Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 3 May 1956, p. 7

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7 vr CHEVROLET coach tires good motor Bio heater and defroster two lights and many other Phone Mount CHEVROLET- green coach license No with license plates 1033 FORD black coach license with 1D55 license plates ftStAii trailer license Ho above will be sold after days If not claimed Harold Cordon Davis Dr E USED CARS WANTED ENGLISH make car Newmarket USED TRUCKS PANEL Ford 185 Apply Sutton Cedar Valley to MACHINERY FOR SALE USED potato equipment planter with fertilizer Attachments Doer- digger and Snyder picker Niagara duster engine drive KlngWyse grader Baxter miles south of Pine Orchard phone New- GARDEN tractor Simplicity slightly used with plow cultivator narrow and wheel freights Apply E Glover Newmarket phone New- ft selfpropelled fCombIne 1000 or offer or Change for young cattle Lark- in phone AX ir MI PLOWS 2FURROW new reg 260 sale price 105 new reg sale price furrow sale price i SEVERAL good used plows all models 15 ONE dine brand new sale price all sizes new used special prices SOWS months old due middle of May Purebred Eng lish Yorkshire hog months old Apply Bruce 2 Newmarket phone 164J3 WEANLING pigs excellent stock Farm phone Newmarket PUREBRED bull ready for service dam by Pickwick sire is Reecho Bruce Clarke phone 2wl PUREBRED Yorkshire boars service age of excellent type reasonably priced McLeods Farm phone PA75194 Aurora POULTRY WANTED LIVE poultry Any quantity Bring them In or will call on re quest Highest prices paid S Apple ton Oak Ridges phone Turner ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto prices right at your door Phone Newmarket POULTRY FOR SALE Phone New- market WOOD FOR SALE Mm fl I V- I MISCELLANEOUS and cedar logs windmill ft high J C Lorlmer Sharon HARDWOOD for sale Mount Alhert tf4 LUMBER r harrows all sizes IP ERGUSON loader only new sale price soil scoop new special TRACTOR spreaders new BEY spreaders price outfit 3 unit good new separators lbs electric price sale price USED lumber Siding and pieces of timber ft by by 2 Also steel shingles and corrugated siding All clear of nails Apply Queen St Newmarket or can be seen hack of new Bell Telephone building PLANTS FOR SALE CHOICE bulbs all good varieties Laurie Cane Da Dr Newmarket RASPBERRY canes three kinds I Lyons Davis Dr Newmarket AFRICAN Violets select var- Potting soil peat moss and Davys Green houses Holland Landing phone Newmarket AFRICAN VIOLETS SEE the large assortment of flowering violets Including rare varieties Clarkes African Violet Centre Belfry Dr off Davis Dr phone Newmarket Open Monday to Thursday am to pm Friday and Saturday WELL tile 30 and Immed iate delivery Lome Baker con crete Products Newmarket phone AllHerbal rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and sciatic pains Price Best Drug Store phone Newmar ket MUCOUS IN THROAT Pink Tablets for the nose and for the dropping of mucous discharge sensation of the lump in the throat and other disturbances These are the same reliable pink tablets that have been used for many years by adults and children with good results Price The Best Drug Store phone Newmarket THE BEST BRONCHIAL COUGH SYRUP For coughs colds- and bronchi tis A prompt and effective rem edy for the relief of bronchitis tight or chesty coughs and colds cents The Best Drug Store Newmarket SALE REGISTERS FRIDAY MAY Auction sale of farm stock implements head of Shorthorn cattle one horse 1020 tractor Includ ing full line of implements hay grain etc at lot Con bridge miles south of the property of Robert No reserve farm sold Sale 1 pm Terms cash Lloyd Turner clerk Farmer auctioneer phone SATURDAY MAY Auction sale The undersigned will sell by nubile auction at Lot west half Con Kin Township en trance Con The prop of Judges and Sons consisting of farm stork maehln- Cockshutt 2 unit milking machine hay etc also large quantity of household furniture at lot Con East bury the of Thomas Miller Terms cash Sale sharp No reserve farm sold Farmer phone 5311 Auction Sale milking years of farm stock Implements etc The undersigned has received instructions from ROY to sell by public auction at Lots 2425 Con King mile south of THURSDAY MAY 10 CATTLE cow years old fresh cow years in full flow bred Mar cow years in full flow bred April Red cow years in full flow bred milking years July 21 Reg cow in full flow 2 years cow bred Feb 2 cow in full flow 3 heifer years bred Jan heifer 2 years heifer 2 years bred April heifer 2 years bred March heifer 2 years bred April Holstein heifer years 1 heifers yearlings Heifer calves Veal calf PIGS Chunks IMPLEMENTS Ford tractor in good repair Ford tractor cultivator good Ford tractor disc good Ford tractor plow good Binder foot cut 2 crops spreader vears old good Stifftooth cultivator tractor or horses good McCormlck Mower foot cut cry etc Terms Cash Sale pm DST Smith Auctioneer phone 187j Newmarket tedder Rubbertired wagon good AUCTION SALE CATTLE Go Head of Heifers Stockers Steers Baby Beef Tractors Forage Harvester Implements Rear Lot 22 on Pickering Townllne THURSDAY MAY Property belonging to PINEHURST FARMS CATTLE heifers pasture bred heifer second calf pas ture bred heifer 2nd calf bred The above heifers carrying their second calves Shorthorn heifer pasture bred Durham heifer pasture bred Durham cow pasture bred Hereford cow Hereford second calf heifer pas ture bred Durham cows pasture bred 2 Black cows pasture bred Durham cows second calf pasture bred Black cow second calf pasture bred Durham cow second calf bred Black heifer second calf pasture bred Hereford and heifer Hereford and steers lbs Hereford and heifer lbs Poll Angus heifers open about lbs Hereford steer about GOO lbs Hereford steer about 750 lbs Hereford steer about steer about lbs- Hereford heifer about lbs Hereford heifers about lbs open Hereford stcer GOO lbs Hereford steer lbs Hereford and heifer lbs Hereford steer heifer Hereford and heifers lbs Hereford steer lbs cow fresh calf by side Head of stackers The above cattle are bred to pure bull IMPLEMENTS SOW Tamworth boar born in May boar born in Novem ber boards born in Feb ruary Above is an exceptional fine lot of Tamworth Swine HENS Heavy breed of hens laying The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday May Page TOWN COSTS Continued from page 1 DRILLS m 1 r tractor fertib latest model com- eg sale price balers prices I gjVfcpEir SON MOUNT am 9 pm 4vl5 FOR YOUR GARDEN WE again offer you the very best of Evergreens flowering shrubs- roses shade and fruit trees also and Chinese elm hedges for reasonable Don caster Nursery Thorn- hill Slop 14A St phone PETS MOTORS Tractor repainted transmission perfect condition down or trade Row Crop very good Worked years tires like new make offer run on rear good pulley re- minted only total price Albert Surge mil kin Abo ud it to Surge Sale and Hill tf4 home wanted for welltrained year old fox terrier Phono Newmarket MALE puppies Phone Newmarket J bushel phono fount Albert OUT of of haled Pollock Keswick int a noteholder will the Theatre Mil be admit at our theatre any one Monday through removed from I jfarm promptly for sanitary ad iarit tojgotb TROPICAL fish Imported stock Plants tanks ano up- Goldfish Phone Newmarket tf4 lost BLACK white and tan male Roadie hound la I too on right ear Frank Park phone Newmarket collect FOUR keys on chain Important office key No Finder please write Era Express box BROWN from Depart ment of Agrlciilture between Post Office and St Finder please phone 1847w New market ill mm i j Mattel of Al cedar fence rails Apply Stanley Eves CEMENT blocks Plain and rock fared Septic tanks Well and culvert tile Concrete Products Phone 201v a RUBBER STAMPS VIEW SOUTH RICHMOND J SOD i SOD grown In vicinity taken hours daily Phone Em 2G17 Toronto SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of household effects many articles of furni ture beautiful dishes and silver ware the property of William Link second house south of United Church Sale pm Terms cash Antique buyers take notice F Dew clerk J auctioneer phone TUESDAY MAY Auction sale of fa rm stock Implements household furniture Ford tractor and plow a full lino of machinery Shorthorn cattle team of horses sheep hay etc the property of York lot Con North Twp l mile east and mile south of Pel haven Farm sold No reserve Terms cash Sale pm Reg Johnson auctioneer phone Sunderland THURSDAY MAY Auction sale of farm stock and Imple ments cattle hogs poultry etc the property of Roy lot and rear con King twp on and Aurora hlgmvav- Terms sale Sale oclock- J Smith auctioneer phone Newmarket THURSDAY MAY Auction sale of now farm Implements Mead of second calf heifers Hereford steers and fat cattle and baby beef springers and fresh cows Forage harvester old New Cock tractor No Major old and full line of power Imple- FOR LIST At iot rear Con on Pickering about miles from the property of pine Hurst Farms Terms Cash No Reserve Sale at Sharp Turner Clerk Alvln S Farmer auctioneer Phono A Farm Manager SATURDAY MAY Import ant auction sale of registered swine horses farm slock Implements New Holland baler hay grain large lot of household furniture etc on lot Con Markham Twp on No 7 at of TON Sale at pm sharp Terms Cash No reserve Farm sold Ken and Clarke Prentice auctioneers SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of household furniture the of Alee Daniels to he by public auction at Temperance St Aurora Sale at pm Terms cash Cordon Phillips auctioneer Cather ine Crescent Aurora phone PA 74873 WEDNESDAY MAY Exten sive auction sale of head of Registered Jersey herd Includ ing fresh springers heifers herd sire all fully accredited vaccln- alcd Government blood tested Tractor manure spreader Rood Fertilizer seed drill side rake mower binder Surge Milker International Milk Cooler cab inet type hay straw etc at lot Con Kim Township Just south of King City the properly of Stewart NOTE this Is one of the extra good herds In the district Farm sold Terms cash on pedigrees M A Wilson Cordon Clerks Sale Cattle sale pm Sellers and Atkinson auctioneers cultivator Potato digger good harrows Section harrows 2furrowplow Plow Floury drill of sleighs good sleighs Democrat with seats Hay rack foot Stock rack Wagon box of manure boards Fannin mill Cutting box scales lbs scales lbs tractor chains almost new Hand seeder new Hay fork Steel water trough good as new Wooden number of Iron posts Furnace carrier good Milk can cart Chop box A number of barrels Duster for potatoes pood Bag truck 2 pair of horse blankets of Harness Collars Oral a bags number of sacks fence good Woods electric oat roller good A number of cast iron pig troughs good Woods electric hot water heater frond Fence stretcher Stewart new on not pot barrel Gallon barrel a number of gallon cans Hand sprayer Galvanized sap buckets Fire extinguisher for extension ladder spiles Part of toll wire Part of roll of barb wire pile of Iron May knife Piles of wood oils of snow Pile of lumber A number of orange orates faultily of fov fence A few bags of seed potatoes AND GRAIN About 100 oats A quantity of loose hay Stack of wheat straw Approximately bales of straw Cockshutt No 30 brand now model Ford model good condition Ford tractor with front end loader complete plow hydraulic plow hydraulic Power seed drill on rubber Glass sealers IMPLEMENTS New Holland pickup hay and straw automatic baler com plete with Wisconsin air cooled motor binder 7 foot cut Peering mower foot cut Steel horse rake foot Steel land roller Hay tedder Good hoe drill Set disc harrows Set section drag harrows Set 3 section drag harrows Rubber tired wagon gear com plete with rack Hay rack Farm wagon gear Set farm sleighs with rack Buggy Cuter wagon or democrat Silo rods A number of ft planks 2 Scufflers Drill plow Single walking plows Turnip drill gallon water tank Gallon oil barrel Robe slings and chain Polls snow fence Steel fence posts foot gate new foot wooden gate Water troughs and feed troughs No Cream separator good Lawn mower of good manure Cyclone seeder Set scales Number of ladders Forks shovels hoes chains and a num ber of other useful articles FURNITURE oak bedroom suite White Iron bed Spool hod Dressers white bedroom suite Pod Springs Mattresses Cupboard bookcase Small tables Oak writing desk Rocking chairs Dining room chairs Odd chairs and stool Largo extension table boards Side board Finiilay cook stove good and pipes Hand glass chum Tee cream freezer sausage grinder large table Super deluxe electric stove refrigerator ft Flour bin Glass cupboard washing machine Hihs and boiler Wash stand more property than any criminal The moment an impaired driver is behind the wheel every child or adult near him is a possible traffic victim Traffic safety involves many other factors One of these is visual capacity How good is your vision Mr asked his audience As an example of how faulty sight could lead to trouble Air explained that tile size of a letter on a traf fic sign is five inches A person with 2020 vision could read this at a distance of feet If a driver was travelling at Mr said he would be feet past the sign before he could stop Every driver should have his eyes tested regularly The driver should have his car in perfect operating condition at all times he said It is his res ponsibility to see that the lights steering brakes speedometer horn and Windshield wipers work properly i oat DAIRY EQUIPMENT SATURDAY MAY Auction sale of farm stock Implements Mead of cattle fresh and springer No U I tractor manure 4nt a Woods machine with for if cows Woods milk cooler port- able cream separator Strainer new Plunder A number of milk palls FURNITURE Table Dining room table and chairs A number of Jars Double beds Single bed Wnrdrolio Rig chairs Wicker chair Wash stands machine Flower stand Coleman oil space heater Quebec Heater coal and wood Hot plate Flour bin POULTRY AND EQUIPMENT Approximately Pullets Approximately Pull ets months old Warner electric brooder used months Oil Healer 300 chicks size A number of feeders and founts Forks shovels chains sling ropes palls hoes and other articles loo numerous to men tion No reserve as farm sold Terms cash Sale pm used one season new Forage harvester used season with corn picker complete Forage harvester wagons new on rubber with new boxes complete with Sect Ion harrows Section harrows Ford hydraulic grader New Holland hay baler used one season new Hay conveyor ft new with motor Ma forage blower good Brand new tractor manure spreaders tractor spreader Dearborne used year Chopper good condition Pump jack hammer mill used 2 years Polls wire rods new Side Ivory rake old power separator electric used one vear Drive belts ft anil ft Above Imnlemonts are new and in excellent condition- Dont miss this sale if interested in the best machinery reserve giving up farming Sale at pm Terms cash A Manager loyd Turner Clerk A Farmer Auctioneer Phone el WIS J Ed ami Mr P Smith Auctioneer Nothing fob AUCTION SALE W1N FARM STOCK NEW HO LAND PAIKIt HAY GRAIN TURK FTC Lot to Con at Dollar on No Property of CHAS B SATURDAY MAY CATTLE Reg- Holsteln bull months Roan cow calf by side Hereford heifer calf by side Jersey cow broil in December Rlack cow calf by and Guernsey cow bred in December cow bred In December cow bred In Above mentioned cattle are nil excellent cream cows Roan mare Roan Holding Above Is a good team to work Sets good double harness Sets horse collars Set light driving single harness HAY AND CHAIN bushels mixed grain Appro bushels oats bales of good hay TAMWORTH SWINE Lamp shades Coal oil lamps and lanterns Aladdin lamp Rurner coal oil stove and oven nig Antique iron boll house chairs Iron cot Pictures Electric heater plate Commode Fernery fern stand Dishes Kettles pans crocks trays Extension clothes horse 2 Coal scuttles Mirrors pails and other articles Kale at pm sharp Terms cash reserve Farm sold Smith clerk Ken and Clarke Prentice auc tioneers phone 316 phono Ax- minster ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Harry Queensville announce the en gagemen I of their daughter Irene to Mr Charles Albert Flower son of Mr and Mrs- Flower Winnipeg Man Die wedding to take place In St Pauls Anglican church Newmarket Mr and Mrs Anderson of Sutton West take pleasure in the engagement of their daughter Edith to Mr John Mo fort McCaffrey son Mr and Mrs William A McCaffrey of Newmarket Hie marriage will take place on Sat urday June at pm in Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church Keswick Do you know that at 50 a car travels feet a second and that it takes feet to stop it At mph the car is travelling feet a second It takes 354 feet to come to a full stop The average driver will have travel led feet from the time he has transferred his foot from the gas to the brake pedal It might be wiser if the speedometer showed how many feet it would take to stop the car rather than the speed at which the vehicle was travel ling Mr suggested From investigations of acci dents at railway crossings where the driver has not been killed the same answers are heard time and time again My mind was on something else and I didnt realize where I was or I cross these tracks so often I just did not think Any good driver will tell you that the way to avoid accidents is to be aware of what is behind and at the side of your car as well as what is in front of it Frequent use of the rear and sideview minors will help you determine what the other fel low is going to do A driver who through ignor ance of good road behavior or because of indifference breaks the traffic rules is a law breaker His violations ore punishable rough the courts and a heavy load is carried by the taxpayers in attempting to prevent him from causing personal injuries or death to others as well as him self The golden rule is the best safety rule we have Mr added w Announcement Reception Card Printing Complete Selection Popular Price Prompt Newmarket Era and Express Printing as you like it 1 A Mi i Use Era Express Classifieds In J turning uir articles into cash PERRINS Flower Shop Member Florists Delivery Association Flowers wired to all part of the world FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIALTY Main St Phone McCaffreys flowers FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Over he World MAIN NEWMARKET Phone THEAKER FUNERAL and Service Phone Albert 81 Newmarket I Mr and Mrs Douglas Newmarket wish announce IhoiennaKoment of their niece Joyce Myrtle Van to Mr David Cameron and the late Mr Cameron The marriage will lake place on Sat- unlaw May 2fi at oclock in Christian Baptist Church Newmarket m 1 Mr and Mrs William Bernard Lee of Newmarket wish to an nounce the engagement of their daughter Marilyn to Mr Paul Thomas son of Mr and Mrs Paul of Keswick and Toronto The to take place In the Christian Baptist church Newmarket no Satur day June at a pm CONTINUED ON PACK Era and Express Classifieds Results with with pigs sow weeka old sow weeks old sow due time of sale sow bred In March Tamworlh sow bred April Young Tamworth sows bred sows Young old put of Rose Funeral directors MAIN STREET NEWMARKET T ft QUEENSVILLE FUNERAL DIRECTORS SERVICE This smart lady knows that she saves time f slops effort and MONEY when she studies the ads in this newspaper she m m sets to shop This way she can get an V overall view of whats now and whats good In the stores can compare carefully many values can then go direct to the stores that offer the most attractive buys Nine out of ten women hereabouts are smart in this self same manner They start their shopping in the pages of this newspaper For the merchant it is smart to advertise what he has to sell whore most people look for buying infor mation Advertising in this newspaper is the shortest distance between seller and buyer J i A in of IT vfi i VAL-

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