K ft COUNCIL SIDELIGHTS Reeve Cook Blasts Newmarket Then Rounds On DeputyReeve There were three outstanding episodes at the last meeting of The most colorful of these were Cooks attack the neighboring of and his later attack on DeputyReeved Jjlu third of the outstanding episodes speech on Old Home we have found it necessary to promote Reeve Cook to- the our ever said whether columns of- Aurora News Page In this issue He said so j0at0eJaiUiand however that we still find did it en- it necessary to keep track of personal him here Vc trust the reeve views so far Unknown appreciate the compliment SM During the course or his there against our neighbor- with pockets of town he expressed the hope ivj- he would not be considered To assist- We wonder finding committed of three was what put that thought into the appointed One of the trio was- reeves mind- Did he feel pet- DeputyReeve J Murray as he blasted away business of this committee was at the old market town to find as much information as Newmarket wanted every- possible about an Old Home thing declaimed the reeve Week Now those who and expected us Aurora- to Mr Murray are well aware that pay for it Pretty cheap dont if he is given a job to do he does you think Vary small potatoes not sit on his extremity and for a former warden of York watch the clouds roll by He county After such an outburst gets out and does the job assign can no longer think of Heave to him j Cook as a possible premier of Brought In The Facts Ontario even if he could get the So it happened at the last support of Jack council meeting that Mr Murray j A Knock For Aurora had gotten his facts together He In our editorial we have ex- stood up addressed the chair plained why think that Reeve and began a speech which turn- Cook has injured the reputation out to be the best that we of the town of Aurora by his Hi- have heard him make In fact considered remarks concerning have heard no belter speech campaign for funds for the made in council He spoke for York County hospital There are about minutes in a forceful a number of points however and convincing manner j we did not touch He told council where he The reeve appeared to blame himself stood He against Newmarket for getting the pro- holding any Old Home Week police Does he suffer in His reasons were solid from a poor memory Has he I and numerous The new forgotten that Aurora had the I walks were crumbling away and provincial police located here would have to be replaced A Aurora News Page LEGION HALL AURORA J SINCLAIR Editor OFFICE DOAN HALL AURORA TELEPHONE PA 74573 PAGE ELEVEN THURSDAY THE TWENTYFIFTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR hut through the neglect of a new addition to the Aurora council of which the reeve was Uriel high school was to be made a riiember the headquarters of Sewers to be put in the police moved to New- Centre St Wellington SI East market The AttorneyGeneral was to be widened The disposal Wrote a letter to the Aurora plant and a new floor in the council which charged such arena were other problems Then there were the new the town council of New- 1 People might not be in market to be blamed for accept- j the mood to celebrate an Old the police if the Aurora own Home Week added the deputy- council of the time concerned reeve was loo negligent to take stock Mr Murray said that much of of the existing situation j this major work might still be Bee In Ills Rennet far from completion at the date The angry bee in Cooks fixed for the celebration Arid bonnet is of course the location then he gave the knockout blow of the county seat It has gone to the Old Home Week pro- to Newmarket and Reeve Cook as he told how he had forgive this terrible tiicled 52 merchants and found transgression Heaven knows of them opposed to it five he Worked hard enough to bring were undecided and top favored it Aurora j the idea though one of the two But in spite of all the secret made the reservation- if time meetings the inspired briefs pre- v- pored by and Insult the fact Unit the old public Were these facts too school here was quoted at a powering for Reeve Cooks pal price from anything SI to ate He was up on his feet 24000 the county not fall into the lap of the was up on still did ac- statement whs ah insult auctioneers It Councillor as Mr went to the old market town Ho ray had taken the out of What The bee still buzzes his bands re still had another One report has it that the meeting earning As he said they would ho dopes to spoke of the insult to Mi every thing to the reeve smacked his lips Thats not the way we heard a derisive maimer like one The way we hen id was that who had taken a sip of vinegar they would be goats to that it- was a martini ovtiy thing to Me the deputyreeve was Dopes or goats it out of order thing The same thing is Meanwhile Cliff Cooks outburst was extremely petty- minded Attack The The reeve has blood hi his eye knocking around the ring he set upon his charging that he anything but insulted He smiled as though- a load had been lifted off- shoulders And what was Mr Murrays of fence whatever ex cept that he had carried out the job he was given lie was asked bad insulted Cliff to get the fads and he got them a mild and Inoffensive j He retorted on the reeve by unless someone tries to Idling him that he was quite in him a kick VJoVder in giving council the so happens that Councillor formation and guidance asked is the chairman of I he fur SjorH and publicity committee As our report in pur Issue of council and in this capacity he iridiented several was called on to chair a meet- me moors of council rose to ex- Ingvof organizations to deal with press their agreement with Mr this of Old Home Murrays views Ah for the Week No doubt by this time youve hear about Old Home Week Its becoming as as the measles reeve he really had a rampaging evening There was blood In his eye but he did not fire at Aurora News Page UP THE MESS Simple I Helping following the No ttteVOf of Aiironi liaaic Land The use of the lands within the areas shown oil the llnn as Parks and shall be considered to include fol- a 1 Publicly owned open space The present and possible Conservation and future interests of the Town of development Aurora and the local Horticulture J Authority In the water Agriculture and genera course and adjacent land farming If abutting on The general character of area tying in the the area and its environs In re- Parks and Conservation to population density to area A and the consequent Housing spaced and located minimum limitations of lot areas to produce low population don- and lot frontages and the types slty within the area under of housing to be built thereon The and authority the consideration of use No of the local Medical Officer of ft regard shall bo to Health or equivalent an thurify a topography in re- matters pertaining to Public spec to its influence oh the Had Health and sanitation lotion of the areas upon which In all cases involving con- housing may be erected jslderatjon of a draft plan of b Possible costs to the Town division for land use No an of Aurora for the supply and agreement signed by the sub- of services pertain- divider to the passing of a roads drainage sewerage taw which states the limitation Jpply in accordance use of the property WtnJr by the Planning Boa m AURORA GETS A BLACK EYEKmI nan e r Considerable time must elapse before Aurora re covers from a black eye inflicted by Reeve Cook From to he takes aim Aurora News Page with- out registering more than a dud In the case review he hit our town not in the but directly in the optics In ease the reeve is wondering what we are getting at we will explain Mayor Rose made a timely and appeal for financial support York Count hospital which was erected before Reeve Cook was old enough to have a voice in the location its site In view of the cam paign that is shortly be launched for funds the mayor quite properly suggested the Setting up of an organiza tion to enable Aurora to take part in this of man it v it vfsla tlieii that Cook rolled lip his and the ring Saying that lie give whole hearted support to the mayors plea the reeve lashed out the charge that Newniaiket wants everything Apparently- away on of listed number of the county towns possessions finally noting recent of the county Ohjbitter pill When the reeve had come to the end of us bitter blast the mayor promptly a pile treatment He touched the reeves fevered brow with gentle words and soothing aijnonitioiK lie said softly that the was located at a town named Newmarket and we change what is From our experience the mayor could have added that cant or dissnlve While the reeve gave a wonderful boost to New mar- hot which he claimed had about every thing poor old Aurora fell into verbal dust his illtimed ribe disturbed The of it that ah for funds ioi a local hospital should stir such a brew of iioiv- is tlanmgtng our town Bring out the sackcloth arid the ashes Or should it be the m m J m m WHApbESITM At the hist meeting of council Ho to the Official lMan passed he was in of passing anything that would cleai the present So that readers see how the mess is to be cleared up we are lirihing theamendmentin Us entirety We hope they will understand it If any raider thinks he is stupid lie should feed more genfirous self ill view of Iheadiiiission of one member of council that lie didnt stand what the meant A British lawyer once said that legal language Was invented to conceal thought it seems to us that provides a perfect example of such obscurity In the oyer Old Home project the origin of which wo inv if fully Hi following has been ah absence of positive There have been of and ahtls and all ease of if you will we with waiting a decision The probably if the proposal from sonic tlirectantl d in dial sou retv it seems as though it were soine- thing thai had Wnwii in cm the wind ted the iuSries we down below did the J stunt We that sat In with he man and members of the sports nntl publicity committee of thetowiV at thob initial meeting to Seat6n all for We that Air president of Ihtf of also a di recto of the Aurora where did stunt originate Who i it Who rat baby into rtdtico mayor if the baby rah Its full course to thoflown some i On what would t be spent Advertising would a whack Who wbtdd get the vrlw would i6 the publicity these could bo hou up in tlip ion of who Aurora merchants thought of the Oh Home this year of grace lie of he contacted 15 of them said lo the and favored it Against this powerful draught of frozen air the baby could hardly survive So it seems that the first of the Aurora WH is still come ahxig The year l tfop money for you TY ARE SAYING Election Of Officers York North P Association annual meeting of the York North Progressive Conservative and John Perry Maple assistant I Si From Federal Association took place at the Legion hall Aurora on Saturday Feb A good num ber was present to hear an ad dress by Donald Fleming for the riding and to take part in the election for officers of the association Mr Fleming spoke ott V il The panel of officers elected was as follows William Case Aurora reelected president for Mrs Dorothy Hope Newmarket viceprcs i James A further meeting of town or ganizations consider the ia provided an when put fiense of duty before We just about to lave home to attend a meeting of the mii re6 old friends were shown in by stayed long enough to make our apologies and then went Although one of the trio now point and became boring Some lives at she like her of the time was taken up in Homo Week in companions is well known at tine business election off y place al Hill where we our- and the like the municipal of tees on i selvcs resided for some years In that regard The Our visitors were the late Mr Buchanan his re- meeting was under the Centre St West and Mrs election as chairman and Mr I of Cbimciijor Cliff Miller ail of them formerly pur Steadmaa as vicechairman sports arid publicity j immediate neighbors We had of the commission for another Despite strong support given to not seen Mr Mrs Hill- years term of office the proposal by Some discuion iook place on board trade and the proposal to hold the event was defeated J Murray gave We an many reasons why it would be the Aurora Bantams impracticable to proceed with it doing a wonderful job and this year and spoke with a little luck bring the against it championship to In the end it was resolved Via The team is deserving every The Cook Blast In case there may be someone Who misinterpreta tion of what Reeve Cook said in the discussion concerned with the York County hospital fund we quote from the Aurora Banner one -of- his consistent supporters in the past Below two heavy headlines which said Newmarket wants expects to contribute Cook Mr and Mrs Mulligan and w mighty- pleased to see them tlie cleanup and good of are informed by an E Little Hill treasurer Professor Earn Smith chairman of organizations vicepresidents at large Mrs Fred Moffat Aurora Vernon Sheldrake Oak Frank KettWby Ladies Association of York North Mrs Tony Allen Mrs Dorothy Barker Charles Hooper Mrs Ed Little HiU Advisory Council J Little Earl Toole Whit church Stanley Osborne East Floyd Corner C Aurora Richard Edmunds Richmond Hill I i business man who had spent most of his life in the United States he had few illusions left Added to his wide practical knowledge of life he had accum ulated another store of know ledge from wide and diversified reading We Familiar Faces Some faces we do hot like But the familiar faces of old and tried friends are always good to see Our wife and self have frequently visited Mrs Miller since the death of her husband but in spile of promises that had no fixed dates we did not get around the So they came to see us and when they did come we were just leaving could of course have abandoned the meeting for that night bill chose- what we felt was a course of duty Formerly residents at Sharon Mr and have resid ed at Hill for many years If we that they are and held to abandon the pro ject for arid this decision wilt lie taken to council at nest mooting- AURORA Social News AURORA WINNERS At the Music Festival held at Eaton auditorium for choir competitions on Wednesday and Thursday Feb and 18 the following results were obtained by choirs and pupils under and instruction of Mr Harris Shield winners Aurora public school mixed choir for soprano alto and baritone Aurora public School choir and boys choir ami- twopart choir- V-I- Setond place was taken by the Aurora public school junior choir with the loss of one point only- Third place was taken for Au rora and district mixed high school glee in the open class Other Winners V Margaret came first for girls in the under years of age class competing Carter and Da Case took first girls duet under years of age v Bill Baldwin was first for boys r Cook Mr and Mis aim nine and Symons the report continues long dayghtor- Fort Erie were week- are going to go on with New- end guests of and Mrs market wanting everything and expecting us to pay for it Mrs Thompson Yonc in very high regard we are paying idea that the hospital A A Cook asked heatedly St left last week for Mexico j when the matter of a grant to where she will attend the wed- aid the proposed to J ding of heir- daughter Marilyn hospital Ihere was broached whose marriage takes place on The Reeves blast came after Saturday Feb to Mr Cesar Mayor Rose had drawn attention I Calderon to the campaign- J we are The Trinity Anglican church dopes if we continue to support guild Us February meeting every tiling in Newmarket and at the home of Mrs it V dale Coahaught Ave is Further competitions Will held during the present week The ladies of the Evening no compliment but merely Newmarket institution shows and the of the stating what is true We of thinking declared United- church held a bee in church parlors on Tuesday interested to learn that being Mayor to the Era and Ex- No Hoard press their residence at of major reasons why The of the United Sharon they have continued Newmarket is forging ahead is church met the church par- then subscriptions brought the suggest because it isnt on Wednesday evening and years and we count them among planning board As for j journey to the farm valued supporters at the Aurora the planning board has of Williams where they enjoyed wagon around the farm rind refresh ments Mrs Roy is spend- subdivisions the Week with her father BOOK MUSICS VSHOPP r Stationery Cards etc Agent For Era ClassUicd Ads MISSES St Aurora ropes around its legs and its So heres our apology to l town finds yon and good We 0rtse its it can- made half an hour headway late but missed your company T One dav the belter UP Mr Joshua Manning maple ho comes along we hope to see building arc at Miss Wood took a brief both of and vcmr warden SftS0 and excellent vacation from he nook and again Meanwhile our told Wfea Mean- the weekend us she had spent a very enjoy- subdivisions are stalled at when visited her brother at nlile evening as we had no maps plans continue Loiulon she would ho issued Aurora is pregnant Mrs P M Thompson with planning board talk but crime by air from California to visit her Bill foUowihg the Main St fire had dinner with until and- we tire Citizens of Aurora recalling WiltL at her home -J- WILLIS The agent Business Founded Telephone i iii J v in restlK the recreation meeting lusted Old Memories Make It A Habit eel Your Friends Ax HESS 11KA Store Two Graduate St Aurora Tel PAi emails PA rv g COMMISSION And Of At a of the Aurora ion on Fob is was unanimously elected or various opposed the haying after vacation in Flor ida Mrs Mrs and Mrs- IJiiderliill left oh a motor trip to for two week were as follows finance lies property Corbett playgrounds J Murray Councillor Davidson social John Of ford athletics A handicraft K publicity Don Following his reelection as chairman Mr Buchanan his thanks to members of the for he described splendid loyalty ile was hearty volb of Steadman said he would do all in his power to assist the in its work during the coming year Old Home Week to bear the cost be put over if wanted it The chairman said would the at the ing of town yanizallons- Arena Floor Mr I lass said some members of the board of trade idea of using the money held in trust by the board for putting down new floor while others favored the money being used for the purchase of properly for industrial held the money Would he well spent on the provision of KAW The niiiiies of Winners in thiif took place a theatre Monday Feb are as ihe Aluminum Waterless piece the winner was Miss Ruth Door prize winners Mr Mrs Charles Copland Mr Middieton Mrs- Torn Newton Mr Miss Murj Smith all of Aurora For Friendly Shop At J JOHN DRUG STORP St Telephone PA i r v i i The subject of an Old Other Week included evoked a variety of views purchase of stating his opinion to the two this was the ideal This year the federal collect about 10 times its tax revenue The provincial combin ed will collect about five times their prewar DOORS DAILY v FRIDAY SATURDAY l I PINEX RUB AWdicoledt a with RUB tilioo condition mi 1 i d m Get Mr favored the idea lOhold it winning groups in the midgets j and bantam There was a if there were agreement that improvement D J Murray hail taken place in the of pen ted the views he had hockey fed at council and the reasons The chairman reported on why he considered that the event successful exhibition at the Hobby could not bo successfully held in 1051 He said the merchants and town did hot want hold in Toronto and said it had proved good publicity for So tailing that children acting Gala Wh PRE PARED or J