From the Files of 25 and 50 Years Ago AUGUST Mrs Dick Callaghan Charles St gave a birthday party on Saturday Aug 10 in honor of her son and daughter and it being their sixth birthday There were six little boys and six little girls each bringing a little gift The large attendance of peo ple on the ground and others in on the adjoining streets Is palpable evidence that the openair concert of the Citizens Band on the grounds of the King George school last Friday night was greatly band is certainly making good progress under the leader ship of Mr Mr Roy Reynolds has bought a lot on Prospect Ave North and is erecting a fine new brick residence which will be another ornament to that sec tion of the town Let the good work go on The large addition to the Office Specialty factory mean more employment in Newmarket and a greater de mand for houses Mr and Mrs J Bell of Fort William spent a couple of days this week her sister Mrs If They have been visiting old friends in Toronto Whitby London and elsewhere and will be leav ing for home next week Mr and Mrs and granddaughter of Port Arthur are visiting Mr and Mrs J O Moss at their cottage Orchard Beach Mr of Toronto formerly of Keswick who was a store clerk here some years ago was calling on friends in town last Tuesday AUGUST Messrs Brimson Keith and A were in the city on Wednesday and secured a number of spe cial attractions for the North York County Fair next month and also splendid talent for the concert Mr Frank Lloyd of Strat ford was in town on Monday on his way home having spent a week at Orchard Beach with his father Mr and Mrs Joseph were guests at Major on Tuesday Mrs has returned from the city accompanied by her two nieces the Misses cell Mrs H Gardner and who were visiting their sister Mrs Geo Stark in Toronto re turned home last week Mr Henry of Dako ta wife and daughter were the guests of Mr Pine Orchard Con Satur day and Sunday Mr and Mrs and daughter left for Montreal da Wednesday after a delightful vacation in Newmarket Mrs Gilleon had two daugh ters home from Toronto over Sunday and also a nephew from the West Indies Mr Alf Good win Mrs David Mitchell has re turned home after spending a month with her son Mr Albert Birchard Mrs Dickson of Orillia spent three or four days last week at Orchard Beach the guest of Mr Wm and then spent over Sunday with friends in Newmarket leaving for the city on Monday even ing Helping the Handkapped to Help Tk 9SPEiM seLves The value of the contribu tion which handicapped men and women can make to Cany economic progress is be ing emphasised in a number of ways A national committee on which federal and provin cial governments employer and employee and social wel fare organizations all have rep resentation has stressed the importance of helping the han dicapped to help themselves The great majority of vinces have now signed agree wen Is to cooperate with the federal government in rehabili tation efforts Recently a course of national importance on rehabilitation and counselling capped was held at of The majority key officers placements division Employment Service of Veterans was also represented month these student to lectures by oft the staff of Western and other universities concerning the na ture and various diseases and disabili ties and hoy S employs nil of those who had experienced them The course was sp the Unemployment Commission which the National vice it was a tooperative ef fort on the part of the don and the university anil value will become more and more apparent as The special placements divi sion of National Service is concerned primarily with assisting sons suffering from handicaps of varying nature to find work which will be suitable for them This effort in order to he successful requires a know ledge of the nature of cap and their relation to the field of it ha been felt the commission that a course vhich would en able its officers to learn more about the medical side of the various disabilities would be helpful More and more it is Incom ing apparent that the handi capped individual stands a bet ter chance of living a reason ably happy and successful life if employed where he or she can do useful work than other wise More and more it has also become apparent that handicapped persons when giv en the right work can make a great contribution to the econ omic life of the country The war demonstrated their country It tuts beep found a properly placed sometimes does work superior ib me socaIe4 ifedl- vidusll JinpXfanc of finding the right each hand individual becomes apparent That is the job of the placements division a tiki National Em- payment Service It lis times difficult one jut re- success has been Employers are now becoming aware of the value of workers many are cooperating wholeheartedly knowing that by go doing they help both the Individual and themselves Students who took the course at the of Western Ontario will be expected to hand Oil- the there to their in the offices of the Unemploy ment Insurance Commission They came from all over Can ada and they worked hard ob taining the knowledge avail able to them in the lectures These lectures will it is expect ed form the basis for further training of the National Em ployment Service staffs us time on mi Serving Newmarket Aurora and rural districts of Grant Shirks victory in the Ontario amateur the fourth successive and ears thai the title went to resident of a having won It in IQ4U 1952 and 1953 Greater distance oft the tee and more putting carried Shirk seen above coveted trophy wife holds another winners award a silver tea victory over of Weston MEM NEWSPAPERS North York the Newmarket Era The Express Herald ISM Published ever Thursday of Main St by ihe Newmarket Bra and Express limited Subscription for two years for one year in advance Single copies ore 5c each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Matt Post O ffke Department Ottawa CAROLINE ION Womens Editor GEORGE Sports Edfor Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger T IAWRENCE RACINE lob MnHng Production mj PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAt OP AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR TAPE RECORDER OR ELECTORS The presence of a press tape recorder at the meet ing of Newmarket town council Monday night brought objections front Edward Wrightman MR expressed concern over something new which the press was using at the meeting During the discussion which followed Councillor Robert he was not too pleased With the but said he thought it would be all right for one meeting Reeve Joseph Dales expressed his opinion that if a member of council did not wish to be quoted he should say nothing Councillor Alex Hands did not agree with the reeves opinion and said that there are times when a member of council will say something which does not wish to be made public So it seems that we have members of council on one hand wanting to be quoted accurately and in full and on the other hand not wanting to be quoted Our im pression is that some of them just want their own way when it comes to press treatment We sincerely hope that circumstances permit councillors to be happy with press reports at all times but our good wishes will never make a particle of change in the press reports As for Councillor Hands complaint we wonder how he could ever make a statement at a public meeting which he does not wish to be made public He can neither make a public statement in private nor a private statement in public And is tape recording the council meeting any different from shorthand recording We wonder what Councillor Hands would do if the tape recorder were substituted by municipal electors or taxpayers A vote was also taken at the council meeting on whether or not the tape recorder should be used We also wonder why the vote was called and what the council would have done had the vote been negative Would council call for a vote on whether or not electors should remain at a public meeting of council Or what sort of power could it assume to decide whether municipal business be conducted with or without public knowledge We do not believe for one moment that the town council has the slightest intention of conducting town affairs secretly The tape recording was merely startl ing to one or two members and they stabbed at any point for an argument As it happened we could nut agree with Councillor Hands opinion It is also possible that he has changed his mind since the meeting ABOUT ACCURACY Councillor A clarified his remarks about among some members of the- library board in a letter to the editor published while we were away on holidays lie named the members to whom he was referring and this week one of them writes a reply in lite letters column We think the reply was sensibly written with remarkable restraint As for Councillor comments on accurate reporting we cart only say that from council meetings nothing more can be reported than what is heard ami that we are under no obligation to report all that is heard we do not report every thai is uttered at the meetings it seems thinks thai we are not being accurate We give Mr a point for his observation that Councillor Edward a discission about the Library board by asking wiry a special council committee was not notified of a library hoard meeting on Saturday July But we particularly interested in aiv ighimans remarks we were only interested in the library board discussion which followed Is lite fact ftoportoce that it was Wright man and not someone fije asked a question which merely prompted tile king Not to Anl we tepftyavs be too about it made meetings may bo of to those who mate them hut others may them Wo readies tho wt of VsaWM wto to im rftcdince WO do not publish all the hail jokes or empty remark fi instance would poor reading Yet it would seem that lift We could be ft 3rt and it We have no more intention of offering Han sard services than we have of being a mouthpiece for members of council If Mr considers that by doing this we are being inaccurate then we shall go on being inaccurate in his opinion Mention of the local tannery in letter appeared to have little connection with the greater part of his subject material It is odd that he bothered to mention it He asks how the following statement can be correct Competition by leather substitutes too has caused the industry many problems in the last 10 years We dont think it is necessary to elaborate for other readers We do not think the leather industry is happy about plastic products and other substitutes cutting into the leather market Wear talking about the industry and not about the company affairs of the local tannery as Mr chose to do In his letter Mr Be lu gift stated Councillor can supply you with some more corrections of your reports in the same issue this time in connec tion with his roads and bridges I dont doubt that he will at the very first meeting of the council he will be able to attend A meeting of council was held Monday night was present He did not mention tfie reports We do recall that following a council meeting Coun cillor gave us a verbal report his committee and requested that we publish the informa tion Our notes were according to what we heard the councillor say Wo are happy to provide the councillors with a public service publishing committee reports which are of interest to the ratepayers It Would be much more simple and in the interests accurate re porting if councillors would submit written reports The members of council rightly should be anxious that the public be informed on all matters Therefore they should make easy for members of the press to receive accurate information If statements are to be made verbally they should be made accurately aud audibly NOT EVERYONE WITH BEE IN BONNET The press has a responsibility in choosing what is important for publication In readers give the greatest assistance in making the choice Mv as a reader is one in several thousand But as a Councillor he has nothing to do with our choice It is only a few weeks that wo quoted A son chairman of the Board of Gover nors on this very subject Ho referred to those working in communication media who have constantly to choose what they will put out and what they will not Those in charge he said must he continually selecting and rejecting That is where the great icspousibiiity Ilea They need to be aware of the need for the greatest pos sible practical freedom and opportunity for at least most main ideas and kinds of information to he made avail able to peoples minds Obviously there is not room for every person with a bee in his bonnet or a theme in his head to get into the headlines or onto the air O U FORCE INVESTMENT Regardless criticism that leveled at Canadas reserve force from time to its that Ottawa Is depending on them to a oSteut at letisj Cor nucleus of our defense case of emer gency IF reserve forces arc to is apparently it need for periods Such time at is needed to and make much of tracing given during evenings and Wvo Kegardleaa of on ox Canadas force it good to- allow omiQyq3 who imoKvp to attend 5hojf a to feiflltoMtbugiagf fejto pay is ho TpfiiCtirjatter for employers iftVCSt- in the reserve to provide the for em ployees to get of to summer training state i the not the matter of the the state is guarantee infringement on their rights their agent international and national it not the function ol the to assume the direction of those activities which rest on choice The Corners Clarion Blast is bringing Shaving the internationally known detective to the com munity of Cuttin Corners to solve a year old mystery John Cutswell Shaving former yard man with the and then detective now retired will renew the hunt for Sue Comeback the well bred Holstein of Green Gables Farm who disappeared the community in No one ever new the fate of Sue Dragapple Comeback one of the blue bloods of district circles She disappear ed one night while out for an evening stroll along a Green Gables Farm lane tit that she was seized atidcarried by some unknown Holstein admirer It- is whispered sometimes In stein circles that it was some one in the Guernsey circle but we never pay any attention rumor The mystery of Sue of Green Gables has been the subject of many street corner discussions Comers folk have thought up various theories on the subject off her disappearance Some say she is still alive in Montreal Others say she was cownapped by a beef ring and to the Detroit market Still others whisper that her milk production had been fail ing and that her disappearance was just a convenient way of dropping out of the competitions without admitting failure Well this week Shaving has been interviewing police farm organization authorities dis trict citizens and Ferdinand Rex dHolstein a former bull friend of Sue In short Shaving is following up every possible lead Some are trying to discredit Shaving They say that police already know that Sue Drag- apple is dead but that since they are short a carcass they cannot make a statement that she is dead or alive Since there is a possibility that Sue w taken to the stockyards in Detroit Toronto or some other beef centre there is a strong possi bility that she was butchered and long since graced Sunday dinner tables in the form of roast and steaks Weft bred circles still mourn the of Sue Every oi editors ask th Where is Si Comeback Will have the I year Stretch a er on The been searching back cow for was for this Cuttin Corners Clarion decided to call in the far detective If Shaving cant find her one can find her Rudolph Cursed publisher of If he does find her we rock the reading public wit our exposiei In a recent interview Shav ing said nave a hunch that Comeback can be found the long interviews I have had from her former bull friend Ferdinand Rex the last to see her I am convinced that she is still alive I am sure that she has join ed some wandering of the northern townships Of course no stone will be left un turned until I have come with the answer to the strange mystery of the disappearance of Sue Comeback I gamble my whole reputation on this case- Wo are all awaiting the result of Shavings investi gation by Dairy Farmed The Top Six Inches As the combines get into high now that the weather is showing signs of being more like harvest weather our wor ries concerning the marketing of grain increase too As a rule it is worth storing grain and for many years this system worked lnst year the system did not work and last springs usual prices mighty big us now that arc being paid at the barn It it not tor question storage space and in some ases the for ready we would suggest that storing again is right solution In matting barley the situation is It started high tot year and came down towards the end of the year This year It started low and has gone up now from to a bushel At that it is a better price almost than wheat The net result is that the farmers cash insomo this yew will be lower again and the trouble is that while the cost operating may level off and the odd item may bo cheaper than Was such twine and gas It takes cash to operate and it will be scarce again Ihifc year Of course wo do not know what the solution is and much bet lor men than wo do not know it The question is how to got around short- age of cash somehow we have Hit fooling that there a number of things that would help behove that if far mer has that tie makes effort to build up it ran help to improve his cash position us explain this Take the case of the purebred breeder Over period of years the man who has had registered livestock does a bit of showing and if a dairy farmer tests his cattle ho gets return on this extra effort and interest There numerous ex amples of a Wfer this district to live stock an within kind It isnt mitMable in time when any kind of brute wift it sme of mail who ted regis tered seed made a market for it Other routes some of custom work and the cream markets These types do not necessarily moon giving short of the one in wt means the on one Item that suits the fancy man market it is be cause he has taken greater in terest in what he produced because in mot through his interest he one et more middle raan in the takes up Hyp totit bat would have been nude others But has an even nn- meaning than money has seme chosen inttfesTon is usually man a more man pier man i FINDS BULLSEYE SI nm Johnson wrote the rmy4 textbook the art Jwtd why be rated too t Rifle hold Tie Calgary lawranee man a member el lt lto the annual