point of interest was provided by the fact that Donald Davis was in the cast A group of Western On tario cities were the hosts for this excursion Jack Smith Will Not Be Liberal Candidate For The Next Election Jack Smith for North York since this week told a meeting of the executive of the North York Liberal Associa tion that for reasons of health he would be unable to be a can didate at the next election President Lome C Lee of Au rora and all members of the ex ecutive expressed regret the announcement and tendered to Mr Smith thanks and apprecia tion or his years of public ser vice and his successful leader ship of the party It was an nounced that a convention of the Jack Smith was first elected to the House of Commons representative of North York and was reelected with substantial majorities in HMO and Previous to his elec tion to parliament Mr Smith served for many years as dent and secretary of the North York Liberal Association For more than years he has been active in the political life of the constituency He suffered a heart attack In April 1055 and while his York Liberal Association cry has been sufficient to resume will be held this fall to name a candidate to contest the next election expected in or his business and political duties his doctors advise against his being a candidate in another election No Town Engineer To Be Hired Fred Evans New Superintendent her Trend Back To lucky Draws At The Trade Fair Next Week The Trade will be held at the Memorial Arena next week starting Wed nesday evening and continuing until Saturday night Sent to There will be cash door prizes mid the general trend at booths this year is beck to lucky draws Last year there were no and attendance dropped The fair Is being sponsored by the arena communion The Newmarket Horticultural Socie ty had the fair for a of years but this year decided to give up the venture because of a bitty- program in other fields more closely related to the Interest of its members exhibitors are local mer chant There a re five new ex hibitors this year Cash door prizes will bo featured each and evening As each person enters the arena he will be a free draw ticket The holder of the lucky ticket will win a cash J Of is J Little will lib birthday on Friday Sept Library Open An Night The public library will be open an exit a evening from now on the extra evening being Tuesday It will be open every evening in the week except Wednesday nwlHiifurday from pm to pm Day time hours remain the same Tuesday and efler- from to ft pm Saturday morning from am 1 am el several booths Mayor and will open the show next Wednes day pm From then on fair hours will be St to in the afternoons and 730 to it in the Coming Events FHltlAY King City Lions car draw carnival and dance in the Memorial Park Girts game South champions KVV All Stars at 7 pm Car draw at II pm Admission Child ren under years free Im- coeds for club activities FRIDAY Panto III I lie music of the in the Newmarket town hall l am SEPT Conservatory of Toronto CNK Coliseum Musk Audi torium pm Soloist Anne Stephenson accompanist Meek Pit IDA NOV I Evangeline Auxiliary in Trinity United church Newmarket TUESDAY SEPT Tuesday Afternoon Ladies Howling will start at pm the Newmar ket Howling Academy Rum age rate by the New market Chapter in the town hall basement from a elwSft DANCING every Saturday night to Norm Burling and Ills Kings men at Mount Albert hall commencing Sept 15- lf34 Fred fcvans water stiperm- ancient was named general su perintendent for the town of Newmarket to take over all the duties of the former town ni cer Mr Donne with the exception of engineering arid the inspection of buildings A notice of motion was introduced recommending the hiring of a building inspec tor on a temporary The only member of council opposed lo the move was Coun cillor It Idler He recommended the employment of a full- lime engineer and said that Mr appointment should be a temporary one worth town engineer has gone with the Toronto and York Commission Mr said that if the hit inst the former engineer some years ego were justified that with the growth of the town since then there is a definite need fr a permanent engineer now said lie didnt consider it necessary for the town to have a engineer for the time being He ihought Mr could handle the routine business of the water roads bridges de partment and that for major en gineering projects it would be more to employ con suiting engineers Mr sold that this was not criticism of Mr lifts worths work He explained that it was necessary for the council to give permanent authorization to a town employee so that the Department of Highways subsi dies bo received He added that in the past Mr Evans had been doing much of this work and was familiar with it so that he the logical appointee If we go ahead with projects as bringing water from outside sources or the building of the sewage disposal plant under the Water Resources Commission the engineering will be handled by their men Mr explained Un til wo get more water dont feel that we need a fulltime en gineer he added Councillor Alex said that the town needed a qualified building Inspector The low building standards found in ihe houses ot the lUtsselCathcart subdivision would never have been permitted if the town had had such a man he said Mr that Mr Evans was an honest dependable nun who for all the years he had been employed by the town had worked harder than needed He agreed with Mr that with a building inspector the hiring of consultant engin eers for engineering projects ami the remainder of the for mer engineers duties carried by Mr Km Ihe town would re ceive more efficient service at less cost Even If Mr Evans is as good as you think he Is replied Mr lUtilor who explained that he did not know him Is not follow ing the soundest practices to dis pense with the services of a town engineer I dont feet we can carry on successfully with consulting engineers There will bo ninny times when find that It is absolutely necess ary to have an engineer on the Job CHUUCH SOLOIST Miss Anne Stephenson daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Richmond Hill will be soloist at Road Baptist church winter Cigarette Plant Will Not Locate In Newmarket The British cigarette manufac turing company Ltd is not establishing a plant in Newmarket Council was divid ed in its opinion as to whether the postponement was a tempor ary one or not following the reading of a series of letters on Tuesday night in which the town was informed that Ltd has deferred the develop ment of a plant Canada be cause it is considering a market The letters were from A Pollock Canadian representative for the firm and Harold Len- developer who has been attempting to the new plant built in Newmarket Copies of an exchange of corres pondence between Mr Pollock and Mr were read also Council accepted Councillor George liasketts suggestion that a letter be written to the parent company recommending that when the Canadian plant is be ing established Newmarket be considered for its location Coun cillor Alex opposed the idea Site Not Suitable In one letter Mr Pollock said that proposed site on the eas tern outskirts of Newmarket property owned by Andrew Wat son was not suitable and that ho had not been satisfied with other locations suggested in the area In another letter from Mr it was stated that the firm had not decided against Newmar ket tor the site of its Canadian plant I dont think that this means more than they dont expel to establish or anywhere in Canada this lime suggested Councillor Gladstone As they have indicated they are con sidering a bigger market prob ably the United Stales and until that is done they are not think ing of Canada think Mr Pol lock has had to find a reason fin not proceeding with the tract of land on which the option had been taken He has given as his reason that the land is not suit able As far a can determine from this correspondence said Councillor John Choppin the matter is suspended It is only the personal opinion of Mr that Ltd tins not definitely decided against Newmarket Against Factory umbrella policy doesnt agree with my temperament commented Councillor Alex ugin dont agree Willi a factory at any price After more than a year of negotiations we should know what the factory will or will not do We should be glad that this factory did not come Newmarket and hope I hat it doesnt Pollock is not the type of man who would treat Ins em ployees the way would like to see them treated he continued To heck with Pall Mall smoke Exports Mr added 1 dislike the inference that am in favor of any industry or this industry any price re plied Mr Idler This one should have been an asset to the town in view of type of em- ploment it would have provided and the management labor rela tionships which would have ex isted When it doesnt cost anything lo hold open the transactions we should write the totter as Mr suggested commented mayor There is the matter of dignity and pride answered Mr gin Time Wasted It Is almost two years since we started negotiating with this Hands I dont see anything wrong with writing the letter but feel we shouldnt take up any more time discussing it here Nothing will be gained We should spend our time in work ing on some other industry he suggested AH members of council in at tendance approved the writing of the letter to the British firm with the exception of Mr who emphatically registered a nega tive vote Here and There Around Town For the first time in many months council meeting was ad journed before midnight Less than three h were spent dealing with the towns business with the assurance thai the next meeting would be on Mon day Sept But approximately minutes of that time was spent discussing a one dollar expenditure referred the decision to the deputy fire chief and the clerk An advertisement announcing a brochure available to the coun cil at two cents a copy was read at the council meeting The bro chure covers common fire haz ards around the home It wo suggested that copies be pur chased as a sample and given to the fire department for distribu tion It should be referred to tint chairman of the fire committee Mrs- Violet sug gested one councillor What does she know about fires replied another Refer rt to fire chief lies going on was the answer Finally after even more dis cussion the decision as to whe ther brochures should he pur chased so that the fire depart ment could run a sample test wan to the discretion of the dep uty fire chief and the town clerk t During the above discussion one councillor with a shrug of his shoulder dismissed the matter Willi the comment A dollar is only a drop in the ocean Although he was dealing with onemillionth the amount ban died about by Hon I Howe in his Offquoted remark Whats million that attitude of casual in the spending of taxpay ers money is not an admirable one firm said Councillor Alex J student at There is a strong that the recreational facilities town will be expanded to co ver many more types of recrea tion and interest a wider group of people At present the Rec reation commission is concentrat ing on activities for the young and athletic members of the com munity Councillor council this week that the Com mission will meet shortly with a representative of the Community Programs branch lo discuss this subject He said that they have been advised that the town is los ing available grants by not hav ing all phases of recreation in eluding the arena under direction of the Recreation commission A director thai would coordinate all these activities all year round has been recommended Mr explained adding that shortly Councillor George Has- and he Will bring in reso lution covering the subject Labor Day past meant back lo school for hundreds of the towns children this week For one young lad the highlight of his first day in grade one was that he had recess both morning and afternoon Yes no doubt about it Hes showing promise of being a good