i iTVi Continued page LOCAL TATE Newmarket but rattier the Era maintains that its policy is dedi cated to the people in the areas which it serves which takes in the north part of York county A total Industry The Era employs more people than some firms which are classi fied as industries The full time staff includes people There are in addition a number of parttime employees who aug ment their family incomes Also associated with the paper are numerous contributors through out the North York district The office and printing plant is located at Main St New market Important factors in weekly publishing are good writers skilled labor teamwork a large investment in machinery and good correspondents The organization functions un der the same system as used by large daily publications only on a smaller scale Deadlines must foe met and a weekly newspapers plant is no less busy than a dailys While publication is only once a week relatively fewer persons are working on a week ly than on a large daily news paper The weekly newspaper has a closer contact with its readers It tries to encourage readers to feel that it is their newspaper People in the community are urged to use the newspaper to express their own opinions in letters to the editor and to con tribute news items In this the newspaper serves the com munity better All the news hi local and most of the news is of interest to all the readers Fundamentally the local paper is a mirror of community life But beyond that it does play a part in providing leadership Its editorial opinions and comments at tones act as a stimulus for public thinking and action V OBITUARY The Gormley community was saddened by the sudden death of Mrs- John Ash on Friday Sept Mrs Ash the Ida Jane Stiles only daughter of the late William and Sarah Ann Stiles was born near years ago and with her brothers attended Hillside school On Sept Mr and Mrs Ash were to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary and had lived in the dis trict for that number of years Mrs Ash was a charter mem ber of the Womens In stitute which passed its 25year mark this year She had been made a life member a few years She was a member of St Johns Anglican church Oak Ridges From that church the funeral service was held In terment was at Rev Mr Mitchell was in charge of the service Surviving are her husband John sons James William and Meredith and foster daughter Ethel Mrs Louis Lehman al so two brothers and George Stiles and five grand children The pallbearers were Stuart Duncan Russell Ellas Baker Richard Gordon and Harold Doner Aurora Social News VANDORF Thanksgiving services will be held at Wesley Untied on Sunday Oct at am The choir will present special music Mr and Mrs Herbert Oliver attended the anniversary ser vices at United church last Sunday and later visited Mr and Mrs Penny Mr and Mrs William Barber and son Joe had Sunday dinner with their daughter Mrs J Fisher and Mr Fisher of Tor onto Mr and Mrs Bert are building their new home ad joining their present home Mr William Klngdon accomp anied his soninlaw Mr Arnold for a few days at where Mr Guardhouse Is judging sheep Mr and Mrs J Mitchell Mart- and Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Har old Sleet and family Mr and Mrs Bob spent the weekend with their mother Mrs at Mount Holly J- Toronto Is spending a few days with her daughter Mrs Clare Powell Mrs Clare Powell accompan ied a group of friends on a motor trip to Niagara Falls on Tuesday Miss Crawford has taken a position as Dental nurse In the now office of Dr at Richmond Hill Mr and Mrs Sam mot ored to for the week end where Mr attended a and Mrs visit friends Mr and Mrs Robert Weir Lindsay spent the weekend with their at the home Mrs Tan David and Marilyn Hamilton spent last weekend with Mrs Clayton and family POTTAGEVILLE The Harmony club ladies will meet on Wednesday Oct at pin at the home of Mrs Art Community ladies are asked to make a special effort to attend An exchange visit on Sept was made by Tyro boys club under leadership of Rev Mr Kellogg to group A nice time was enjoyed was well repre sented at Mount Dennis when the welfare group of Square had its monthly dance on Friday Sept Three couples were present from this community namely Mr and Mrs Fred West Mr and Mrs Bernard and Mr and Mrs Sam Atkinson- Anniversary and harvest home services held at Kettleby United church Sunday Oct were at tended by some of the members of church The ladies of the Harmony club should feel proud of them selves after their donation to the board of trustees of the viile community hall building fund This donation is to com plete the basement of the hall Mrs S is spending a weeks holiday at the home of her son Mr Art and Mrs Funnel H Welling Street East returned last week from a trip to Vancouver Mrs is visit ing her mother Mrs George Thompson Centre Street who is Sit Mr and Mrs Stewart Patrick Metcalfe Street spent Sunday in with Mr Patricks mother Miss V Taylor is a patient at Toronto General hospital in the Private Patients pavilion- Mrs Carl spent the weekend with Mrs Charles Wells St A splendid crowd participated in the ladies night by the Au rora Board of Trade held last Saturday evening at Highlands clubhouse The event was held as a buffet supper program and dance with considerable inter est in the demonstration by a hypnotist- Mr Fred Teasdale and sons Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs H Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Salt both couple from New York City were weekend guests with Mr and Mrs John Bowser Sr Mr Robert is on a trip to the West Coast Mr Davis celebrated his birthday at a family party on Sunday Oct at the family home Wellington Street East Mr and Mrs Archie Murray returned to their home at the Queens hotel after the summer spent at Belmont Lake There was an excellent attend ance at the annual parish supper held Monday night at Trinity parish halt Mr Harry Mills Cousins Dr who was formerly the plant wire chief of the Bell Telephone Ox Newmarket now has been training in Toronto He left on Sunday for Montreal for three weeks Despite the trans fer Mr and Mrs Mills will con tinue to reside in Aurora Mr Mills home on weekends Re cently he was presented with a pair of car blankets with good wishes from his staff Miss Norma is back from hospital and reported much better On Monday the thankotfering meeting of the Evening Auxil iary WMS of the United church was held at the home of Mrs Herb Rev John Morris spent two days this week in a retreat for ministers of the Presbytery held at Five Oaks camp near Paris J I L J r i SSM J I pV I I J Iff ft TV I 1 955 2 Door EQUIPPED YOUR MERCURY LINCQLN METEOR iVi JIS tf fcV 1 i fc h i i pointed to supervisory manage- 1 fairs Prizes Won By Ami exhibitors of York county join in the pride of Mr and Mrs John Bowser in the successful season showing of their Aberdeen Angus cattle at the leading fairs of Central On tario A week ago the Bowser stock topped its wins of the year by taking the shield for f fe male shown at County Fair That win rounded off the year which started by Bowsers taking the champion- award for junior heifer calf at the CNE The impressive total for Is championships made up from the showings which won 38 first second and seven third prize ribbons These were at the and FULLY EQUIPPED MERCURY Door I RADIO OVERDRIVE LOADED WITH CANT BE TOLD FROM NEW Door OVERDRIVE FULLY 1950 Ford ChA Ford Door i 1953 rord 4 Door a RADIO ALL USED CARS GUARANTEED i 1 AH J m mm htm DEMAND FOR TRUCKS IS UP BUT OUR PRICES V- WATCH FOR THIS ADVERTISEMENT EVERY WEEK St Aurora i J J mi I 1 1 h 1 V I For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Aurora Telephone PA Make It A Habit Meet Your Friends At The O D HESS Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Emerceey Telephone PA Special Thanksgiving service will be held at Baptist church on Sunday morning Oct at oclock The pastor Rev George Hart will preach and special music will be provided by members of the Christian Baptist church choir of New market Miss Jeanne Williams of To ronto spent the weekend with Miss Grace Webster Miss Edith Belfry and Mrs Annie Mills of Bradford spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Al bert Mr and Mrs Stanley John and Sarah spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Walker of Islington Mr and Mrs and Mr Grant Tienkamp spent the weekend at their cottage on a fishing trip in Mr and Mrs Harry Webster Grace and Jeanne wore Sunday night dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Leonard of Several from here attended the funeral on Monday in New market of Miss Mcreab from- New Mrs Edith Mrs and Bruce drove to on Saturday to view the country in its beautiful array of autumn colors Sunday night visitors of Mr Mrs were Mr and Mrs and family of Toronto Mrs and Mr Egbert Mr and Mrs Leo Blackburn and Margaret spent Sunday at Midland Mr Moss spent the weekend with his wife at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Leo Blackburn fe T More Style Series Over Models 8 lwrtStrok V8V New Cab Forwards Tandems More Power per Dollar New Engines New New Parcel Delivery Trucks flew School Buses Special with Carburetors BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Greeting Cards etc Agent For Era Classified Ads THE MISSES WOOD St Aurora AllNew Cab Advancements New Styling New FullScope Visored Windshield New AllRound Vision Hew Upholsteries and Colours ANtw Dtrijpil New Safeguard Steering WheelNew Safeguard Door J New HighDial Instrument a New High Hauling More for More Profit per Trip New 8Foot M100 Express AllNew Tandem Axle Wider Choke of Select the JustRight Drive for Your Job Automatic Transmission Optional on All lightDuty Trucks New Ignition System Faster Dependable Starting Better Performance From HighCapacity Battery and werator Standard on All Mercury Truck Model Cooler for Longer Life More Miles at lower Cost 99ft9V wiais The Drug Store-News- Afleat Tobacconist etc Business Founded MRS HEADS SEWING CIRCLE The Street Sewing Circle will meet on Wednesday afternoon Oct at the home of Mrs James Crossland There will be a quilting and Mrs Cross- land will tell about her trip to Europe this summer The following officers were elected at the last meeting pres Mrs Proctor vicepres Mrs Rogers Mrs J quilt committee Mrs Cook Mrs Robin son flower committee Mrs Proctor Red Cross convener Mrs heavyduty Tracks New cabs with a full -wrap- wind eld and and roof now barrel Theres new and vinyl upholstery I Softguard There new new i ceased steering post new jw higher for every model grip door locks and new highdial horn M250 New GCWs too on many panel And Mercury Trucks offer a models V8 power in choice of power steering dl Now VssU new sad advanced in power and torgua Now Mercury Truck Dealer I BUILDING A 1 J TRUl 5 EALER