Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 26 Nov 1953, p. 11

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x MEETING Packed Meeting At Lions Hall Hear OHkeHoMer Addresses The Aurora Lions hall was packed to capacity on Thursday night Nov when nominations were re ceived for various municipal offices and addresses heard from outgoing representatives and those proposed to fill vacancies Apart from one or two incidents the occasion was a quiet one No than candidates were nominated for the various office The first name to ap pear on the board was that of J Sinclair edi tor of Aurora for the office of mayor and the last same recorded and for the same office was that of Don Glass Neither candidate agreed to qualify Dr Crawford the retir ing mayor first nominated for council but later received a nomination as mayor Other nominations for the same office included Alex Bell former mayor Councillor Dale King and Don Glass Over candidates were nom inated for council eight for the public school board and two for the hydro commission For the latter Mr Har vey Bell secretarytreasurer of the recreation commission will oppose the retiring commission Mr Rod Smith i- rf Following the dosing of nom inations Mr Wilkinson returning officer called on retir ing officeholders and those nominated for new offices to ad dress the gathering Mayor Crawford Rose review ed by careful selection the events so far for the year Among outstanding features he mentioned the railway centen nial and the broiler festival He paid tribute to members of coun cil and to the staff at the mu nicipal offices In a final glow ing tribute be mentioned four cups won by the Aurora Ban ner a reference which failed to arouse one single cheer or hand clap from his audience The mayor informed the gathering that he would be a c for reelection Reeve Cook spoke but brief ly and in the ccjrse of his re marks said that Jerusalem and other places were very old Au rora he said could one day be as old as any one of them and it was their duty to make it a good town He praised the planning board for the Job it was doi for Aurora The reeve was followed by the deputyreeve who limited his remarks to a few sentences on the work of council and was followed by members of coun cil who with equal brevity re viewed their activities Councillor D J Murray la a racy address made reference to the water department of which he is chairman and brought the first hearty laugh of the even ing when he said that if the Banner were all wet he was responsible for the water that might have got into it Other Offices Mr Rod Smith retiring hydro commissioner said he would again be a candidate for the same office Mr Harvey spoke of his experience at the recreation commission and stat ed his intention of running as a candidate in opposition to Mr Smith Mr John Off vicechair man of the public school board gave a short review of his office Mr Keith also retiring member of the pubUc school board and Mr H Graham spoke briefly of their work Mr J B Garstang a master at St Andrews college was nominated as a candidate for the public school board and spoke briefly but impressively of the importance of education a sub ject on which he is an acknow ledged authority Another as pirant for the office of school board trustee was Mr Bald- win CANDIDATES Murray Gets An Acclamation Al Other Offices Contested Of the candidates nominated for the town coun cil and various other municipal offices the following have qualified and will go to the polls on Monday Dec One office is filled by the acclamation of Council lor J Murray for deputyreeve Office of Mayer Dr Crawford retiring councillor A J Child Hose retiring mayor Mr Alex Bell former mayor Dale King retiring councillor Office of A A Cook- retiring reeve Patrick new candidate Floyd Corner new candidate mi Cornell Clarence Davis retiring councillor Clif ford former council lor C Davidson retiring councillor Victor Jones retir ing councillor Mrs Moffat new candidate new candidate Hydro V Smith retiring commissioner Harvey new candi date Public School Board John ford retiring vicechairman Graham retiring trustee Keith trustee J new candi date Baldwin new candi date VOTE TO THE ELECTORS OF AURORA I have now served you a councillor for two years and at all times I have had the best interests of Aurora at heart and always tvled to take the stand of what I thought the majority of the people wanted On Thursday evening November you tho people of Aurora paid me a very compliment by making me your DeputyReeve for by means of an acclamation I assure you one and all I am very grateful and shall do everything in my power to return your kind ness and faith both in Aurora Council and at County Council Sincerely yours D J Murray DeputyReeve for fatter DOAN HALL AURORA TaEPHONE PA EDITORIAL WHY WE WITHDREW The first thing we have to do here is to thank sin cerely those who filled out forms to nominate us for the office of mayor of the town of Aurora Knowing our nominators and seconders we are in a position to appreciate their sincerity of motive Again we thank them and hope they will understand our reasons for withdrawing from the contest It certainly was not through fear of not making the grade In saying that we do not suggest any over- confidence that we could have won the election All we mean is that we would not have been afraid of being a loser Defeat would not have soured us Somebody has to lose and a good loser will always hold the respect of those who defeated him Supposing we had made the grade and become the mayor of the town our position as editor of this page would have been prejudiced from the start As an im partial commentator our hands would have been as securely tied as the planning boards Official Plan has tied up the town of Aurora No mayor who is also an editor could have used his paper as a medium for criticizing his council however much he might feel that he ought to do so Nor could he have used it to praise his council It is our firm conviction that no one working on a newspaper should accept public office A newspaper man should be free to say what he feels should be said in the public interest If he holds some public office he is fettered in freedom of expression If he holds no public office he can maintain his independence It is our belief that we can best serve the interests of thecitizens of Aurora by maintaining our independ ence We feel that the chance we were given to contest the office of mayor was a tribute to the Era and Ex press and the independent stand it has taken on public questions We shall continue to do what we can to maintain the reputation of this newspaper as a defender and protector of the best interests of the people A RECORD CONTEST Let no one say that Aurora is lacking in interest in municipal affairs A slate of no less than candi dates provides a record list of nominations in the history of the municipality There will be contests in every department with one exception namely for the office of deputyreeve for which Councillor J Murray has received an acclamation There are three candidates for mayor three can didates for reeve seven candidates for council two candidates for the hydro commission and five candi dates for the public school board Contrasted with last years acclamations Aurora has become awake and kicking It is a healthy state of affairs PERMITS COMMITTEE The unfortunate situation in which the town clerk was placed in regard to the signing of the permit for the Ardill window brings out one fact very clearly That is that the town clerk should not In fairness to himself be appointed to any committee of council Apart from any question of fairness to the town clerk appoint ment to a committee could bring him into public con troversy and that is altogether undesirable The question of the issuing or otherwise of ft building permit is one for the building inspector and of a committee composed exclusively of members of council elected by the people It is regrettable that in some recent instances the recommendations of tho build ing inspector have been passed over We suggest that future policy should be based on the appointment of a building permits committee com- posed of members of council only and that full reasons be given to council for any proposed rejection of building inspectors recommendations Only by such means can the a n of the building inspector be strengthened for the performance of duties that may not always be as pleasant as they are necessary RIGHT OR WRONG It is open to argument whether we were right or wrong in taking up the time at our disposal at the nomination meeting to defend ourselves against that were made on us in our absence from the nomina tion meeting of lost year Our view is that we took the right course in answering our abusive critics None of our criticisms has at any time been of a personal diameter But some of the criticisms made on us were purely personal and that is why we resented them To have left them unanswered would have been an injustice to ourselves We said what we had to say and there the matter ends as far we are concerned Good controversy is a healthy thing It promotes thought and gives an impulse to action Without such stimulus there is only stagnation REPLIES TO CRITICISMS News Page Cracks Down On His Abusers Judging by the frequent applause which greeted points made in his nomination address for the office of mayor the replies to criticisms by J G Sinclair editor of Aurora News Page met popular favor at the nomination meeting held at the Lions hall on Thursday night Nov Points from his address are given hereunder Mr Sinclair said be had re ceived abuse for trying to do his duty to the citizens as a newspaperman and had come into opposition with those who favored closed meet ings and presumably hated pub licity He named among his abusers Reeve Cook Dr Mr Frank Underhill and Mr Archie Cousins The latter he said had gone to the lions club of all places to make his attacks Last year said Mr Sinclair Dr Boulding had put on a play at the nomination meeting in which he appeared to be pro ducer and chief performer with Mr apparently taking the part of technical operator The epilogue said the speaker was given at the Lions club with past president Archie Cousins appearing as sound effects man Costly Play Mr Sinclair said that the planning board play had cost the taxpayers thousands of dol lars during the course of the past few years and far from do ing any good for Aurora had tied the town up with its Offi cial Plan which had the effect of preventing building on new subdivisions He said that Councillor King had reported that the hands of council were tied by the plan The speaker said the planning board should be liquidated Stating that Dr was reported to have said that he begrudged cents for five copies of the Era and Express he had bought in Mr Sin clair said nobody asked Dr to subscribe to the paper as there were plenty of readers without his support At this point the editor of Au rora News Page was about to prove the net weekly sales of copies of the Era and Ex press in Aurora when a man sitting near the Banner report ers called out no advertising and was supported by the re OF CANDIDATE ROYAL fa DOORS DAILY MS SAT FREE PARKING Friday and turning officer Thereupon Mr Sinclair returned to his pocket the ABC audited account of Era and Express weekly sales ex ceeding copies Rebutting the attacks that had been on him Mr Sinclair said he no personal feelings against any of these men he had named His criticisms hod been directed against them as public representatives and not as pri vate Individuals none of whom he had personal acquaintance with The speaker added that he was speaking from prepared notes as a protection from pos sible misrepresentation Owing to the fact that he had run over his time Mr Sinclair said he was prevented from saying what he had intended to say on what he regarded as the mayors failures during the pres ent year He concluded his re marks by saying that he had loyally supported the mayor un til March of this year and had received written appreciation of such support from the mayor whom he had talked to only once in his life Mr Alex Bell Former mayor of Aurora Mr Alex Bell spoke briefly in thanking his nominators and seconders and announced that he would consider being a can didate at the forthcoming elec tion Mr Bell expressed regret that so little information was available on town finance and Hodgkinson there should be an effort street was hostess on Lives In Peace Says Alex Bell Of Petition Sir Alex Bell mayor of Aurora for and candidate for the same office in present election expressed some opinions for the readers of Aurora News Page on a number of current topics If returned to office he said he would support his views to the fullest extent On the subject of the much- discussed planning board Of ficial Plan Mr said it was new to him He did not recall its existence but said that any thing that was holding up build ing on new sudivisions should be rectified I believe a man should be able to build a home as he wants it he said sub ject to its conformity with the land use bylaw which was pass ed in March Mr Bell said he was greatly surprised at the breaking of building bylaws which had re cently taken place He said that he believed in accepting the re commendations of the appointed building inspector who should know his job Supports Tank Petition The people on St and in the area concerned should be allowed to live their lives in peace and quiet like other folks in town said Mr Bell He said he was fully in agreement with the petition that had been presented to council and would support it in every way Closed Meetings Mr Bell said he had always been opposed to closed meetings and in favor of letting the people know what their coun cil was doing That was why I bought a table at my personal expense for the use of the press and sent letters to both local newspapers when I became mayor asking them to send representatives to report our meetings Paying tribute to the Era and Express for publishing town ac counts Mr Bell said Aurora News Page was performing a real service to the taxpayers in that respect as well as in its full reports of council AURORA Social News The Three MUSKETEERS VV MONDAY TUESDAY made for the reduction of ex penditures Mr Don Glass In thanking his nominators and seconders Mr Don Glass said that some things Mr Sin clair had said would have been better left unsaid It was noted however that Mr Glass did not reprove those who had made at tacks on the Aurora News Page editor and against whom Mr Sinclair was quite properly de fending himself Mr Glass stat ed that he would not be accept ing nomination at this time WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Little Man From Kennedy St Stamped Noisily Out Of Hall Without doubt Auroras event of the year is Nomination Night This years meeting brought out record crowd Unfortunately due to a meagre supply of chairs many to stand during the proceed ings It is hoped that better seating accommodation will be provided next year The mayor is a good speaker with a good speaking voice But there was little body in what he said Ho kept away from contentious subjects in the man ner of a calculating politician Why didnt he defend the window which his casting vote possible He said noth ing about the petition which we had intended to deal with had we not unknowingly run over our time The mayor said nothing about these matters Nor did he say when Mr Cowlings are to be corrected Neither did he mention the danger spots on the sidewalks Instead ho praised the train centennial and of all things the broiler festival which was a flop And of course the Aurora Banner and its of which can only be competed for by week ly newspapers of limited circu lation The strange thing about the mayors praise of the Banner was the complete absence of ft single handclap Surely there was someone there who could have raised a little cheer for the fourcups Banner But not even the little man who interrupted us put his hands together Went Out Stamping Feet Towards end of our ad dress which the large audience listened to with an attention for which we shall always be grate ful a little fieryfaced man sit ting near the area of the Ban ner reporter made it hit bust to interrupt us twice Sud denly he up from bis and noisily moved down the hall towards the door clicking his heel us he left the building H unknown to tat but are told that he is a resident KttMdy Si did sot Mk Mm to Item to us and were not inconveni enced by his departure His ac tions have however been con demned as those of an ignorant person There were also some audible sounds of dislike of us constantly emanating from the Banner reporting area That wo can understand and appreci ate as we would not have it otherwise Worst Momenta Our worst moments however were at the close of the meet ing when Dr came up to us and hissed some abuse into our car as wo were looking for our Newmarket colleagues who had kindly down to ease our task of reporting In deed we found it extremely dif ficult to shako off the planning board chairman who appeared to be writhing in anger as he continued to try and bawl us out with abusive comment Finally we told the learned doctor to go home as that was where wo wanted to go Succeeding in disentangling from him we found our friends in company with Cook immediately offered us his hand which we were pleased to reciprocate Ho laughed end said ho did not mind at alt what we had said Why should he At least what wo sold was not abusive What became of the little fieryfaced man with the click ing heels we cannot say We hope ho went home and had ft sound and by this time has forgotten our existence Again we that we found the nomination night audience ft grand one to are aorry we overran our time and were compelled to omit what very much wished to say about mayor If there it next time ah all our watch day evening when the Anglican Guild met at her home Plans were made at this meeting for the bazaar which will take place in Trinity church hall on Sat urday afternoon Nov At a recent meeting of the Mens Bowling club the officers were reinstated for the New Year President Morris secretary Cliff Barn- games committee Chos Copland and Geo Pattenderu Miss of London spent the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Clarence The Ladies Aid Society of the Presbyterian church met on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs Leslie Wilson Mr and Mrs Joseph who have lived for past three years with Mr and Mrs moved this week into their new home at Richmond Hill The Evening Group of the United church held a very suc cessful tea and homo baking sate in the church parlors on Satur day afternoon Mr and Mrs Mulligan of Fort were weekend guests of Dr and Mrs Mulligan Rev Hazel wood a member of Society was In of the service at Presby terian church on Sunday morn ing and at the United church in the evening regular monthly meeUng of tho Womens will talce place in the United church parlors on Thursday evening The program will be in charge of Mrs who was a dele gate at convention held in Toronto recently There will al so be special music The of the Baptist church conducted service on Sunday evening Allan Cooper conducted the singing The wor ship service was led by Presi dent Donald tho scripture was read by Floyd Billing and the evening prayer by Donald Annie Carol Taylor and John Taylor were baptised and received into the church JOHN Split ADULT Stephen PLUS 2ND WE CONQUfcHfcO COUNCIL Owing to pressor on oar oar commentary on council proceeding entitled Cooaell promised for this week la unavoidably held until next weeks lame GIFT BOOK TICKETS THE IDEAL GIFT FOR ANYONE A FAIR DEAL FOR ALL 1 Your Vote Is Respectfully

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