Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 21 Oct 1954, p. 1

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NEWMARKET AURORA AND THE RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months ending March Newmarket IMS Trading Aurora Other TOTAL PAID EXPRESS YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY OCTOBER 21 SINGLE COPIES 5 GENTS EACH Survey Town Flood Losses Consider Best Aid Method This Is part of Newmarket the morning after the flood Friday considerably Estimated flood damage in Newmarket was 100000 eight The photograph was taken from the roof of the Office 1 to roads and bridges and to private property Rail plant towards the Queen St area Normally the Holland traffic was stopped through Newmarket from Friday night until River would be a narrow ribbon at the extreme left When this J pm on Tuesday night There was no loss of life in Newmarket photo was taken Saturday morning the flood waters had receded ASKS RESIDENTS TO BE CAREFUL OF FOOD IN FLOOD Further health precautions have been suggested by the York County Health Unit for residents this area Any vegetables that were in flood waters should be discarded recommended Dr King medical director of the unit Where It was just off water and the vegetables will be cooked before being eat en such as potatoes and par fcnlfis they could be used But anything that would he eaten law should In discarded he added who had their home canned produce in sealers in the flood waters should check sealers carefully If- there any suggestion of leakage or pother damage should not he used canned foods of they show signs of the bulging or Salter having been flooded lid also be discarded Advised Appeals For Relief Funds to village of Bradford is male in appeal for funds for Hood Earlier In the week Use about the appeal by the chairman of the committee Reeve Arthur that time it has been an- that oil money collected stricken communities go Into one provincial fund officials decided they carry on the appeal fur to be sent to the tin Bank of Commerce at The money collected the central fund Hilt Necessary To Continue To Boil Water Until Tests Completed The town water was affected by the flood and the medical of ficer of health Dr Robert Kin sent out an order that drinking water must be boiled The is still In effect and will be until results of a test are return Chairman of the town water Councillor Charles said that the flood Fairy Lake to such a level that the overflow the ago tank was submerged This made it possible that In the waterworks contaminated he said stopped using this well alter the flood and supplied town completely from the Cop St reservoir The water level in the was lowered but at firs it was not lowered to an alarming decree he said On Saturday we had a diffi cult time maintaining pressure the chairman We sent men to patrol all mains in search of a leak but none were found that day We knew that the leak must be in a main a stream where it would not to located because the high waters We sent a sound truck around town at noon and pm asking people to conserve water became worse At midnight Saturday wc had only 0 pounds pressure Instead of usual CO pounds We Sit the town and pump to the By this wo could build op the supply and release It at specified times The was found at St Where a four inch maw had been broken by a slight of the bridge by the up tooting Water was turned off in the area and the pressure was sufficient to allow the department to open mains In the rest of town Sunday after noon valves wore installed anc by Monday there was complete resumption of service Said the chairman The qual ity of water now being pumped is good but there is still a possi bility of contamination from the reservoir The MXfclL is asking that water he boiled until tests are made to insure safety vyr Assistance to those who suf fered property losses in the flood was discussed by members of Newmarket town council at a meeting Monday night Council decided to ask the Red Cross to make a survey of the losses in Newmarket and will hold a spe cial meeting when the findings are made known Mayor Glad- man is making arrangements for the survey With a relief organization started on a provincial level and yet with a need in their own community for assistance mem bers of council were a little con fused on Monday night as to where its relief money should go Some members said direct as sistance should be given to New market citizens who lost proper ty and other said money should go to the provincial fund It was agreed to ask for a sur vey of the town first and council will hold a special meeting to decide the method of providing financial aid Members of council paid trib ute to police firemen and town employees who worked all night last Friday during the flood and most of the weekend Town Engineer Bosworth and Superintendent Fred Evans worked for over hours with out sleep Police firemen and town Involved in Good cuing stranded people repairing water mains blocking off roads and for the rest of the weekend in pumping out flooded base ments Road and Bridge Chairman Edward made spe cial mention of his department employees as well as Police Chairman Jack Hamilton and Water Committee Chairman Charles VanZant Town Engineer mentioned XL Morrison and his staff of Vic Higginson Lowell Waller and Bob Groves who provided a boat for rescue work We would not have been able to do a lot of things without their boat he said Councillor paid tribute to private citizens who helped on the night of the flood and who worked and contributed goods on Saturday for the Holland Marsh relief Estimated Newmarket Flood Loss 100000 Estimated losses in Newmar ket during the flood Friday night are 100000 This figure was given at a meeting of town coun cil on Monday night It Is believed that private pro perty damage amounted to Roads and bridges damage was It was pointed out that the road and bridge at Water St and at St Is the responsibility of the county Considerable damage was done by the flood at those points The following report by the roads and bridges chairman tells of the main events which occur- crews were involved in work at all danger points in res- red during the flood I At approximately pjn on HALLOWEEN FOR FUND One parent suggested that chil dren ask for a shellout of loose change rather than candy on Halloween The money could be given to the Hurricane Relief Fund and I think the children would like doing it she said One thousand gallons of water was trucked into early in the week for users of flovhv wells All water is boiled said Robert Moody vil lage commissioner ft Losses High In Schomberg Urges Fund Contributions There is a special flood relief organization in the village of which was severely damaged by the flood See story on page 17 Heavy clothing furniture non- perishable food may be left at the churches in the village and funds may be sent to or taken to the Imperial Bank branch in Money will be put into the Central Hurricane Re lief Fund The Era and Express corres pondent by letter sent in the flood relief message this week and ad ded that she regretted that she was not able to contribute the usual village news items this week We are so busy trying to put everything back in shape again Please excuse me she wrote Editors Note We had learned what had happened at we were thankful that our correspondent was able to write the letter FRIDAY OCT Flood Relief dance at halt sponsored by Norm orchestra Ad mission Whole proceeds flood relief FRIDAY OCT Dancing Manhattans fir the hall at Admis sion SOU each FRIDAY OCT Douglas special representaUvo of Firth Bros clothiers will be at Wests- Ladies slacks mens Milts and topcoat FRIDAY Young Presbytery play party Aurora United church at 6M p Square dancing lunch Admission Every one welcome FRIDAY OCT Colored slides shown by Roger Smith of the Mission London in Holland landing hall at SATURDAY OCT Bazaar u be held in United church hill at pm under of United church SATURDAY OCT Dance town hall sponsored Junior Farmers orchestra Proceeds for the Flood Fund Admission SI per couple SATURDAY OCT in Holland hall Orchestra Deri Dixon anil his I Valley Ranch bo vs Time pm Admission lw2 ship planning hoard will speak on township planning THURSDAY OCT in the Aurora Canadian Legion Special games wealth games Time In aid of the Canadian Ladies FRIDAY OCT St parochial guild tea and bazaar Bake and candy sale Supervised cry from to pm in tin I Thursday rain started to fall and continued during the night At am on Friday wo were told that the Eagle Street sewer was flooding pumped this sewer from am until 5 pm and succeeded in lowering the level considerably At about the same time we received a call from the corner of Charles and Queen Streets that the sewage pumping station was flooding We pumped all day on this At pm we went to Toronto for a rental pump We returned by 5 pm and start ed pumping out the pump house By 515 pm the creek level I was up to the top of the man hole on the overflow Rain con tinued all day and increased in intensity at pm until pm All creeks rivers and sewers fill ed rapidly By approximately pm the creeks overflowed banks seriously and the following bridges and culverts were covet ed Kaclc St St Timo thy St East St Davis Drive Niagara St Queen Street Shortly after this the follow ing flooded Davis Dr East Here J Grace St Queen St East OCT poet St Timothy St and Lome tea at the homo of Mrs Bernard Lev- Queen St Newmarket a to and to pan Proceed for Christian Baptist chute Fund Adults Children NOV I to Magnificent Ob session starring Jane Coming to Theatre Newmarket THURSDAY NOV pin The Famous leslIo Belt Singer In Richmond church Star Weekly Free Concert NOV Sharon Minstrel Show by Registered Nurses for York County Hospital Building Fund child ten Tickets can be obtained from any of nurses In town or In hospital Special euchrt for Flood Relief Fund a Sharon hall sponsored by Club Cool Tin Ave By approximately pm all bridges and culverts were prac tically impassable The flood waters started to flow around the dam at about pm At about pm wo had called on Fire Chief John Gibson for men They immediately Our own men kept on trying to ricade holes and roads for pub lic safety At wo received a call from Colemans north of the county building for a We evacuated them at about p We then continued evacua tion at Charles and Queen St For this evacuation great credit is due the police firemen and citizens By am most people liflJ who were driven from their homes by the flood are seen receiving Orange Hall in Bradford Clothing and food was sent from communities around several tons from Newmarket There is still an urgent need for volunteers who clothing at the arena In Bradford A request was made this morning that worn- rations in Newmarket form groups provide their own transportation and help in this Any group wishing to help will receive further information from Mrs Erne Mrs Rank would like to know what day a group could help There Is work to be done sorting relief material at Bradford TUESDAY OCT Euchre In the Legion Hall Newmarket by Ladles Auxiliary Admission Pm prlzfrs OCT ds- on duty at Home am School meeting Stuart Scott pm Musical selec tions Refreshments Public I welcome eltetv WEDNESDAY OCT J Ontario Liberal association to ad- open meeting pm Sponsored by New rket Womens assoc iation WEDNESDAY OCT Annual meeting and of of the York North Womens Progressive at pm At the Legion hall Aurora in halt sponsored King Township Federation of AsrtctiUure Indies provide brogram and prizes Proceeds Flood Victims Fund rime pm WEDNESDAY 27 Kllig- general meeting at the home of Mrs Denton 3rd line of Kim pm Bruce P Davis chairman of King town- FRIDAY NOV Turkey sup per by Lake Mark- ami Athletic at Kins City Inltod church aft Admission by ticket only adults 150 and children Tickets available from of Lake Marie or King and Kins AND SUNDAY NOV Ml Return visit of the East Toronto Salvation Army Band to Newmarket Watch for further detail SAT1KDAY NOV IS Hot sut and bazaar In Sharon from on day Phone A Adults NOV Can Packers Cooking school hi pm in Town half by Newmarket Chan lev Order Eastern Star every Saturday night at pm Euchre every Thursday night at In North Gwil- Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission tf DANCING every Saturday night In Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burling and his tra Modern and old Ad mission Fortunate No Loss Of Life In Newmarket There was no toss of life in Newmarket but there were some by in dividual Mr Lesley Huntley night watchman at the Dixon Pencil Co was walking along the CN tracks when florid waters swept him off bis Mr Hunt ley said he his cane but was able ham on to Ids pail was the water by a firvatailj A year old boy Pegs was branded on the St and was rescued by fire men A hydro worker Bob Walker was suffering from after he had Spent three quarters of an hour in the flooded Hoffman Machinery plant on Friday night He went in to turn off power and was being guided by firemen who shone a light through a window He was up to his chest in the cold water too long and firemen had to rescue him in danger had been moved We checked all bridges and the dam at The water seemed at this time to have begun to re cede a little We made another complete tour at Saturday Oct and found water down damage was found consider ably less than we anticipated at first Wo started crews out pumping cellars and continued with two pumps alt Saturday We took the cellars In the or ders the calls were received Catch basins were cleared as much as possible Page Col Volunteer Labor Service Suffered lood Individuals and agencies have announced that they will provide free services and labor to rehabil itate those whose properties were damaged in the flood The International Harvester Company has thatll will repair all Interna farm equipment which was damaged by flood Details this ser vice are announced elsewhere it this Issue In Newmarket a contractor Harold Tito said he would a weeks work at Holland Marsh Kirk said ho would repair electronics equip ment radios television sets damaged by flood Ross Burgess plumber has also volunteered a weeks work Around Town I m By Local Observer Here and there around town this week talk has been most exclusively devoted to the flood and its disastrous after math But throughout the fabric of tragedy and loss has run the bright threads of cour age ami faith Everywhere there have been instances kindness and con sideration Those who suffered no personal loss have done alt could to comfort the and those who have been eft homeless their material pos sessions swept away by the angry rushing waters have not complained They have thanked God that their loved ones were spared Faith And Courage At Bradford on Sunday the Dutch refugees from the Marsh were wailing at the churches an hour before the services began Before all their meals they have stopped to ask a blessing on their food The spirit among the people on the Marsh Is wonderful said woman from Newmarket has gone as have many others to do her share by and serving hot meals to Hie homeless families courage and cooperation When I saw bowing heads in prayer as they he Kan to car the simple- meals wo had prepared I felt ashamed of myself said another helper Ive complained so many limes when small things went were show of their lifes work had know rage CM RED CROSS AND SA AT MARSH Members of Newmarket Red Cross went to Bradford on Saturday to help with the efforts at- Holland Muesli supplied food clothing and helped with distribution to the victims Salvation Army set a centre at the station bedding and Glen New market was Toronto night of the flood fcewent to Weston to relief work There was a Salvation Army Lieutenant in the Warah Friday night who to be passing through on the way to Barrio He worked all night and Saturday morning with relief teams Res I are RESUME HOY SCOUT APPLE SALES Tile Newmarket Boy Scouts will hold an apple day attain this Saturday The storm last weekend resulted in a on the official apple day last Scouts have half their stock of apples left over and wit continue October OPEN FOR SENIOR GAME Freezing operations at arena have been successful this week following the flood The opening game of the Senior series will go on as origin ally scheduled Friday night Stouffvillc Clippers and Newmar ket will play Immediate flood contributions accepted at the office of the Newmarket town clerk Wesley Brooks to pay for special goods being shipped to Bradford at the of Crass of ficials The clerk said he has already over more than has been contributed at office Saturday night a request was made In Newmarket by sound truck for food and cloth ing the town hall Tho deci sion was made by Mayor Glad- man when that Brad ford had toe material fop Holland Marsh flood victim In first half hour a town hall committee room was filled It was terrific said Councillor Robert chairman of special relief committee Citi zens poured in through front door laden with baskets of food and clothing Citizens also same with cars and trucks and ton3 of clothing and food were moved directly to flood relief headquarters at Bradford Ten students arrived from Pickering College and sorting clothes until after with dozens of other residents of Newmarket Work continued Sunday on sorting and shipments were made when there requests for special items at Bradford A one point the need was for diapers town clerk bought several dozen and then rolls of cotton purchased and started making diapers First Cheque For 50000 Arrives To Help Marsh Area The first cheque from the Hur ricane Relief Fund for arrived in Bradford yesterday to help the Holland Marsh farmers who were driven from their homos in the flood last weekend The Hurricane Relief money was rawed in only three days manager Bank Commerce branch at Bradford A Bob received the cheque from A Tiny Cathcrs a member of Hol land Marsh Flood Relief Com mittee to was sent by messenger from the On tario fund This used to give temporary help to the flood victims and vet available through generosity of the

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