Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 7 Jan 1954, p. 7

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Continued v Advertising Rotes a wo minimum of cents for each advertise- Half price when id repeated on successive Tea percent If to paid within week Event costs two cents word minimum cents for the week cents for each aneeeas- Card of Thanks Wedding Engagement Birth and Death cents for each announcement less 25 cents if within week of publication In Meraorlams cents for each insertion plus cents a tor verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned Into or left at The and Express office on Main phone at Misses Wood Store Yonge St Aurora or Aurora office phone jJtJL Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or with imy Advertisements accepted through the mall g name of sender and address Is clearly indicated advertisement gets nearly homes In North BIRTHS At York County Saturday Jan to Mr Mrs Frank Allan son At York County Monday Jan to ir and Mrs- John Anderson HU1 a daughter At York County Thursday Jan Mr and Mrs Anderson IN BLACKBURN In loving mem ory of our dear son and brother Ronald Blackburn who passed away Jan Eight years have passed and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on earth With Jesus Christ to dwell The flowers we place upon his bISCUSS NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR The Newmarket Era and Express Thursday Jan Page Action Td Hire New Clerk A program for the Royal Canadian navy fat Canadian time of national emergency was discussed at a pictured here Front row left to right K recent threeday conference of the Dominion Council of Association of Canada held at Ottawa- Executive members Including president and regional vicepresidents ere Vancouver A Judges Montreal Balfour president Saskatoon and Toronto Back row Harry McClymont Ottawa A Ford Calgary and J A- May decay Mr and Mrs Fred on Everett announce the of a daughter Friday Dec hospital But the At York County hos- to ffrs James Lloyd daughter rial York County hospital Jay Jan to Mr and IrJames Bull Richmond At York County hospU Monday Jan to Mr Mrs Russell Evans Lang a daughter Mr ant Mrs William Holder Sutton West are happy to announce She Wrth of a daughter Mary Elizabeth on Dec rat York County hospital To Mr and Mrs a son Keith on Sunday Jan 3 1 1 KKENNEDY At York County fjiospital Wednesday Jan Mr and Mrs Cordon Kennedy a daughter and Mrs Peter Newmarket wish to art- the of their daughter atricia Ruth- at York County on Wednesday Jan ft iLOHNES At York County ratal Tuesday Jan to Mr Mrs Bud Mng a son At York County Sunday Jan 1954 to Mr Sid Mrs Wilfrid daughter George and Lorraine Mount Albert wish to announce the birth of a baby on 10S4 at York County hospital a sister lor York County hospital Wednesday Jan Mr and Mrs William ton Newmarket a son At York County hospital Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs Stanley Aurora a son SCOTT At York County hospi tal Monday Jan to Mr and Mrs Joseph daughter STEPHENS At York County hospital Tuesday Jan to Mr and Mrs Stephens Keswick a son York Co hospital Saturday Jan to fiTr and Mrs David land King a him sleeps and CARD OF THANKS I wish to express sincere thanks appreciation to my many friends who were so kind to me during my recent bereavement and also to thank them for the masses floral offerings and others expressions of sympathy Mrs Edith Griffin WHVTE At York County Thursday Jan and Mrs Andrew PBeaeh a son E W1SMYER At York WW Wednesday Jan Mr and Mrs Alec Hol land landing a WILSON At York County to Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson Tot I a son 1 At York County 1 Monday Jan 4 to Mr Mrs John Holland a son DEATHS At the residence of her brother Mr Fred Ave Toronto on Sun Jan Annie wife of the late James Cowan I- sister of Fred Tor- olito and William of pket Funeral service was held at tfee chapel of and gJfoHe Newmarket on Wednesday pm Newmarket the family Thames St Thursday Dee J fe Ben Wilson formerly of husband Jean and dear father of fenva and Anno brother of K Staples Mary Tor- Mrs John Bennett I- Mrs Archie and nephew of Thomas Newmarket Funeral was held at the chapel and Rose Interment V2l grandson Ronald who passed away mm awe y No can sad and bitter loss But God alone has helped so To cross rernembercd by wife and sons Arnold and Lawrence HARM loving memory of dear father arid grandpa Ar thur Hannah who passed away January Loving and kind In all his Upright and just to the end of Ids days- Sincere and kind In- heart and mnd What a beautiful memory he left behind J Mary soninlaw ken grandchildren Kenny and Judy loving memory of our dear mother Ethel who passed away Dec and our dear father George passed away Jan W In- our hearts linger- Svcetly tender fond and true There a day dear parents Thai ci not think of you -Y- JR family- loving memory of George tepard who enteral on and Lillian entered eternal rest on December Oh Kreen the graves That lie beneath the wide and starry sky- Keep sweet the sleep and i them rest Whose hands are folded oer their breast Not dead to we who loved them Not lost but gone before They live with us In memory And ftrifl more Mr and Mrs Leslie Johnson Mr arid Mrs Tutor loving mem of a husband and fa then Hamilton who passed away Jan the face we loved so dear the voice we loved to hear Too far away for- sight or not too far for thought to J- Sweet- to remember him who once was here And Who though absent Is Just as dear Ever remembered by sons Arn olds Lawrence arid loving memory of viBSwho passed away Jan Vr Ills weary hours and days of His troubled nights are past An our aching hearts we know Ho has found sweet rest at last sadly missed by wife ora and family loving memory of my husband Ambrose rravlssr this life Jan give his hand to His patient face to sec To hear his voice to see his As in that be And some sweet day well meet again Beyond the toll and strife Arid clasp each others hand once morevv In heaven that happy land Still sadly missed by wife and family CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere thanks apd to my friends who sent cards letters flowers and fruit also for the inquiries I was hi the Western triariks to Dr Mcpherson at the time of the accident and thanks i to Betty The next dance sponsored by the Armitage club will be on Friday Jan 15 with Smith In charge of music- The Yonse St Sewing Circle will hold their next meeting on Wednesday afternoon Jan at the home of Mrs Gordon NEWMARKET CARD OF Gladys arid Helen Dew wish to sincerely thank the kind friends neighbors and rela tives for the kindness shown In so many ways daring the lengthy Illness and death of their beloved father Mr John Eugene Flana gan for the flowers baking fruity cards and many kind and loving messages received We vish to thank Gordon Cock for his- very kind and attentive care during this time Again our heartfelt appreciation to all OF THANKS We wish to express sincere thanks to C arid Marg aret the nurses of York County hospatal friends and church who sent cards and gifts to daughter Judy during and stat in the hospital Mr arid Mrs Roy raAwks AHarhlltoh Mrs Bert and families wish to express thanks to the many friends neighbors and relatives who have been so kind and though and special thanks to Mr Rhodes at the time of the passing of their mother and grandmother ByLaws Given Third Reading The third reading was given to a bylaw by King township council on Jan authorizing the borrowing of 75000 from the Canadian Bank of Commerce to take care of expenses which are incurred before the taxes are SHARON Misses and Mary arid Miss Montreal spent New YearV weekend with Mr and Mrs Don Gill Mr GiU has returned to Montreal after haying spent the past two months with his son The Womens Association of the United church will meet at the home of Mrs Cecil on Thursday Jan at p Lunch committee Mrs Mrs D Gill Mrs H Miller MOUNT ALBERT The with their leader Mrs Rolling visited the shutins on Christmas eve to sing carols Afterwards they gathered at Mrs Rollings home and had M enjoyable parly to meet the Of this only as much as is required will be taken as a loan was borrowed to tide the over the waiting period The municipality can show a revenue of to act as The bank requires percent interest on loans We borrow the least possible in order to keep the interest pay ment down officials The of pound- keeps for King township sons as fence viewers and live stock valuators was confirmed by a bylaw to take care of these de partments for These offic ials on the basis and mileage A bylaw established the dates and hour of the monthly council meetings which are held in the township office at Noble- ton Attending the dress rehears al of Richard of Bordeaux at the Crest theatre Toronto on Monday night were Mrs P Gilbert Mrs Carter and P Lloyd Smith and others from Newmarket ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs Harvey Aurora the of their daughter Muriel Wlith to- Mr John Vincent Henley son of the late Mr and Mrs John Vincent To ronto lie marriage to take on Jan Mrs Jones Nwwrnarkct an the of her Annie to Mr Freeman West son of Mr and Mrs James West the marriage to take place in St Anglican church Satur day Jan and Mrs Fred Leach and John spent the New Years holidays with relatives at Chat- Joseph Ingram arrived from Halifax last Wed nesday lo spend the holiday with her sohinlaw and daugh ter Mr and Mrs Atkin son arid family Mrs Ingram returned to her home Toronto yesterday and Airs Ray vis ited during the holiday season with their son and daughter-in- law Mr and Airs J Toronto Taylor of Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor returned to Emmanuel Bible college Kit chener oh Sunday after spend ing the holidays with his par ents- Rev and Mrs A Bailey and children Princeton New Jersey spent weeks holi days with Mrs Baileys parents Mr Mrs Wilfred They returned home last Satur day- rMr and Mrs A Willis Toronto had Christmas dinner with his sister Mrs Wilfred and Rev and Mrs A E Bailey aid their three children and Mr and Mrs Wilfred spent last Tuesday with their son and family Mr and Mrs Gordon Toronto Mr and Mrs Charles Cum ber and Mr and Mrs Wilfred spent Sunday afternoon and evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Wilbur lowdaie The inaugural meeting of the North Gwillimbiiry town ship council was held hall on Monday afternoon Jan iiv Reeve John Doyle and Coun cillors Frank King and James Clark were in cluded in the declaration of of fice Illness confined Deputy- Reeve Charles Richardson to his homo George Campbell Kes wick opened the meeting with a Bible reading and prayer af ter which the and court gave brief addresses thanking the ratepayers present for their support time of the election Reeve Doyle expressed pleas ure in having members of cit working with him who had previous municipal experience This he felt help in set ting up of new administration in county councilVCouncillor King said he was proud to be back and said that municipal work is now jr respect nances and equipment since the time he and Reeve Doyle first were elected to office 10 years ago Vv Councillor Clark said that one could not suit everybody but that he would do for township during the coming year Because of the absence of DeputyReeve Richardson Reeve Doyle asked the preceding reeve Roy Pollock to give an outline of what had transpired at county council meetings concerning the position of the municipalities in the continuing County of York and particularly how things would affect North Mr Pollock congratulated Reeve Doyle and members on their election to council and of fered his assistance at any time Ho had attended all the county council meetings DeputyReeve Richardson had been forced to miss the last two because of ill ness j plications for the position of Reeve Doyle on commenting I and Mr remarks said was noon on Saturday Jan would be none for the first position was that tl economy needed to be exercised in order to keep the county tax rate losv Clerks Address Clerk Winch gave a resume of his terms as member in by that time Two turned up at the meeting arrived in the mornings mail and one Dec 22 was brought in by the These with six of council assessor and now applications for the position of BELHAVEN Mr and Mrs Harry celebrated their wedding anniversary on Dec their daughter Marion and her hus band iheir on Dec and their granddaughter Eleanor was married on the 26th of De cember of last year Mr and Mrs Norman King and Floyd spent New Years day with Mr and Mrs George of Mount Albert Mr and fttrs Selby visited their daughter and her husband Mr and Mrs Switzer over the holi day weekend- Mr and Mrs Nelson and family had New Years din ner with Mr and Mrs Jack of Sutton A terrible fire destroyed the barn implements grain some stock and feed on the farm of Mr Thompson on New Years day Mr and Mrs Donald Morton and family spent New Yearns day with her parents Mr and Mrs Fester at Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kay and girls visited Mr and Mrs Cryderman at on New Years day clerktrcasurercollector He said he had been a ratepayer for a great number of year a member of council years ago and two years ago towt the posi tion of at a great loss to himself ind on the insist ence- of others when the town ship office was being reorgan iied He reviewed the reassess office Mr- which raised the total assessment from to and again in 1953 by Mr Ted Anderson who had worked under Mr raised the total assessment to He said the township books had been audited one of the best municipal auditors and that the books were iri good condi tion le said has never been a time in the history of this township when financial condi tions were as good as now I have done my here and am glad I have which mean more to me than either money or Hold Applications Although the deadline for township assessor were opened and read Councillor King presented a motion which did not find a seconder that cations be put in the wastebas- unopened and that we go on like men DeputyReeve Richardson had originally presented a motion at the December meeting that the position of clerk- treasurercollec tor and assessor be advertised- Councillor James Clark had sec- the motion and Council- lor Frank had sup- ported the motion to carry it But it was decided not to take action on the applications until a meeting could be arranged at which all members were present Messrs Clark and said they did not wish to take the responsibility without tyReeve Richardson being here A letter from Mrs J A Barnes Keswick which offered for sale the building in which the town ship offices are located to the township for land In the event the township does not purchase the property she will put it up for public sale Distribution Of Countys distribution of York Countys assets between the Tor onto Metropolitan area and the continuing county of York was explained by Roy Pollock Reeve of East town ship at a meeting of the township council Monday- Mr Pollock explained that the distribution of assets was to be in the proportion of percent to the Metropolitan area and percent to the continuing County of York assumption of liabilities was to be in the same proportion The Childrens Aid York Cott age at is to remain undistributed and will function as before he said reforestation areas wiUbe turned over to the County York at the end of a certain term and adjustments will be made in settling the finances North York Registry Office in Newmarket was taken over by the County by a token payment of 1 York County Park at Lake will remain as an undistributed asset and will under a board of management made lip of and county members The East York market building was turned over to the township of Scarborough for a token payment of 1- The land on which the market build ing stands was not owned by the county The South York Registry Office in Toronto remains as an asset and the rev enue will in propor tion to the amount used by the participating municipalities The home for the aged at Newmarket was sold to the County for 50 The Toronto and York Roads commission is to left as is and all roads in the county will be known as urban roads with the Province paying percent the Metro area paying percent and the county paying percent of the costs county on Ade laide St have not dispensed with The Davis valued at was accepted as a gift by the county to be used as a county building In case any municipal ity is not satisfied with the treat ment it has received it may appeal to the Ontario municipal board The recommended committee of the Area Municipal ities is made up of Mrs Hague Mrs Curtis and Messrs Crockford J Me- arid A Norton FREE Extra Pants with every Tip Top Tailors madetomeasure suit and every stock suit Three days only Thurs and Sat Jan at Morrisons market and Aurora -20i3o- In a Sew this in jiffy at the din- ram one main part to the one for the it has fash Ions moirted with a flared skfn Add contrast and belt Pattern Minos taken yards 30inch yard or 50Inch contrast This perfect fit Chart von every stop Send In coins be accepted for Ihh pattern Print Plainly Bend your to MAUTAN MARTIN care of the Newmarket Mi n o s ma i e A Newmarket Era and Express classified advertisement is the quickest way to turn that discarded article into cash Now is the time to dispose of skates cookstove furniture washing machine fur coat farm implements livestock etc USE THIS Write your classified ad in tho space below Put your address or phone number or both in the ad If you want a Box Number there will bo an additional charge of cents to have replies forwarded to you or 10 cents if replies are picked up at the Era and Express office The cost of your ad will be cents word minimum of 50 cents for each advertisement Half price if ad is repeated on successive weeks CLASSIFICATION 14 1 M I f i I f 1 1 4 1 11 i t u t MM fcM I WW fr tH4im M Mtwv a i t 4 1 it hum rt t1 M UAJU 1 v I ir -O- of different pay easy make Perfect for shower bazaars us well as your own kitchen use colorful scraps bright thread Value yes seven pot holders In Pattern Direc tions and eiTihrotdery transfer Send nVENTYPiVE In coins for this pattern cannot he accepted to Era and Household Arts print plainly NAMEADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER and Ton complete pattern to sew crochet printed In the Alice Needle- craft Book Plus many more to solid Wens for gifts home now I kimi I I CHARGE TO L ADDRESS THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS GOES INTO HOMES WEEKLY Mall The this classified ad order to The Newmarket Era and Express Newmarket Oni vr v T X vii i 1 rf iii W-

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