Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 24 May 1956, p. 5

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An frttftnt the tow Willow Subdivide Ltd Mar Ltd and approved to form by Newmarket council last week- It ha been forwarded to the other parties for their ap proval Once that has been the agreement will be returned to council A bylaw Will be passed to cover the agree ment The text of the agreement is a follows the Town of Newmar ket being called the parly of the first part and referred to as the town Willow Subdivides Ltd being called the party of the sec ond part Mar Homes Limited being called the party of the third part and Lim ited being called the party of the fourth part Whereas the Party of the Sec ond Part through its owners manager or proprietor Lenhardt haa agreed to provide a site of land of approximately four and onethird acres on Da via Drive East in Newmar ket suitable for the purpose of the Party of the Fourth Part on which is to be constructed a fac tory if the Town would make available water for domestic purposes only on certain land proposed to be subdivided and being part of Lot concession one east of St for homes as hereinafter set out I rf- T f i- -jip- if K is M fty a IHVPi J T itf ill sharp win iVr- i ry- rJt f And whereas Mar Homes Limited claim to be owners or purchasers of the land part of whfch domestic water is to be supplied and the builders of home as set out herein and have agreed to enter in this agree ment as parties for the purposes mentioned Now this agreement witness as The Town agrees to allow con nections to be made to the town water service for the purposes of supplying water for the con struction of up to homes on that part of Lot concession one cast of St upon which there is a proposed subdi vision owned by Willow Subdi vides Ltd and under agreement for sale to Mar Limited who are alleged to be contractors building the said homes and to supply water for domestic pur poses through connections made as aforesaid only to the said 100 homes when constructed upon the following terms and condi tions a Willow Subdivide Ltd hindor Mar Homes Limited are the owners andor contractors of such homes shall pay for each water service to each such single dwelling to the town of Newmarket before such service to supply water is effected and such payment shall be guaranteed by a surety bond with a recognized surety comp any to be approved in its terms and amounts by the treasurer of the town Assist in the capital cost of sewage disposal plant now under consideration by the town All water supplied shall be paid for on the basis of one and onehalf times the charge made for domestic users In the town or at such price as those out side the town may be required to pay for water the assessment or rates for such water shall bo paid for in the same manner and at the same time as payments for such are made by users in the town of Newmarket and any de fault in payment shall result in such water service so far as the unit In default is concerned be ing disconnected and discon tinued It shall be the duty of the contractors andor the own ers to advise the purchasers ac cordingly c The construction and in stallation of the water mains conduits pumps etc to make such supply of water available shall be the expense of the contractor andor owner and shall be approved by the town engineer Sewers to service such houses as are supplied with wa ter may be joined up with the town sewerage system at the ex isting outfall at the northwest corner of the DavLs Leather Co Ltd buildings subject to the ap proval of the Deportment of Health Provincial and local and at the cost of the owner andor the builders The same shall be approved by the engin eers of the town of Newmarket and the township of East Gwil- Also upon completion of the sewage disposal plant such sowers shall be subjected to such charges andor rentals as the council decides e That a site in the town for factory purposes and to Limited be sup plied free of cost by Willow Subdivides Ltd or by Its agents or subsidiaries before any water Is supplied as herein mentioned The party of the fourth part agrees with the town upon being supplied with such site to erect forthwith a factory of at least square feet and to em ploy therein a minimum of persons on or before January town further agrees release Willow Ltd from extending Millard Avenue It is agreed that all the obli gations of the town are condi tional upon all the conditions herein set out being fully per formed and complied with and upon the breach or nonfulfill ment thereof the town reserves the right to refuse to supply wa ter as set out herein and to re lease Willow Subdlviders Ltd from its obligation as set out herein It Is understood and agreed that the supply of water for homes shall not include supply ing of water for any business or commercial purposes and shall not be for fire protection or op eration of hydrants for such pur- King George Home And School Closes Season With Pr ram Entertainment by the school pupils presented a short pageant children and movies were enjoy- j by the members of King George Home and School associ ation when the group held its final meeting of the season on Tuesday May Dr Robert King presided Selections were presented from the schools Victoria Day program A chorus from grade three sang grade four King City Softballers To Open Season Monday Despite loss of several key players City Lake Maries are primed and ready to put up a torrid tussle before relinquish ing their grip on the PeelYork league title The King City crew open away from home at Richmond Hill to night but will give the home fans a first look Monday May un der the King City lights at pm with Richmond Hill the invaders I Ken Parsons Bob Parsons and Iff are Mars of last to agreed to by all the par ties whQ seals under the promising newcomers are the vacancies The hands of their proper officers inc Seymour Bill Pollock John Stew Davidson and Bert Archibald- Last seasons pitching main stays Giird Bob and John Richards are back and ready to go while other return ees include hard hitting Jim Pat- ton Charlie Shield John Dew and Keith Kyle Bruce Hull docs double duty as manager and club secretary- treasurer is being ap proached about coaching the team New uniforms are being purchased by the village mer chants They have been ordered and should give the team a new look in two or three weeks time- on the history of the Union Jack and was sung by the grade five students The president thanked the children and their teachers for the program and showed the film Family Circles t This which had won two inter national awards depicted vari ous aspects of family life and their influences on children at school and in later years The attendance banner was won by Miss grade five class Mrs Barry Keeley presented a report on the annual convention held by the Ontario Home and School Federation at the Royal York hotel Toronto during the Easter holidays A nominations committee was named for September Its mem bers are Miss Eva Barnes Mrs Vincent Lewis and Dr King It was decided that the Home and School would purchase sports equipment for the school At the close of the business ses sion a social time was spent Refreshments were served by the mothers of grade five pupils under the direction of Mrs Ches ter Best Mrs Mrs Jack and Mrs King YORK COUNT OF AGRICULTURE Is- A mm fc MONDAY MAY 28 8 PM I m in tlie Agriculture Board Rooms Newmarket Proposed changes In the will be presented at this meetinr- V WICKS JR Secretary Si NO I Of beginners for fall term will be received at the address below on MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 28 and 29 each afternoon Please bring childs birth certificate Secretary -v- King St East of Bank of Commerce i I r b Miss Joyce daughter of Mr and Mrs Quecnsville gradu ates today from St Josephs hos pital School of Nursing Toronto at Eaton Auditorium 1 BUT t- a- v i jo- TTl j m4 T r t r PVC A 7a CUSTOM MODEL Rollout INSTITUTES REQUEST PENSIONS FOR AGED POISONS A resolution requesting the federal government to increase the monthly old age security pension to was unanimously endorsed by Centre York Wom ens Institute district at the sev enth annual meeting at Kettloby on Tuesday May The reso lution was presented by the King branch claim to the increase was based oh the action by the muni of New Toronto which had sent the same resolution to approximately municipalities across Canada this year The re solution also claimed that the present pension provides only a marginal existence for persons who are wholly dependent upon this source of income thereby causing hardship The pension it claimed has not kept puce with the cost of living A second resolution from King requesting the Gray Coach transportation company to use name signs of the bus destination on the door side of the coach in addition to that used at tho head of the vehicle was approved by the district- The convention was attended by HO Mrs George Schoults was elected president for a term of three years She sue Mrs Ed who was presented with a set of costume jewelry by the district in appre ciation for her service Cold Mttt Drawer KntUmd Dairy m T T fci 7v4raSj c LV rfl p- V r rv iv tt- t y JJ i l i j i j yj liV -v- ai Walter BaH PC Recital Series by Peers At the request of the student body Waiter Ball pianist re turned to perform as the final artist of the season at Pick ering College He gave the first recital last fall Included in this series was the Pro Arte Orchestra under Victor Miss soprano and Mr James baritone To achieve a disinterested pur ity in regard to commenting on Mr Bulls performance is almost impossible tor he is more than a little different from other pian ists I have heard different from the point of view of listen ing and of watching Some of his piano playing is remarkable some of it bad but never it His technique is approaching larger and larger proportions as are his gradations of tone color There is noticeable improvement since his full concert Except for the two little rhyth mic and II from pieces called Vi sions Fugitives the rest of the program was comprised of com positions to challenge the bold est of pianoforte players three of the splendid yet delicate Chop in Etudes from Opus TO and 25 two lush Rachmaninoff Preludes in it sharp minor and flat ma jor and two thunderous humorous pieces de resist ances by the modern Russian composer Devilish In spirations and Toccata Having followed the career of this young pianist since he first arrived In Toronto In when he competed in the Canadian Na tional Exhibition piano competi tions it is gratifying to see that he is returning to the Exhibition this fall four years later as the first guest artist of the Exhibi tion concert series The name of the Bow River Alberta originated from the ence on the rivers banks of Douglas fir trees from which lo Indians made hunting bows UNGRADED CHOICE PEAS 15 tin SALADA pkg of TEA BAB BONELESS PLATE ROILED POT ROAST BEEF lb 29c TABLERI SLICED SIDE BACON i -r- 1 ft pig SLICED OR BY TOE PIECE CfrjuiVbP BOLOGNA SPECIAL COMBINATION OFFER Mb and MIX for 59c I BISCUITS FLORIDA FANCY TOMATO JUKE INFANT AND JUNIOR FOODS ROYAL DICED Standard PEACHES BONNET COLOR KWIK MARGARINE FRYS BREAKFAST COCOA 12 lb tin PLAIN CHATEAU CHEESE lb KEItOnrS FROSTED CHASE Tr 77 r i FLORIDA NEW CROP WHITE CROP GREEN HEADS FLORIDA J mm -i- size 125 29c t Canada with less than one percent of worlds popula tion ranks sixth in the world as a producer of manufacture goods Manufacturing provides about one dollar out of three of Canadas national Income s A p- J dK -V- tfJjJJJJBW fewcM sSS ii p I V v i A i JifeJSSvJ 5 5 INSTANT HAWKS PASTE i I SKIN ASSOR

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