r HR 1 NO 52 NEWMARKET ONTARIO TUESDAY DECEMBER 1953 i 3- f iff I n Aft jc -SWPi- Ifl Juntas joyous our neighbors of and GOODS a Egyptians Made Elaborate Dolls For Children knows for sure who made the first doll but it can lie assumed the earliest figures were sacred gods and ancestor images These dolllike were not toys for the delight of children but solemn religious figures that preserved the tribe from harm Then somehow somewhere a change took place The doll be came a toy for girls and the most popular Christmas toy of them all Dolls have been discovered In Egyptian tombs and ruins Some even had real hah some wore ivory carve J by craftsmen for a kings daughter others were made of straw by an overwork ed mother in a peasants hut In ancient Greece dolls were With and by Utile Kirls- until were ready- to he married their dolls to the shrine of a favorite goddess and often with tears presented to heir The Roman children played with Violin too but after the fall of the Empire there came a long period in which there is no record of dolls Not until the thirteenth cen tury When dolls were made In Nuremberg and dressed In the fashions of the times did again play With dolls They were here to stay By and by in the French fashion became nil the not for children to play with but as models from which fine ladles could pattern their own modish costumes In America the Indian child ren had dolls of own made of raw hide and feathers and wood Pioneer children had dolls much like these and some were made of braided com husks or nuts or corncobs or and were dearly loved In spite of their plainness Much later lifelike dolls were imported from Germany where the doll Industry had reached enormous proportions These dolls had fine china heads with carefully painted faces and kid bodies that were Joined the arms and logs Later there came the Japanese- made dolls which were Inex pensive enough for almost any child to own limn the Ameri canmade dolls to appear the special dolls the Hunter Browns teddy bears Patsy dolls and Shirley Temples and phonograph dolls with all the of others that have followed and which are still to come Dolls always will ho part of childhood and part of Christ- OK low ok there are little girls and boys to piny with them and parents and fond to buy them i Kfsrfr Are you willing to forget what you have done for oilier people and to remember what other people have done for you to Ignore what the world owes you and to think what you owe the world to put your rights in the background and your duties in the middle distance and your chances to do a little more than your duty in the foreground to see that your fellowmen are just as real as you arc and try to look behind their faces to their hearts hungry for joy to own that probably the only good reason for your existence is not what you are going lo get out of life but what you are going give to life to close your book on complaints against the management of the universe and look around you for a place where you can sow a few seeds of happiness arc you willing to do these things even fur a day Than you can keep Christmas OUT Santa Glaus pauses in his Christmas Eve visits sometimes to up a hot and ice cream cone at an allnight hamburger stand a t old of A mat spirit cm brace your i A- Vfn An J may if j may me I health a fc come 7f anJ your 4 t Mi t J A If J T I mi fe lK FULL Vim Till DAY Nick the dog dinner with him at his private table but Had and Mom were not enthusiastic until Robert demonstrated mat Melts manners are iinncccable He did it with a dress rehearsal which you see here Nick seems to bo enjoying non chalantly an after dinner cigarette 1 To all our wed like to Coed for the Holiday We hone it fiaJii you blithe dud pay Santas Burial Place Said In Italy SANTA otherwise St Nicholas the onetime bishop of En Asia Minor hurled In Ills body was stolen from Its original tomb In home Hail Italian who thought hack hi hat a body brought and luck to your town Ml Nicholas who way tortured imprisoned for hh dur ing the plan of emperor found no rest In his first tomb at Always somes ex to move his remains However once burled again In Bart the fin hits body Iteri with curing people of ills- temper and performing other So a of the leg ends about St- Nicholas multi plied We owe our notion of Clans as a to a story that Si Nicholas once saved three a by of a window 111 thus a poverty nobleman to stdlahle dow ries as custom In St NUhoas was credited with life to some who been and tllsmemlwred by wicked innkeeper of hence he occasional In which Hie saint ahown be- tilde hi tub Ihore were many oilier stories about St Nicholas who San In the dialect of the New York Dutch May the season Joys follow you throughout a New Year NEWTONS WHITE St l AND STAFF THE NEWMARKET ERA AND EXPRESS STOKES and STAFF Make merry bo for timet Theres Joy in the air in our hearts and a very Merry Christians on our p- POLICE if I DEPARTMENT WISH EVERYONE A J s WtiP A J I i I j A r T 9 ft t WATCH FOR CHILDREN HI ITS A i CHILDRENS HOLIDAY A A