Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 10 Aug 1956, p. 1

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v i 1 EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NEWMARKET ONTARIO AUGUST II 1951 NO SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH J I and There Around Town gave vor- something like TO Have sign mode for Got- Whatever happened result there is ft sign at the cor- Newmarket to third of Whit- afcweh which says mitt lamp burn In the month of August seems of My when you iy it But you consider how much I time there keen during the summer erf I not so vA young lad oft Niagara St suffering from by a heat lamp niins were going well for a tan when the lamp fell over nasty burr a newspaper get ray bad publicity when enough trouble for who wind up in court A grdaR registered under the Newmarket Bra Bap wee caught doing Jo a rniie recently IT time check The not the editor And where war Hie deed dene Jo Aurora The member on delivery day of m mam And inet- he Ms own fine better take since they the gate look oyer the lake must tired im Jar ao many months did the end repairs were ftHyOf AimmH AMM Werner it I found furl on Tueedar by a erf common against his wile Johanna He remanded fat sentence until August Speaking through an inteipre- ter Robert of Newmarket Mra that in the course of an argument her husband who la on probation on a of obtaining money by false pre tences had her throat thrown her about the room and then kicked her in the back several times The argument developed when a highway driver had returned home after an of five days bringing another couple with him Robert who live in the upper storey of the same that he had been awakened by cries for from Asked by Crown Attorney Armstrong if he had at- tempted to interfere he replied No ir You cant talk to Wer ner when hes mad and he a big and Im just a little fel low courtroom plea for a reconciliation was Ignored by hi wife is a criminal charge said Magistrate and is not a matter between and your wife any longer who Saves toy ki Wita At Pt two years old King City owner of a fireengine red cowboy hat refuses to part company with his favorite For a year now Lone Ranger Parker as he calls himself has been wearing the hat constantly only giving up when his mother Mrs Dan Parker removes it from his head after he has gone to bed and has fallen asleep and his hat go everywhere together even to church and Sunday school Somehow he seems to feel his status in his little play world has more action and importance when he and his red hat are together Sylvia a student at the Stuart Scott school New- question M market was credited with saving brewers warehouse for New mar the life of Michael Freeman was brought up at the last St North York at Lake be suggested that be to beautify body of la On- by Newmarket- Use weeds and on the could And the new end kept town would we have parka and that main- some other beauty be another bill expense But why be so dull la and why not apervd money to beautify the Goodness knows enough guch mundane and other tilings the surface of the ground Wbaa on Sunday She towed the boy feet to safety after he had become exhausted and pan icky in deep water near Jack sons Point Sylvia sunbathing on the dock with a group of other bath ers when she noticed the boy wrfing n calling help Fred Fleishman had tried to support Michael but had to give up and swam to the dock The girl went to the exhausted boy and towed him to the dock He weighs ten pounds more than the girl There were boaters nearby when she made the res- cue Artificial respiration was ap plied at the pier and the boy treated by a local doctor When J impairment by alcohol not impairment by alcohol Ma gistrate Hollinrake remand ed the case for further considera tion on Tuesday when Robert Grant Lone Rich- mood Hill claimed that his abil ity to drive had been impaired by the effects of jaundice which may have been aggravated by al cohol he had taken earlier Constable Ian Robertson testified that on June A he had Grant on Highway when he noticed his car weaving Grant admitted in court that he token two drinks at home before going out to dinner where he bad felt an attack of nausea god diuines coming on and had kit Counsel for the accused Jo- aeph Vale maintained that this was not impairment within the meaning of the law Magistrate commented that a who drives knowing his can be brought on or aggravated by normal amounts of alcohol which would not or dinarily affect should be equally guilty with the man who drinks to excess Hut he he would remand the ease until Sep tember for further considera tion Council fives A Station After three weeks Aurora council has to go on re cord as favoring a radio station in the locality Council had requests from Bill Newmarket and Stewart who represents a group wishing to build a station at Richmond Hill At the first meeting both Mr and Mr had asked council for a blanket en dorsatlon which the members re fused They asked both parties to put their casta in writing and present t to the council which would then choose one station to endorse On Tuesday night council changed its and decided to Jue the blanket after all A UK OK A COUNCIL GAM BYLAW A byJaw to grant Consumers Gas Co a franchise in Aurora was given its first two readings at council on Tuesday night The law must now be approved by the Ontario Fuel Board Representatives of the comp any reported that most of the municipalities now being servic ed had dispensed with a vote on the question and if Aurora did the they could hope to have gas this fall Landing Taxpayers On Paving Project Liquor And Brewers Stores Discussed By Chamber Of Commerce A hardy old perennial the makes- the laws it should be of a liquor store andjplicable to the whole province A System The long awaited numbering of all houses in Newmarket has lo cal residents in a The numbers now used seem to bear no relation to the old numbers One short street with three hous es has number in The answer is quite simple ac cording to officials Municipal Services who are doing the numbering have taken as their starting points or lines Davis Drive on the north and St on the west All hous es will be numbered consecutive- ly from Drive south and from St east There is one number for every feet figure was arrived at from an examination of Main St which has approximately one building every feet Streets which do not run to either Davis Drive or St have the dist ance allotted on the map hence the apparent discrepancy Hew WiM row Mm Witer Per Bay A new gusher at village which will be the envy of Newmarket and other centres in the district will provide enough water for people Well drillers say that it is a four million gallons per day well Drilling started on July 21 and the well was down just over 160 feet when the gusher was struck Council Members Play TitForTat Over Water To Davis Dr Owners Members of town council playing over are without permission for others the in granting or refusing municipal water across the town border line The concern about water line connections to busi ness establishments north of Da vis Drive near St Earlier thin year Councillor Hands chairman of the water committee and Reeve tried every approach on council to obtain a water con nection for Clarence Allans com mercial building Allans well had gone dry and he was forced to bring water by tank truck es pecially for apartments on the second floor of the building The request finally waa grant ed a few weeks ago but not with out strong opposition Members of council including Messrs and had opposed giving permission on the grounds of principle had been considered that there was no ex tra water to give away and when East township council requested water for Clarence Allan the opposi tion argued that permission could not be granted to one owner and the area though they were also taxpayers in the town of Newmarket Application At the last meeting of council an application from Howard Morton was presented for water connections to a commercial on the north side of Da vis Drive Mr Morton has an automobile business in town and pays taxes to the town as well as Mr Allan Since the Morton application came soon after the approval for Clarence Allan Councillor comment was I told you so Mr Morton employs a lot labor in town said Reeve Councillor suggested that the water committee deal with the application they tried so hard to get water for Mr Allan The water committee chair man Councillor Hands said that they could kick it around as long as the last time He pointed out that Mr Allans case was different He needed water meeting of the Chamber of Com merce No decision was reached as to the chambers policy but a full debate has been scheduled for the next meeting Chamber President Howard Morton introduced the topic Mr Morton stated that he had been approached by an increasing number of people who wanted to know the chambers policy on the matter and he felt certain that there would be an organized at tempt in the future to bring it before the voters Mr Morton said that it was about time that the chamber took a stand one way or the other As president he slated that he had no opinion because the members had not given him one but speak ing as Howard Morton person ally he had views on the subject I feel that I am just as good a citizen a any man who Uvea in Bradford or Jacksons Point he said and want the rights and privileges which the laws of the country give me Since the government spon sors these stores said Alex I think it is unfair and unjust to penalize those people who are unable to drive to Brad ford and have to pay a taxi when they want something from the stores am dead against saloons or beverage in Newmar ket he added but it is time to put an end to this hypocrisy Some members felt that the chamber should not stick its neck out on the matter but should wait until some organized group came forward to sponsor the move Lets not lead the parade some said is unusual that we should be leaders countered President Howard Morton I think we are as good a crosssection of level headed men as you will find in Newmarket As leaders of the community he asked do you think we should shirk our re sponsibilities I think when the province said Chester Best Mrs Violet Robinson Mae- said that a lot of people felt that business was going elsewhere because people shopped when they went out to buy liquor I dont want it because of business stated President Mor ton I want it because I am a of Ontario and entitled to all the privileges of a citizen The members of il chamber have the courage of their convic tions and express an opinion on this matter one way or the oth er he added Members voted to approach other chambers in the province to see what thoir experience had been on the matter and to hold a debate after the summer recess East To Sell School Bonds To Local Residents Kast township has decided to sell its school bonds locally reports township clerk Lindsay Parr- The best of fer that the township received for debenture issue from a bond house was per for 16 year percent bonds Mr said that he saw no reason why the issue should be sold at a discount when it can be sold locally at par The people who are paying taxes on those bonds art well have the profit on them he said About half the issue is spoken for now he added The question of paving roads Holland Landing has split the Village down the middle A re solution introduced by Sam Deans to defer any action on the road until a vote could be held was defeated but ratepayers were Informed that they could send to the municipal At the opening of the meeting William called lor an impartial chairman to en him to speak and answer W questions William Elected to the residents was It a Mr and the extra cost of culverts could not be met from council funds Mrs Harvey Graham said that the road to the Palins was a menace to children and unheal thy because of its dusty condi tions and should be paved at cost Other residents objected ask ing why they should mortgage their homes for years when they do not benefit from this cat improvement Why should we pave Bootleg- Alloy so the bottles wont break in transit asked a rate- Close Stayner Speedway The Speedway an automobile race track which first was to have been located in King township near Kettleby last year has been closed Eight execution orders were filed against Die pre sident Hugh Green at the sher iffs office Toronto early last week The announcement of the track being closed came at the conclu sion of a meeting of creditors in a Toronto attorneys office The creditors represented over in unpaid bills It was reported that only about half of the firms creditors were repre sented the meeting At the last meeting at the track on July 21 gate receipts amount ed to about and the track was unable to pay the drivers These were later paid by the US Automobile Club and the club has filed a suit for At this race meeting provin cial authorities wore present to collect for unpaid hospital tax outstanding since the tracks first Mat St Subdivision Approved Township A resolution approving the Jo seph subdivision was passed the last meeting of the township council Aug The lots arc on No highway on part of lot 107 west It was decided to charge a service fee of a houite and restrict building to homes worth or more The council informed that construction of the Road bridge the last of the dam age of Hurricane Hazel should be completed by the middle of September The work on Centre St Mount Albert will also he finished this month The storm sewers arc in the curbs and gutters almost completed and township clerk Lindsay Parr expects the paving to be done by the end of month Francis C Marks 80fh Birthday Francis C former resident of Newmarket recently celebrated his birthday in WinstonSalem North Carolina where he is Professor Emeritus and an editorial writer From until he was connected with Canada Yearly Meeting of Friends and served as pastor at Pine Orchard and New market- He was married to the former Margaret St Newmarket who died in in Not Clear About Establishment Of Cigarette Factory In Town Chamber Of Commerce Secretary Resigns The Newmarket Chamber of Commerce accepted the of Ronald Blaxley from the position of secretary at its last meeting In a letter to the pre sident Howard Morton Mr stated that the pressure of business did not allow him to continue in the past A C Lord former manager of the Bank of Toronto Newmarket will be the new secretary her MO Attend Swimming Classes Approximately to boys and girls ranging in ages from to have been attending the swim classes sponsored by the Optimist The classes are under the cap able direction of Jerry Hugo Newmarket and Garry Banks Toronto It is Mr Hugos second term as instructor The classes are conducted at six beaches along the south shore of Lake from Youngs Harbor to Willow Beach The aim of the program is to promote water safety and to in struct as many children pos sible haw to look after vt and others around them in the art of water safety Examiner from the Red Cross make two visits a year to hold examinations for those partici pating in the classes years program handled almost children and that will probably exceeded this season when final figures are to talled The cigarette factory about which there has been much dis cussion in Newmarket town council meetings in past months was again mentioned at the last meeting There was no definite indication that the factory is to be built here The proposed location of the plant in Newmarket was tied up with permission from council to provide water for additional sub division homes and the approval of a proposed shopping centre on St Land for the plant was acquired on Davis Drive East and municipal services were to be extended to that property A letter from informed council that Mr Pol- kick a company representative had stated that the cost of level ling the Davis Drive property would be Mr Lenhardt said he had obtained other prices on levelling the property am still doing everything can to get this industry for Newmar ket his letter stated Mr hardt has interests concerning additional subdivision houses the promotion of a shopping tre have less and less faith it the proposed factory as prospective employer Councillor A lie questioned the negotiations be tween Messrs and Pol lock said that a few weeks ago Mr Pollock look ed at land in East belonging to a Mr property was roll ing We went back and looked at the Davis Drive property He Mr Pollock didnt too en thusiastic about locating in New market said the reeve After the land was deeded to Ics on Davis Drive he didnt seem too enthusiastic he said Reeve told council that Mr Pollock had said that deeper foundations were needed for the factory and that there would be greater expense on Davis Drive If the land is levelled I dont know why he needs deeper foun dations commented Mayor He wasnt prepared lo say that he needed the whole parcel of land said the reeve Ten has been acquired for the factory He said that if the company were to build on addi tional plant elsewhere the rest of the land would not be so good for resale Councillor Gladstone chairman of the councils indus trial committee admitted that Mr Pollock was not enthusias tic about locating here But he said that the decision to build a factory in Newmarket had been made by executive members of the company senior to Mr Pol lock Said Councillor This is no time to jeopardize the possi bilities of the plant locating here We should not upset things now An English firm Roth- is the enterprise behind the proposed factory During council sessions the firm has been referred to at various times as the Rembrandt Tobacco com pany the company or the company which will manu facture Pall Mall cigarettes and the request came from East he said Councillor said that it was not a case of kicking around and that It was a matter principle The water committee chair man said Mr Allan needed So docs Mr Morton Besides when the water committee was trying to put Mr Allans applica tion through there was a shortage Held When a resolution was present by Councillor and se conded by Councillor Chopin approve of Mr Mortons Councillor Hands suggested that his committee should know whether or not a subdivision would be involved how many people would be employed at the place where the water was to be used and how much water was to be used A discussion on these sugges tions was followed by an amend ment to the resolution proposed by A and seconded by George that Allans permission for water be rescinded These rumblings just a sign of the thunder that is to come later and all of lerns involving taxpayers in town asking for water in neighboring municipalities said Councillor Mayor ruled the amendment out order though he said he agreed with his sentiments Then a motion by Councillor Hands to table tbtj motion was defeated the vote be ing tied three to three The or did not vote Councillor Hands said that motion was going owe the heads of the water commit tee because there was no infor mation provided to show what the water would be used for at the Morton property Councillor pointed out that he did not vote on the Allan resolution on the basis of what he was going to use the water for or how much water But with Councillor permission he decided to leave the resolution a a notice of so that the water committee could seek more information how much water Mr Morton would use North Gwillirnbury Council To Hold Special Meeting For Ratepayers At Beaches The Era and business office is moving to the new buil ding Charles Street this weokend Charles Street is a northsouth street between Davis Drive and Queen Street one street east of Maim the of custom ers on the south side of town classified advertising and other accounts may be paid at the Tor ontoDominion Main St wH at St Belugin Questions Expenditure By Water Dpt On Davis Drive Councillor A these costs for he asked town expenditures at the Councillor Alex Hands chair- i man of the water committee said Us t town council con JJ Mr Allan paid the corning the connection of a corner across the road and into service to the Clarence Allan place property on the north side of Da- am sure we are not paying vis Drive for Mr Allan he said Mr The granting of to Hands said he could not explain supply water to the property what the expenditures were lor which is over the town border the question was referred to a in Kast township later meeting when the water has been a controversial con be present to The councillor pointed out that explain there was a bill from Western Councillor asked if the excavators at an hour total- corf involved a loop in the ling It was Itemized underwater main lie was told there water capital was no loop constructed Earlier From Feb to March 16 year Reeve Wrightman and the town water works employees Councillor Hands said that a put in time amounting to was to increase The total he pointed out was water pressure and that the con- over of one would be done If Clarence Allan paid for in the area of Mr Allans proper- water what tt The ivgular monthly meeting of North township council held In on Tuesday August was taken up with delegations from different beach associations Council had felt earlier in the season that there would be no need of a special meeting In July and again in August to deal with problems of the summer people and having dispensed with one last month were faced with a roomfull people with problems to be considered The meeting commenced at I pm and adjourned well after pm During that time council decided to hold a special meet ing this month to accommodate the beaches association Time set was between the hours of two and four pm on Saturday August 18 The first delegation was from Orchard Beach complaining of the noise and business conducted at Mercury Lodge Council prom ised to ileal the matter Mercury Lodge operates as a summer and winter resort de spite the protests from the Or chard Beach Association The lodge Is operated under a license from the Department of Travel and Publicity and until It can be proven that It should not operate It may continue lo do so This matter was left over until the special meeting Mr Watson and Mrs of Willow complained of the lack of knowledge on the part of the summer residents regard ing newly passed bylaw con trolling dogs the town ship Mr Watson claimed his dog was picked up by dog- catcher on a Sunday morning and he felt it was unfair to op orate in this manner After several lengthy discussions about the bylaw and the dogcatchers methods it was decided lo re fund Mr Watson of the he paid to redeem Ms dog Contrary to the feelings ex pressed by the Willow Beach residents who were present the Beach Association spokes man W felt that the dog control bylaw was A dandy and I hop it stands He said garbage Is now left in the cans until picked up by the men the poor job done by the gar collectors In Pine Beach claimed there were cases where garbage was not picket up for three weeks Council agreed that that situa tion should be remedied Pollock said i thought every thing was okay Councillor Doyle said that this was the first complaint Mr McMuUen on behalf Pine Beach Assoclaion drew to councils attention several mat tor pertaining to their Beach and particularly that Woodycresl Avenue had been sold A few years according to reports and his association would like proof that it had been done in the proper manner Council is to furnish this proof The drainage In this Ion is poor particularly around the area and a request was made for proper culverts and drainage ditches Superintendent Rye claim that most of the things used as culverts were old boilers and suggested that the Pine Beach residents have proper culverts in stalled Mr was of the opinion that the Pine Beach ratepayers would he happy to do this The final matter brought to councils attention by Mr Mo Mullen was the lack of a build ing permit in evidence at a prop erly where a building was being constructed James Sinclair building Inspector for the town ship claimed It you can get one In ten to tack it up permit youre lucky All should but they dont Newmarket Legion has drawn as first round A opposition The series is sche duled to start Sept Pine Orchard carrying a rating will play Selkirk in the first round James in tho series are booked Aug at Selkirk return game Aug The third game if needed will be played Sept I Keswick with an intermediate rating will play the winner of the Camp BordenSouthampton series with the initial game Aug second game at Keswick Aug and game three if needed Mr complained of Aug Vitj

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