5 j til Mi is v HOUSE FOR SALE years old completely concrete foundation furnished including orator and heavy duty house stove extras as draw and tracks rugs miles from ROOMS FOR RENT ROOM quiet home Continuous not water healing Phone or ap ply Joseph St furnished bodsitting Suitable for business Apply Joseph St phone after 5 pm Toronto NEW insulated in WANTED Holland Lansing bathroom water on homes Holland I ARTICLES WANTED GIRLS medium size Newm YOUTHS bed GO or length with or without mattress Phone Newmarket PRODUCE WANTED bushel of Chicago cucumbers 3 to indies Ions for dill per bushel Call Newmarket Working men high students or married All convenience Phone Newmarket CHOICE roasting chickens Reasonable prices Newmarket Phone apply Newmarket cottars ana Bfc to board AT Mothers make 10 Friday Apply j style leader store St phone j headquarters for school requirements Move y USE FOR RENT room to dollar wvcrencw Apply relerreo irns ax- fi Express box shorts to All woo tweed grey j p to fcr v- or box www J5Kflw jrrfnv SALE Classified Advertising Rales Two cents a word minimum of cents for each advertise naif price when is repeated on successive weeks Ten percent discount if advertisement is paid within week of publication Events costs two cents a minimum cents Sale Registers for the first SO cents for each success ive week Card of Thanks Wedding Engagement Birth and Death an nouncements cents for each announcement less cents If paid within week of publication In cents for each insertion plus cents a line for verse less cents if paid within week of publication Classified advertising may be phoned Into or left at The Era and Express office on Main St Newmarket phone at Gift Store St Aurora or Aurora office phone Aurora at Mrs Rolling phone King or with any correspondent Advertisements accepted through the mail where name of sender and address is clearly indicated Your advertisement gets into nearly homes in North York rheumatic tablets for muscular arthritic and pains Price Best Store phone net AND TRY Ponys tablets with Iron and liver Mall Your name and with for 100 tablets to Pharmacy Kin City Out for prepaid f 23 WORK WANTED lady as house- In Newmarket In homo Two adults Good ages Write lira Express LIVESTOCK FOR SALE and hriMtelik A prompt and effntlve rein edy for or and Is The Newmarket to The name nf at leant one adult oihcr than the applicant who will ho In until fire has ex- 1 J The of oxtiiitfuiflh hut No fin in air In the Townnldp of and imill ho have f mil lite fin id least one oilier adult ill the to ln of until Mime lift it the of then day of AM J WW MtttUrUttftib tu Jidl wlili ati of f fire iitenl or olhV fptlpuMiii of fcUjfil hl j feswok ro s Js i HOUSE To be removes APARTMENT FOR RENT BUILDING 24xis Suitable implement or garage best offer Joseph Q St phone oath AT shee outfits in v enters Sox -SiAKI- wantel Sehin- Leeds vlromeasttre a sdenid making op vvtiuftyard own clothe same weeks old Alfred A oh phone of fTC iiv yriecs Latere display fnbrics ree Leeds Co Station N FAMILY man to run farm on shares house Children Apply Era and wx Vl7N Yorkshire J and week- sold A Sharon In eoiipaie he Yorkshire hoars litter lp do hi Wfr Also some vouiht sows IRMiof if Ktlivleil or who i vavio vein- end w f knee Arch Aim New- market heated apartment wii FRAME building 28x14 Res enable Art Evans phone j PERSONAL GARAGE WANTED HEATED aparxrrert only Queen St phone Newmarket SINGLE or double garage in or near Newmarket Write Era box COHAGr FOR SALE j frame cottage finished inside and out kitchen cupboards etc Must be moved test offer Phone Tu Hill BROOMS 2nd bath electric heating hardwood Possession Oct Phone Davis Dr Newmarket OTHERS your growing chil dren require a daily Iodine ra- to promote health Give them NovaKelp Tablets which help supply iodine and vi tal minerals to the system All three sizes USED CARS ARTICLES FOR SALE A VENETIAN BUNDS ALUMINUM or steel Made for all styles of windows raje tracks drape arms and pin hooks etc Free estimates awl installations Phone or WANTED CONCRETE floor finishing ser vice servicing your locality troweled TOP balance teims 1 Mercury ton pan- tight solid body excellent mo tor new transmission balance 4S Standard coach small English car in eider balance owing discount for cash sails Davis Drive West Newmarket due September and October Accred ited vaccinated Some ffiadcil Apply William Tay lor Sharon LIVESTOCK WANTED CHRYSLER sedan good condition cylinder with over drive One alter nate firing Johnson outboard mo- tor used hours mod- j el Marshalls Garage Oak SSrS Phone Kin a King LOTS FOR SALE poly Harold HOWARD Road off Da Qui broker Queen SITTING SERVICE RELIABLE and competent baby sitters available cay or evening Phone Newmarket MARTIN AND SON SERVICE STATION your in a jyrr market Newmarket DEALERS for the Willys cars trucks and jeeps Phone New- phone phone LARGE septic tank and terns led any ere hin Murray Baker St phone cylin der low mileage excellent in condition clean well- kept interior Apply Andrew phone REG Hampshire pigs months weeks old easy felers Walter Curl Sutton West Horses for mink Highest paid Rex Smith ville plicftie Horses for mink Will call for with truck Good paid Frank Coleman phone New mart or write PO box POULTRY FOR SALE PUREBRED Light Sussex pul lets six and half months old Choice laving chickens Gordon Cook Kettleby Lot con King COLUMBIA and Barred Rock Pullets crossed months old Good layers Apply Sut ton Srigley St for Hid for hit of rflsehar tion of the in and re the same reliable have trvl for many year by adults and results 1W The plume 5feff rrKM A Contractor and ftp h nop in of oitrihip In ftfr4 fe ih A stef wrv quality NOTICE TO CREDITORS plumhinjf reasonable Prompt delivery Applv Ave phone LUMBER DON MILLS RD AVAILABLE full line of build ing Let us quote on your requirements Phone Newmarket POULTRY WANTED FT dry cedar fence posts for sale Phone New market KENNETH MILLS CONCERT PIANIST and coach will resume teaching Sept Interview by appointment Phone Toronto Hudson 10282 or Newmarket slw3G FOR SALE KENT Hospital beds heel and and Snn IN THE OF HENRY SILAS MARCH LATP OF TOWNSHIP OF NORTH IN THE COUNTY OF YORK MERCHANT CEASED EDITORS of the above nam ed who died at the Township North Gwilllrnbuxy In the County of York on or about the day of June are here by notified pursuant to The Trustee Act to send to the under signed proof of their claim on or before the 21st day of September WW FOR EVERY OCCASION Flowers Telegraphed Alt Over the World MAIN STREET Phone 573J NEWMARKET Albert CHOICE building lots on Bolton and Ltindy Ave Newmarket Willis phone or apply W Newmarket LINKING ABOUT BUILDING mm or in THE FUTURE Protect your Investment by lo cating on West Millard Avenue DRAPES trained nurse USED TRUCKS ALL kinds of live poultry want ed Any amount We will pay you Toronto at your Phone Newmarket tf2 sultry Any quantity in In or will rail on re prices paid onJeio Oik Kin Andrew St phone New- sound restric- Jons Terms Build- n lots ideally onsult your local real estate or phone IS CROSSLAND FARMS NO NEWMARKET i FOR SALE Jiave mortgages ranging upward on farm ands These mortgages are top are repaid on a rate of are offered at a very discount enquiries be treated con- dent ally or further information contact CHRISTIAN Own- Lake Homes Pro- Jacksons Ontario market electric ft icebox lbs Cole- man gasoline camp stove washing machine studio couch chest of drawers hie vole electric milk shakers coffee maker of heavy plates cups and saucers and bowls Tobacco case dining suite walnut computing scales rockers tables chairs large quantity antique dishes ornaments china Numerous other articles Fred Hirst phone diningroom table and linoleum J Keswick w3C DOZEN quail cents a dozen Mrs If Ave or mfrbocum an plastic wall J Rundi Son market 100 Andrew St New- KG Chest erf suites occasion chairs rebuilt recovered in fabric Apply Ken Sargent j phone Aurora St or New- market VANGUARD Excellent con- complete overhaul just finished new tires Receipts to Jerms to suit purchaser Newmarket MERCURY ruck -ixc- booster brakes stake CUSTOM forage harvesting of combined straw and corn silage Self unloading wagons no man- TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE SEED FOR SALE Reg No Seed Cor nell Reg No per bus Cornell Dawson Chart Commercial per bus Mill treated and bagged Smiths and Seed Limited phone SOIL No Cornell seed wheat treated and hag- ir bus Commercial m labor required Apply J 1US Sharon phone tlovm I bus phono Ma- town for office p p Bradford b pm ACCURATE tvoin t after pm l ACCURATE typing done at home Phone Newmarket HELP for tics also provide companionship suite mat hie lop rfdery lady Only and kitchen j in faintly are two Oval nearly business ladies who assume responsibility and heavy duties ORTGAGE WANTED couple require first mortgage on new bungalow Ion Ing to pay percent Phono Newmarket fc Rumble VV RENT needs living quarters by Oct anywhere In Newmarket Write Era and ExpresH box rlw36 Apply Mrs A Keswick house In ewmarket Sharon or Preferably near school Newmarket FURNACE stoker Apply Kara St or phone Now- market FALL sate of reconditioned used Sinjer Sewing Our consists of electric cab- not demonstrator used elec tric portable 2 used treadles I blonde treadle demonstrator al so a full stock of new machines from up Call or write Sewing Main St Newmarket phone CO cycle years old coal and wood range Condor small Quebec heater Apply Mrs An derson Keswick after pm wanted to cast end Leave Newmarket am return pm Monday Friday box BULBS FOR SALE roots for blue cream and brown Newmarket am He- turning pm Phone market Phone Newmarket TRANSPORTATION Write Post Office Box wanted by young lady leaving Aurora or woman wanted for yen- Returning from domestic work in hotel Live in preferred Apply Queens Hotel Aurora phone rs- week Aurora v a pm lie PO box a or woman or work am to pm Apply Grill Main St or phone Newmarket FOUR burner national electric range good condition Phone or apply W Eagle St New market Eagle St near Telephone r school books for gruUm 9 and Phone MANS bicycle Rood condition Apply Norman Rush skat lwS6 SMALL heater oil hind peed war Enquire M Bote- fort St require a good reliable care taker part for St building Boyd for Main St phone GHlh wanted part lime Saturday until Write Era and box CAPABLE wanted or day Apply El- man Campbell not later WAITRESS or bob Hie Mar Newmarket w3fl MACHINERY FOR SALE tor on rublKr spread- it and and loader All new price Gilbert No MAN petition GBUKr tec Mi it phon- FOR SALE I slabs stove Kspoy Now- wood ft it A licltilce Cuter Vol ley 1211 Mount Albert SEPT sale of ijrade rattle horses full line of farm machin ery furniture at lot con 11 King on No highway I miles west of ihe properly of George A Www Terms No reserve as aim sold Sale commencing at ft auction eer STEEL CAST HOUSE AND HANK BARN with one aero of land marc or less good wnll situated lit good location close to school church and store plenty of evergreen trees around property as well as a of fruit trees Possession Anyone needing bouse should attend this sain SATURDAY SEPT 12 LOT CON 12 Mile North of The of the JOHN STECKLEY Terms pe Day of Sale days Sale at pm A Farmer auctioneer clw36 Attend One SUNDAY SEPT MOUNT ALBERT BAPTIST CHURCH Lawrence Evans Faster Invites you to attend evening worship at pm Fireside service pm Special music at all services ST ANDREWS CHURCH Newmarket Rev Minister 11 am Divine worship school Sept Preparatory service at pm Sept Holy Communion No evening service during the summer months GLAD TIDINGS ASSEMBLY Millard Ave Paster Holly am Morning worship pm Special speaker Rev James Hardy Special sic and singing Wed It pm Bible study Questions and answers THE CHRISTIAN BAPTIST CHURCH Main Street Newmarket Minister Rev Fred Organist Mrs Eugene Cane am Communion service Evening worship Commencing Sept Sunday School will he at AH welcome FRIENDS MEETING Street am Meeting for worship Come and worship with us All welcome Inward peace gives outward poise Thou wilt keep perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee LOST drill hitch Ward NORMAN Oliver JOHN Wool new Mount cat on corner of Main and fits Finder phone clwSG ON Aiiiiiittt at Club Talk near ImijwIniI diamond hoy yellow trim Finder please phono or en Main St no and up Apply Gardens wick r T J TOWNSHIP OP WHITCHURCH BYLAY NUMBER A bylaw for proscribing times for setting tiros and precautions to In observed WHKKKAS the Municipality Is to pass a bylaw proscribe the times during which fires may be set in the open air and the precautions to ho observed by persons setting out fires i AND WHEREAS it deemed advisable by the Council of the Township of Whitchurch to pre scribe such times and IT THEREFORE ENACT ED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITCHURCH AS FOLLOWS v No person shall set a fire In the open air in the Township Whitchurch after the hour rf PM In any day and hour of A3 any No person ahall in Township of Whitchurch the open air for until he first Chief of the Of Whitchurch of him CHURCH Rev ft J Aiken Minister Bernard Ministry Music 11 am Morning worship LABORER IS WORTHY OF HIS HIRE Morning Service I J GARDENS BAPTIST CHURCH Invites Yon Sunday School I Divine Worship Location Corner of Muriel Arthur Sis Pustor Erickson SALVATION CITADEL Queen St Capt McEwtn Sunday am Morning service pm Sunday school FREE METHODIST CHURCH HOLT Rev Casement Sunday School Murray Varnoy Supt pm Divine worship Wednesday Sept pm Prayer FREE CHURCH Minister Church of the Light and Sunday ID school Miss Claw am Divine Worship pm EVANGELISTIC service Of Meetuift r I OF THE Corner Main and St A Miss June Haines Organist am CHURCH BIBLE SCHOOL Tuesday Friday VISITORS -I-