Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 12 Aug 1954, A5

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K rv THE MURRAY LEAFLET Are The Statements ich Caused Council Row In order that our readers may be made aware of the contents of the leaflet mailed to Aurora taxpayers by the deputyreeve of the town Mr D J Murray and which was the object of a bitter attack by Reeve Cook we are publishing- the leaflet in its entirety Editor Entitled To The Taxpayers of Aurora the leaflet reads as follows This council in the best interests of the taxpayers of Aurora saw fit turn down the expense of a new park at the south end of ihe town east of the high school For the remainder of this year at least that should have been the end of it Nevertheless there is a small group of people still trying to force this property onto the tax payers whether they want it or not Here are a few of the facts that these people do not bother to tell you As there is no guaran tee that the government will pay towards it and it is quite possible that they may not 2 They say we need another athletic field but when all the facts are known we have about as much use for another athletic field as we have for another thumb 3 If the town should own this property it will have to as sume half of the expense of opening up the extension of Punning Ave which could quite easily cost the taxpayer 7000 or If the town owns the pro- will lose the taxes from a very good residential subdi vision which annually could be a loss of to in taxes If the town owned the very expensive proposition par ticularly when you see the type of land it Is There would have to be a number buildings put as toilets and And why build a bunch of barns alongside a threequarter million dollar high school This land has been nothing but agricultural land for many many years and not very good land at that so now why should it suddenly be just to keep it It all sums up that it would be a mighty costly piece of land for the own even as a gift SUBDIVISION BYLAW Town Has Power A- Enforce ByLaw Considerable publicity has sponsored by Murray antJ5 William Davidson by dividers on the sale of purposes A request for a bylaw consider just arid proper into the payment town treasury for was presented who has follows to the town clerk vas read at the last Meeting of council With regard to your request thai there be submitted council a proposed quiring a subdivision W pay on each lot new subdivision town treasury I consider bylav ultra vires of the corporation and I sure the council thai reason desire to consider such a bylaw Certain municipalities have rule or understanding reqtiirlpg a subdivision owner to enter into an agreement for the payment of 300 or such lessee or ieater amount as the municipality may municipality In abdication for a permit Is made construct a residence on ItVwOulC appear that the pur pose regarding payment is to in the cost of mainten ance town ships have been very much af- in View of the houses in a certain area requiring the construc tion Of new schools or the addi tion to existing schools lift describing the proposed as ultra vires the so licitor means that in his opinion the municipality would go be yond Us legal authority in pass ing i would be interesting if the solicitor would state the legal on which he bases his conclusion HEALTH Camp A bus rolled by our office window It was crowded to capacity with happy cheering children In large let ters appeared the following words Thank You Very Much for Sending us to the Salvation Army Open Air Camp Great progress has been made In recent years in the develop ment of outofdoor attractions for the young Camp life is one of them and parents may send children and teenagers away in the confidence that they will return with Of early qualifications for booming good mixersfate life It may not be generally known that some eight miles of flourishes the largest boys camp in Canada Camp It is the camp operated by the East Its director Mr Hell who has been engaged In Boys Work over the long period of years The camp has facilities for i Era and Express Brings Results Try J WILLIS The Drug Store Hews agent Tobacconist etc Business Founded St Aurora Telephone PA boys ranging in age from young sters of seven and a half to teen agers up to sixteen It compris es some forty acres of natural Wooded terrain and as much as Is Invested in camp equip rncot and setup Situated at near Stroud boating facilities of the most modern type including new boats motor boat sail boat canoes and Faculties Almost everything that can In terest Instruct and entertain the young Is to be found at Camp There Is a craft shop tuck shop and a covered wagon to provide thrills In- trail The camps are arranged for occupation by different age groups which Is an excellent Idea There Is also a modern camp hospital There Is a large dining hall well screened cabins together with permanent build ings Having regard to the abundant and varied facilities at Camp the approximate cost of weekly Is not heavy The camp is in operation for a period eight weeks Application for admission can be made to the director at the camp headquart ers Peter son of Mr Jack of Aurora Is one of the camp leaders Aurora News Page J SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE DOAN HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA PAGE FIVE THURSDAY THE TVELFTH DAY OF AUGUST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR ANNOUNCEMENT For The Best Deal In ALUMINUM DOORS and WINDOWS call jack PA FREE ESTIMATES Day or Evenings OH WRITE BOX AURORA NOTHING CONTENTIOUS If there is anything contentious in these columns this week you will ifeave to find it outside of these editorials We cannot say what will turn up before Aurora News Page is in the printers hands Perhaps there may be something contentious to report There is a meeting of the town council just ahead of this writ ing and which we will report But in a manner of speaking the editorials this week are adventures in thought You will hardly find them contentious unless you agree with Montaigne that even to be born is a matter for contention The French have always through history been great con tenders Not that there is anything wrong with contention It around us everywhere from contests at the local arena right on to the Senate Chamber at Ottawa Contention is indeed the very impulse of history and of life Without it the adult mind is as dead as a door mat May we go on from here to set down a few thoughts which have occurred to us during the holiday calm KEEPING ONES TEMPER If men with bad tempers could only see themselves as others see them they might be cured of a disability that is not only comical but Some men get red in the face and others pallid when they meet with opposition Then they rant and rave with the fury of a barking dog One of the greatest of British criminal lawyers used constantly to try and get his subjects under crossexamination angry The rest was easy The mark of a healthy strongminded man is to remain calm impassive under all circumstances He does not make an exhibition of his emotions In good or bad fortune he does not make himself a spectacle before the world NAMES We confess that we have a liking for old names and old families In the history of the world pedigree has counted immeasurably A man who is not proud of the name he bears or would barter it for a cash con sideration is an object for pity Except of course some rare case Where some past shame has demanded that a new face be turned to the World Except for it abnormal exceptions we would imagine that most men feel pride lit the name they bear And the longer that name has persisted the greater is their right to take pride in lt A man who does not honor the name of his father can hardly be expected to honor his country And man who does not honor his country is a pariah Democracy has never meant for us that all men are equal All men are not and never can be equal De mocracy has meant for its that there shall be some equality of opportunity There can be no democracy without national stability and those nations are moat stable where great names survive and old families en dure from generation to generation Many years ago we knew a man who said he had letters stowed away at his They were the collection of a lifetime In many cases the writers these letters wore long since But their owner would sometimes dive into the huge pile and have a session with old memories We recall him as a very moody and somewhat dejected For many years we have made a practice of ridding ourselves of whatever seemed to us of Ho future value We like to fee that if wo were to out relatives would not need to be bothered sorting out useless hoarding can become a mania We see no sense in keeping that have no bearing on the future Dwelling on the past can a is past is audi done with So many people live with bad done thiaor that they Such aif not their are harmful to the will that can transform wishing into All that we can con trol at any time the 0BtMRiFf It is to say which is the worse of the two It is a horrible to a mm a few as though there were so important in the world as money It is an horrible tiling to see the spendthrift throwing away Money a very agent in affairs and they are foolish who decry it The miser and the extremes It is pitiful the Alette fop of so fefca else matters The soul within a and more moncrmU3t wood Money is power and it is equally pitiful to see a young man throwing to the wind that which can be of service to hiniiv Our own practice is this To save money where we can and to use it as a means of getting as much happi ness as out of life The rest we leave to destiny COUNCIL REPORT ReSurfaced Sidewalks Until the outbreak of verbal violence just at the moment when it seemed the mayor was about to adjourn council the meeting had gone along in such a subdued mood that a chorus of no more than three would have sounded like the fire alarm With the out break the biting began The story is told in adjoining columns HERES THE ANSWER Aurora News Page Editor Replies To Cooks Charge It is our intention to deal more fully with some council matters at its last meeting in our Council Side lights in next weeks issue But a charge made Cook in his against the Deputy- Reeve J Murray requires immediate attention It may be that Cook altogether disbelieve the were present as a delegation offering the deeding of a strip of land to the town in connection with a pro posed subdivision This offer was accepted subject to it being put into shape for a street Mrs Zimmerman was also present in regard to her subdivi sion which has finally been ap proved for foot lots Sidewalks Some of the resurfacing on the new sidewalks having al ready crumbled it was directed that a letter be sent to the con tractor concerning a 12month guarantee for the work This in reply to questions from Reeve Murray who questioned the condition of the work Councillors Davidson and Jones also referred to cracks that were already showing in the new re surfacing CutUp Chicken Road Further consideration was giv en to the request from the man agement of Choice CutUp Chicken in regard to the road from No highway to their plant It was agreed to contact the Whitchurch council suggesting a meeting with the Aurora Streets committee to discuss if mutual arrangements could bo arrived at up the unsatisfactory condition of the storm sewer on HiUview Road Councillor Jones said the engineer had been made aware was talking for the hearing of the Banner editor whose pencil was active during the flow of the diatribe It may be that Reeve Cook was the victim his own verbal intemperance Some men who get drunk oh invective can be more dangerous than other men who get drunk on hard que Whatever the explanation may Reeve Cook made himself sponsible for a libellous false hood when he declared without equivocation or reservation that the DeputyReeve J Murray and this newspaper were working together everything In aftermath we are about to make Whether Cook believes it or is a matter of complete indifference tons since we place no value at all on his opinions The statement we wish to Intake is this We never have had nor do we intend to have any private chats with Deputy- Reeve J Murray on what he will will say at council In absolute fairness to him we have also to that at no time has he divulged his intentions to us has he ever divulged to us what has taken place at Socalled Closed of council Mr J Murray is not an in- of this some time ago and it was rora directed that a letter be sent to him requesting attention to the of his verbal intemperance it is farmer For his reticence and possible that when he saw loyalty to his colleagues we wonts in cold print in the bold him in high regard Murray brought Centre St matter Draft Agreement DeputyReeve Murray asked what had been done in regard to the draft agreement withS the province regarding sower ser vice to the Ontario hospital and was informed by the town clerk that the matter was in the hands of the solicitor Murray A month has gone by with nothing done and now solicitor is on his holidays Disposal Plant Councillor Davidson asked what was being done in regard to the disposal plant The con clusion of a discussion was a mo tion that a construction bylaw be prepared for an addition to the disposal plant at an approxi mate cost of Other Business Other business included the submission of a number of rec ommendations by Councillor Davis on behalf of the safety council introduction two by laws by the chairman Council lor Moffat and an enquiry by DeputyReeve Murray on the delay of sewers and paving on No Reply To Challenge When the deputyreeve chair The Leaflet The Murray leaflet which was the potent beverage that led to Reeve Cooks lapse from longed Reeve Cook to prove his verbal words there was no reply There our with a sense of the grell uprise had nothing to Reeve Cook Every word in it with it and did not learn of Was laise j We are not working together mailed throughout the town with any man on council The Mr Murray has taken no imphcations contained in Reeve or suggestions from us at Cooks false charge is that Mr any time and likewise we have Murray and we sit down to- taken neither from him gether and plan what he will say An Independent Paper at council and what We take no orders from any write in this newspaper We man on this newspaper It is an suggest that that is a minimum independent publication We translation of what Reeve Cooks have given a great amount of words amount to publicity to J Murray both There is not an iota of truth as a councillor and as deputv- such a suggestion Wo are no reeve Because he is the more aware of what Deputy Reeve Murray is going to say council than we are of what payers best man on council lie is a true representative of the tax- BQNE As Councillor Cliff was Move we Mir Mayor Cook rose to challenge a leaflet circularized by Murray concerned with the new park project recently defeated Sparked by the reeves attack on the deputy- fee the debate was one the stormiest in history Parking up the leaflet the park had recently appeared in reeve proceeded to dispute the whole of the eight points it set forth He said that the mailing out of such a leaflet was unfair to this council Mr charged that Mr Reeve Cook is going say Nov Private Talks Reeve Cook has revealed hiro- shall have more- to say next week Meanwhile Reeve Cook should be ashamed of self as the sort of uttering such a libel- might if he did indeed falsehood Banner issue last paid this newspaper considerable lu its tendiuo para graph it iitated in reporting council The editor of the Newmarket is a friend of de clared Deputy Reeve J Mr Muntiy was to and lint it slops tluuv that ito collaboration If and us Hut the Banner didnt that proviso In any raw we the iiliir of John hud referred to property bought in Toronto and compared Murray was under the influence it with Aurora which was the Era and Express the local editor of which was working What put in- the leaflet was against the inteicsts of the town business I had every town of Aurora Mayor Mas Ills Say The mayor said thai a vote had been taken on the new park project and it was a dead issue until the deputyreeve had sent out his leaflet lie charged that Mr Murray had no right to sign himself as deputy- reeve of the town in such a connection adding that it showed bad taste and was out of order The deputyreeve was either advised or in sending out the leaflet the charged Moffat In Waking one of the best speeches heard in the debate Councillor Moffat said if they on side had lost out she be lieved they would have accepted defeat and said no more about it Councillor Moffat said that while she did not altogether agree with the depulyreevea ac tion in sending out the leaflet the paper had not told the whole of the story in an editorial it had published The reference was Banner editorial Ed Councillor Moffat said a by law prepared In regard to the new park had shoved un der her nose by the solicitor and did not like The town was not in a position- to buy the park this year said Councillor Mqlfat with the heavy expenses facing therrv Murray the Banner and he was entitled to reply to it and give the tax payers of Aurora the real fads on the matter Ho said the Ban- inn ir duty however of being the editor of Aurora News Page which hK to as outside in fluence Quick it vtiiiorial the to have been something that right to sign as deputy- reeve said Mr Murray Interrupted by Wr Mr lhe session end- Murray said I have the porting In to our own alleged halting methods The gibe us of what so often comes over the air when the announcer says the early reports appear to be incorrect he goes on to tell his listen- Mr Mayor so pleas bo quiet Answering the mayors charge that he had either not been vised or illadvised the deputy- reeve said he had not asked foe or received advice front anyone on the leaflet The for it is my own absolute ly he said Keeve lumps Up A Rain When the sat down the reeve lumped up At this point Councillor catted out for at adojurniftcrit fttr left With the remark that last Thursday several weeks getting ridiculous and acting vacation in western like children Mr and Mm Reeve Cook iMwoyex trip his Siangan the Stotea pamphlet should to yHslw be the facts- the impcovcnl In mum 2 to let asked Mr Wll how later the story Thats just what happens the case the Banner and ira Pul puis in its own story Aurora News puis in tin inns Banner reported Council lor Eavidsu as saying Is up authorizes Aurora lige lo stale that the ouuddor he was letedTinK to was editor Banner The facts make a dont they Whats Behind tit We hear theres be an im portant meeting agricul tural society next week possibly with a view to considering dis banding the Aurora Horse Show on of lack of space Could this bo a to bring back the new park project Who inspired it you write IMF Tot these ftues there was no Councillor Davidson slid disposition a set made and Detroit and friends in town last Mr Murray Voting the form lrralne will hi the guest soloist at tin morning sendee of the Aurora Church on Sunday August and Mrs Percy Winnipeg have on a visit to Aurora relatives and only thing that M S the til Gay and the names of those Voted against the lies was favor of forgetting the- wh0 thing The Issue Jones Toirget Reeve- in his request tor a and a J Murray prepared This was said that Cooks attitude by Councillor Sfdrt1iiM that it issue were people it would Ml Murray said he would too to mi to the ptjO Motion Propped In the course of further Inlet Changes Reeve Cook shouted out that the working with the Newmarket paper and the local editor was working against the town Murray to him reminded him of the story of the Irishman who on coming Canada asked if there was a here On be ing told there was the Whatever it is Im agin The charged that anything he brought up in coun cil was opposed the reeve and he was tired of It He told council that some spineless In dividual without guts enough to sign his name had sent him some anonymous letters concern ing his opposition to buying the new park Mr Murray said that a leading editorial on the new marriage which Ctfofe eft Friday The presentation made at home of Mr and of Mr Mm ficuf left last vvetik tot to take up the Weston is a vacation with Gouncfllor Davidson a ml Mrs filttSur to Conn- Mfe Sir A of BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery Cards etc Agent For Bra Classified Ads TUB MISSES WOOD 33 St Aurora Make A Habit Meet Your Friends At The O D HESS Store Two Graduate Pharmacists St Aurora PA Calls PA i -e- Neither the- nor the reeve any the mayors suggestion the motion concerning the pamph let was withdrawn The mayor added that In the case of a pe tition being brought to council in favor of buying the new park it would have to receive atten tion For Friendly Personal Service Shop At JOHN MORNINGS DRUG STORE St Telephone PA JAJn fc

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