v the the July meeting of council requeued that certain con- lie Improved concerning and culvert el the propertied pawed a resolution the to have cleaned out of entrance culverts are be informed that unless pro- installed they be ordered and charged to owner Bylaw No pawed as gtipplemcnUry bylaw for of fewer for paving and curt on Centre St Mount Wl for re- concerning owner fever of cabs and motor The clerk have the S S No printed and dated for The debenture foe year and will pay for building of two extra room and addition rounds ft relief account for the totalled The next of the council will be to am August 3 MdM Sport Day I In held on August A pretty double ceremony United church on June 2 when Eleanor Ma eldest daughter of Mr and Arthur Dickinson of united in marriage to Jack only of Mr and Mr Clarence Crittenden Kr wick The bride given in marriage by her father wore a length gown of white nylon net and over The tdrap- lace bodice by a lace bolero with opalescent and pearl on Pan collar and long leeve A pill box headdress encruated with lily of ihe valley held her fingertip veil of net tulle She carried a white Bible with a of of the valley The bride Salty I Ann Burn Kilbride of honor She wvre a ballerina- length gown of baby Hue net over atin and carried a cascade of pink carnation Mia Kill beth Ijkftian Milton ivuiin of the and Mi Mary Dickinson lifter of the bride were the bridesmaid and wore similar gown in pink and blue Two sister of the bride were the flower girl Marjorie Dick inson wore pink nylon net over taffeta and Doris Dickinson wore a similar gown in blue Robert Peg Sutton cousin of the bridegroom was best man James Dickinson brother of the News North Montreal recently Mr and Mr Hoy at- tended the summer meeting and The Newmarket Thursday July and family at I picnic of the York County Bee- Sunday July 15 keeper Association at Upper Mm Margaret Jitter Canada College Toronto re- to hr Mi cmih The Mob met on June the home of Mi M Stoke Mr gave a hook re view on The IMtnm hang high provided two strimundal The pr grain Included Mutiny Mi Hotmail and Ml liniok- Cheerio club held tin on line piente at the eottnge of Mr Caiman Hulling at Sib- bald lkr on July and of the pivont At the Held in the mother received Al- with rt cordage of pink earnatlon and maiden hair fern A I her the mother wore a pate pink net and dress with a corsage of pink carnations For the wedding trip to the United State the bride wore a white linen suit with pink and white accessories and a corsage of sweetheart roses and angel feath ers The couple will live on the grooms farm at Keswick Mount Albert News Mr and Mrs Larry and el the wedding Mrs Mi fc at Tifirriifta Stevie and Mr and Mrs Norm- Mr Judith and Juno sod Mr and with bee father Mr Mrs attend and Stewart George fr KJrjavainen j end returning it prfstnt enjoyed the picnic sup The Baud from Tor- provided music for the Mr ifii Mrs Roy Care visited Mr ii Mr- at Sunday bringing 5 Mm Charlotte Jordan celebrat ed Hist birthday on Friday July Her daughter Mr Henry tin pant With her Mr Mrs John Oliver Mr and Mrs Lloyd Robert noil and Linda have been holiday ing at lien Beach Mr and Mr and Mary spent the past week Killarncy Bay Vacation Bible School at the United church has been well at tended the past week Seventy- two children are enrolled and enjoying the school Rev Curtis in in charge Members of the are assisting Mr Communion service will be ob served at the United church on Sunday July at 11 pm Mr and Mrs Dennis Thomp son spent the weekend at Springs with Mr Thompsons niece Mrs Vim an and family The Dike family held lis an nual picnic at Mount Albeit en- I W held on July at Wood- Joyed motor trip through Que- Park The oldest person L7i kj an Bennett Toronto were Sun- day visitors the home of Mr and Mrs Mrs Rachel Swain is viiting her brother Mr Harrison and family Mr and Mrs George have moved into their new home on Victory Drive and Mr find Mrs Sweet Ravenshoe have moved into the former Walsh home The Carr family held lis an nual picnie and reunion at Wood land Park on July with members of the family at tending from Branch Toronto Cooksville and Mount Albert Officers elected for the com ing year were pros Roy Mount Albert see Mrs Horace Mxllson Toronto pro gram committee Miss Bessie Mrs Jack lice ley Toronto and Mrs Roy Mount Albert The picnic Mr and Mm liny a in hail fe visit- train Satyry Mr and Mrs ft l 4 EFRICER A T 0 v fe f5 i7- bee to the week I- i rf rf5 to Canadian Salad Week July 26 to Auguat 6t Store salute the suppliers of those Kami Fruit and Vegetables during Salad Week featuring grown produce Urge fx A rjiLr Nil mm I r ll 2 Urge ONIONS end RADISH hunches Marsh freshly pulled JOTS Urge bunches summertime dessert jumbo 19c raOZIN POOD MATURES mixed kg VEGETABLES IS STRAWBERRIES Turkey Ickcn PIES J Willi 5 fsa s C lb TM J- r 1- ssa pi Of 4 roll y MS- RECEIPTS for i S j 2i fa H fc pi i aiE I 7 A J IS i sfc i TOP SIX INCHES by Dairy Farmer Hogs have been or most percent more per Ihe few weeks lhan at the beginning the year and the same is true for slaughter There is even a possibility about now we are net importers of beef Egg prices have been exceptional as compared with other years and Ihe wheat has been moving better since The fall wheat quotation In the daily papers is higher it was last year at the beginning of the harvest It could be that the year ahead of us he a little better from the standpoint of returns than the last we have just suffered Of course it isnt all milk and honey It might well be that this years difficult seeding time seems to have stretched into difficult haying time will increase the cost of what we are producing to off set the larger gross returns Hut with an average break from now on with better aver age pasture and a good hay crop although deficient in quality this year may just be better than last year That is for everybody but Ihe dairy farmer He will keep wil ing his product to the dairy and the dairy to the consumer as be fore and will have the usual hard time to make ends meet The reason is obvious and known to all us have leaned on the government for a price setting and thus sold our right have a market for the that would reflect supply and demand and the consumer ability to pay fork and beef prices art- heading up again with not a murmur iiom the consumer whose take home pay is up a usual lie wins wage increases asked for and granted on profile and In r eased efficiency- Hut dairy farmer will get what the government is to grant him Of roil me what are raying is rank In the eyes of the men who direct Of on whole milk market We ate that if we the whole milk price the gap between Hit- whole milk shipper and I he other milk producers will widen and cheap milk will flood the We are told took not to the fellow who gels more hut to the fallow who geU We are told that thinking will lead In pooling of all milk in province and thus lower prices to whole milk mip- AH we answer is that do not think believe that all talk pint whip crack ing and bogey man storks Pooling of milk and grading In quality required on the whole milk market won hi not supply the point where our price would suffer Grading would require the and purchase equipment which ninny men now looking from the a It wore wouldnt or roqldnt acquire The specialised and necessary high may not he available We maintain that the present price of milk will eventually re sult in shortages due the fad tint any shortage of milk wilt result in an even more wide spread use substitutes What thi daily farmer may get to morrow or milk or next year or the year may be better what he today But what he doesnt get today will never gel In view todays cost of production ami capital investment Ihe dairy la not attract rt present was Mr Jas Jarvis Stouffville and the youngest years Tor onto Mr and Mrs Wm Moss and Bonnie Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Jackie on Sunday July Several members of the attended the July cele bration and parade at Markham Mr and Mrs Hoy visit- Mr Mttrv Council on Friday evening Mrs who has been ill is improving Recent guests of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Stewart and family Mr and Mrs Norman Scutes Mr and Mrs Win Moss Billy and Bon nie Toronto Mr and Mrs Wilf Belouger spent a few days with her parents Mr and Mis Mr and Mrs Guy Williamson visited their daughter Mrs Bruce Davidson and family near w Your Old Frig I fc i Mod NO DOWN PAYMENT WITH YOUR OLD WiIC i ACT NOW ACT NOW LAST OFFER Newmarket Furniture and Electric MAIN ST NEWMARKET PHONE Canadas truck Um and For proof a look at ktoUuck New Load- mentor V01 This Wy duty toad puller la new Sedan 1900 to 1900 model IIS ft Ibe economical truck yet- the In Ite or compact that deliver moid Now lite tint tfnCMlly fur fulU fmiviifd a on Wild dOWft- A W4UwlM hill leu wear lUuHnii 6nCJ- than ever New tuple- toiuuo laiuWnit on new Series wen- toumc hikes up to lb lit to I hew give higher nunc Y- V New lhe the new of the heavy weight and they ill I hat sleek lhe Chevies build your i VotiH fc4Hirr such these sparking all phase Uriels are of Mcfwnunc in these new Chevrolet part of welt expect to sec you soon Ik we Si