Number of Copies Printed this Week and SERVING NEWMARKET AURORA AND RURAL DISTRICTS OF NORTH YORK CIRCULATION Average for three months March Newmarket Trading Aurora Others TOTAL PAID ERA 102ND YEAR EXPRESS HERALD YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO THURSDAY SEPTEMBER SINGLE COPIES CENTS EACH Here and There Around Town By Local Observer Spring is usually considered as the paint- up cleanup time but a stroll through the business sec tion of the town would tend to disprove that The town hall is sporting a fresh coat of paint as are several private buildings Extensive renovations are be ing made to the interior of Trin ity United church The Chris tian Baptist church is being re paired and the red brick is be ing painted white Several old buildings have been removed on Main St in preparation for the erection of new ones and with the final approval of the Cam eron Construction plans work will begin at the Eagle St property formerly owned by of five apartment buildings Among the things which are looking up on Main St must be included the foot antenna atop Victors store AH Tues days shoppers were engrossed with the business of its erection If the antennas in the town go much higher it will be necessary for them to carry warning lights as a safety precaution for low- j flying planes Respons To Suggeste Libraries appear to be in the news in several communities In Newmarket the talk concerns the erection of a new library building and the improvement of existing services through in creased municipal grants In Bronte the situation is different They are closing their library because as the Bronte librarian explained No one wants to read books anymore The total list of Bronte library subscribers stands at three Television and cheap paper bound books were blamed for the decrease of in terest in better reading by the Bronte populace It would be interesting to check on local library statistics What percentage of Newmarket residents use the existing lib rary How many books do they read a year and how do those figures compare with similar ones of or 25 years ago Per haps we can have that informa tion next week The finale the great swim attempted by Era and Express fictional character Slim portrayed by Lome Jast Friday evening was the presentation of a trophy by C Morri son Included in the picture are swim officials Left to right are George sports editor who covered the swim Era editor J who was announcer over the marine public address system Slim Bliggens Morrison and William Ingram who coached during the swim Photo by Stefaniuk PROVES HIS POINT Feet To Go Swimmer Gives Up Far more than expected near- Travelling in widening circles at Predictions are that a local Scot Is soon to be up to his knees in good luck A shipment of white heather expected by Mrs Maurice from one of her relatives in Scotland people watched the fic tional swimmer Slim Bliggens from the Era and Express fail in his attempt to cross Fairy Lake the small pond south of Water St Newmarket last Fri day night It all started in a small way when Slim a character in the Eras nonsense column Catnips by Ginger made a solemn oath three weeks ago that he would attempt to make a crosslake swim in the pond which Is noted for its green slime mud logs and snapping turtles He wanted to prove that there is no fit place to swim in Newmarket and that the com munity needs a swimming pool An Era staff member Lome promised to portray the character of Slim Bliggens and actually swim the lake to say it was a chilling experi ence for him As the idea grew Mr Morrison promised to provide a swim boat and a press boat On the night of the swim Morri sons When the relative learned of the good luck which a sprig of and Paul Smith white leather had brought stra skillful turns with his sea to Robbie Martin she wrote flea in the lake Fairy Lake Mrs Crowder Ive picked a hod not been so disturbed in woods of heather for you That should be enough to bring good to everyone in Newmar ket TRAINED IN FIRST AID Six members of the staff of of Bells Corner restaurant and motel received certificates this week from the St Johns Ambu lance Corps after they received training in first aid Bells Cor ner is at the corner of Davis Dr and Yonge St where a heavy the motor by mistake while it many years Old Story Old stories were recalled about the pond One was that John West a resident of Newmarket in the year took the sea flea owned by former citizens David an insurance man and O Nash a car dealer Mr West bad never operated an outboard before that time and he pulled the throttle off volume of traffic passes i was travelling at full speed COMING EVENTS THURSDAY SEPT After noon tea at the home of Mrs Geo Case Park Ave New market from to pm Bake table and white elephant sale Admission 50c Proceeds to York County Hospital Womens Auxil iary THURSDAY SEPT in Aurora Canadian Legion hall Special games games sharp In aid of the Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary THURSDAY SEPT New market Horticultural Societys award night Agricultural Board rooms 8 oclock Presentation of years awards Judging and theme of talk by J Murray Muirheatl show Refreshments Public welcome FRIDAY OCT Dancing to the Manhattans in the Newmar ket town hall at pm Admis sion each FRIDAY OCT 1 Special dance In Hall to Norm Burl and his Kingsmen orchestra Modern and old tyme SATURDAY OCT 2 Dance in Holland Landing Community hall Orchestra Bert Dixon and his Lazy Valley Ranch hoys Time pm Admission SATURDAY OCTOBER St Johns bingo in Newmarket town hall pm Jackpot Admission SATURDAY OCT 2 Boy Scout paper salvage on east side of town including east side of Main St Have securely tied small bundles at curb WEDNESDAY OCT Bingo In Newmarket Canadian Legion Hall Good prizes jackpot 45 pm THURSDAY OCT Trinity United Church Womans Assn UJ in the Sunday school 30 he was heading for the dam He made a quick turn and ran into the on the east bank at full He did seven cartwheels out of the boat Mr West has not piloted a boat since failed to make the crossing Friday according to plan He was pulled out of the water alter nearly minutes of swim ming 20 feet before the finish line Made EastWest Swim It was reported earlier that no one has been swimming in Fairy Lake since pollution set in many years ago It has since been reported that an eastwest crossing was made by a Pickering College student a few years ago shortly after the ice went out in the spring Although it was not publicized he received on wagers A battery operated public ad dress system was mounted on the boat by Stewart in Friday swim A stroke-by- stroke commentary was given to lining the shores averaged two strokes ft minute it was reported When the swim was over was presented with the Morrison swim trophy which had been offered regardless of whether finished the MAGISTRATE SAYS CAR SPLASHING ONLY REGRETTABLE A Bradford motorist who re fused to apologize to a pedestrian for splashing him with muddy water had an ensuing careless driving charge dismissed in court Albert was splashed Sept He got a car license number found the own er and asked him for 50 cents for a cleaners bill Joseph Lotto refused to pay Then said he would ac cept an apology This also be ing refused Brockett then laid a complaint Magistrate Foster said he be lieved Brockett was splashed but could not find that Lottos driv ing had been careless He term ed it a regrettable incident A long distance swim in the muddy algaeinfested waters of tiny Fairy Lake Newmarket sponsored by the Era and Express last Friday night has brought many comments from Newmarket citizens inspired hopes that Newmarket may soon have a swimming pool and prompted a few citizens to promise contributions for a swimming pool project BIRTHDAY Mr Walter J Fuller Niagara St Newmarket celebrated his birthday on Tuesday Sept 28 Relatives and friends held a surprise party for him at his home on Tuesday evening WINS CONTEST The winner of the guessing competition at the Op- carnival last week was Linda Clark St Her guess was there were pennies In the bank room at pm AH women of the church welcome THURSDAY OCT salc In the Legion hall Aurora from 3 to pm Good articles of clothing and household will be sold Anyone wishing to donate please call PA or PA and they will be pick ed up on Wednesday In aid of Ladies auxiliary Canadian Lee- Ion FRIDAY OCT of candy and home baking by Business and Professional Womens club oclock in vacant store opp osite Era Main St Newmarket c3w3S SATURDAY OCT box derby sponsored by Aurora Fire Brigade Wellington St Good prizes All welcome WEDNESDAY OCT Bene fit card party sponsored by New market Home and School for Re tarded Childrens school Hall pm Refreshments prizes favors Admission THURSDAY OCT Bingo in the Aurora Canadian Legion hall Special games wealth games Time pm In the Canadian Legion Ladles Auxiliary WEDNESDAY DEC 1 Com munity bazaar sponsored the Newmarket Handcraft group Heaving leather work metai work knitting etc Home bak ing and draw for Woven baby blanket In aid of York Count Hospital Building Fund In the Newmarket Town Hall every Saturday night at pm Euchre every Thursday night at pm In North Memorial Centre Kes wick Admission tf23 DANCING every Saturday night in Mount Albert Community hall to Norm Burling and his orches tra Modern and old Ad mission JUVENILES AKEESTED Two Juveniles were arrested In Schomberg last night by Chief Constable Arthur Moody The two boys one aged the other were taken to by Robert Collins who lives in the Holland Marsh two miles north of Schomberg Charges of break enter and theft were laid against the two who had broken a window to en ter Collins home They were taken to the childrens shelter in Toronto They said they had from Long Branch the night before gruelling test or not Other prizes were offered The swimmer received a months pass to the Theatre a box of chocolates from Dawsons Spe cialty Shop two weeks midmor ning coffee at Atkinsons drug store coffee counter stationery from Earl Graham salesman for BarberEllis and a bar of Life buoy soap from Robert Martin who said he represented East township At one point in the swim the swimmer nearly sank when it was announced that four miles upstream in Aurora the tannery effluent had been dumped an hour earlier He quickly regained his strength and continued The reason given for removing the swimmer from the water was that he suffered a cramp in the left large toe Extra prizes given to Slim in cluded an aluminum ash tray made by Robert Martin and a months subscription to the To ronto Telegram by reporter Palmer Members of the Newmarket fire department were on hand with one of the fire trucks in case of an accident Firemen kept children away from the banks of the pond and from the railway tracks See page three for more pic tures and stories about the swim OPENS NEW STORE ON SRIGLEY ST A new groceteria has been op ened on Srigley St Newmarket opposite the Prince Charles school by William Taylor The store will satisfy the wish- of many of the residents in an area on the east side of town Mr Taylor plans to stock a full lint of groceries meats and confec tionery The swim was merely a stunt supposedly performed by a fic tional character from the Eras nonsense column Catnips The character Slim was por trayed by a member of the Era staff Lome His failure to complete the short crossing was of course planned One resident who has lived in Newmarket for many years said it was the best publicity stunt to get a point across he had ever seen in town The swim attracted a crowd of nearly 2000 far more than ex pected An iron pot placed near the Water Street bridge collected no attempt was made to Horticultural Judge To Speak Tonight J Murray a promin ent District horticultural judge will be the guest speaker tonight When Newmarket Horticul tural society has its Award night in the Department of Agriculture board rooms St pm Mr will speak on Judging and Exhibiting Flow ers Plaques cups and other prizes will be awarded to the winners in the societys Dower and vegetable shows Refreshments will be served The meeting is to be open to the general public and a cordial invitation is extend to all gardening enthusiasts in the area to attend Chief Asks Cooperation Of All To Prevent Fires Lets grow up not burn up is this years slogan for Fire Prevention Week it was an nounced today by Fire Chief John Gibson Newmarket will join with thousands of other communities across the country in observing Fire Prevention Week which GovernorGeneral Massey has proclaimed for the week of October to Our aim during Fire Preven tion Week Chief Gibson said will be to sell everyone on the idea that fire prevention is a life and death matter that each in dividual owes it to himself to family and his community to think and act firesafe every minute of the day the year- Newmarkets Fire Prevention Week program according to the chief will feature inspections youth and school activities and contests Cooperating with the fire de partment in this years campaign are school authorities and civic authorities In cooperation with the fire department a refuse col lection is being held by the town garbage committee Dates are announced elsewhere in this is sue Fire Prevention Week is the oldest and most widely observed of all special weeks It tradi tionally Includes the annivers ary date of the great Chicago fire which on October took lives and destroyed buildings at a direct loss of over 168 million Whitchurch Buys New Road Equipment At the regular meeting of Whitchurch township council on Thursday last delivery was recorded of the new township at a cost of The machine is a caterpillar grader At the previous meeting coun cil had discussed its intention of making two payments to cover its share of the cost which is percent carrying a second pay ment over for next years road levy However council has been advised by the highways department that the total amount must be paid out of this years budget Road superin tendent Davis reported that this will leave a scant 15000 to cover the balance of the road expenditures While council was in session about five hours- little major business was recorded Council gave first reading to a new bylaw containing regu lations for all plumbing installa tions in the township but mid way through the second reading the members agreed that further information should be sought on the move Some members expressed the view that the installation fees made plumbing installations costly The Health Unit advised that the average installation fees for the county amount to 8 for each new house An account of for fire brigade services to Stouffvllie was passed for payment covering charges between March and Au gust A fire account of was paid to Aurora Three payments of advance school monies were sanctioned The board request ed advance on its levy S No requested 3000 and on Its new two- room addition SIMCOE FINAL MONDAY The third game in the scries for the Stan Cook trophy will be played Mon day at Mount Albert at pm Zephyr was three outs away from scoring a win over last night when the game was halted at the end of the sixth because of rain pass the hat in the crowd The proceeds will be added to the collected by the Newmar ket fire department in the for a swimming pool which has been collecting interest over the years in the form of bonds Harold of Mills Newmarket promised pro vided that a campaign in started He also said that he would work on a fund raising project Violet said that she hoped a project would be started and that she would make a contribution Robert Martin said that the best plan would be to hold a pub lic meeting first and that a com mittee should be formed to inves tigate the cost of all kinds swimming pools He said a meet ing should be held soon while people are still interested in the idea Other citizens have called to say that they would help in a project and that they were sure Newmarket could raise the ne cessary funds for a pool FUN PARADE SHOW IN AURORA TO HELP HOSPITAL FUND The Aurora Lions club is spon soring Roy Ward Dicksons Fun Parade at the Aurora arena on Saturday Oct 2 at 8 pm The proceeds from the show will go to the York County hospital building fund as the Aurora Lions have pledged 3000 for that purpose SERIES OF THEFTS AT LAKE WILCOX Nearly worth of merchan dise was stolen from the property of Eugene Lake Wil cox early Sunday morning when thieves broke a window to gain entrance to his house The own er was away at the time Taken were a TV set worth utility saw drills chest of community plate silver ware and costume jewellery Provincial Constables Warren and Ed Forrester investi gated At the home of A Hudson Fergus Ave a radio was taken and from the home of Lee Stath- North a mantel clock radio was lifted In the last two breakins doors were kicked in Police Report Carelessness NEW STUDENTS COUNCIL AT NKt REPAIR CHURCH Repairs are being made to the Christian Baptist church New market We can see signs of work being done to the exterior of the church as preparation is being made to refinish it with After noting the crumbling process for many years we are glad this is going to be remedied When finished the church will be a gleaming white a landmark for our town Things have been going on in side too with the repainting of the Sunday school rooms But that Is not all The Sunday school is entering the Interna tional Sunday school attendance contest competing with Sunday schools in the United States and Canada and all over the world It is significant to hear on all sides that hardly any of those classed as delinquent boys and girls have ever been Tegular in Sunday school attendance One of the best ways we can help our boys and girls is to make sure we help them find their way to Chief Constable Byron Bur- bidge Newmarket reported that police officers have brought in numerous reports of careless bi cycle riding and poorly equipped bicycles This carelessness which creates a highly dangerous traf fic hazard must be stopped said the Chief and We are prepared to take action Care courtesy and common sense appear to be the last thing on the minds of the young cyclists ride up and down the Main St all day and in the evenings at great rates of speed and cut ting in and out of traffic They fail to realize that careless driv ing on a bike is just as serious as driving a motor vehicle with out proper care he said At nights of all the bikes on the road very few are equipped with the necessary lights and re flectors Section of the High way Traffic Act states that after dusk and before dawn every bi cycle and tricycle shall carry on the front a white or amber light ed lamp and on the back a red lighted lamp or reflector approv ed by the department There must be a white surface not less than 10 inches in length and two inches in width all of which shall be so placed as to be clearly visible to the drivers of other vehicles For violating this sec tion cyclists will be fined for the first offence and twice as much for the second Section of the Highway Traffic Act has a clause which states that no person riding on a bicycle designed for carrying one person only shall carry any other person This rule is flagrantly violated by many youths children and even fathers he said The penalty for this violation is Enlarging on this particular of fence I might point out that if fathers and older youths follow this practice how are the child ren expected to obey Must youths are aware of the fact that traffic laws must be obeyed but children forget safety rules easily and therefore par ents must check them before they become careless riders through sheer ignorance Safety experts maintain that parents have three tools available to them to keep their children safe I Protection For the first year no other process is available It gradually lessens as the child grows and learns Reason education Let safe ty training follow the paths the childs physical abilities and the things he likes to do Discipline It should be mild con sistent and logical it ultimately contributes to a childs sense of security It must serve where reason cannot You should aim to give children an intelligent apprecia tion of the common hazards of bicycle riding and to develop habits and attitudes which will enable them to offset these ho ards Effective action is only possible when the instructions outlining that action are clear concise and understandable the chief said Disregard of the law by lists will rcsidt in fines and con fiscation of their bicycles The accident rate- in volyittg bicycles this summer is much above average and case neglect or the part of the bicycle rider was to blame You need not and wilt not be a victim if you remember three simple expressions care courtesy and common sense Chief suggests that parents read the below poem ami then read it to their children un til they can grasp the significance of each line Cyclists Tragedy Ten little cyclists driving in a line One tried to pass the rest Then there were nine Nine little cyclists sadly I relate One passed through a stop street Then there were eight Eight little cyclists young and very deft One tried to show such skill Seven then were left Seven little cyclists touring in the Styx One wasnt equipped with lights Then there were six Six little cyclists very much Page Cot Report 528000 Raised For Hospital Building Fund tf35 1 Sunday school Members of the newly elected students council at Newmarket high school for the year are shown above They arc left to right Donald Jackson treasurer Patricia vice presi dent Verne Hutchinson president and Margaret secretary C A Cathers announc ed recently that approximately has been raised to date by the York County Hospital Building Fund This figure In cludes personal and corporation contributions government and municipal grants A balance of 72000 is still to bo collected to reach the objective of The campaign will on said Mr Gathers We do hope that contributions will con- to be sent to the York County Hospital Building Fund Newmarket Photo by Stefaniuk The plans for the new build ing will be ready shortly and it is considered that there will be sufficient funds to start the work at once Cash and pledges excluding government and municipal grants total approximately 125000 Stiver chair man of the hospital board said that only was required to raise that amount and moat ox the expense was on postage He said that the exact amount of money required for the new consvruction will not bo knowa until plans and specification ana a tender for construction acquired