Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Aug 1956, p. 5

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v SMI Ho at Km Ml ft rooms doe to food well Inside oUM Cat and per month car- rim balance completion new J bedrooms lot Price Cash W50 and monthly car Interest and principal particular phone Mrs 305r Point VANfMlRF VALUED at possession cosy frame house bedrooms tiled bathroom modern Mtflhe lovely Jiving room with picture window oil heated furn ace heavy wiring and storms house surrounded by fruit trees scrubs and flowers Small barn and chicken house acres GOO it frontage good water supply school bus passes door on good round road Has a beautiful location on property for a ranch Must have substan tial down payment Write and Era and Express box ATTRACTIVE well built stucco house in Holland landing rooms and bathroom full basement pres sure aystem artesian well acre of good land Near school bus train and highway Pleas ant surrounding Newmarket I- For Sale Kent house all conveniences Possession J Apply Timothy Newmarket House For Kent BEDROOM bungalow in New market with self contained 4- apartment in basement Will rant as one unit or separ ately Available August Phone Newmarket Friday evening or following week RIAL J A WILLOUGHBY AND SONS fa w Realtors Art Toronto DISTRICT ACRES of good loam all workable with a room tile brick house bathroom and oil heating furnace Barn with garage silo hog pen etc Situated ton paved surface toad bus at door store on arm miles com Toronto Small pond which ran he made larger railway close for shipping purposes trees around buildings an Meal country home Full price with Contact HOY Meant Albert SELLING YOUR HOME CONTACT KIN GROVES REALTOR Timothy Street West Opposite the Terminal SUTTON NICK new room on Da it on Road food location this is real on high south of Keswick rooms ail conveniences lot taxes FORT HOLS IKK HMO DOWN all that Is re quired for ice Sand gravel business with trucks size home with all conveniences also 1 acres for Motel located on Highway Call Mr Mount Albert or Limited Street Hill Turner I- 1 FOR ALEX DOAK LTD Realtor DOWN awe of room bungalow large IkvI- room large water on tap modern cupboards large site living room stone block foundation oil space heated car garage This is a good clean home newly decorat ed Landscaped lot close to school Full price S3000 Terms BRICK bungalow bed rooms bath ceramic tile large modern kitchen with break fast nook dining area family size living room oil furnace- laundry tubs tank oak floor ACRES of land just north of Main Street 6room house bedrooms bath modern kitchen living room fruit attached garage This is a well built home how cash down Terms or OFFER on this in come home large rooms new air conditioning oil furnace large lot close to main street shopping and schools Owner now trans ferred Low cash down terms SITUATED at Elgin Mills just north of Richmond located near St- rooms modern kitchen family sized bedrooms large living room and dinette This valuable property for only down Terms ALEX LTD Realtor NEWMARKET Open til pm St Main St Through Reputation Real For I Estate For Sal v NEWMARKET GIVE an to settle an es tate Groom frame home lot 15 extra lot bedrooms gar age immediate possession down payment older style brick home to schools and stoics room bedroom and gunroom on room bedroom and on main floor I room apartment on second floor kitchen room and piece bath full size basement oil heating Many extras low- down payment possession j lovely treed lot clapboard bungalow a few years old large mod- kitchen dinette foot living room targe bed- rooms sun room oil furnace many extras oak parage must sold Pi lee THIS IS IT storey borne hi- on a lot by IM by beautiful Four rooms on Hie main floor anil large on the second floor oil furnace a good funily home garage and barn a an properly Only 1 AVENUE ranch style frame and brick bungalow with parage and located on Newmarkets most ex clusive street lot Featuring living room 20 with brick fireplace oak Hoots large bedrooms piece modern extra large kitchen Full basement with oil furnace and laundry tubs mis J this bargain If you want j nice home Asking price Terms HOME CHARMING ranch brick bungalow located on a lot 13xW Featuring a huge living room will fam ily sized dining room washroom spacious Im brooms and piece tiled bathroom kit chen basemen with oil furn ace ami laundry tub- IhU now and live in Ak- iiig prlrw Terms NEWMARKET AREA SI 000 DOWN loom liiiatcd on lot den kit ben bed rooms and porch I old Full pi ire clapboard bungalow new Jot Large room kitchen and three bed room bathroom full basement with oil lawn and lives J Mount Albert 31 Main Hi JOSEPH REALTOR ROOM stucco low hardwood and tile floors ell heat modem bath large modem kitchen re places one in the living room and one in basement plumbing facilities for a 2room apartment garage in basement large dot 2000 down stuco bungalow hardwood and tile floors furnace fully insulated bail corner lot close to school and town bus Terms ROOM solid brick with hardwood and linoleum floors new furnace bath gar age beautiful spacious lot All large rooms This property has possibilities for a home or duplex Terms clapboard bungalow plus utility room hardwood and tile floors large modern kitchen tpiece bath laundry tubs and oil heating at tached heated garage all town services well shaded lot Terms CUSTOM built modern 9- room clapboard bungalow Here is an outstanding value in a home just three years old 3 bedroom bungalow cutstone fireplace forced heating with oil builtin bookcases fric tion locks fully insulated patio barbecue large lot fully landscaped Full price 514500 Terms SPECIAL Foundation with lot partly subfloored lot foundation Full price down CONTACT KEN GROVES PHONE Evenings l5J8j Newmarket JOSEPH QUINN Realtor Opposite the bus terminal SPECIAL LOCATED in nice quiet area of town this week we are featuring a luvelv roomed home situated on nicely landscaped lot bright livingroom featuring open fire place fulksicd diningroom modern kitchen up stairs tiled bathroom at tached garage aluminum storms and screens This home Is only years old and is reasonably piked at with hums EXCLUSIVE HOME BEAUTIFULLY landscaped cor ner lot is the setting for this ex ecutive type home which features many exclusive exlius livingroom with open fireplace dream kitchen with many extras including fan large din ingroom convenient den poW der room all situated on main floor Second floor has bed rooms ultra modern This home Is decorated throughout Other a new oil new attached gar age A thing price and we have been advised thai reasonable offer will Ire consid ered Act now be solI month IF you are looking for a huge home at a reasonable price we have a lovely place on a full nix lot conveniently located 10 school and brick spacious Ihroughout and set ecus Asking TWO- YEAR OLD of the a bedroom bungalows in town is this home situated in a lovely bright area of town the accent in on economy as well as style The kitchen is modern as in the bath room llvingroorn is blight and spiKiou lire lot Ik nicely Another main feature is the price Only 1 The above homes are only a few of the many we to offer to you For excellent buys In New market and Aurora area contact for service or handyman with room lor loorris on lovely tot en May Ave ready for phtfilcring oil Inmate and water in To sold as is for GORDON REAL Phone KM dUlii WE HAVE BUYERS ed more properties Farms Small Holdings List now with our Local Representative STEWART MOUNT ALBERT Phone FREE CATALOGUE Hundreds of Properties for Sale Write Head Office ROOMS FOR RENT KM BEDSITING room every con venience board optional Suit- able for business person Immediate possession Abitnhi- Phone Newmarket UNFURNISHED room suit able for housekeeping mid- dieaged lady preferred central Phone Newmarket FURNISHED bedsitting room men preferred central Apply Joseph St or phone Newmarket SIRVICCS J A AND SONS ROOMS with board and Realtors dry desired Phone 279m 16 Ave K Toronto Newmarket Lots For AURORA KENNEDY HEIGHTS RESTRICTS residential build- lots overlooking picturesque Highland Golf course All lots have minimum frontage of 100 ft sewers roads and water all paid for Only lots left Other homes In this area range in price from to Pick out your lot now priced from Call further information GORDON LTD REAL ESTATE Phone Toronto KM Newmarket Aurora PA Store For Rent NEWLY decorated furnished bedroom Abstainer Gentleman preferred Phone New market FURNISHED bedroom Phone Newmarket WANTED TO RENT BY September 1 In Newmarket or vicinity or room house 3 children New- market ARTICLES FOR STORK or new floor and newly decorated size about ood cation in King Hotel building Timothy St at Main St Newmarket Apply Best Drug Store Newmarket separator used very little Phone Newmar ket K1TC1IKN cabinet all white ex cellent condition Phone Queens- ville CONNOR electric washing ma- chine in good condition Apply Mrs Mount Albert phone K53w SPACE FOR RENT MODERN daylight offices in new building Main St near Ideal for light manufact uring rooms square feet Will divide lent Phone or 111 ROOM AND BOARD ROOM and Hoard available for active elderly lady Phone or apply St Newmar ket WINE walnut dining room suite chesterfield suite lamps mans bicycle Phone Newmarket jm lira and Liprrss tenuity ife 1W Mi for UtuuUd on high Miy north of Shell mhthvislon Ap ply phono IN Country home for pension er Apply Era and Express box BOARDERS WANTED HOARDERS gentlemen prefer red Phono or apply Queen St APARTMENT FOR RENT MINIMOTOR for bicycle ex cellent condition Phone Newmarket am or after pm DINING ROOM suite Phone Newmarket electric stove double continental bed Phon Newmarket PROPANE gas instant heater almost new suitable cottage or small apartment Price Phone BABY carriage good condition stiver Phone 1053 Newmarket QUANTITY of household fund- the property of Mrs J Can lie i til Mil lard Ave or phone MODERN room healed apart ment couple preferred Reasonable rent Ah only Sept Write Km and press box POUR room bathroom and kit chenette electric stove heat and light Adult Phone SKI a par men heated Phone ROOM ED Children Phone win ONI apartment stove refrigerator optional decorated Flume private entrance bath with or without heavy duty stove Phone Newmarket niter pm cabinet ivory with given trim Fruit juts I quart fullleaf table water soften er front door screen door 67tm Newmarket walnut suite walnut buffet Thor washing ma chine cycle gasoline motor pair blonde end tables walnut coffee tables Beit piano Elect- vacuum cleaner Stafford milk shake Marconi radio targe quantity sealers piece IxMltoom several dressers lawn chairs wire stove small Electric several Windsor rockers and others China Fred Hirst phone ALUMINUM baby new tub never had water In it Halt price Phone Newmarket 2 heavy duty electric stove in good condition aerial Newmar ket about August a room oil heated light heal hydro and tele phone supplied rent- Phone Newmarket airartnient one mom tinlurnldted Apply fifi St ASTltAl refrigerator Singer tewing machine new motor Apply 112 Joseph St or phone Newmarket v- OLDER type bedroom suite large chest of drawers quantity of half gallon fruit Jars Phone a war far aarJi akaMAA j m fa pw ill Mala far far h t for week la MaMttaMa far ptea I Urn far M i teta or at m at Mbaaa YaM at Mra it Mm 9 Ikroufh where t a4 la cabinet In good condition Mount Albert wmblnatton vac uum cleaner floor polisher car polisher hairdryer liquidiser coffee grinder mixer all operated by one motor For fret homa demonstration without ob ligation phone Newmar ket HO USED each any and pick your own Beach Park Mussel mans SINGLE bed threequarter and double beds also cooking range oil Quebec Phone Newmarket refrigerator apart ment size SO cycle I years old like new Phone iiw3i 1 VENETIAN or Made for all style windows and Phont apply Harold Ontario St FR1GIDAIRE APPLIANCES OF QUALITY For Refrigerators Range Washers Dryer Air Conditioners modifiers etc Sea NEWMARKET MOTORS LTD J PROP la St Phone HUP ALL OUR EVERETT RADIO REPAIR WILL BE CLOSED FROM AUG TO FOR TWO OF poultry opjot okVoton worker in aiiowar- tin mux Write yvr TELEPHONE OPERATORS St wfU wtrk ar rita4 to Hi CO Wrought iron wk i Portable mptrtx WORK WANTED WILL care for or by day or week market lv3 A JtWtCAjtstJt7 At tit if Si i rtvl e j eoKir Sw3J saws Cotter St or phone Newmarket CUSTOM combining Appiv John Joyce Sand ford ctw3l USED CARS PRODUCE FOR SAU NEW small potatoes a ton Si a bag Suitable for feed John worth Cedar Valley Marion Country Acres phone AVAILABLE CUSTOM combtiiltiK done with self- propel led combine It Chapman phone Queens- ville Swat CUSTOM trenching depth up to ft Complete septic tank Job if desired Reasonable rates Call Murray Baker New- market FENCING FARM residential and Indust rial also concrete work Fret estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or 11176 if OK CARS Am TRUCKS from BUILDING steel roofs repair work Phone PA Aurora CAitiom grass cutting Evenings Phone New market rwd paper by the job or hour rates Newmarket tor We clearly vr S4 ARTS AND RADIATOR SERVICE ar body gas ante tt to a for aervRye St Newmarket At MHHHira po by any art moM- alto your bed- and by the Silk and Linen phono Newmarket AND AU of Trough Ing estimates Phone Toronto St or write Bon and WELDING atrk apfttrov Verandah Iron of Prop tU5 PAINTING and decorating Newmarket Services Co phone tf25 WANT your radio repaired in a hurry and guaranteed Phone Newmarket WINDOW cleaning Newmar ket Services Co Contracts In vited Storm window service Newmarket UPHOLSTERING suites occa sional chairs rebuilt in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Muriel Ave Newmarket WASHING MACHINE MMTAIM AU by fee Wry aarvic STEWART BEAM AND YOUNG married woman or girt for parttime store work at leruoon Writ PO Box Newmarket OUTSTANDING you own in eood eatabllshed Route World No money to invest Own place a man or woman on foil or part basis New- market Write to Granger St Street Montreal for dairy farm married or single working modern equipment wages middle ajsed man considered George Smith R Newmarket phone or Saturday MAN to cut grass with rotary mower Newmar ket tWARANTKBO these for good NEW CHEVROLET AND CARS IN STOCK IN FOR MOTORS LTD J Prop Phona AUSTIN In MceUeait Of Newmarket TRANSPORTATION AVA1LABH ROOM for two passenger Newmarket pnv Phone Nwmar a TRAYIL GOING OVERSEAS WE on alt Attantlo Boat fines PR etc Our information and Come in and talk over Cfcewte Beat Tm BEST DRUG STORE mm Newmarket Phont It WOMAN lor MkIii house- work ail hi Phone WANTED SECRETARY With experience required lor position In Please apply box WAITRESS for day work Apply Carlton Restaurant Newmarket MNI your broken furniture and articlas to the North End and phone Newmarket opposite New market cemetery DRAPERY Custom made Free Senegals Main St phone tf28 RURAL Wat kins dealer wanted for established business in north vast Apply by a tier Mary St lor light housekeeping and care for two children it the home of a teacher near Weekends and even- free If desired Modern and good wages Write Era and 14 MACHIN6RY FOR combine lor acre farm McCormlch No In condition Priced to sell J phone Point ma chine with grain thrower and seed reeleatei rower binder both In ex cellent condition Albert Can phone DION thresher shredder and thrower in splendid condition Dion box new ria binder Oliver Sup erior spreader Would accept Job Cochrane phone lone tube to Hiti Oak of SET horse Brine

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