a- j 73 if J ftJv A ifatK1 MI m drives and add -rr- -zr- r rffA COACH Newmarket Phone 30 PINE ORCHARD The February meeting of the Willing Workers was held at the home Mrs It was decided to prepare for the annual opportunity sale in Sep tember A quiz was conducted by Mrs and readings were given by Mrs Harper and Mrs Hostesses were Mrs Wood Mrs lacker and Mrs Harper Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Johnston Mr and Mrs James Hope Mr and Mrs Ross Armltage Messrs John Sytema and Harry Armi- attended Newmarket District banquet and an nual meeting at Sharon halt on Miss Mildred Toronto visited her parents Mr and Mrs Cedar Valley Mrs Arnold Johnson Cedar birth of a son Misses Joan arid Barbara spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto The club held Ale meeting at the home of Miss las I Mrs JohnAsh Is Mr and Mrs and family have moved to the com Mr bought the Hendry property Church of Christ and Union church services are at and Sunday school at each Sunday Mrs Credit has been visiting her parents Mr and Elmer for several days At a Womans meeting was presented beautiful and a life certificate Mrs had served theW- A secretarytreasurer for about 35 years Her sister Mrs Eves has now succeeded her in of Mr Rex Smith while curling injured Us ribs J fts Byrott Ayhvard has been several weeks serving on jury in Toronto Mr Menzie is on the sick list Mrs Fred Green has returned to the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Norm Gibuey where w she Is now convalescing She has just spent six weeks To ronto General hospital Mrs Frank Milne is spending a months holidays visiting in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bev Mr and Mrs Grant and Grant Toronto visited Mr and Mrs Archie Smith on Sunday Mrs Titus Peregrine Mrs Art and Mrs Doug Beck ett attended the Canadian Inter national Hobby and Home Craft Show at the coliseum Toronto on Friday Peoples Society entertained the societies of ftorthern presbytery to a skating parly at the arena and later served refreshments in the church basement on Friday nighty A lecture on Organic Farm ing and Gardening will be giv en by Dr Osborne He also will show his slides This is sponsored by the East Department of Ag riculture and wilt be held in Albert hall on Wednesday night Feb Mr and Mrs Chapman and Donald are holidaying in Florida v j i- j j A ivr- fci J K j J ft P it t T 1 I if V I I L 5 ti I- fe 3 l 1- mm I tel fc lv r J l i- ii A I a It El CI I I a- I 9 w- r S4 t- I Wft o I a S5 sireis to stay open on v I Sat at 6 pm s MAIN A Stor Newmarket Furniture and Electric Singer Sewing tT- ma Sv Smiths and j A Tl i W M VjHiiii T i i- lilts it H- T 1 r c f Krarr J Virs TWA 1iS J 4 A W 7J- fc A fe Kr L ear -i- ilvv i r J i 1 j fc j i- r ear iv- a ii r i- The youngest entrant in the eleventh annual Music- Festival which started in Toronto on Monday and which continues to February is Linda age five years Fourteen to February 27 is Linda age five years- Fourteen Newmarket are taking part in the Fourteen Newmarket Contestants Enter Music Festival The eleventh annual Music Festival which is being held this week and next week in Toronto has attracted entries from Canadian towns includ ing Newmarket From New market there are contestants The musical calibre the con testants improves steadily each year The festival gives both student and teacher a profession al yardstick by which to meas ure progress The panel of ad judicators this year includes such well known musicians from Great Britain as Ronald Biggs Frank Guy and Jan van der Gucht From the United States is Eu gene Ettore president of the American Accordionist associa tion and on the panel from Can ada is James McDonald director of music for the 1st Canadian Infantry battalion Contestants from Newmarket and the classes in which are entered are as follows violin solo under J years and violin nine years Kevin solo under eight years piano solo under l years Bach piano solo under 12 years and piano solo Sonatinas under years Ken Stephens baritone amateurs only Mary and Theresa girls duet under years also Art Bak and Bit tendbinder Wayne piano accordion solo under John piano solo under 21 Edward and John accordion duet I Taylor accordion soil under Myron Taylor Walter accordio duet under years J I Mount News Miss Mildred Dike who has been in Eastern Ontario Cor a couple of months has returned to Toronto and spent the week end at her home in town Mr and Mrs Geo Williams Toronto were weekend visitors at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs Mrs Shields Toronto has been a visitor at the home of her sister Mrs Thomp son Mr and Mrs Ronald Allison and Billy spent Sunday in To ronto with relatives Several Sunday school classes held skating parties on Saturday afternoon and evening Some went over to rink others were on the open rink at home The Cheerio group is sponsor ing a play in the hall on Thurs day March The Horticultural Society will hold a baking sale Saturday af ternoon Feb at store at three oclock The gentlemen of the church choir on Friday evening treated the ladies to an oyster supper in the church school room Every one enjoyed the meal and the short program The Sunday school of the United church wilt hold its an nual supper on Friday of this week There will be pic afterwards It will be usual pot luck supper Mr Jack Evans was taken t York County hospital last wee for observation and treatment i Mr Couper was able return to work on Monday being hurt in an accident on railroad Steeper received last week of the death of cousin B Jewell at hi home in New M Jewel was born in Mount AS and was in his having left Mount Albert years ago He is survived his widow and one daughter so a brother Asa and sister Mi Woodward all of New Mr Harry Griffith Mr Watts Mr Watson and Ms Geo are all on sick list Mount Albert Cemetery held a meeting on Saturday in the telephone room Mr Jos Harrison w appointed president Steeper secretary treasurer Harper convener of committee program Roy Stewart Shillinglavf Rue Crone finance Bruce Lapp Harold and Roe Crone 5 41 ZEPHYR lite is of formerly of to Mr Irwin Weston Hie Is to place on A shower was for Miss on Satin duy last t home of Mr Mrs Pickering unit Mrs eo Parker and liJRy J Weston visited and on Sunday Mr and Mis Max and QtieeiisvHle were visiting Mr ami Bain on and Picker- flndj were visiting friends at Sunday of the library board will beheld in the library room on evening in the work of the is welme meeting in the loom on i0 Over mem bers and attend im dent presided at the meeting Mrs Isabel Ballard had charge of the program which consisted of prayers by Milliard Crosby and Mrs also splendid reports of the Toronto East convention were given by Mrs Albert land Mrs Mrs Graham and Miss Crosby Several new members joined the society for the QUEENSVILLE J sl SI The Keswick j concert will be at SharOj halt on Friday Feb at pm and sponsored by Evening Auxiliary Mr and Mrs Walt Rose an Mr and Mrs Angus Smit spent Sunday with Mr and Mr Seymour Cajn Pickering played piano solo arid Michael favored the ladies with an sokk The March meeUn will take the form of a and pot luck dinner on day March The World of Praer will be Friday Mai in the Cupboards are being the Community Hall or accommodation the ladled serving lunches at meeting The work lsbclhg done vjoh tartly by Mr Mr Graham We are glad to report Sandra daughter Mr and Mrs again having had her moved at the Hospital fori Children Toronto Mrs Bracebridge spending the grandaughter Mrs Roger Web Mrs A Smith is still to her room will hold Its meeting on home of Mrs Profit r J I fc V