a r t V IN M house builtin cup water on Up full very cheap for if to buy farm J Oudcn phone New old of on paved road oil hardwood throughout modern tile bath and septic tank hot- if heater double taxes Sell reason- It or good payment the c2w28 FOR KM SELLING YOUR HOME CONTACT KEN STORK or office space new floor and newly decorated size about heated good lo- building Timothy St at Main Ion in King George Hotel I Apply Best PHONE 1131 store Newmarket JOSEPH REALTOR Timothy Street West Amicus rot GIRLS summer cOat and hat outfit size fawn tools Phone or apply Queen SI Newmarket in good Phone 1766w Newmarket r Newmarket Opposite the But Terminal NCIl bungalow in year old ft ft ALEX REALTOR home central location bed twin large kit- room room I FARM wanted by private party from the West Can wait tea period for possession Please send details of size buildings water price etc to Era and Express box OVEKSTUITKD bedroom arm chair peach satin upholstery buttoned back 20 Phone Newmarket SERVICES ROOFING CONTRACTORS BRETT AND OBRIEN AH typos of Roofing Troughlng Instil Siding Free estimate Phone Toronto St of write Box Era and for Aider I tftdmo intuit Hum AVAILABLE iifc HANTS FOR All Violets MlMtVi Potting soil peat TO MRU Newmarket MAN u am Mid 7MfMpXd fit I i chesterfield and chair Phone Newmarket rt Jiving room good Veryj piece bath modern to down tile ie Kcsvvkk phone AS upright free GARAGE FOR I 125 cut ft spotless months chn with plenty of cupboard w or ffcr Phone attached dinette oil heat- MODERN bungalow J SwmarE or I house contains bedrooms two bath large living room and dining areas hardwood ROOM AND BOARD Selling cheap for down payment Private if Newmarket I RIAL SUTTON the asking price for new roomed bungalow Hoots sir cond furnace on a landscaped lot Close to BOARD and room for young schools and shopping Terms lady Phone Newmarket home rooms bath modern kit- and beard for dinette family sire living room laundry tub menl sire cycle years eld like new Phone l WELDING CEDAR STRICT NEWMARKET PORTABLE aleetrlc boiler repairs Verandah rail made to order Iron work all kind Vincent Prop IfiftS fKAVJJ Apply tr fwinar TROPICAL fish white worms plants used aquariums TRAVEL GOING OVERSEAS flth tanks a Newmarket A- u V V your broken furniture articles to the North Furni ture and It opposite New market lemeteiy W2B jTliC modern heating oak floors kitchen lot Located on a paved Priced to sell quickly floors Lot ize This j is a beautiful Must be seen Term WANTID BICYCLE Bills COM Phone apply St Newmarket BABYS carriage and babys weighing scales Phone 1653 Newmarket LLOYD baby carriage silver grey excellent condition Phone Newmarket DANE PAWNS with OPERATORS WANTED IN NEWMARKET Permanent nth witfh VaeationR with j and y PUppy deposit will hold it with J I The BEST DRUG STORE i TO ALL OUR NEAR ALBERT ACRES J BOARDERS ntleracn prefer- STEEL windows Cheap home 3 Mrs J Holland Land- I rooms ail large piece bath Quecp one of the kitchen size dm- in the community Urge RENT 0 front car KENT pent Good brick ttltf Mm I down easy term ft floor ALEX LTD REALTOR radio repair will be closed from aug to FOR TWO WEEKS OP fREATIVK LOAFING lv29 room house location in one of the beet left Appointments only Call Mr pace suitable for or storage immediate posses- ANTIQUE organ high long deep Mrs Jim Wight Keswick phone Roches Point Regular Want to years TO Mr- W ITEMS ST Hail BABY Wf Bell Telephone Company of Canada ONTARIO IUMM9 USED CARS LIVESTOCK FOR SALS him At AixM REPOSSESSION rX I Mount Alberl or HEAL ESTATE Limited ID Yonge Street or AVenue NEWMARKET Opposite Labia us Open til pm VENETIAN BLINDS on Sharon ALUMINUM or steel Made for north of Service all styles of windows Free on subdivision and installations Phone py to Elgin Evans phone or DRAPE Senccals Main St Newmar ket J X y public ANAA8 LARGEST i a- MUCK frame home located WE HAVE BUYERS We need more properties Houses farms Small with our Kepi ROY MOUNT ALBERT APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT available Aug buy as many pairs as you Selfcontained On ftAft to choose from enecals ml Main hi or Main Newmarket 55 or apply Harold Ontario St Newmarket DRAPERY READY made draperies long pair You Newmarket WORK WANTED nursing or general cleaning Phone New- market furnished selfcon tained Apartment Children AH PRODUCE FOR ROOM bath curiam- quail lxx- bfork of Main St main Ptopeiiui lor Avai3a A j baskets Allan Morn- Head pJy 2 phof phone Newmarket dining loom i2 2 gad bathroom furnace I Aw- roronw Wtnt large- Kilvhtn tup- easy terms PRICE I yilhjn blocks of Main Street SERVICES AVAILABLE CUSTOM depth up to ft Complete septic Job If rates Call Murray Baker New market FENCING FARM resldenhal and tndust rial also concrete work estimates Cedar Valley Fence Company phone Mount Albert or 11 KENT Park main AURORA boards heated large spacious lS w Mai St pa AV acetylene aid electric Newmarket Phone Davis Dr Ml Albeit Phone HOLIDAY SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK ONLY FORD SEDAN PIGS aifr iSI fJ riiie pig J jT iz- UfU A good clean car extras ri0RSr 119300 FORD SEDAN double Sharon or luiita Cam or JCv dining wacksiiitnmg iron Jiving work PtoiM fct ilin kiuhtn cup- feticofr with fives dity A wiring for or fc4Ytat old majril Full oil Many Mtrst price tor fc In art try J pairs and alttfaiWrj fj PAINTING and Newmarket Services Co phone WANT your radio repaired hurry and guaranteed Plums V L i MACNAlt8 WJNfKlW Co In window Service suites occa sional chairs rebuilt recovered in any fabric Apply Ken Sar gent Mm let Ave Newmarket Fully equipped including IRRIGATION MACHINERY wAD Clean car radio Only washes iw DODGE SKUAS fts sJi hilly equipped Local car wi ij exHj delivery 2M- bungalow with J Apply Kf mi v n ARTS GARAGE AND living he We deliver Phone RADIATOR SERVICE largo bright is nut a fui J wdtalor bed- is provided be in I to horns a without in- home is a buy as owner I Jf oks for HI All makes rvic man AND in coach MM I Mo tit Ml and tiyHj Ssj machine and jr tonj tub Ua i SVlVKVVV Turner t Ji ftn it r Din ami lituint lit hi 1 must Unit o I In pritu or With up to a week to 43 monthly iter ININI WiUiwi aiktnjr g on huge I xhttped gyVf room forge dinette with abundance 1 hune bedrooms and bathroom Full with oil furnace and gfeundry An to a home down pay- Went mortgage at per cent for monthly Aik- MM mount locate An room lot -i- piece Albert asking Contort invited for bonded by and for bucked fcJUhcu advertising prolamine St phwj fciij Herons J the and desire a steady im rent hoi Income should ad dress and number for details to Ml Street Toronto Ontario water J or I pet hone 1Q post by expert moth your your altera Phono IM mkvl I f ilj 1 iUM fnr luUiUii loop via nd illlitl kHiileiite i Ainiuft iwW la by Silk I lor hill mini I Id or Main t v EBOYD Off ICE SPACE FOR fvV will to New market MTKUN daylight office in raw building on Main St located near Ideal for light or feet Will divide rent lit BY J In Newmarket or vicinity or room children 113 market V gently room immediately box ASTRAL intr motor- Apply II Joseph til or Thrca word minimal fliU an pcrca4 putt thus Mala Ik M aanla tar luk4 Mffli M for raii It iaitt fcwMIan- In line fur kan hhH ailiIU0 and aw Mia iba Miaaw Wood iarc a aaptad wail Lm JULY OK HKANOXAHIK tKti tM J vtJiiwh MONAIkH Bilk To A NO IN STOCK IN FOB NEWMARKET ttuij ii Oak or A 1 of AAV anvunt We will pay right at your Phone wtAa ii A tor IS Beat 111 muscular Store- SAU Trusaaa W from IK HWOA Phnnu Lumbago months old middle of euih ALSO top llyltno pullet ready of Anitlit 10 each Ltd phone or fhtmtmrm Newmarket fflLPS thai ad pn WOOD FOR HARDWOOD tor aala Mount Albert iJaadK a HANTS FOR JOWINCI to aft W AFRICAN VKHKTS HUNDREDS of v- V JU let Urge plan ie and TSuf 3 Clarkes Violet Dr off Davis Dr SW fc- I Sj fc V