Mary Joan And Mr were Point Grey United Vancouver Dr ley officiated at candlelit ceremony bride who is a graduate of Normal school is the iter of Mr and Mrs Joseph Fort The groom son of Mr and 105 Tenth Ave formerly He is a graduate of the University of Columbia and is affiliated the Alpha Omega bride wore a period gown imported lace nylon net over satin styled an neckline a skirt She carried roses and white crescent shaped bouquet three senior attendants identical gowns with skirts let over taffeta and lace matching floral bouquets of gladioli Matron Mrs- Jerry Clark sister from Prince George yellow and the two Miss Underbill Miss Barbara Gilroy sister groom were in green Flower girl Maureen Clark niece of the bride wore yellow taffeta and a matching floral headdress She carried a basket of flower Mr Jim Petty was best man and the ushers were Mr Noel Hall Mr Norman Harley Mr Ray Young and Mr Bob Wads- worth Mrs A Huntley played the wedding music and Mr Jack Mo Geachie was soloist Mrs J and Mrs Gil welcomed guests at the recep tion held at the Faculty Club on the campus of Mr Jerry Clark proposed the toast to the bride Telegrams from Toronto and Newmarket and a cablegram from England were read Visitors from Toronto were Mrs Rose Thompson and Miss Gladys Gilroy They are the guests of their brother Mr and Mrs Gilroy Following the honeymoon trip to Vancouver Island and the Southern States the young couple will reside at West Fifth Ave Vancouver TO BOAR A corn and tout Will be held by the Junior Ladies Aid Christian Baptist church Newmarket to reopen the fall season Members are invited to join William and Mrs Ivan in their gardens on Ave on Tues day Sept In the event of rain the group will meet at the church The Evangeline Auxiliary of Trinity United church will meet on Tuesday Sept at We are to be privileged to have with us Rev- and Mrs of Nigeria Also on Sept director of the Unitarian service committee will be our speaker at a lunch eon meeting at 1 She has spent the summer in Greece and Korea and will have a wonderful message Watch for further par ticulars- PASSES COURSE Miss Jane has re turned home from Ottawa where she has successfully completed a course in primary methods Miss I will be teaching at Sutton West again this year In the 195152 season skunk pelts worth about each were exported from Can ada WED YEARS J Mr and Mrs Cleave celebrated their wedding anniversary on Tuesday Mrs A H Mrs Clara wife of Rev Alex H of Allxston died at the hospital Toronto on August 25 She had been in hospital for six weeks and was at the home of her sister Mrs Addison for about a week when sud denly became worse The fun eral Aug was very largely attended as Mr and Mrs had a wide connection in United church circles They lived at King for seven years when Mr was min ister of the charge from They moved to and then to Boston when Mr health forced him to give up active ministry Mrs was well known for her activity in the United church and had held offices Mr and Mrs Carson their daughter Mrs Ew- Mr and Mrs I J Glass of motored to Allis- for the its a I Womans World By Caroline Ion Oh dear exclaimed Miss male There wasnt room for a Freeze will those men single murder or car fatality think of next A woman Just just this report talk about all this won derful information he has public Wed all bo better hasnt any privacy these days Dusting off the chair on the front porch Miss Freeze arrang- led from July to August but stayed for an x tra to enjoy oporto and ANNE STEPHENSON WINS MUSIC AWARD MUa Anne daugh ter of Mr and Mm ttteph- Eagle Hi ban award ed the Adele Mem orial award for tin Mini Stephenson who recently turned from the Fine leaves on Tuesday tor where her position supervisor t music for It Miss In which season t Hit ntflnf her skirts carefully about pot knowing some it I She perched there daintily just to think about some with difficulty to control her of those figures percent of ST PAULS The members of the Senior branch St Pauls Anglic can church Newmarket were guests at the home of Mrs on August An enjoy able time was spent by those present Afternoon tea was served by the hostess Shop til 10 pm Sat night A- 536 to 736 each Clearance fr if U iV t A A wide choice of fabrics and colours A A Many different to choose front short or hip length models All are made by Canadas leading nationally adver tised manufacturer to sell for and A 5 fc V A entire floor stock of these leading manufacturer and then marked down our priced jackets to you the outstanding of the year This safe means an actual saving I to on every But hurry i low There are not all sixes and colours er still a good selection to cfcoos from Wj i fci Special Purchase Save 306 to pair 1 r i Hi 1 Pah is Regular Value AllWool Gabardines Serges and Worsteds Slteen w It r Another brings you really worthwhile saving on bettor quality mens and young mens stacks This group includes many different fabrics and pat terns in a host of attractive shades There are rich deep tones and the new lighter that are so popular this year All are well tailored with harmony trim waistbands and good quality pocketing Pleated fronts tipper closure and plain or lap When you check quality of these fit want to buy several pair at this price Theyre Individually one eyebrow and the puckering of he mouth conveyed her dis pleasure with her hostess who was facing the heatwave in an abbreviated But thats another matter thought Miss Freeze For today she would re frain from criticizing another woman The male threat re quired a united front Isnt it terrible she con tinued Goodness when I was a girl certain subjects were not considered proper topics for gen eral conversations Now they form the basis for books Its the Report on the Eating Habits of Females thats bothering you I asked You know very well it is The idea of that Dr go ing around asking women per sonal questions What concern is it of his what we eat for break fast I just wish he had tried to interview me With difficulty I suppressed a smile as I visualized the en counter I felt certain that Dr would have come off a poor second Miss Freeze has a way of emphasising a point with her curvehandled parasol But returning to the present conversation I suggested mustnt take the report so per sonally It is a scientific mat ter That book Is the result of much research and no doubt it will prove a great aid to dieti cians and home economists who will be most interested in tho statistics it presents Dr Folkscy isnt tho first to attempt such a study There have been many books published on the topic before For some unknown reason there has al ways existed this curiosity about eating habits A few genera tions ago no one would discuss food in polite society It is to such men as Dr Folk- and his predecessors Fried and to whom we owe this new freedom of thought and expression His earlier book The Report on the Eating Habits of Males stirred up much con when it was published But its nothing to this Do you realize that for the first time we know how many women pre fer cream and sugar in their ten that fewer women than men re quire baking soda and such aids for indigestion and that Statistics humph interrupted Miss Freeze Its disgrace What right has any man in knowing that percent of women like lemon meringue pie The book isnt ready for the public yet but every popular magazine in the country an article on it Food and Women Head about them or such blurbs ore unread across the covers I heard that one newspaper In British Columbia carried full story about Eating Habits of the Human BACK TO TO Odd Pants Jackets KRfl TO 399 LONG WO Lined Jeans T shouts SOX GYM SHOWS Outfits 10f Created TIM V fi NEW a iS We ft largo Block of ftiihlrt School THIS OUR VALUES iff AND WEAR Newmarket l Armld Si mlerd M to her hiving for to ml the of wtlierwl her to In the many useful tilctA gen- money of the high In which held and well of her many for women burn the brook fast study show that women not very inter ested in food 1 knew that ago and I didnt have to go around asking people questions to find out 1T just like man icily concluded Miss Freeze os she prepared to leave They spend time when they should have working in poking into other peoples business Then bursting with pride it it had been they whod discover ed that the world was round they come before the public with these silly statistics Just how accurate do you think they are What kind of would tell a strange man about her eating habits Those women who permitted the questioning must have been overweight hussies Some days worked from fi am through to Miss Stephenson studied with Dr Vinci sting in the opera Martha by She understudied the solo role of Martha It was taken by Miss Paolo who had been a in this years Singing Stars of Tomorrow Miss Stephenson who is lyric soprano had a part In Creation Since her return from Miss Steph enson has been guest soloist at a wedding in It was a wonderful experi ence said young singer who plans to return to Banff next year was plagued with laryn gitis for a week It was awful nicely learned my solo work for the Creation when the laryngitis developed Dr Vinci didnt let me sing until the day Newmarket Social News MKKTIMti The first meeting the fall season for the Newmarket Scout troop will bo held on day Sept pm the Seoul request ed to note the change of the weekly mooting night Thursday to Wednesday All regular meetings of the Scout puck will be hold on Wed nesday of each week throughout year Newmarket Girt Guide company will meet on Thursdays date their first meeting will be announced next week Mr and Mrs Lome and Mr and Mrs Jack Mcdd Clinton spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs A Johns Mr and Mrs Oscar Stick- wood visited Mr and Mrs Don ald Hope on Wed nesday Mr and Mrs F Smith will spend the Labor Day week end in Ottawa and while there will attend the wedding of Mrs Smiths cousin Ray Leadbetter to Miss Helena ceremony will be held in the Metropolitan tabernacle on Mon day Mr and Mrs Car ter and family returned on Wed nesday from their summer cot- at Stormy Lake Halibut ton where they had spent their holidays They motored home by way of Algonquin Park Mr and Mrs Kenneth Johns and Douglas Mount Dennis sons Kenneth and Brian Clare- moult visited in town with rela tives on Sunday Guests of Mr and J Thorpe on Sunday included Frank Gerard and grandson Charles and Miss Doris West all Midland Bill Armstrong Don Cock and Terry Carter are holidaying this week at Stormy Lake Mali- burton district Mr and Mrs Frank Hall Toronto and Mrs George Smith were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs George Smith Mrs Nellie Stonehouse Hol land Landing was a weekend guest of Mr Mrs Oscar SHckwood Mr and Mrs J and Miss Acton and Master John Allan Toron to visited on Saturday with Mr and Mrs A Johns Mrs Ruth Hopkins and her mother Mrs have of presentation All the others were practicing and I had to do mine mentally But every thing went well Miss Stephenson led the 1050 matriculation class at the Au rora high school winning John Stuart and the King town ship scholarships She has been a consistent winner in music fes tivals and competitions When she was Miss Stephenson won at the Canadian National Exhi bition in the soprano class for under years of age Miss Stephenson received her education in Oak and Au rora The moved from Toronto years ago and since then have made their home at Oak Ridges before coming to Newmarket in PEACHES quarts lbs fresh ripe select quality peaches shipped the day they are picked sent anywhere in Ontario Que bec or New Brunswick only for 309 cash with order add ex change to cheques quarts 16 lbs We pay express charges FRESH FRUIT COMPANY Box turned home after way convalescing for a while at Water Edge Mr and Mrs James Morgan Chatham spent the weekend with Mr Mrs Fred Leach Rev and Mrs P rah am Armada Mich are visiting Mr and Mrs Ralph and Mr Roy Mrs Frank VandenBergh Mrs Harry Stephens De troit accompanied by her daugh ter Susan is visiting her mo ther Mrs W Richardson Mr and Mrs Cecil Taylor visited in with rela tives last Thursday Misses Frances Ann Sedigny and Margaret Patterson Toron to were guests of Mr and Mrs J Groves Inst week Eleven members of the Newmarket Womens Institute attended the Canada Day pag eant at Maple Leaf Garden dur ing the ACWW convention In Toronto They wore joined by Institute members from Sharon Pine Orchard and other com munities in the county who chartered buses for the trip Mr Mrs A Watts Toronto spent weekend With Mrs Watts parents Mr Mrs Stanley Smith Mr and Mrs Walter Bum- Ulead Midland were last week at the homo of Mr and Mrs J P Thorpe Mrs Raymond has returned home from County hospital she underwent a major operation Mrs is former Edith Linton who member of the nursing staff at hospital Mrs William To ronto and Mrs Williams were visitor at home of Mr and Mrs Smith Inst week Mrs Richardson who wan a patient York County for week re turned home on Monday Mr Mrs Toronto Sun day gnosis of Mr and Prank Mtes Nor I no Ayors has re turned homo from ft vacation her cousins Mr and Mrs ami Miss Edith Newport Now Hamp shire thorp fiho visited a portion of Stales New Hampshire Vernon and Massachusetts Raymond and CORN ROAST Last Thursday evening large group of friends from Church of the gathered the of Mr Mrs Raker Miami Reach for a corn roast It was of a shower for Miss Norlno Green wood Andrew St who leaves shortly for Rod Alia lo enter ho Canadian College student was recipient of many beautiful gifts and a considerable amount of money Miss Greenwood will on Tuesday Sept for Red Deer For sturdy attractive Phono Newmarket Ont r It is with appreciation that offer our customers on FRIDAY SEPT 11 AND j SATURDAY 12 10 discount on all sales o chance to win a wool THE Main St NEWMARKET Phone Canada has on of worlds lowest rates of don- of population than four per thli country rank in the a- producer Meaner In tho world In per capita AMittfntpUeii of Parents of Children in School Notice X ll i it to Him mod V mind i cm you your ihamt tit MAIN