Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era and Express, 19 Nov 1953, p. 1

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hi 4550 i 5 MSTMCTS OF NORTH YORK tjg jlv ii YEAR EXPRESS HERALD 58TH YEAR NO NEWMARKET ONTARIO COPIES CENTS EACH lY v Bazaar Newmarket this week there can be heard the click of knitting needles the of machines and the hum of activity final de tails are completed for tomor row Community Bazaar Spon sored by the Handcraft group the bazaar will feature the workmanship of local organiza tions in all For the first time the New market Home and School will have a booth They will sell fill ed Christmas stockings packag ed cookies and candy all home made At the booth operated by the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church there will be knitted articles and aprons A general bazaar table is planned by the Womens Institute Bo- Legion Ladies auxil iary Catholic Womens League Newmarket Womens Institute and the Evening branch Pauls Anglican church Besides their handcrafts and baking the will hold a draw on a dolL The Newmar ket Girl Guides will feature doll clothes matching apron seta for a girl and her doll and homemade candy Articles of silver and pewter will be obtainable from Rudy booth and Mrs Geo will feature her stuff ed toy animals David Hood has a wide assortment of trays ready for the bazaar and in the Handcraft circle there will be work of many local craft en thusiasts Afternoon tea will be served on the stage of the town hall by the York County Hospital Wo mens Auxiliary who will not have a booth in this years ba r Held Over By Council One of the discussed issues of the year the refusal of a taxi license to Ray Carman was brought up again at Monday nights council meeting Councillor Robert again introduced a resolution to grant Carman a license The resolution had been defeated six weeks ago Carmans application had been refused on other occasions by council The resolution was held over until next week when more facts may be presented by Coun cillor Paynter and Police Chief Byron who were absent CHILDS READING THEME OF NEXT H AND S MEETING Childrens reading will be the theme of the Newmarket Home and School association meeting in the Alexander school on Tuesday Nov Guest speaker will be Mrs Ben nett Aurora who is the con vener of childrens reading and music for the YorkSimcoe coun- The program will include a humorous selection by J editor of the Era and Express and a recitation by Margaret How Stephen Learns to Read a short skit which will give parents a better under standing of the teaching of read lag will be presented by Mrs Arthur Lloyd and Mrs Ray The skit depicts an Ideal parentteacher interview There will be a display of childrens books through the courtesy of Campbells Book store Light r will be served A cordial invitation Is extended to the general public to attend Said Councillor still cant see why this man should be refused a license Other businesses can start up in town He is supposed to have had convictions for failing to stop at comers and for travell ing at miles an hour at 3 am James representing Carman said that over a year ago Carman had applied for a license It was reported back to him by the town clerk that he would not be given a license No reasons were given Carman applied again with the same result There were still no rea sons Under the municipal act council has the right to refuse taxi licenses according to one section The section has given rise to serious doubts in many minds because a subsection says that council can refuse and not give reasons for the refusal But a further section says it can go to the Supreme Court of Ontario added Mr With all due respect to your legal advice there is a question whether it can be done without a reason It is unfortunate that council has that power to take any in terpretation it wishes from that act he continued You have that power if you care to use it but it is a very serious blow to private enterprise If the legis lature sees fit to enact such leg islation I think it does so for large cities where serious prob lems can arise With respect I say that it is a slur on the police department to say that it can not keep its eye on taxis oper ating in Newmarket The mayor said it was not clear to him why Carman should have a license outside of Mr argument about free en terprise said there that was no conviction for bootlegging It should not be taken that way at all he said I am told that he has driven a car since with out serious accidents He is a courteous driver and he has good reasons to make a living Has ho been convicted of op erating in town without a lic ense asked the mayor Two or three times said Is he operating now contrary to the bylaw asked the mayor Early Darkness Danger For Pedestrians Crossing Roads Now is the time of year for all pedestrians to watch their steps more carefully than ever states Chief of Police Byron Burbidge of Newmarket dangerous for the person on foot is the evening rush hour because of early darkness Mo torists and pedestrians alike take too many unnecessary chances in their hurry to get home as quick ly as possible Last November in Ontario there were traffic accidents involving pedestrians Thirty- eight died of their injuries There were people killed at intersec tions and more lost their lives attempting to cross streets in midblock One of the most dangerous pedestrian habits that of coming from behind park vehicles or other objects caus ed accidents Anyone who must walk en the highway in rural areas should always walk on the left side of the road facing the traffic and bo sure to step off the pavement when vehicles- approach Dur ing the hours of dusk or dark ness this Is especially important Even if the good advice of carry ing or wearing white is followed jiff pave ment Pedestrians can see on coming vehicles much sooner than and more clearly than the drivers can see the pedestrian Titers were 87 accident during November of last involving people walking on or crossing people were fact that pedestrian accident killed he said Chief emphasized the can be avoided by everyone obeying common sense rules and developing safe walking and driving habits When visibility is poorest be tween dusk and dark said the Chief make sure the motorist sees you or dont venture into his path The right to live is surely more important than the right of way Dont walk your self to death And one thing more dont send children on mes sages after sundown when the errand involves crossing busy streets They cant be harmed by traffic if they are kept away from it I dont know said Otton Councillor said that a member of the Whitchurch town ship council had stated that Car mans license there had been re voked But the feeling is per sonal down there he said It was a Hat categorical re fusal by the police chief that council acted not on the issue of free enterprise said the mayor We did not ask the police chief for reasons because we did not want them brought out said the mayor Did the police committee not recommend a refusal asked Otton No only the police chief The committee was not unanimous on the issue said the mayor Councillor and Council lor are on the commit tee- was not in favor of the refusal Said Councillor Frank Bowser Carman had no convictions when he first applied for a lic ense There was no breach of any act He was just told that the police chief would not re commend it Whether he was driven to anything I dont know It is that first application that we should get Perhaps if he had been given a license then he would not be in any trouble with Whitchurch with us or with any one else Is council prepared to take the police chiefs recommendation when the police committee can not agree asked Otton The mayor wanted to know why council should not accept the recommendation of the chief of police of the town Said Otton My understanding SKATE EXCHANGE NOV fa As a service to the children of the community the Newmarket Home and School association will sponsor a skate exchange and a sale of safety tape at each of the four public schools on Thursday Nov from to 5 pm Skates for sale are to be label led with the price size and own ers name All unsold skates must be claimed not later than of that day The association will not retain any money from the of the skates The tape sufficient for each bike which would re tail for more than cents will be made available and applied on November 26 at each school at a cost of cents a bike Youngsters wanting the safety tape are to bring their bikes to the school they regularly attend CANCER DRESSING GROUP MEETS TWICE EACH MONTH A group has been formed in Newmarket to make cancer dressings and already they have made a number of these dress ings to be given to patients in the hospital and in homes in the district Mrs Kenneth Morton Bots- ford St is the chairman of the group Says Mrs Morton Any one who has time please come and help us in this worth while project We meet the first and last Thursdays of each month in the afternoon Meetings are in the agricultural department board rooms St Tha next meeting is on Nov We also need more cotton Worn white cotton or flannel ette sheets and pillow cases or mens white shirts are request ed Please leave them the Womens Institute rest rooms on Botsford St Mrs Morton urges Further information about the group can be obtained by phoning Mrs Morton Newmarket is that things are harmonious in If I am wrong in my understanding that is of no concern with this situation I think you are looking for some thing that isnt there Councillor Dales said All the matters have not been brought out It looks as though we will have to make a nomination is sue of this Mr Mayor said Councillor Councillor McGuire read from articles in the Era and Express on the subject of the taxi license refusal He read a letter to the editor on the subject and an editorial objecting to council re fusing a license without giving a reason Reprints of this were ordered by some people in To ronto said Councillor McGuire It shows that it is an important thing As a matter of fact it is a credit to a town that a small town paper should get recog nition like that one is quarrelling with that Mr the mayor said Councillor Dales objected to Inferences by Councillors and that Councillor was absent to avoid the issue I wouldnt say that and I would want him to defend me in a similar in stance said Dales Lets get Mr Paynter and Chief in on this and hear this thing out said said that a letter had been submitted by the chief when the application came up on a previous occasion and that it had not been read by the chairman of the police committee at the council meeting The may or insisted that no reasons had been given to council The mayor again referred to Mr report on the Whitchurch refusal that Whit church had revoked Carmans li cense He said it would have a bearing on the case in Newmar ket Mr disagreed Council decided to await re ports from Burbidge and FRED THOMPSON TO BE CANDIDATE FOR MAYOR There have been rumors in Newmarket this week that Fred Thompson chairman of the New market hydro commission will resign from his position on the commission and be a candidate for mayor Mr Thompson said this morn ing that he had heard the sug gestion himself but declined to make any comment There have been other rumors of possible candidates for council other than present members Other names mentioned are Tom Bob A McNeil Jack Ham ilton and Fred Counter Nomination night is Friday Nov 27 LANDING GUIDES An enrolment ceremony and presentation of gold bars and service stars was held by the Holland Landing Brownie pack on Tuesday Nov In charge of the program was the Brown ies leader Miss Joan Wood- Mrs Nelson Ion district com missioner presented the awards The brownies conducted a demonstration meeting which included songs games a story and tests They served light re freshments to their mothers and the other guests in attendance HORT SOCIETY PROGRAM ON LANDSCAPING Do you need help in landscap ing your new property Would you like to make some changes in your present garden If so plan to attend the open meeting of the Newmarket Hor ticultural society in the school room of Trinity United church tomorrow Nov 20 when colored slides with commentary will be presented The program is being presented through the courtesy of the Downham Nurseries Ltd Be cause it is a full evening of in formation and entertainment no business meeting will be held A musical interlude will be pro vided by pupils of Mrs George Light refreshments will be served The program will begin promp tly at pm A cordial invitation is extended to the general public Two Newmarket men in the have received the Corona tion medal Above Flight Sergeant K 28 son of Mr and Mrs Aubrey Newmarket was presented with the medal recently by Group Captain Leigh CD Officer Command ing Air Transport Command Lachine Que was born and educated at Newmarket and joined the RCJLF in December 1942 He served with various units in Canada during his career and at present is Telecommunications with Air Transport Com mand Headquarters Here Around Town By Local Observer Apropos to the story in las weeks column regarding the sto len shirts from several Newmar ket clotheslines four of them have been found by the police and returned to their owner One reader remarked that was a little early for anyone to lose his shirt The elections are not until December Local youngsters showed their appreciation of the gift made by Howard of free skating time at the arena by turning out the first day for an hour and a half of fun There were over boys and girls on the J J No parking here to corner signs have been placed at corner of Main St and Drive as well as at several other intersections in town We al most passed the one on Davis Drive without noticing it There was a large truck parked under the sign Local residents can assist the police by obeying these orders At the same time hey will be helping to make the community a safer place COMING EVENTS Mrs Crwdon will be yean old on Nov She is the oldest resident of See story page cot A QUIDS ASSOCIATION The Newmarket Girl Local will meet la the Scout hall on Thursday Nov pm A cordial in vitation is extended to all wo men in the community tolerat ed in Brownies and to attend Light refreshments will be served FRIDAY NOV 20Annual Com- bazaar under auspices of Newmarket Handcraft group town hall 2 to pjn Afternoon tea baking candy crafts c4w44 FRIDAY NOV 20 Beautify Canada by landscaping your home colored slides accompan ied by practical discussion at open meeting Newmarket Horti cultural society Trinity United church 8 pm Interlude Light refreshments All wel come FRIDAY NOV Bingo King City Masonic hall given by Lake Marie and King Athletic Association jackpot cash and prizes specials admission pm FRIDAY NOV Euchre par ty under auspices ScoutGuide Mothers auxiliary Scout hall Newmarket pm Door spe cial prizes Refreshments Ad mission clw47 SATURDAY NOV 21 Queens- ville Evening Auxiliary annual bazaar and tea In United church basement from 3 to pm SATURDAY NOV 21St Johns bingo Newmarket town halt pm Jackpot clw47 SATURDAY NOV 21 Semi- formal dance in Schomberg hall sponsored by Junior Farmers Weirs orchestra Ad mission Dancing to siw47 MONDAY NOV 23 At p m the annual meeting of the York North Progressive Con servative Association Provin cial will be held at the Legion Hall St Aurora Every body welcome clw47 TUESDAY NOV 24 In Sharon hall under the auspices of the Union Street Womens In stitute pm prizes and lunch Admission TUESDAY NOV Childrens Reading of Newmarket Home and School meeting Al exander school speaker Mrs Bennett Aurora Humorous skit Jack Refreshments w clw47 WEDNESDAY NOV Bingo at Legion Halt Newmarket Good prizes games Jack pet Door Free bus on route after bingo WEDNESDAY NOV and afternoon tea in Sharon ball at 3 oclock under auspices of St James Anglican c2w46 WEDNESDAY NOV A meeting of Kingcrafts at home of Mrs at Mr Brown Richmond Hill will speak on Professor Coventrys flower pictures and show inti mate colored views of flowers for design Sale of work for members WEDNESDAY NOV in Mount Albert hall sponsored Sharon Junior Time Admission THURSDAY NOV in Aurora Legion hall sponsored by the Ladles Auxiliary Share- Time pm Ad mission games c2w47 THURSDAY NOV meet ing of East Feder ation of Agriculture on Edible Oils and the Dairy Industry Guest speaker Sharon hall at THURSDAY NOV 26 Euchre and dance in hall given by Laskay Womens Institute sharp prizes la dies provide THURSDAY NOV 26 In Holland Landing Community Hall In aid of Santa Claus parade fund Good prizes Time pm Admission cards Every body c2w46 FRIDAY NOV Newmarket- Sutton District High School An- At Home Newmarket High School Auditorium Don dikes Orchestra Dress optional per couple FRIDAY NOV 27 St Andrews bazaar homemade baking and afternoon tea from 3 to pm Tea SATURDAY NOV 2Thc Sal vation Army Home sale and tea In Town Hall base ment with a band program In Citadel at night Watch for de tails THURSDAY DEC Star Weekly free concert at Trinity United Church Newmarket at pan Free admission SATURDAY DEC A super Santa Claus Parade at Mount Albert at auspices of Chamber of Commerce DANCING every Friday night to ancfhls orchestra In A Goldsmith is also presented with the medal by Group Captain J Stephenson Commanding Officer of Station He has been in the RCAJ since and has been stationed with Photographic Squadron since His family resides at Ontario St Newmarket He has spent five summers away from his family during which time he was out on various northern detachments helping to complete the photography of the vast reaches of Canada Northland During these periods he was without the comforts of home and was doing difficult repair work of electrical equipment of the aircraft At a recent meeting of council Mayor Joseph Vale called atten tion to the dimly lit main en trance to the town Council should give some to adequately lighting Eagle SI the mayor suggested The ques tion was referred to the Hydro This last spell of warm was described as picnic wea ther by our King co Mrs Laura Rolling Over the weekend many people stopped their cars at the highway cloverleaf to eat their lunch on the grass she reports we know it people will be com ing to York county to spend winters when they to gel away from the cold Cabbage butterflies have been frying about and reports of tulips and daffodils being inches above ground have been received Roses are still in bloom in many gardens and the buds are heavy on bushes For the man who tends stoves or furnace this warm weather cant last too loaf Only complaints are from the small fry who want snow tip to CITIZENS ASSOC HEARS CANDIDATES FOR OFFICE SPEAK A meeting of the Newmarket Citizens association was held on Monday evening at the fire hall auditorium W E Andrews acted as chairman It had been planned that citi zens be given an opportunity to meet and hear from possible can didates for office in the coming municipal election Present cillors not attend as there was a council meeting the same right but two members of the public school board Mrs A Curtis and Mrs J Best at tended They said they Intend to stand for office in the coming election and gave an account of their service on the board The meeting also heard from two other prospective candidates for office It is expected that there will be competition The Newmarket Citizens association has grown steadily and tho members expressed a hope that with increasing mem bership and interest a comprehensive program will be planned to help create more in terest in the administration of the town BOUCHER TO FACE OFF Smoke Rings To With Pennant Ceraaony Sat Alan Gates Arena halt EVERY Saturday night danc ing at Mount Albot hall to Norm Stirlings orchestra Mod em and old Admission DANCING Saturday night to Witta Quartette at Bluebird Admis sion 90 sunder new manage ANNIVERSARY Members of the Free Metho dist church Newmarket met at the parsonage on Friday Nov to surprisa Rev and Mrs with an anniversary celebration The had marked their wedding an niversary on November There were present fo the social evening Rev and Mrs Babcock were presented with an automatic coffee percolater The evening closed with the serving of delicious refresh meats mot J Pollock and Sons Kes wick woo high honors with turnip displays at Royal Winter Fair this had the total of points for Ontario and won a silver cup and a gold watch from Canada By Everybody is Invited to see the Gorman Smoke Rings officially open their North York minor hockey league season at the arena Saturday afternoon Peter Gorman and band have dona everything to give this years minor hockey season a historic sendott declare the minor season open Frank Boucher hockey great of yesteryear and present coach of the New York Rangers will be on hand to drop the puck for the opening The main event will be North York midget hockey league contest between New market Gorman Smoke Rings and one of the strong entries in the league Before the teams take front and center the feature of the busy afternoon program will be a pennant raising ceremony in which the Gorman Smoke Rings bantam B flag will be raised at the arena On hand at this event will be Jack MP Lex Mayor Joseph Vale members of the Newmarket town and A A Morrison of StCatharines donor of the bantam B trophy The opening game committee also plans to put up a pennant for to mark Newmarkets achievement in winning the Memorial Cup em blematic of Dominion Junior ho ckey supremacy The commit tee his been endeavoring to con tact the players who performed on championship team and hope to have as many as possible or Saturdays halt at conclusion off tha gam Snake togs has strong team in the making we should on band to mm fi start of another Proceedings start at pm Smoke ne to miner hockey and Tickets may be from team purchaser to tain skates and enjoy an hour and a An evening of euchre will bo held tomorrow Nov p in the Scout hall Newmar ket under the auspices of th ScoutGuide Mothers auxil iary If the experiment is suc cessful a series of monthly eu chre parties will be held by th auxiliary beginning In January There will door and special Kites Light refreshments will served The general con vener Is Mrs Reginald Proceeds from the euchres will be used in the work of cubs scouts guides and brown ies of the community SCOUT APPLES BRING IN Boy Scout apple day pro ceeds this year totalled less than last year off the increased cost of apples and canvassing of a smaller area ac cording to the Scout mens com mittee Four prizes were offered to boys having the rec of the day Brian a won first prize Don Scout was second Jack a Scout third and David Bra- chin a Cub was fourth The sal drive following weak provided to fill one railway car Baker Tom and Sons the off torn Co and from A Citk en and from the lata i i

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