VAGINITIS la After extensive experimenta tion Nixon Laboratories have developed an effective treat ment for in fettle This new Nixon product is I7 to use and quite Inexpen sive If you are breed ing troubles due to Vaginitis drop in and let us explain this new proven treatment that 90 simple to Available now at LANE DRUGS Ml ft BEAT Colleen Cain Shirley Sana Marilyn I Operating smoothly afield and J cashing in on safe hits market Pinups trounced Queens- ville at the fair grounds on Thursday to even up the Lake junior la dies league final series at two games each Shirley pitching one of best games of the season stemmed on seven scattered hits Marie Silk sec ond innings single produced QueensvUles first run and the invaders dumped home run number two in the fifth on Ida Bertolins single and Marie follow up triple Newmarket scored four runs in the second and jammed home five in the next frame to wrap up the game A string of hits Betty Helen Watt and produced the second frame flareup while the took advantage of three Queensville errors and hits by Shirley Trivett Helen Helen Watt and to score their five in the third Betty furnished the final feature in the Pinups big hit statistics with a home run blow in the fifth- There were fine fielding fea tures on both sides of the fence Helen Watt Dana Bar bara Gwilliams Marilyn Lee and Shirley turned in top ef forts for the Pinups while Marie King and Elsie Mitchell provid ed the fielding plays for ville J AN SPARES Do You Need A Space Heater took At These New Low Prices Jim Cullen bowled 255 220 to pace the Davis Leather pin spillers Other top were Bud Andy Cullen Bohmer Groves The Davis bowlers are in their fourth week of action a tie for first place between Andy men and Ken crew They both have 16 points followed by Harry Thorns and club with Groves is headman of the tannery bowlers and master statistician Art is sec- Top three bowlers in the Of fice Specialty league last week were Jack Shropshire 699 187 211 Francis Mc- Tom my Scott 274 153 League standing Scott Farlane i cu ft capacity with attached Tank Draft Regulator ft capacity attached Tank Draft Regulator REG SPECIAL 10295 REG SPECIAL 95 5100 ft capacity attached Tank Draft Regulator REG SPECIAL 7950 Pace setters in the Thursday night ladies league were Joyce Down The Centre by Hidse Iceskating got off to a tre- won the Don Rogers memorial start at Aurora arena trophy at Whitchurch township last Saturday night and Cliff gun club shoot recently Mr at the console of the Donald posted a out of on Hammond provided music that the trap range Howard Morton genial Newmarket sportsman was runnerup Both and Howard are members the Hamilton Gun club and with the best in the province The handsome trophy was don ated by Mrs Rogers and her son in memory of Don Rogers of Aurora who was one of the beat shots in the club It will be competed for in the spring and fall Frank Russell Toronto who won the senior championship at Aurora Highlands last year spot ted Herbie Cain age only and won the Frank Rice trophy em blematical of the club champion ship at the Highlands eight up caught on with the skaters and spectators Pep and Bill Miuv dell had a nice sheet of ice but valve trouble sent the ammonia into the arena on Sunday and kept Aurora Bears the ice- Andy Cioss and company had around players ready to go but everyone took it in good part On Monday the Bears had around out to practice Too early to say much about the Au rora club as it will be necessary for and Stunden to eagleeye plenty of material be fore deciding The Bears are counting on Andy Closs Jr Bob ml 550 Ruth Penrose Bob who were regulars Walt Fines Noel Ash seven to play The Cain Cook Joe Gasko Bob and family however werent Dunn 528 Olive 527 Office Specialty Office ladies Thursday night league has four teams Captains Shirley last year Johnny Gray sub- goalie youthful Alan Child Grant Morton Earl Lothian Ted looked in the trophy traffic as Shirley Cain upheld the family escutcheon by annexing the Mary Molyncatix Audrey and Mary Chmp- ami Jack Held the son VandenBergh is Midland goalie seeking the president Marion warden j McLean and THIS DON HAPPEN VERY OFIiH SO COME IN SEE MM SALES AND GUARANTEED SERVICE Main Street Newmarket next and Florence Bos worth treas Regular league season started last Thursday Top three bowl ers Barbara Watt 219 VandenBergh Shirley War- del SOCCER ON SATURDAY Heres good news for all the local soccer faithfuls The new ly organized Newmarket Foot ball club intent on bringing soc cer into prominence in the Hub will have their first real test of 1 strength this Saturday when they play Pickering College sen iors The game will be played on the north field at Pickering Col lege and game time is pm The Newmarket club officials are hoping to see a large turnout of fans Pickering has a strong team Last week they Varsity Univ of Toronto inter mediates Blues Rogers Doug McKnight and Bob with a win over Miss Lee Toronto who is one of the clubs top jun ior players En route to the fi nals Miss Lee had eliminated Mrs Ada Gnrfat the defending champ Rill Cross who won the Au- all up from minor ranks will get a real chance Doug Lee with Owen Sound ray Johnston two rugged To ronto toys caught the eye of the fa crown from Billy railbirds while newcomer teamed with Hunt a colored lad in his debut indicated he might stick Hunt is from the and recently to the district Joe Lewis who performed the locals two years ago and then with Clippers last winter is also being sought is Hodgson the lad drafted by from juven ilis The team will be out again on Friday and Sunday Winged Wheelers Toronto team who are entered in the district senior B group and who are making Aurora their home will open their season here next Tuesday night with Toronto as opposi tion Like the Bears they are behind their opposition in prac tices Rumor has it that New market Spitfires are seeking en try in this group Bill McDonald of Bradford George Thompson last Saturday to win the mens two ball section from Pete Pen nor and Ted An derson Ted Cameron of Aurora holds the trophy for handicap honors for 53 having taken Frank Russell in the fi nals Ted of course had a handi cap in the but his golf indi cated that this will soon be lowered Saturday will be a real shin dig for the men at Highlands as annual field day is held Keith has arranged a fine prog nun and it looks like a great windup for the biggest year In the history of the Au rora club Incidentally the Board of Trade and Town Coun cil might take note of the fine publicity for Aurora the Golf club has provided Aurora Stars who with luck might have Ontario C champs took stock of things on Thursday night and found they had a surplus of from thei With the crowds in I attendance at the games how ever and the expenses it should have been at least 160 more Its about half of the fans ignored the coffee pot or else hopped the fence or came in after rush was over Next season Aurora will seek a berth in the Mnrkhmn town ship circuit and will concentrate on one strong team for the sched ule and competition Theres not much doubt about it that Thorn- hill Richmond Hill and Ponchos would draw good gates nil sea son give top flight compete Hon After their experience with township officials a bit wary of outsiders Present plans call continua tion of I ho Town Lea cue re stricting players from play ing in both leagues and encour aging use of junior players may be that a team would Ik formed to play in league of lower classification Town leaguers not too happy about the financial picture start ed year with in tho kitty and ended up with a blue ink entry in lodger Cost of floodlights equip ment was than gates Stars decided to forego any party to wind up year leave the to start season Incidentally in charge laid down law about double participation Next year it will bo cither baseball or soft- ball After bitter experience of South committee room decisions its doubtful if Aurora will start in Intermediate hall next and who can Hie boys Thorns no use kid ding anybody to play j County baseball Aurora team would need strengthening and with most of tho boys ready to plump for typo of dub needed wouldnt bo avail- a bin Wo Aurora Ion Commission will ho able find something in their budget to provide crests for Aurora Stars Zone Winners and Town league champs since clubs havent wherewithal and a memento for winners Is least owed players by fans public Clipper had over players out to practice last week with most of the play ers on hand and host of now ones Weekly Results OJM Oct Newmarket wins championship MKKTO40 A general to for minor hockey or the IBM will be held the Newmarket Memorial arena tonight Oct Interested in minor to to attend 1931 Farm Implements Beatty Equipment Products Stelco Fence Refrigeration r I iojc if f- I BIO TRADEINALL l ForTheMmimM SEE Vi