Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 8 Mar 1956, p. 8

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Continued from page gallons per con than i year old had an accident the car a early for him to entering next years Rally of the British Empire Motor club and he cannot obtain a license yet But last night he ran his first down the laheway next to the Era and Express building Unfortunately the first test ended with drastic results end of the new car in because a happened to situated the finish line The Jetton we have learned is nev er to leave the keys in the car Our wife and had called it the office at five oclock for a drive home from Main Street suggested that the junior remember of the family jump in- to the car while we gathered some papers to take home When we went out to the the car was at the bottom of the hill and there was some howling that could be heard block away A couple of hour later we managed to extract the evidence piece by are assuming he jumped halfway down the hill In the true style of a para chute jumper he hit the ground and rolled All this would be humorous but for the fact that he jumped on glare ice and we are still wondering why he did not slide under the back Now we wonder how children grow up- There are hazar and there will be more hazards The best thing for his parents to do is not let him out of their sight When he turned on the key the car in second gear the tried to shift the gear lever without success were that he knew about the Files of We dont think that the Hy dro Electric power commission is very considerate- The other day some linesmen were doing a repair job on the street and cut the power off for two hours- It so happened that a cake had been put in the oven at our house and we were looking for ward to a pretty good dinner that night You probably can guess the rest The cake was half baked and thrown cut and when we arrived home we said some nasty things about Ontario hydro One would think that the Hydro might give some warning about a cutoff when they know ahead of time what is being done Incidentally it was not a crew on the lines The local hydro men of course would never do such a thing Years Ago There was a well filled house the progressive crokinole party at Mrs Minnie Wilsons home last Thursday night Music was rendered by the or chestra and piano selections by Misses Helen Wilson and Mary Wilson A number of our young peo ple attended the play Ha- Ten at on Friday night and report a good time Percy Hutchinson kindly con veyed them in his truck Friendliness brings a swift reward Newmarkets example of goodwill at hockey game makes impression which causes Owen Sound newspaper to comment it to Georgian Bay fans Newmarket lost at Falls In an exhibition game between Niagara and Newmarket on Wednesday in Niagara Falls Newmarket were beaten to The game was pretty rough and two of the Newmarket players were hurt Wilson re ceiving a broken nose and an injured arm About attended the Trin ity Mens banquet on Tuesday evening A very enjoyable meal followed commun ity singing led by Alec Eves with Dr Gilbert at the piano Mr and Mrs Carricfc of To spent Sunday with her parents Mr and Mrs P of To ronto spent this week with her parent Mr and Mrs Chas Smith St Newmar ket J Moon of Mount Forest who has been appointed Judge of the district of Parry Sound by the Dominion Gov ernment is a frequent visitor in Newmarket the guest of his Mrs Hill Twentyfive members of the club attended the an nual skating carnival in To ronto on Friday Feb after dining at the Royal York hotel A most enjoyable time is re ported by all Eileen Boyd of Toronto by Miss Bracebrldge and Bliss Gil- man of Boston spent the week- town March Curling On Saturday even ing the clubs of the Office Spe cialty and United Factories had another match which was full of interest on account of the previous matches being won by the United Factories This time the Specialty won by a score of to Town Band Bandmaster Slatter of the Highlanders Toronto complimented the band boys very highly last Tuesday evening on the pro gress they are making There are now about 30 members and have reached that point where the practices are a delight The United Factories will close on Saturday night for two weeks that is most of the em ployees will have a rest The firm intend making consider able alterations in the furnaces so as to lessen the work of the firemen All the machinists will also be busy making gen eral repairs in the factory while the engines are at a standstill Mr and Mrs B Howard are spending a few days visit friends and relatives in To ronto Hamilton and St Cath arines Mrs Tudhope of and Miss of Toronto spent the weekend with their mo ther Mrs Timothy Miss Comrie Brown of El gin Mills cousin of Mrs A Coombs spending a couple of days with her last week Mrs Ambrose Cane left for Winnipeg yesterday having re ceived the appointment of ma tron of a childrens hospital in that city Miss Elva Anderson teacher near was home with her parents Mr P J An derson and wife from Friday evening till Monday evening Mr Stevenson Sault Marie Ont visited his sis terinlaw Mrs C K Morri son and Mrs P J Anderson a couple of days this week He reports business brisk at the Soo Mr Fred who has been for some time in the em ploy of Mr C gro cer left last Monday morning to take a position In the whole sale grocery of Mr of Toronto TRAFFIC Pre A deathfree period of on the of township Ontario proudly recorded by Harry township reeve and principal of the town high school the record goes to the concerted effort by and everybody conscious In five traffic i fc by the Express Hrad Umllcdi fur safe continuous wells Us Kim aupply ported Last August dtirtog ft to the town to of Bogifitowii a source but the advised that It would half dollar jr with tan rax z it a two years for year ta advance Single are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Weekly Association and the Audit Bateau of Circulations as J Office GEORGE Sports pair V tf front limit of i rf for WWH is IAWRENCE Job and Production fcn dIilirsp d EDITORIAL PAGE fjivfl THURSDAY THE EIGHTH DAY OF MARCH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYSIX RED CROSS CAMPAIGN THE ANNUAL RED Cross Campaign under way in Newmarket the main effort will be made during the blitz drive on Wednesday March The Red Cross appreciates the assistance Newmarket and dist rict has provided on previous occasions and hopes the same support will be continued In the local district many welfare cases have been helped by the lied Cross The loan cupboard has equipment such as wheel chairs and These are in constant use Members of the local branch have given many hours of time to make garments quilts and knitted goods ready for use at home or abroad York Manor Home is visited frequently entertainment and picnics are provided for the residents of the home These are a few of the services the local Red Cross branch provides On the national and international level the Red Cross is ready for any disaster which might occur in any area without warning The funds which will be raised in this years Red Cross campaign will be used in the Newmarket district anywhere in Canada or in other parts of the world where there is suffering ANOTHER NEW SCHOOL ESTIMATES OF THE public school population in September which were presented at a meeting of the school board on Tuesday night show that every class room in the towns five schools will be in use The re port was presented by A Jackson supervising princi pal When the J Bell school was considered an estimate of school population was taken by the board which showed that by the end of five years an additional 10 rooms would be needed Bather than wait for the situation to come when classes might have to be stag- or some other emergency accommodation found the board began immediate preparations to build the school The population increase expected over the five- year period has occurred this year The school popula- at the end of February was Approximately of these will graduate from grade eight in the Spring leaving to continue their studies in the public schools Basing the estimates of t h 1956 kindergarten population on this years Mr Jackson said that six classes are expected This would require three class rooms with a group meeting in the morning and another in the afternoon in each room Dividing the remainder of the present population without allowance for the new children coming to town and children to a classroom it will take rooms so that all of the 38 classrooms in the Newmarket public schools will be in use in September By setting the figure at it allows for a class to be increased by another or newcomers But since most of the families moving Into new subdivisions have young children it could a congestion in the tower grades and the need- for tional rooms Since March hew have entered the public schools We realized Newmarket was growing rapidly said Chairman Arthur Lloyd but we werent prepared to see our fiveyear plan completed in one year board is studying the situation No recommendatiow have been made the flow by tfii an ft water tmm wnlt Hit vine which uniform xuiv the fit would j MMMIfcKCi- wm that wiM com for Mr fAnhfr WWW h4 for the Late 4UetMtei- a HOSPITAL AUXILIARY THE YORK COUNTY Hospital Auxiliary received commendation at the annual meeting of the hospital board this year Board members expressed appreciation for the tangible contributions to the hospital in the form of furnishings and equipment and for its effective assistance in the form of good public relations At the moment the Auxiliary is seeking volunteers for the operation of a tuck shop where patients may purchase cigarettes candy and sundries The shop would be operated during visiting hours in the afternoon and evening The more volunteers the easier the job will be volunteers are asked to telephone Mrs W O Noble The Auxiliary is typical of many organi zations in the district which help to make a better com munity NO IMMEDIATE PROVINCIAL HELP NEWMARKET AND other municipalities in York County are supporting Auroras request for provincial aid in developing new sources of water supply Aurora has requested that the province assist in piping water from Lake Simcoe or any other body of water Mem bers of Newmarket council supported the request be lieving that it might speed up the provinces move to assist municipalities There is little hope however that the assistance will come in the near future Councillor Belugin said that the water shortage is as much a federal problem as it is provincial The federal government introduced the National Housing Act which had enabled subdividers to build houses in this areacausing a water shortage He was not criti cizing the housing development but the fact that water was not considered in locating the subdivisions here They should have been located where water was avail able he said The truth is that until recently the water supply never was questioned in Newmarket except by Councillor and once by Charles VanZant when he was chairman of the town water committee by Dairy Farmer The Top Six Inches at There is a lot and some very thinking is hems done to find a to the Tost problem of the dairyman milk producer and that is how to keep ahead the increasing cost of production with a pro duct that is sold at a govern ment fixed price This problem is further complicated the fact that the sulk shed is close to the large populated areas and thus the dairy farmer has to compete for labor with in dustry Yesterday we heard of a new angle or approach to the prob lem and we will give it to you for what its worth A man ships milk from cows He breeds the ones he does breed at all to a Hereford He doesnt raise its replacements and buys cows when he must at small dispersals He is a shrewd judge of cattle and doesnt make loo many mis takes in picking his cattle He is very happy Most of his cows he doesnt breed at alL He claims that he gets about lbs of milk more per year if he milks them right out with out carrying calves He has no expenses for breeding doesnt have to keep a bull has no breeding troubles and really very little invested in his main moneymaking tool cattle He can use all the space he has for just the animals that produce and ho doesnt have to spend money labor or provide feed and housing for animals that are not milking get per yea from cattle that lass than half of this faults with the one confronting hint is of course to buy Weil have seen soma grade cows hetweea and at the present he replacement cheap From the of whole daisy- feraisng the is Arho the replacements If they are unprofitable to raise at all how are we going tw continue inx proving the producing ability our cattle After aH this man can do this because many farm ers and breeders ahead of him breed the cows he can now pro fitably milk It may be that the sort of situation he is taking good ad vantage of is temporary and it he had to pay or even 30O for replacements he would have to start breeding his best cows But this mans case does- bring up that very important problem of raising replacements and points out the general dif faculties under which the dairy farmer who is a breeder has to- operate Could it be in the dairy industry we moving toward a solution would mean thet establishment of dairy cattle nurseries One would take the- calves there the very best cows and pay the man much for raising them it may be cheaper than doing it ourselves OUR SIDE OF THE STORY A LABOR COURT INSTEAD OF STRIKES The strike of General Motors employees in Canada is over For days it kept out production workers and several million dollars worth capital Perhaps this would be a good time to consider an al ternative to strikes By the strike and the threat of strike unions have unques tionably made gains for their Hence any proposal to limit the right to is sure to encounter opposition It will be said What if the right to strike Is a special privi lege Our society is a tissue of special privileges Manufac turers have tariff protection Minora have subsidies Farm ers have floor prices Why away the only privilege labor The question Is a good one The answer is that wo should not tolerate the special privileges Any limitation on the right to strike must bo part of a broad program of social justice a program based on the clear fuel that you can never arrive at justice by In creasing the number of privi leged groups There Is always the newcomer the little fellow the unorganized worker who is Iho victim be a more vigorous attack on monopolies and special privi leges There can be little doubt that the strikes in the auto in dustry were partly due to the desire of the to share in the growing profits of Ford General Motors Who is to that the workers should not share In those Anyone can see that the profits of the auto industry are the result an unduly high tariff Provided the other forms of special privileges were being eliminate some limitation on the freedom to might reasonably be imposed After all the right to strike is a spe cial privilege It gives unions the right to indulge In monopoly practices It exempts the unions from liability for damages And in fact gives the unions right to close the plants of cm This favored position was granted labor on assump tion that labor was lowin come group in need of special protection Would it to deny lie privilege of striking to people whoso earnings are above average Would seriously American Airlines pilots arc ft downtrodden exploited group needing the special pri vilege of the strike They wore Further we must eliminate conditions that make manual making between and workers feel the need of tho 19000 per annum when they strike weapon For example immigration must he strictly limited Likewise there must struck A substitute for might be found in a Labor Court with power to rule on all demands for increases in wages A Court unlike an Arbitra tion Board operates on the basis of law Our labor law would have to provide the Court with a basis for its de cisions The law would have to set up criteria for judging when an in wages should bo ordered One cri terion should be cost liv ing All wage contracts ought to contain provisions for vary ing tho wage with changes in the cost of living Another cri terion could be found In the de mand for labor relative to sup- Labor Court would servo purpose for which labor unions first formed it would seek to set wages at the highest level at which nil qualified workers would bo to find employment In other words wago rates would be set at the levels that would result from fair bargaining bo- men There can hardly be fair bar gaining between a single work and General Motors Un employed men at the end of their resources arc hardly free Hence the Justification for unions collective bargaining and the right to Hut the has not been what was anticipated Bargaining be tween the United Auto Work ers and General Motors is bar- by Harvey gaining between a labor mon opoly and a giant corporation There is no reason in theory or experience to think that bar gaining between such giants will result in justice What is almost certain is that the un ionized workers especially those in strategic jobs will ob tain relatively high wages while lowpaid unorganiz ed workers who need some pro tection do not get In Workers should not have to endure the hardship of a strike to get justice A Labor Court would have power to order wage Increases for nil kinds of labor whether organized or not whenever there were not enough qualified workers to meet the demand In the opposite case the Court would refuse to order an in crease in wages and refuse to sanction a strike RED BOOM AT It should perhaps bo added that any system of setting wages in accord with demand and supply would not be in times of mass unem ployment or If the general standard of living were at the starvation level In country with high living standards and with employ- at high levels a Labor Court operating on basis of laid down by law could an agency of social jus- less painful and more generally applicable than the strike iS The state ia the servant not the master of people the state is their guarantee against infringement on their right their in international and nation issue a itia tin of J a- Discovery of copper In the area of Ontario riches to Mrs Soplrft Friday ah todian mining claims by her J fe the claims red gold Is over rush that put Cobalt on the mining map a som of richttt deposits opr covered Marty company tfolUr wplortag

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