Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 8 Mar 1956, p. 1

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A3 i Ws t t- KVV W 1 W A i I ift g- fU fc 31 i 7 WW T T f l i r rf v -s- I J I Sarving Aurora ural Districts of North Aaron TOTAL PAID Others -r- EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET THURSDAY MARCH 8 SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH v Here and There fe Town hundred of fr picked Florida unloaded at and Mark- ham and to by Florida Sun- Clad only la a light and coat cut to in the fruit brought Ontario in a trip took hour An offer by High School dob through ita L to oneart for any of In town- It if a play Journey a mat type of play 6 fitting for the for church Mr Elliott The in a oneact festival last Official at Toronto new million and a half dollar home for the aged Eagle St Newmarket confer with J Smith Metro commissioner for welfare and housing Left to right are Van Camp superintendent at the home Mrs J Rogers superintendent of nurses Mr Smith and Dr J Edwards resident Mrs Rogers and Dr Edwards are among local resident who form percent of the present Photo by Stefanluk Local Residents Take Duties At Metros Home For The Aged Elliott aald that while during the last war he ited a special edition of Everyman He brought it home thinking that he would produce It Illustrations in the book serv ed as a guide when the high students designed and made the coatumes for the alle gorical characters the properties and settings The human char acters in production of Everyman wear modern dress was done to make the mes sage of the play immediate Mr explained w you watch be added you realize that Everyman Is you A Woman from Bast was in court last week been charged with jfaraale She A large percentage of the staff of Metropolitan Torontos million and a half dollar home for the aged on Eagle St Newmarket are from the Newmarket district At present there are elder ly residents at the home When the institution is completed there will he in residence Sixty percent the building is now completed and about percent of the total staff is employed Officials stated this week that SO of the present members of the staff are from the Newmar ket district Resident physician is Dr J C Edwards of New market and Mrs J Rogers also of Newmarket is supervisor of nurses One of the interesting features of the new building a large laundry which has the latest of equipment The laundry so large and being filled with auto matic equipment it resembles the interior of an industrial plant The laundry from all homes for ihe aged in Metropoli tan Toronto is done at the new institution ort On Investigation At Creek Possible New Source Of Water ter drill the time May ibises tads Records presented in court that she was averaging 10 of liquor and pints beer a month in her She claimed that she was buying the liquor for medicinal purpose the beer asked the magistrate why did you buy STbat was for my health too the accused replied Definitely tor my health There will be a conviction for keeping liquor for ind costs replied the magis trate Investigate System For Water Problem Solution Many people when running a Ugh temperature have to describe how they feel but few have done it as well as a kindergarten lad He very ill when his dad isked him how he was have a cooked head he Store i new store will be opening St Newmarket on larch The Newmarket Store will be located I the former premise of the Bank Alterations to building including a new have been completed Owner of the store is Max God- who alao operates the Bargain Store Hi son will be in charge of the Mrmarket store and another Leonard in charge of the Chairman Alex Hands of water committee reported at the Feb council meeting on a trip made by Fred Evans Mr Denne and to on Feb The trip was made to investigate a method of providing town water employ ed by that municipality Mr- Hands said that the pro cedure followed in did not answer the Immediate prob lem of water shortage in New market It consists of recharg ing with surface water has two producing wells of a total capacity of gallons per minute These wells are situated at the lower end of a large of sand and gravel The has boon closely defined by test holes but the continuous pumping of these wells lowered the water table in this considerably ihe scheme was devised to recharge the area and raise the water table hut was not meant to in crease the supply Immediately The water bearing strata In the area around the wells Is only feet below the ground Ihe overburden Is top soil clay fine sand In order to the in only were required to go depth of feet In the first ense they sank five foot diameter tile to the for mation and directed water from the creek Into It This was sit uated some feet from the producing well This tile return cd about gallons per to the strata hut evidence of pollution showed In the produc ing well Heavy was required In the second case they moved feet from the producing well and excavated a hole by 25 deep In the centre of this they constructed a well CO feet In diameter into aquafer The hole was allowed to fill with water which soaks down the well to below ground With this system they expect to recover about gal lons per year They are contem plating another Installation of this type method has stopped the tat static level The costs to the present time are about of which the Con servation Authority has contrib uted about percent Tho Is In an ideal location as it is close to the surface The recharging can only carried out when the surface water Is clear Turbidity In even a small amount will clog the en trance well and reduce the flow Recharging is carried out mainly in fall and early summer As the method Is used In Ayl It will not work In Newmar ket It does not immediately In crease the supply to any well The depth of strata In Newmar ket prevents the use of a large open pit and we know of no sufficiently large In close proximity of the Creek into which we could introduce surface water flow- ever should the water table gin to drop this method of re charging would warrant investi gation reported Mr Hands To raise funds for furniture In Newmarkets new public library the Rotary club is selling tickets on a draw which will be held on April Good prizes in the form of government bonds are the feat ure of the draw Tickets can be obtained from any member of the Rotary club or from any member of the public library board The Rotary club has tak en on the furnishing of the lib rary as a community service pro ject and urges all citizens to as sist by taking part in the draw TV INVESTIGATION TV interference in this area was the topic of a brief dis cussion at council meeting when promises of action were received in the nights correspondence Mr Jack Smith MP and Mr A A MFP said that they would look into the that the Creek be used as an source for Newmarket consideration by town suggestion was pre- a report by Chairman of the planning committee on Feb in the month town en- ine Bosworthhad list- town Creek Lake and Lake Sim- of additional event the present test proves explained to council at that said that it at least two months plans fox the use of Creek as a wa in the meantime the of the village wells Another test hole has been started proximately five miles north of Newmarket west of To date has been spent by the town in test drilling program In malting his recommenda tion that the Creek be used as a water source Mr said As we at a recent meeting of council New market has barely sufficient wa ter supply to serve with a rea sonable measure of safety the presently builtup of the town The capacity of the three wells is gallons per day For safe pumping the practical limit is gallons and the esti mated daily demand for the sum mer of is gallon estimate included the extra T water the new hospital addition program would houses under construction will use When the water committee reported this situation continu ed Mr it was immedi ately obvious that no further subdivisions could be approved until arrangements were made for an addition to the perman ent water supply What was not so obvious was that continued building of new homes and premises for com merce and industry on vacant lots in the builtup area of the town would soon make our wa ter supply dangerously short Since this sort of development is not subject to control by the town except for granting of building permits requiring suit able plans and since consider able growth of this kind can be expected in the towns need for additional water is urg- completed and if the Creek project ready At a meeting of with the mayor and engineer it led that Mayor Glad- Id look into the finan- of the project while Alex Hands and Mr Investigated the best handling the water Creek gaining the present test which has with three said that have been drilled in id Newmarket and the of finding a good have been exhausted geologists believe a s n river in the area of the Marsh The present pro- of the drilling of at regular intervals Second Concession to id River at Bradford of these test holes was begun In Holland Landing in Jan But it was abandon- and immediate he said Department of Health approv al of all further development in the area is contingent upon the provision of additional water Recommendations have been re ceived from Dr Robert King medical director of the York County Health Unit regarding several proposed subdivisions that no water be granted until the situation is improved Lack of a sewage disposal plant is an other deterrent to expansion in Newmarket Mr tested the Cow of the Creek and found that after hour of hard frost when there would be no surface runoff the flow Page Provide On Information on war disability pensions treatment or allow may be obtained in New market on Thursday March If The Canadian Service Bureau of ficer of the Legions Ontario Pro Command D C will be visiting the local branch at sun on that date Anyone wishing information advice or assistance regarding pensions and allowances Is re quested to contact the service officer J Downward Ave or Ed sec of the local branch of tho Canadian Legion RED MARCH IS The Newmarket Red Craw win tta far tmmm mm day Man As la win caS at b the O Gives Advice We dont want to alarm the general population about the ra bies situation in the county but we do want to alert them said Dr Robert King medical direc tor of York County Health unit His warning was echoed by Mrs A It Hooper of King City whose fouryearold son Stephen is re ceiving daily injections of Pas teur antirabies vaccine since he was bitten by the family pet Boots There is no cause for panic but there is reason to take situation and report to council I when it was feared that drill- later might adversely affect some Coming Events SOCIETY TONIGHT ilie Newmarket Horticultural society will meet tonight March In Trinity United church hall at pm to hear a talk by Dr Robert King medical director of York County Health Unit Mr Kenneth Stephens will be guest soloist program is under the direction of Mr Oricy Hayes Dr King speak on Health find Soil a topic of interest to nil gardening enthusiasts meeting Is open to public A social halfhour will conclude the program when re freshments will Ik served by Mrs A Kirbyson and her com mittee -r- v vrrj mm roquet Sullivan production at the college audi- Mikado is the operetta being presented Above students and girl from I scone with The Mikado played by Simon Dew fc AND SAT MARCH AND In the College Assembly Hall Gilbert and Sullivans The Mikado presented by the Col lege dec Club and a Newmar ket girls chorus Curtain rises at THURSDAY MAR Health and the Soil talk by Rob ert King to Newmarket Horti cultural Society Trinity Church hall pm Refreshments Pub- He welcome FRIDAY MARCH Family night East Feder ation of Agriculture fa having a special meeting In Sharon halt at pm Fred Wicks will ho films SATURDAY MARCH Johns bingo In town hall Jack pot MONDAY MAR Ferguson Night at Arts Oarage Queens- Tractors and Implements on display Movies door prizes and refreshments Time pm MONDAY MARCH Gain party Tickets can he purchased the arena Lunch Christian Baptist church All TUESDAY MARCH 13 Rod Cross sewing Trinity United church hall am to pm Lunch served More workers needed- TUESDAY MAR Pat rick in Sharon hall sponsored by 81 pm Lunch and prizes pro vtdwl MARCH Fifth annual fashion show Entertainment prizes Sponsored by Business and Pro fessional Womens Club Now- market Admission p to pm WEDNESDAY MARCH Demonstration of for nil occasions Homo Miss Crost Sharon at pm Y and Sharon AH women welcome THURSDAY MAR In Town Hall sponsor- by tho Veterans Ajun Ffrat oclock All junior tveo Jackpot numbers coifed Admission proceeds Renevofenf Prizes last of date from THURSDAY MARCH IS Cross to to Pm Please have tlons ready will evening Trinity church FRIDAY MAR Patricks ten hake candy tabtf touch take St Pauls from 1 to pm by St Pauls Ml FRIDAY MARCH Pat ricks fnncy dress by Optimist club NewmarketYork County Band playing Skaters Retires From Active Part i Mm In Scouting After Years FRIDAY MAR Patricks dance In Keswick sponsor ed by Keswick Canadian Legion at pm Double tickets Free refreshments Norm Burl iner and His Klngsmcn FRIDAY MAR Dance In Sharon hall sponsored by Shar on Home and School Assn good orchestra Cafeteria lunch Everyone welcome Time to am FRIDAY MAR Show and Patricks in Mount Al bert Hall sponsored by Mount Albert Fire at pm Music by Oliver and His Count y Roys Admis sion Vie FRIDAY MARCH Euchre bridge under auspices of St Johns St Johns school Prizes refresh ments Admission SATURDAY MARCH Paper salvage drive scouts and cubs west side of town March cast side of town pm Tie small bundles of papers securely SATURDAY MARCH Sham rock ton and bake sale Hall under Womens In stitute pm demonstration on sandwich making Lois dietitian girls Club display SATURDAY MARCH An mini meeting York North Con servative Association Town Hall Newmarket pm Speaker George MP FRIDAY MARCH all Lefilon members St Pat ricks social In the Newmarket Legion pm FRIDAY MARCH hake sale and table sponsored York County Hospital Womens Auxiliary from to WEDNESDAY MARCH Anno Stephenson soprano David violinist Pro Arte orchestra Victor con ductor First Unitarian Church St Clair Ave West Tickets Mozart Bicenten nial Concert 1wl0 SUNDAY MAR Cantata Our Lord presented Church Choir In church at GOOD FRIDAY MARCH At ft pm hi Trinity United church Newmarket sacred can tata The Seven Last Words of Christ Dubois Sliver collec tion APRIL AND Junior Farmers present their minstrel show in Sharon hall pm Admission adults children FRIDAY APR York Coun ty Hospital Womens Atixllinrv spring ten bake sale gift table postponed from March Rave date FRIDAY AND SATURDAY APRIL AND THURS mL AND APRIL Iff Lions Club minstrel show pm town Newmarket Watch for further particulars tfO BINGO every Saturday at pm Euchre every Thursday After years of active assoc iation with scouting Robert Martin retired on Tuesday Mar as chairman of the Newmar ket Sctut Mens committee a position he had held for the past three years Mr Martin made his valedictory address the scoutcub father and son banquet last week when he called on younger men In the community to take up the work Horace Jaqucs was named chairman at the annual meeting this week Mr has been cub master scout master and secretary of the mens committee in Newmarket and had active In scouting prior to mov ing to town vj Mr Martin has served scout ing In four countries England Sweden Scot land and Canada He Was one of tho founders of the movement In Sweden having organized a scout company there in Mr Martin served on local mens committee for more than years He Intel had previous term as chairman He was association secretary for a London scout group one of the largest In the country Prior to that Mr Martin served county secretary group chair man In Scotland In his farewell address at the banquet Mr Martin called at- tendon to the many Improve ments which the scout mens committee have made to the scout hall He listed among the work which remained to done strengthening of the halls foundation improvements to the and the possible enlarge of the halt so that two groups could use it at the same time Mr Martin said that In creased enrolment In scouting and guiding was duo In part to the many new subdivisions In the area He suggested that de velopers who had profited by such expansion should share In the work for the boys ROBERT MARTIN of Newmarket by contributing financially to the enlargement and improvement of scout hall He paid tribute to the volun teer leaders who give each week of their time and talents to scouting and guiding Mr Martin told of the need for more leaders and called on the fathers and mothers to support the work by active participation In the Scout Mens committee and ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary Those elected to office for In the Scout Mens commit- too are honorary chairman Mr Martin chairman Mr Jaques secretary Mr Arnold Relnke treasurer Mr Orton badge secretary Mr Bert chair men of committees building Mr Hayes salvage drives Mr Nelson Ion and transportation Mr A Donahue notice of the situation and to be prepared to take precautionary measures added Dr King listed the control of strays as key to preventing rabies The first step is to prevent dogs from running at large dog owners should have their pets vaccinated against the di sease Finally children should be urged not to touch dead ani mals they find in the fields and to keep away from strange dogs- Dr King said Since two foxes have been found to have rabies one of these was killed in the area and the other east of Newmarket it is by health authorities and the veter- with the Health Ani mals branch of the department of Agriculture that the disease is widespread among the wild life of this area- From the wild life rabies can spread to domes tic animals and thence to hum- these experts said Considering the danger of epidemic said Mrs Hooper and the fact that rabies is percent fatal untreated all owners should have their dogs vaccinated not only to protect their pets but for the safety of their children Stephen Hooper had his first treatment on Friday night In explaining the Pasteur anti- rabies treatment Dr King said that daily injections of the vac cine must be given humans for a period of days or longer Ik the only treatment which la recognized and accepted in Can- V It has its disadvantages A small percentage of people who receive the antirabies develop a brain disease encepha litis which although not sometimes leaves permanent par alysis Doctors do not have too much choice in the matter con sidering the fact that rabies if left untreated is percent fat al said Dr King Because of the unpleasantness of the treatment which a child must undergo If bitten by a dog and the suffering an animal dures If it develops rabies strkt measures of controlling stray have been recommended by Health unit and adopted by majority of municipalities in county If people could realize how- terrible an epidemic can be when domestic animals become infect ed said Mrs Noble who lived through such an epi demic In England during the last war they would not take this situation so lightly It Is small matter to keep your dog tied or in the house ami to have him vaccinated ft In costume at tun Grant Morton scores one of two goals finals at Whitby Newmarket won the second game of itohft in the junior series here tonight 25f Photo Bob Wilson waits front of Mt tor a Goalie Howard

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