-j- i TO i Queensville News Ml totue r tea f- law J JOHN JARVIS re Mr and Mrs J Smith Jacob Smilh and Mr and Mr Rex Smith attended the exercises last at Queen University Kingston Mr Doug Smith was among those who graduated We our congratulations to Doug who attended public school In and high school In Newmarket The meeting was held at the home of Mrs Oliver on Thursday The vicepresident Mrs W presided in the absence of the president Mrs Bert Dike The devotional sub ject on faith was taken by Mrs W Mrs Elmer Stick- wood had the study book and gave an interesting paper on our Canadian Indians Lunch was served by Mrs Oliver and Mrs Mrs Otto Zinser visit ed Mr and Mrs Herb Kershaw last week The Evening auxiliary mem bers held their meeting at the home of Mrs Ronald on Wednesday night Mrs Eric chaired the meeting A panel discussion led by Mrs Hamilton on Education Mrs Whitfield on health and the school nurse Mrs Leonard Salmon on another topic was most interesting Mrs Harry KESWICK On Sunday May Keswick United church will hold dedica tion services for their new Chris tian Education wing The new wing is another milestone in the work of this church At the morning service at oclock Dr president of the Toronto Conference will preach The junior choir will provide the special music At the evening service Rev J Arnold Foster pastor of Downs- view United church will preach He will he assisted by Rev Gor don Winch and Dennis Winch The Keswick will pro vide the special music under the leadership of Mrs A social hour will be held after this service in the fireside room A special velcome is extended to all neighboring church min isters and friends to attend these services Toombs led the devotional pa of the program Mr and Mrs Keith Paul and Robbie Port Credit visited Mr and Mrs Hamil ton Keithi mother Many parents and friends at tended the splendid public school music festival at Newmarket high school last Tuesday night conducted by Miss Arm strong Mr Frank Moore Burlington spent the weekend at the home Mrs Ford Sharon visited the Warrens at the home on Saturday Mr had dinner recently with his undo Mr Har ry Mr Harry and Pearl spent Tuesday at Bradford with Mr and Mrs Ed Morton The Junior and Primary Musi cal Festival of the local public schools will be held at New market high school on Tuesday May 29 830 pm The music will be under the direction of Miss Armstrong OF NORTH CLOSING ROADWAY Notice in hereby given that the Municipal Council intend pacing a bylaw for the purpose of stopping up a portion of roadway on Plan known as Rest Glen COMMENCING at the westerly limit of lot on unlit plan and extending feet to easterly limit of plan and that in lieu of the closed portion roadway a sixtynix foot foot roadway constructed on lot and part of lot of said plan COMMENCING at the travelled portion of the Shore I toad and extending northerly to join the travelled portion of Host Hon Any person or persons objecting to tho closing of roadway and opening of proposed roadway in lieu are required to register complaints with Town Ship clerk at Township office oil or before Slimed WINCH Clerk HOPE The Friendship Circle of Sha ronHope United church will be held at the home of Miss Nora Shaw on Wednesday May 30 at The program is Mrs Garfield Wright and Ken Shaw The lunch com mittee is Mrs Sheldon Walker and Miss Haines Miss Greta Smith spent the past weekend with her cousin Miss Carolyn Traviss of Elm- hurst Beach Mr and Mrs Sheldon Walker attended the closing exercises of the Toronto Teachers college on Wednesday May where Miss Ann Walker has studied during the past year Mr and Mrs J Richmond Mill spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Sheldon Wal ker and family The service each Sunday at SharonHope United church will be at am with Sunday school following at oclock The brick work is now being done on the outside of United church MOUNT ALBERT Mr and Mrs and Scarboro Junction visit ed Mr and Mrs Roy on Wednesday last week Mr and Mrs Lloyd Sut ton visited Mr aunt Mrs on Wednesday last week Mrs Salmi Kirjavainen and Mrs Joseph Harrison attended the closing exercises of Teach ers College In Toronto on Wed nesday Mr Douglas of is spending two weeks with Mr and Mrs Roy Carr Mr Darrell of is vising his cousin Mr Mc- Quaid and Mrs Mr Reg spent the weekend on a fishing trip to Muskoka Mr and Mrs Alex Graham of are visiting Mrs Gra hams parents Mr and Mrs and Jackie before leaving for a three months visit in Ireland The funeral of the late Mrs Couch was held at the funeral chapel with interment in Mount Albert cemetery Mrs Walter Clark entertained the bazaar committee on Wed nesday evening when plans for the annual Cheerio club were made The May meeting of the Cheerio club will meet on Sat urday May 26 at pm sharp at the home of Mrs Murray Kir- ton Mr and Mrs Roy at- Livestock Judging Competition In Newmarket Saturday May 26 The Newmarket Era and Express Pace rt The Case boys will accept entries from here there and everywhere They arc hoping for least six teams will accept up to eight Another attraction on the sport front at the sports day will be the Usual East public school The York Country Livestock Judging Competition will be held on Saturday May with regis- ration at the Department of Agriculture Newmarket at am in competition contes tants will visit farms in the New- ma a v here t hey will Judge elapses of livestock consis ting of three dairy two hoof two swine one sheep class In the afternoon contestants give reasons for their placing on one class of each type of stock The Senior competition is open to all boys who have not reached their 27th birthday by Nov of this year The junior competi tion is for boys who have not reached their birthday by Nov of this year Champion ship trophies are awarded to both the senior and junior sec tions and a special trophy is pre sented to the top standing first year competitor Trophies are also awarded Jo the high compet itor in each class of stock in the junior section In evening the will ho joined by the girls of the junior Institutes and ill clubs for an awards banquet at King George Hotel At the banquet the trophies won during the day will lie presented and special prizes will be presented to the girls The winners of the trip to the National Congress hi Chicago and the Two Nations Tour will be announced To complete the day dance will be held in the Newmarket town hall with a The York Junior Farmers Association ex tends a Invitation to all young farm people to take part in the events of the day entries Bettor make your entry Murray Edgar Is In charge Immediately I of this phase of the program tended the wedding anni versary of their cousins Mr and Mrs Harry Hughes at Marys- ville Mich on Sunday May 20 Mount Albert Holds Sports Day On June 2 Mount Alberts annual sports day rating with the first robin as the initial sign of spring will be held June Feature attrac tion as usual will be the Softball tournament Joe and- Kelly Case are tourna ment conveners AM entries for tlie tournament should bo sent to them This years tournament is an open affair and not limited to Lake league teams SHARON The service at St James Ang lican church each Sunday will Ik at am Service in SharonHope United church is at am Sunday school is at am The SharonHope Friendship Circle will be held at the home of Miss Nora Shaw on Wednes day May at pm The program committee is Mrs Wright and Mrs Shaw Lunch committee is Miss Haines and Mrs Walker Mrs Buchanan Toronto spent a few days with her sister Mrs Phillips Mr and Mrs Shaw and Kathy spent the weekend in Toronto with Mr and Mrs How ard St John Miss May Steven Toronto spent the weekend at her home here York County Hospital Needs Your Donation r rf- in Floor Covering I r tv RUG rooms room cottages idea In floor covering a long wearing easy to clean and it amused for many happy hour fa mi ill game on it they keep the fifKlhtn and clothes Its childn many of the esentMx0imtmitm Cipiroi it- mm i mm TC cloth Write for free full colour u mm I jfM I fe a- Ji v- Canadas newest most responsive Six available in any of s Mainline or Customline models and in 3 popular station wagons Now you can take your choice You can have the famous Ford V8 to 225Hp with traditionally finer performance in any model Or you can choose the industrys most modern Six the Mileage Maker in any Mainline or model and in the Ranch Wagon Custom Ranch Wagon and SixPassenger Country Sedan The Mileage Maker- Six leads the field in engineering advancements in lively spirited performance in smoothness economy It offers you shortstroke power which means longer service and higher gas mileage Whatever your choice V8 or Six youll gel the finest in Ford the performance leader OR SIX FORD LEADS IN STYLING IK SAFETY TOO Every Ford model carries the proud stamp of its inheritance in its crisp cleancut lines And every Ford offers yo the builtin safety of Lifeguard Design with safety steering wheel and safety door latches and with seat belts and plastic padding for instrument panel and sun visors at very modest extra cost Yes whatever you choose model for model price for price you get more in Ford No wonder Ford is Canadas valueleader worth more when you buy worth more when you sell it I J- INVITE YOU TO VISIT YOUR DEALER DRIVE FORD AND K1 I f a J Keif- v f J