Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 4 Feb 1954, p. 2

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S ges from the Notebook Mftfc Ethel has been engaged by the town council to write a history of Mrs a ready has collected countless facts about the community Collecting data in the district for the history of Sharon which she wrote and for other articles We received a letter this week from Mr Douglas Brown Vic toria formerly manager of the Bank of Montreals New market branch Mr Brown re tired last year and the family moved to Victoria- Says Mr Brown- are looking for ward to returning as quickly about the Society of Friends she probaMy has more informal be pleased to about Newmarket tnffirthal the Browns are re- other W turning town They were Mrs has the inter- popular in Newmarket Among them will be members of the The important at the pre Dramatic club for sent is to got the facts on Brown was ah active menu Senior citizens of the com- b vcteran troup- may be able provide A stage in facts old family documents will provide valuable Information- Mrs urges anyone of their three children who has Information about Ian Brown a member of the Newmarkets history to make recently was flown on It available to her Any docu- a mercy flight from Fort Smith merits or information may be left at the Era and Express of fice or at the home of Mrs Millard Ave Town council has not discus the publication of a history More important now is that the facts are recorded in some form The publication of a history to Spence Bay to relieve ano ther Mountie who was sick and had to be evacuated is on the northwest tip of Hudsons Bay miles inside the Arctic Circle There is an village The in habitants include three one Eskimo who speaks would be appropriate In three some English and dogs There years time when this common- reaches the anniver sary of its incorporation as a village is no outside communication ex cept by short wave radio and mail in or out is very doubtful for several months from the Files 25 FEBRUARY West Toronto Juniors coach ed by Bill Hancock played an exhibition game here on Thursday evening last with Freddie Thompsons Juniors which finally ended with a tie Only a small crowd The game proved very exciting all through Newmar ket scoring the first goal in the initial period and held the lead till the second Play was very even and fast The Newmarket Co-Opera- live Co have installed an uptodate chopping mill and are going to do custom chopping- Good work quickly done Mr who has been employed at Rowlands Hard ware for some time has taken over the business He is an ac tive man and thoroughly vers ed in the trade We wish him success Newmarket was well the York County Boys Conference which was held at Weston on January and 27 with Leslie Boyd North Yorks member to the Boys Parliament Ashley Boyd Frank Law James Hamilton Burton Smith Alfred Smith Jack and Arthur Ste phens Miss of Japan spent the weekend with the Misses Richardson Several Victory Girls of To ronto were the guests of the Newmarket Victory club on Sunday last including Miss Lillian vicepresident of the Victory clubs in Ontario and Mrs field spent the weekend at Barrio with their daughter The Misses Armstrong of New Toronto and their brother Ronald of St Andrews Col lege spent Sunday afternoon with their grandmother Mrs Jackson Mr is spending days in Ottawa with his daughter Mrs while Mr is in New York attending the Metropoli tan convention Mrs M has re turned home after spending a week with her mother Mrs Geo Selkirk Mr J Leslie Ronnie arrived In Winnipeg on the and left there on the following Monday morning to join a sur veying party on the CNR who are locating the line to the west of Carman The hockey match on Thurs day evening of last week the Bachelors arid diets of the town resulted in tie The players were Married Men Racine Manning Watson A W Howard J and Allen single men Howard Cane Lawrence Cane Keri Robertson Ed J Patterson Douglass and Doyle Ref eree Roy Umpires Chief Anderson and Chas Timekeepers Teddy Brown and Will The next match is anticipated with pleasure The entire sheds opposite the market on the property form erly used by the North Ameri can Hotel collapsed Wed nesday morning froth the weight of snow arid are a sor rylooking sight Miss Jessie from Severn Bridge spent over Sun day with her aunt Mrs Chax Mr George Hughes of To ronto spent last Friday with brother Mr M Hughes Mrs Kilgour of Chicago is here for a month on a visit with her mother Mrs C Mrs from Minne sota is visiting at Mr William Mortimers Union St for a few weeks Mr Henry of To ronto spent Sunday with his parents and left on Monday for Toronto expecting to leave on Tuesday on a trip to England Mr and Mrs Manning entertained on Monday even ing in honor of Mrs of Dakota Mrs Mannings sister who is here on a visit Splendid market last Satur day Butter to 0c lb eggs to 30c doz apples to potatoes GO to a bag firstclass dry hardwood cord firstclass green hard wood cord dry tarnaruc ft cord bush and MEMO En Serving Newmarket Aurora and the rural districts of North York The Newmarket Era Express Herald Published every Thursday at 142 Main St Newmarket by Newmarket Ere and Express limited Subscription for two years r for one year advance copies are each Member of Class A Weeklies of Canada Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association and the Audit Bureau of Circulations Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Ottawa ioHN j ivV CAROLINE ION Womens Editor Spoils editor Office Cat Reports Catnips By Ginger THE RACINE Job Printing and Production PAGE TWO THURSDAY THE FOURTH DAY OF FEBRUARY NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYFOUR PROBLEMS OF DEVELOPMENT There are sufficient indications to say that New- market is on the verge of a great period of develop ment Three new subdivisions are beins planned with the largest in the Yonge St area which will bring new homes An area has been set aside fronting on Yonge St for development a light manufacturing area We hear rumors that the for land front ing on St is increasing that commercial inter- ests want to build shopping cntrei there town council has 6jll on problems which arise development De velopment of residential and property out industrial development is the chief concern Devel opment wtStvtorWry is fop mostly council made a move to offset the cost by restricting Yonge St frontage for th light industry Council hopes that sufficient industrial assessment will be en couraged to offset the high residential devel opment Along for more industry there was to discourage commercial development oh Street 3ut councils rest io i Street will only postpone it Al ready are that will be commercial establishments on Yonge Street north of Davis Drive V There are those who are against any development They argue that it is- better for Newmarket to stay Where it is Development only cause taxes to soar Whether this is a or Unwise policy it appeal that will be no choice in the matter Newmarket is too close to a large Metropolitan area to fight against development The demand for housing is too great and possibly the demand for industrial land will be too great Councils problems have only begun The job of plan ning is going to cause more trouble and much worry for civic leaders- V Newcomers and outsiders say that Newmarket cannot see the wood for the trees- A new in town commented on the activities of council the location of si firm to manufacture plastic articles here He said it was nothing but a ineny-go- round The town had available land for one industry and had applications for two there was confusion about which industry would be given the land The new- corner felt that Newmarket was not looking ahead that more planning could be done There is plenty of land north of town along the railway line Why not it he There are arguments against planning that it impedes development that a community can be bound by so much planning red tape that the free action of council is stifled At the present we can see that the annexation of land north of the town would not solve immediate problems for locating industry Council can riot take taxpayers money to extend water mains and sewers into no mans land in hopes that industrial plants would spring up immediately This would be gambling public money Too many restrictions in a small community can slow down development Municipal councils in other communities have been frustrated in their efforts to make deals with industry by technicalities in their planning bylaws But when the pressure of develop ment demands becomes so great that a municipal coun cil cannot cope with it mistakes are made and develop ment is haphazard Has the time come when New- market must call in the planning experts If it is not here now it soon will be If development is on the Increase and all indications point to it thebnly answer v will an overall plan for proper physical develop ment and control which would maintain a balanced assessment J FREEDOM OF THOUGHT AND OF SPEECH In his annual report to the University of Toronto the universities thought and speech in the if simple beginnings to complexities he said has been the speaking This by its vftiy gives rise to that I has a vested interest quo resents the y i V i j of change oh the other hand revolutionaries fired with a feV7ftt cause they have dislike objective criticism To the first group Hies hotbeds of radicalism to the second Smith points out that in our own century free dom of thought has been stifled in the name of the state under dictatorships and it is now being threatened in the name of democracy We know that the university president means it is being threatened by those who set themselves up as loyalty questioners those engaged in what is known as whose political pur poses may be subject to question as much as or more than those being questioned We Canadians as spec tators shake our heads at Americans but we must remember their influences on our own country- What about the threat of in Victoria or the who praises Senator McCarthy We must hear more from Canadians like Dr Smith who we are participants in the British tradition of liberty with its personal concept of guilt by asso methods of the the agent provocateur or the witchhunter are f oiigij to the liberty cherish he says Dr Smith insists that of a university who seeks truth sincerity of purpose must share in the privilege of his ti hi versify and be protected by it This freedom mufti be maintained against political demagogues and exactors of loyalty oaths which to the honest are insulting and with the dishonest are in effectual He quotes J S Still in his famous essay On Liberty l Protection against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling against the tendency of society to impose by other means than civil penalties its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them to fetter the development and if possible prevent the formation of any individuality not in harmony with its ways and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own There is a limit to the legitimate in terference of collective opinion with individual inde pendence and to find that limit and maintain it against encroachment is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs as protection against political des potism FEAR IN DEMOCRATIC COUNTRY A little over a week ago five retired United States diplomats expressed concern over the fact that the US Foreign Office has been subjected to nVseries of at tacks from sources which have questioned the loyalty and the moral standards its members The distinguished Americans went on to criticize McCarthy- ism by saying these attacks have been so flimsy as to have no standing in a court of law or in the mind of any individual capable of differentiating repeated accusa tions from even a reasonable presumption of guilt conclusion has become inescapable for in stance that a Foreign Service officer who reports on persons and events to the best his ability may sub sequently find his loyalty and integrity challenged and may be forced out of the service flnd discredited forever as a private citizen They also concluded that fear is playing important part in American life at the present time We may ask to what degree is fear playing a part in American life How long will it go on and will it increase Its presence suggests a weak ness which welcomes a tyranny that will impose its will on the people of what we believe at the to be a democratic country of Slim in the East Thimble- hilt ftWainps to find the ahoinitiahv man the the They lh leader Cuttln Corners rest- Prtiriis sieejp dad Algernon In addition was Stretch STORY WORTH TELLING For years Ottawa and London have been the two ends to most official Canadian visits In recent generations Washington has become another place where anyone from the Prime Minister to a minor secretary might fairly regularly hang his hat Never before however has this countrys first minister taken the story of Canada to millions of people right around the globe from London to Bahrein to Karachi to Tokyo as Mr St Laurent is doing in his world tour Canada is respected in affairs No one fears us Most people are oil ftieridspr at least they dont think io6i of- V The Financial Post asks how much of the worlds goodwill have we won by default And how much of it is ours tak6efVwilt9vef he a great power in militnixiniht nor do we to be We will never push anyone There lies our oppor tunity Our appeal to the will have to be through reason and understanding not through brute strength By using our brains this laud can give leadership to tho middle powers among W the foremost Thats so The head of our Government will have a look at the Particularly Asia will be reminded that wo exist part now Wt and Tib Is ttf Mrvonti net of Him flfonsf iftfnn9frfif on tt funcfton or to Or fftO0 a cave He have been to got atmosphere lor his story because he was letters onto stone tablets something guess When he drew back showed his teeth Most litem had- jell out i lie hada beard down to his belt I did not After a while we found a picture of him taken in reporter on the soon altce he had published his him the story jut the abominable swamp man and who said that it superstition on the part of local inhabitants who lived oh lhe frontiers were right hi a way but the expedition was hot in Vain inable swamp man turns out to be Mortis Ernest once a prominent author who sought solace in the quiet of the East Publishing circles were shocked to hear that Ernest had turned up in the swamps- In the swamp he is working on a short story Snows Thimble- The expedition marched for two days until the heart of the swamp was reached relates passed seven abandoned stills and saw the skeletons of an Illfated raiding party which entered the swamp in They more active stills in the swamp The only sign of humanity was bearded Mortis Ernest onto whom we came on the third day We found Ernest abiding in novel For Whom Sarah Apparently he is not to civilization until he finishes his Snows of for he dont seem to accept the general rules of human behavior He raw meat and hunts with a cannot understand these writers There is about them what makes them different c Ernest never did speak jo- lis in English What sounds he made sounded like Wolf growls and coyote howls no word from Stretch There was some trouble over the way he reported story and Algernon says that he gave up his i newspaper job and is plan- on the army This morning I went over to place by the railway tracks Something was me about the whole story Slim said hate to bring this up but you dont suppose that Mortis Ernest is mad do you said Mad Well now knows I never thought of that fay Dairy Farmer The Tod Six Inches 1- 55A all respect learned gentleman how uoes We attended the other night the way we did years a the official opening of the new Didnt our responsibilities grow Kettleby township area school It was built truly as a result of the pressure of circum stances Crowded and very di lapidated buildings were one of them the new highway was another The result was a very beautiful building clean efficient bright and one must admit that with due respect to the little old red school house the wood furnace and all that it must be a pleasure to go to the new school and there is every reason to believe that the youngsters of today who have the privilege to attend such a school will get the nec essary start in life We were particularly inter ested to learn that when the four old schools were closed down the youngest of them was a mere years old We were interested to hear the names of the original trustees whose families in many cases stilt live in the district We couldnt help but wonder if in those days the discussion concerning the cost of building schools and the necessity of equipping them was as fierce as it is to day To us all these cries of an guish on the part of councils and other officials concerning the cost of building these schools is just a bit selfish and rather ridiculous Neither is objection to expansion because it will cost money for schools any more reasonable to the ear Apparently in long years all the attention education requir ed was to pay a teacher and buy fuel for the school At least two generations of tax- and so our response to present expansion in thL area is a natural result of increase in population productive and better life in general Yel the arguments used when the necessity of building schools Is not very up to date No frills screams the of education espe cially the minister doe he know what frills are Werent some of the Hems years ago considered frills and stayed in the building to last this many years If the of schools is a job that will spread over two generations who has the temerity to say what will be a frill in the year of our Lord 2000 When the old school house with the crumbling steps and tired walls is finally retired It- will signify the end of an era in the life of Ontario The new school should be the be ginning of the new one unreasonable to expect that the school should have facilities that the old one didnt have better floors and mere expen sive equipment The department of education should provide the leadership for school boards to spread this idea in the community and point out that what is plated will affect the whole of the community for years and years It is disappointing to see such headlines as no frills The community today is in a payers grew up without having state of expansion and it face the fact that schools will wear out that there are better ways of doing things to day than years ago Do we farm live and travel serves leadership of the high est and most imaginative char acter people who will speak their minds and point to the shape of things to come AT OPINING

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