Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Nov 1953, p. 11

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WHAT THEY ARE SAYING Onlooker Drops Coin In Meter To Save Stranger From A Fine A policemans lot is never a happy one when he finds the red ticket in the meter and a car standing beside it His duty must be done and he promptly gets out his little book of fines But if he has a book and no pencil his dutiful intentions are stalled the officer had a morning last week on the Main a smartlooking automobile up by the Queens hotel and it occupant young man in a jauntycolor ed sweater jumped from his seat and ran across to the other aide of the street Immediately after his depart ure an old car drew up and from it emerged two elderly persons obviously man and wife The husband put a coin in his meter and the wife walked away in the direction of Wellington street two cars were immediate neighbors one behind the other Presently an officer came along and noting the smartlook ing car whose driver had not paid his parking licence he pull ed out his little book Then he searched his pocket for a pencil- He searched several pockets but could not find a His right hand expressed a gesture of an noyance The elderly gentleman who owned the old car stood looking on but neither the officer nor he exchanged a word The officer who could not find bis pencil was a he did not ask for the loan of a pencil Instead walked away at a good clip evidently to repair his omission While the officer was away the elderly gentlemans wife re turned with a shopping package They conferred for a few mo ments looking in the direction Then the elderly gentleman took a coin from his pocket and de posited it the meter which the young man in the jaunty- colored sweater had neglected to attend to Then the old car moved away Hardly hid it departed when the young man came racing in from the opposite side of the road He jumped into his car and sped away in the same di rection as the car containing his benefactor In all likelihood he sped past his unknown bene factor little dreaming of the good deed that had been done for him In all probability the young man and the two elderly people will never meet and but for this record the simple but human story which is unfolded here would never be known The writer feels that the little incident which revealed the human touch was too good to leave unrecorded Knowing the police officer as we do no one will enjoy it more than he Had he not forgotten his pencil another dollar would have gone into the meter cof fers- But the days good deed could never then have been performed We surmise that the two el derly people in the old car en joyed a chuckle as their time- worn vehicle trundled along the highway i NOMINATION PROCEEDINGS r fc Points That Must Be Noted When Candidates Nominated At the request of the town clerk Mr George Wil kinson who will act in the capacity of returning officer at the Aurora municipal elections we are setting forth conditions of the election proceedings which will be strictly adhered to Nominations be accepted only from pm to pm at the nomination meeting to be held at the Lions hall St on Thursday night Nov 1953 Proposers and seconders of a Make It A Habit Meet Your Friend At The O HESS IDA Drug Stan Two Graduate Pharmacist TM PA PA Friendly Perianal Service MORNINGS I DRUG STORE PA74M AURORA BOOK MUSIC SHOPPE Stationery tie Agent For Era CI mi fieri Ada THE JUSMS WOOD k J WILLIS The Drug Stora News agent Tobacconist etc nomination must be municipal electors and must be present at the meeting Candidates A candidate must be among other qualifications an owner or tenant within the municipality Every candidate nominated must be present at the meeting except where his or her consent to the nomination is produced with the nomination A candidate nominated for more than one office may resign from any of the nominated of fices in writing before on the day of the nomination meeting A candidate who does not resign within the specified time must be deemed to be nom inated for the office for which he or she was first nominated All candidates wishing to stand for election must file a declara tion of qualification an oath of allegiance and a certificate as to tax payments before pm of the day following the nomination meeting Please Note The attention of all concerned with the nominations and candi datures is specially drawn to the fact that each candidate must be either an owner or tenant with in the municipality conditions which Mr Wilkinson states have been the subject of many ques tions put to him Another important point Is that candidates nominated for more than one office may resign from any nomination but such resignation must be given in writing before on the day of the nomination meeting It is pointed out that a voter may be an owner or tenant or the wife or husband of an owner or tenant but a candidate for office must be an owner or ten ant and the wife or husband of an owner or tenant could not therefore qualify unless of course the wife or husband Is also part owner or tenant Any further information con cerning these matters and all necessary forms can be obtained from the clerks office it a J G SINCLAIR Editor DOAN HALL AURORA PAGE ELEVEN TELEPHONE PA THURSDAY THE NINETEENTH DAY OF NOVEMBER NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTYTHREE EDITORIALS A FAIR HEARING FOR ALL Tonight Thursday Nov 19 is nominations night in Aurora The meeting is scheduled to start ally at in the Lions hall on St Nomin ations will be required for a new mayo reeve and deputyreeve and six members for the Aurora town council for Nominations will also be required for one member of the hydro commission and three members of the public school board If the usual custom is followed retiring officehold ers will give an account of their stewardship over the past 12 months In view of several contentious questions that have recently come to the fore such personal accounts could be more than usually interesting espe cially in regard to the town council We make one appeal only And that is that every speaker will be given a fair hearing without interrup tion That is the democratic and the Canadian way of life Aurora audiences have a fine standard of fair ness which we are sure will be upheld at tonights meet ing BUY SOME LAND Aurora air is full of the talk of annexation now Many assert that theres a shortage of land in the municipality and this brings up the question of annexing land from the townships of King and Whit church It is said that the land is wanted for homes and industry It has been made to appear that there is no land available in Aurora itself It was pointed out however by Mr Lome Evans that there are 500 to acres of land in Aurora that still remain for use But who will buy the land And would the owners sell it That is the leading question The town council cannot turn itself into the real estate business and buy land and sell it for homebuilding or industrial purposes Who then will buy the land and hold it in readiness for prospective buyers The board of trade holds a fund of approximately A member of the board of trade suggests that this money could be applied to the purchase of land to be held in readiness for the above purposes The board of trade is constantly talking about the need for bringing new industries into town In these circum stances why does not the board of trade buy a parcel of land with the fund it holds and see what happens If the board of trade did that it could proudly boast that there was in fact land available in Aurora for the locating of new industries We think the member of the board of trade who made the foregoing suggestion has put the propagandists for new industries on the spot If the board of trade wont take a chance with the fund it holds why should it expect other people to do so The board of trade wants new industries in Aurora Very well Let it buy some land and see what happens ANOTHER VIEWPOINT Of course it should not be taken for granted that everybody in Aurora is eager to see new industries here Some people dont want them for what sounds like sel fish reasons while others dont want them for better reasons Those among the latter argue that Aurora is big enough already They fail to see that life would be more enjoyable if Aurora were twice its present size with living costs and taxes proportionately higher Old residents will tell you that life in Aurora has been very good for many years past But within the last couple of years or so a mighty volume of blether has been blowing around to the effect that Aurora is bursting at the seams It has been represented that Aurora was in for such a wave of expansion that any morning one might wake up and find hundreds of new homes and new stores abounding on the landscape This irresponsible blether has certainly had the effect of boosting the prices of new homes all of which is good for the realtors One cynic did suggest that perhaps all this bursting at the seams blether was put out by clever pressuresalesmen to create a market There was a lot of talk about a boom that was to hit nearby Richmond Hill We hear that land values suddenly shot up and costs of new homes increased But thus far our neighboring municipality does not appear to have enjoyed any wonderful boom la somebody pulling Auroras leg Is all this bursting at tfce seams blether no more than the work of some outside pressuresalesmen eager to sell land and homes at artificial prices Big headlines and big talk can make quite an impression for a time Then when the promoter with his suitcase moves out the whole thing is proved to be a phoney alone good town and it busybodiea COMMENT ON CANDIDATES Claims Of Candidates Who Have Done Good Past Work Four candidates for election to the council can now positively be announced They are Councillor William Davidson Councillor Jean Moffat and Coun cillor J Murray Former Councillor Clifford Cor- has also definitely decided to seek a return to council Aurora News Page has no doubt that all the above aspir ants will be returned as mem bers of the new council The reason for this belief is founded on the ability of all four can didates successfully to repre sent the citizens They have given proof of that ability dur ing their past services A good councillor is one who has a mind of his or her own AU the candidates mentioned can successfully pass that test Electors may not always agree with the stand taken by their representatives But if the stand is sincere the electors will appreciate that and give the credit that is due to their rep resentatives Councillor Moffat In the case of Mrs Moffat the Banner made the foolish predic tion that she would be subject to the barbs of this news paper Like some other state ments that have appeared in the Banner the prediction has been proved to be false Mrs Moffat has a natural ca pacity and flair for public work Her presence on council has given it color and vitality She has now had a years experience of council business and we would say that her best work has yet to come A woman is needed on council and Mrs Moffat fills the need Councillor Davidson Councillor William Davidson is an honest man who is not afraid to admit a mistake of judgment and rectify it Such a man gives backbone to council Last year as was the case with Mrs Moffat he was acclaimed to council But we dont think we are going out on much of a limb if we forecast his election to the new council by a very solid vote He has earned that solid vote BUI Davidson is in every meaning of the phrase a peo ples representative He does not talk too much and sticks by what he says He is a stickler for the observation of town by laws He does not believe in showing favoritism We hope as we believe that the electors will return him to office by a solid support of votes Cliff It is good news that Mr seek reelection When he retired we predicted that he would not stay out of office for long What we have written of Mr Davidson is similarly true of Mr As councillors they have much in common Our views can best be express ed in the belief that if Cliff does not head the he will not be far from the top Councillor J Murray Most people expect that Coun cillor Murray will run for the office of deputyreeve a position he has justly earned During the two years he has been a councillor he has always been in the thick of the fight On some matters he may not have pleased everyone But he has to be judged on his record as a whole Mr Murray has an intimate knowledge of council proced ure He is a student of munici pal affairs On general town matters he has always stood by the taxpayers He has made a success as chairman of commit tees He has never missed a meeting of council Councillor Murrays record as a whole is excellent over a period of nearly two years He has never brought politics into municipal affairs He is de serving of the solid support of the electors to do with the land and they receive a large contribution from the federal government Without such grants Mr Evans believed that annexation would be a liability rather than an asset He urged coopera tion on the friendliest terms 7SC LAND IN AURORA Evans Points Out I he Dangers Of Land Annexation At a recent joint meeting of the Aurora planning board and townships of King and Whitchurch and mem bers of councils Mr Lome P Evans a former well- known reeve of Whitchurch township and planning threw an interesting light on the problems of land in Aurora Speaking on the question of annexation of land by the Au rora town council Mr Evans said The reason why I do not approve of the annexation of land for Aurora at this time is because the boundaries in the municipality have not changed in the last years and there are still around to acres not yet used for building The statement has been made that there are no more building lots What encouragement has the planning board or councU given to the subdivision of that land One subdivision has been ready for the past two years but owing to delaying action on someone part no building has started yet If you were to annex farm land outside of the present town limits is the town council prepared to buy that land for housing or industries If not what steps are you prepared to take with those owners who are unwilling to subdivide Are prepared to compel them to subdivide outside of taking land that the farmer cannot farm at a profit with the result that weeds and grass will grow up as is the case with some of it inside the town limits Creeping Continuing his arguments Mr said that he spoke at planning conference at Windsor during the present summer and urged that there should be co operation between town and township in laying out a subdi vision adjacent to a town When such a being developed and required services then and then only should it be annexed He preferred creeping rather than whole sale When he had put these points before the meeting said Mr Evans the chairman of the greater Ottawa planning board said it was moat reasonable be bid beard and pointed out that lit Ottawa they hid township Bar Far and laft AURORA Social News The Evening group of the W A of the United church met in the church parlors on Monday The class enjoyed a pot luck supper and quilting in the church parlors on Tuesday evening Mr and Mrs left this week for North Carolina where they will attend a poul try convention The Dorcas Society of the Baptist church held their No vember meeting in tho church hall on Tuesday afternoon The Womens Institute bazaar and tea was well attended on Saturday afternoon Miss Mary Bowman sailing this week on the Queen Eliza beth and will spend several months In the British Isles Miss Tyler St was hostess on Tuesday after noon when the Womens Associ ation of the Anglican church met at her home Mrs A- Clark Catherine Ave has been spending tho last week with friends in To ronto Mr and Mr Harry Mill Cousins Dr and daughter Bar bara Hall Toronto have returned from a vacation in London Rochester and the Adarondack mountain Mon treal Mrs atrial Ai glad Requests Window Permit A repetition of the controversy over the Ardill window seemed tobe in the offing Mr Joe Mit chell Wellington St east to council on Mon day night Nov 16 to apply for a similar extension at his hardware store The features of the application made by Mr Mitchell were prac tically identical with the applica tion of Mr Ardill which proved successful on the casting vote of the mayor The outstanding dif ference is that the westerly side walk adjoining Mr Mitchells store is approximately only four feet wide If three feet of ex tension is allowed there wont be much pathway left for pedestri- discussion started from the basis that the building inspector Mr Sam King had refused the application and was supported by Murray member of the permits committee When asked by CounciUor King if there were enough pedestri ans looking into his window to justify another feet of window being put in Mr Mitchell re plied that dozens of pedestrians stopped to look into his windows Amendment Carries Councillor King moved and Councillor Moffat seconded a mo tion that the application be re fused Reeve Cook however said that Mr Mitchell was an old resident and before they turned down his application a committee of council should inspect the win dow- Councillor Murray asked if it were a case of the sidewalk being too narrow or whether the arose from the proposal to go over the street line Councillor Davidson said the application shouldnt be consid ered Reeve Cooks said Mr Davidson Smells too much of favoritism Councillor Moffat said the sidewalk was too narrow Reeve Cook moved and Coun cillor Davis seconded a motion of amendment that council look the property over DeputyReeve Murray said the problem was a very different one from that of Mr He said it sounded like a test case He was against it but would go along with the amendment that they look it over The mayor said that as there was only four feet of sidewalk he was not in favor of consent but would also go along with the amendment Councillor Murray said there might be an alternative which brought forth a question from Councillor Davidson What al ternative can there be On a vote the amendment was carried with Councillors David son and King voting against it Water For Town Park Councillor Murray chairman of the fire and water committee said there was no adequate wa ter supply in the town park and he suggested the installation of a twoinch water main being put in at the southwest corner of the town park at an approximate cost of 100 The water could be used for flooding purposes for a skating rink for use at the Horse Show and other purposes Council agreed to the proposal Police Committee The mayor presented a report from the police committee which included recommendations for installing parking meters on the south westerly corner from tho hydro building the Salvation Army headquarters no parking on the north side of Centre and that St east at the intersection of Wells become a stopping point Petition Against Tanks Councillor Jones asked the mayor why the promised delega tion from the department of de fence promised for that evening had not appeared in connection with the petition against tanks The mayor stated that it had not been found convenient to send a representative that even ing and that it appeared that little use would bo served in view of the petition mayor added that he thought ho knew what would happen in view of the pe tition but was not prepared to express an opinion that evening Other Bushiest It was reported that Xing township had accepted the agree ment in regard to fire fighting services but that Whitchurch township had opposed accepting On a motion by Councillor King seconded by Councillor Moffat it was directed that the clerk inform the Whitchurch township that the agreement the best council could offer in matter Plans for a new subdivision of some eight acres at the south end of the town were presented to council and then referred to the planning board Council ad journed at 1015 pm A review of the above pro ceedings and details of other bus iness will be given in Council Sidelights in next issue Ed See page ROYAL DOORS DAILY MS SAT FREE PARKING 1 GIFT BOOK NOW ON SALS Friday and KIRK DOUGLAS IN THE l SKY 7 MONDAY TUESDAY

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