Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 14 Jan 1954, p. 5

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J J- J y A and lecture be ivn tot meeting of the Art by opts to all interested In will be Held in the town hall 1953 School Trustees Seek Added Township Payments I BETTER BOYS I DING SHOP A sign all over Canada The school agreement between the School Section No East and Newmarket was discussed at length at the final meeting of the 1953 public school board Trustee Mrs Stella Curtis introduced the question and a resolution was passed requesting the arbitra tion board along with the in spector to make the necessary adjustments to bring up to date the Union School agreement with School Section Mrs Curtis said that child ren from this school section axe being educated in the Newmar ket schools The share of the costs for was 3 costs cent of the attend ance in the are East said Mrs Curtis tffS not the people to pay for of their children trustee Arthur the grants c Newmarket receives from the province because of these children compare these figures he asked I Its a wonderful thing to have the East should carry its share 2800 is too little to educate children said Mrs Curtis The agree ment says that where there is a change of percent there should be an adjustment Said trustee Lloyd We want FOR EFFECTIVE RELIEF SYRUP Pleasant lasting gives relief or your money back Gel readytolake Prepared or money- saving bale mixed easily with honey of syrup Get intact- today- to see the thing straightened out but we should go through the proper procedure The agree ment Was based on the assess ments of the two When there is a change in assessments of percent fop two consecutive years there fees We have no figures here on the assessments How do you figure that said Mrs Curtis There fin equalization of the costs to pel Newmarket to pay so ttucli id only recall there were said to come at the time the agreement The epjolmenf was close to 700 East and the ert- is explained Mr The Bruce read the section the school which covers school The way said the chairman of board I Bell fit seems as if it is based on the assessment It would be up to the assessors to suggest an adjustment Why dont we have the pro per authorities look into the matter suggested trustee Geo The resolution mov ed by Mrs Curtis and seconded by trustee Mrs Mina Best was carried Mr support ed the resolution Mr Lloyd opposed it as he felt that the board did not have the correct information on the assessments Trustee Alan Perks was absent MEETS The Newmarket meeting was held at the home of Mrs H Hooker on Jan with the president Mrs Beckett in the chair spoke on the verse of the 14th chapter of A letter of thanks was receiv ed from Rev Zeldman of the Scott Mission for a valuable shipment sent Mrs Creed read an article stating that the wine provided by Cbxlst was wholly supernatural Mrs A read O Time Mori row A clipping was read on the subject Is the cause of temperance advancing ZEPHYR We are pleased to report that Mrs J was able to come home on Saturday last from Newmarket hospital Al though still confined to hex room Mrs is improving and we all hope she will soon be fully recovered Mr and Mrs Ray Thompson and Miss Jessie visited and Mrs Thompson on Sunday last Mr Peter Morrteon and Mr Glen Nelson of St Marys call ed on Mrs A on Thursday last Farm Forum News Falling prices present grave problem for the firmer when the fall In the farmers costs is- ftbt keeping pace The farm price trend was the topic of forums on Monday night and one of the questions asked was this What are some of the ways in which farmers in your area might adjust to a period of unfavorable Tho Newmarket East forum reports Farmers in area might adjust to period of un favorable prices by being more efficient in operations making use of their is suggested that farmers might postpone buying machin ery which might feel Is hot completely buying and selling could vv y We considered need for a marketing the sales and eggs our area There could be a pro ducers marketing board setup under provincial legislation to regulate all farm products There Is a store in the area to servo as a retail store for farm supplies other goods Newmarket East has extended Invitation to the Hope on the Fifth forum to attend the next meeting at the homo of Bill Bales 12 NONRESIDENT PUPILS REPORTED NOT PAYING FEES There are about children attending our schools who should be paying nonresident fees reported trustee Mrs Stella Cur tis at the final meeting of the Public School board on Jan There are only nine who are paying fees she said At ah earlier meeting a case was reported about a family from Holland Landing which brought the children in dally to the The fa ther and mother were employed had name of a relative hp lives in the town as their address when at the school arid so had not listed for the payment of the fees Fees amount to cents a day per child- The matter was referred to the new it the hands of supervising prin cipal A to investi gate and report to the next meeting the board- t Bitori Magistrates clerk for years In the York County Magistrate Court Ralph Montgomery Mon ty died Saturday at his home 36 Ave Toibhto During of he was appointed justice at the peace The son of the late Mr and Mrs it he was born in Newmarket A veteran of the- First World War Mr Brlmsqn served over seas with the Battery of and was an active mem- and past of the batterys association He had been retired since and was a member of United church He leaves his wife the former Marjory Smith Mount Albert News The first meeting of the was held on Wednesday evening at the United church and tonight the Scouts will hold their meet ing in the church school room Fire Destroys Barn On Friday afternoon vill age saw an exciting time Fire men were called to Geo Prices farm to a fire of unknown origin The hired man saw smoke com ing from the small hay barn a short distance from the large barns and dairy house An alarm went in at once and inside of minutes men were on hand with equipment and water The extreme cold made it dif ficult to get water Newmarket firemen called and their efforts Were directed to save the large building With the splen did help from them firefighters saved ait the other buildings The barn burned was full of feed and in the lower part were young cattle and pigs All were saved except eight small pigs and two large ones Mr and Mrs Price were away at the time and were just re turning home when they saw the smoke The firemen from the village and those from New market are to be congratulated on their quick action Neighbors also helped keep the fire under control Mr and Mrs Jas Thompson attended the funeral on Wednes day of his brotherinlaw Mr Frank Pickering The Cemetery Company will hold its yearly meeting next Monday afternoon in the chapel at Bruce Rolling entertain ed her Sunday school class also the girls a skating party at the arena list week Afterwards lunch was served at her own home Joari Mainprise has been bin leave from her work in Toronto but expects to return this week The library board will hold its annual meeting at the library on Monday evening Jan at tfdock The of the United church held its January meet ing on Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs Haigh Nineteen ladies were present Mrs H in the chair gave a New Years message Two life memberships were present ed to Mrs and Mrs Evans The sum of was sent to the treasurer ask ing that amount be sent to prim ary schools in Japan Mrs How ard Cunningham presented the study book and the story of the work accomplished in the Islands The February meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Geo Price The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS i SERVICE SALES SUPPLIES FLOOR POLISHERS HILL MANAGER HAMILTON ST TEL News for this column must be in the office Monday bight Copy must be written as briefly as possible and confined to news and reports than routine reports and announcements will be printed separately See Hear and at NEWMARKET CANADIAN LEGION 111 fcl 19 20 815 i j S f 1 v A r 1 vi tM r l s S i 1 S aM I Prizes 251510 The new district- secretary of the Mrs Agnes re minds branches that they can help by sending in returns and all district funds which have become due The branch meet at the home of Mrs on Wednesday Jan 20 at Roll call His tory of your form for the book Mrs Sydney Thompson will present the paper on historical research Hostesses Mrs Mrs Howe and Mrs StalHbrass- Street branch met at the home of Mrs David English on Thursday Jan There were members and two visitors present Mrs first vicepresident occupied the chair in the absence of the presi dent A donation of 25 Is be ing sent to the Sick Childrens in Toronto Mrs was appointed to represent the Institute on Quecnsvillo Park board Mem bers who have Blue Cross ore requested to pay their fees to Mrs Douglas Beckett before Feb Mrs Thomas gave an excellent paper on Citi zenship Mrs in English read current events Mrs Micks and Mrs Swanson read poems Brown of Canadian National Institute for the Blind was guest speaker and gave an educational talk oh the work being done by their organization and told of the need for expan sion which can only be accom plished by the generosity of the citizens of Canada The next euchre will bo held on Tuesday Jan Will members please provide sandwiches The Newmarket branch will meet the agricultural board rooms on Thursday 21 pm It is citizenship and education meeting the guest speaker being Dr Marg aret Arklnsiall The hostesses are Mrs- Boyd Mrs Hodge Mrs Pitt and Mrs William Young Roll call is Whos who in Ontario There will bo current events Members are reminded to pay their Blue Cross dues at this meeting hat fine of 25c Mrs Herb Harman of Mount Albert will be the guest speaker Her subject will be some hints on how to start a Book of Mem ories on the Pioneer Life of Zephyr and community The are holding a banquet for members and escorts Further notice of this event will be given later All Rush Seats PROCEEDS FOR LEGION WELFARE WORK Space contributed the service of the com munity by John Labatt Limited j t MEMO TO ADVERTISERS J ij 1 A I j Point of Sale j a Zephyr branch meeting for January will bo held on Jan 20 in the community halt at pm The roll call is to be answered by wearing on old The on the boilers in public schools was increased from to at inaugural meeting if the board on January In he of an accident at any no school total coverage of 50000 would be available exports say best time for seeding lawns In Canada is last two Weeks of August or first two weeks In Septem ber when moisture and temper- conditions are usually ideal FREE Extra Pants every stock stilt percent to per cent off on winter jackets over coats and station at Morrisons Newmarket and Aur ora Advt Our local stores are the display rooms and ware houses for the worlds finest products Efficient banking insurance real estate and other business vices are also available to the people in our community The readers of this newspaper find our advertising columns a dependable guide to the point of sale a useful source for uptodate news and information about these goods and services In order that advertising expenditures may be made with us on the basis of known values as required for any sound business investment this newspaper is a of the Audit Bureau of Circulations f i Every advertiser should know about A BC The Bureau is a cooperative nonprofit asso ciation of publishers advertisers and ad vertising agencies Working together these buy ers and sellers of advertising establish standards for paid circulation rules and methods for audit ing and reporting the circulations of newspapers and periodicals At regular intervals one of the Bureaus large staff of experienced circulation auditors visits us to make a thorough audit of our circulation records The FACTS established by his audit published by Bureau in reports which are available to you our advertisers These re ports tell you how much circulation we have where it goes how it is sold and other FACTS essential to the profitable 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