Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 8 Mar 1956, p. 15

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J A iI A meeting of was held at the home of Fred Dew on Wednesday Mr Fred Wicks Jr of the Federation of Agriculture for York County was guest speaker Several items of business were discussed and appeals were made for mental health work and the Hospital Auxiliary Pine Orchard News GOING to the OLD SHIP OK Bookings and reservation fox all steamship and airline tours and Independ ent travel in Europe tor free Information HERBERT GOODHOOFD TRAVEL BUREAU Main Si Mr and Mrs Don Sheridan Burlington visited relatives here recently Mrs Earl Lehman Cedar Val ley had the misfortune to break her arm The WI meet at the home of Mrs Edson Johnston on Wed nesday March at pm Roll call Name a product made within miles of us Motto A helping hand needs a willing heart Paper on Canadian Craft in Industry will be given by Mrs Walter Johnston Mrs Cedar Val ley is confined to Western hospi tal Toronto following an oper ation Congratulations to on passing her theory exams with honors and Myrna on passing the grade two piano exams with honors and are pupils of Mrs P Wood Rev delivered a thoughtful sermon on The Greatness of Jesus at Union church on Sunday Miss Dorothy Dix will give a travelogue on her trip to Mexico and Florida on Friday March at 8 pm at Union church under auspices of the Willing Workers Mr and Mrs Ford Lehman were Sunday guests of Mr and Allan and Miss Aleta The Whitchurch township Fed eration of Agriculture is arrang ing for a delegation to attend the Ontario farmers mass meet ing at Eaton auditorium Toron to on March and 14 wishing transportation is asked to contact Mrs Harold R Aurora or Mrs Ross 3 Newmarket ZEPHYR Mrs Walker is ill We wish her a speedy recovery A shower was hold in the com munity hall on Tuesday evening for Miss Nellie well- Mr and Mrs Wilfred Curl To ronto spenea few days with Mrs Shier A number of people motored to on Thursday night to see Orillia and play Mr and Mrs Clark were visiting friends in the city over the weekend Mrs visited Mrs Wm her sister on Sun day Rev S Pugsley Toronto was the guest speaker at the United church Sunday morning His subject was Temperance The Temperance oratorical con test will be held at this year For further informa tion see particulars later The Sadie Hawkins Night held a v Sharon hall and sired by the Evening Auxiliary was a howling success The Queensville United church choir will be presenting a can tata Our Mighty Lord on Palm Sunday March 25 in the church at Some of the neighbors met at the home of Mrs J Smith on the evening of Feb 29 to cele brate the birthday of Mrs John Pinder Mrs Pinder was pre- sented with a beautiful cup and saucer The United church choir will e News hold an evening of Irish music with games and lunch on Friday night March at pm Mr cele brated his birthday on Wednes day Feb He was presented with a TV set by his son Bill Queensville and Sharon are sponsoring a short course on Wednesday March 14 at Sharon halt at 130 pm Miss Croft home economist will demonstrate How to Prepare Sandwiches for all Occasions All the ladies of the community are urged to attend this meet- in HOPE liniment Mr tie and other Your rt keep a foftfe fund Science Shrinks Piles Way Without Surgery Dot ink Toronto For the science has found a with astonish- feiittg to shrink Relieve paid Thousands fe without resort surgery iE In cite after case while gently pain actual took place Most fttnaiinK of all thorough mad iftjiatoniBhiajc like Iilea to be a problem I Ilia Is a new healing sub fiUuicc i discovery of institute Now you can get new healing or ointment Preparation for drug stores Satisfaction or refunded Mr and Mrs Aubrey Pottage Newmarket and Mr and Mrs George Barker visited Mr and Mrs Douglas Pottage and fam ily on Sunday evening Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Floyd Breen on the arrival of a baby girl Mrs Ambrose Elm- hurst Beach visited Mr and Mrs Verne Smith and family on Sat urday Mr J has resigned as secretarytreasurer of S No having held this office for 25 years Mr Alan has taken over his office Mr and Mrs David and Gordon had Sunday supper with her parents Mr and Mrs Verne Smith Rev Toronto spoke at the SharonHope church ser vice on Sunday March on be half of the Ontario Temperance Federation The first completed locomotive to rot out of the General Motors plant In London following of the 152day work stoppage was delivered to the Canadian National Railways within hours of reopening of the plant The plan has a back log of orders from the for Additional men have been taken on to step up production from the rate of 17 units a month to one unit daily Howard A King right works manager Is shown turning HP road switcher over to superintendent of motive power and car equipment Ci- IZ HIP I 1 less than one minute from now another claim will be somewhere in Canada in the offices of a fire automobile or casualty insurance company Almost million dollars claims will be paid by such companies this year in Canada Without insurance protection these losses would represent a ruinous drain on the financial resources of indi vidual Canadians Providing an essential protec tion by the losses of the few among the many Canadas fire automobile and casualty insurance industry safeguards Canadians financial at low cost 7 K AU CANADA INSURANCE FEDERATION jte Newmarket Veterans Canadian Corps Association Because so many merchants and townspeople have most gen erously supported the and other efforts of the local branch of the association it is felt that items of general interest pertain ing to its activities will be wel comed and that the column in the Newmarket Era anil Express should be reinstated The following are Ihe aims of the association To extend through member ship the Canadian Corps Assoc iation within the province of Ontario To do all things deemed by the association to he advisable and to promote democracy with in Canada and to make it a wording partner within the British Commonwealth of To further comradeship and inspire friendship among exser vice personnel throughout Ont ario by group organization and MOUNT Many friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Cole to give a sur prise farewell for Mr and Mrs who are leaving the community to live in Newmar ket They were presented with several beautiful Mr and Mrs Bill Ellis are the proud parents of a new baby boy Mr and Mrs Herb Cole and Mr and Mrs visited Mr and Mrs- Carl Green wood on Wednesday The young people have plann ed a sleigh riding party from the parsonage on Saturday evening The will on March at the home of Mrs Clifford Sweet at pm The reports a successful year with over S70 sent to mission ary projects Miss Cole and Mr Harry Cooper motored to Kit chener on Sunday to visit rel atives Master Stanley Hoover has the measles Mr and Mrs Clifford Sweet and family visited Mr and Mrs Bruce for supper Sat urday night action and activity To promote social legislation which will contribute to the security and well being of our people To promote the rights and In terest of exservice men and women to safeguard the welfare of their dependents the disabled sick aged and needy The writer would like to draw attention to the last paragraph because it is through your gen erous and consistent support that the branch has been able to help those in need This branch would like to ex tend a hearty welcome to any ex- service men The branch meets in the Dug out in the basement of the town hall on St the last Friday of each month except this March when the last Friday will he Good Friday so the date will be announced later I the Newmarket Era and Express Thursday march Page RECORDER TO LIGHTS The instrument developed in Canada will be taken to the Arctic circle lo record the northern lights whose origin has never been definitely explained Central Press The machine an auroral record er hold by Mary Buchanan may produce new data to explain phenomenon Era and Express Classifieds Get Results Because it emphasizes you J When next you see a Chrysler note the case with which the driver dominates even so ele gant a picture as this For Chrysler cars arc styled in Hues and colours of simple eloquence that whisper compliments about instead of shouting their own selfpraise The Chrysler Windsor is built with good taste as its criterion is priced for the discriminating rather than the merely affluent The Chrysler is as easy to drive as it is easy to own Push buttons control the automatic transmission Power brakes fulltime power steering power window lifts power scat adjustment all are available to spare your every effort Spirited V8s with up to give vast reserves of power for any highway needs Before you buy a new car be sure to see your ChryslerPlymouth dealer He offers so much more motorcar for so much less than youd imagine Why not see him today of Stars weekly on TV Check newspaper for and time

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