dm Sai Sloop 400 Miles To Keswick On Sunday Sept Mr audi by Hunter Boats In the September northwest winds Mrs Ted Leonard Dr I era years ago Keswick leave for Port Dover on Lake Erie to outfit their recently purchased 30foot sailingcruder Seafarer for a mile cruise back to Lake waters- Going with them as first mate will be Mr Art Dawson owner of Dawsons Boat Works Keswick A fourth member of the crew would have been Mrs Art Dawson but the opening of the school season de manded her presence at home However Dawson is driv ing Seafarers crew to Port in the Dawson station- wagon which will be loaded with sailing gear On the drive down the chips towing dinghy Miss will be picked up at Burlington Known as Chantey until the Leonards renamed her Sea the ship was designed by and was built for the wellknown Ontario yachtsman A A Walker of and Mr Walkers requirements were very exacting and he de manded that only the most select timbers and best of fittings be used After launching the craft was sailed by Mr Walker for many years all over Lakes Sun- Huron and Georgian Bay until he sold her five years ago Bill Cutting lumber company owner bought the craft and shipped her by trans port to the Port Dover Yacht Club from which port the sailed all over Lake Erie could whip Lake Ontario into a pretty formidable sea says Skip per Leonard But he Is confident in Seafar er In his first mate Art Daw son and the capabilities of his wife as chief officer in the galley who will reef hand and steer when needed Sea farer is well equipped with navi gation instruments and other equipment for hard and prolies are invited longed sailing The fourth leg of the cruise will 184 miles of the Trent canal system where Seafarer will have her mast lowered sails Hobby dub ins held tt lake at the York County Park with members and vtsitaiB present Everyone reported an enjoyable afternoon An invitation was accepted from Mrs L to visit thai cottage for the meeting of Sept This meeting will be held in the evening and plans were made for a corn and roast Anyone having corn to donate please contact the com mittee Mrs Mrs H Milter or Mrs J Fair All members and their KESWICK Mr and Mrs Bud Fisher visit- furled and will do the entire Mr and Mrs George White trip through the canal and on Monday odd locks under her marine en- Miss Hazel At the mast visited Miss SpragUO will be sails spread once more to the wind for a tri umphant sail down the lake to After a days outfitting stow where it is being overhauled jing of food and gear and get- From there the dinghy wilt be ting acquainted with each other carried on the top of the car Seafarer and crew will put to Cooks Bay to Keswick and Mrs Dawson will be driving the sea on the first leg of the home car back home bringing Sea- age a mile sail east on Lake winter cover and to Port Colborne entrance Leonard only gear not needed on the long to the Wetland Canal Second will be too young to on Sunday Recent guests of Mr and Mrs were Mr and Mrs Samuel Mr and Mrs Jack Bird and daughter Jean Toronto and Mr Arnold Duke the other new the Ex ere a dazzling ultramodern trains to fofcnonew Meted Circus tent musical end hundreds entirely new exhibit from alt over the world Plus ell the popular end regular CM features A TORONTO t Manager SEPT 12 Mr and Mrs George White voyage Skipper Ted Leonard states that he was fortunate in finding this little ship as he has been on Lake Ontario searching for two years for a sail- Third leg will be the longest vessel suitable not only for porttoport sail and could be Lake Simcoe but one with a the toughest part of the whole fourfoot draught shallow trip a 90odd mile sail down enough to be handled by the two Lake Ontario to Trenton marine railways Swift Rapids Lake Ontario is no stranger and Big Chute on the Severn the Leonards who sailed its River route to the Georgian Bay waters many years in their waters Another before selling was a mast ren old enough to get under the 31 foot sloop and Mrs on Sunday were Miss Helen Mor- she will to an rod lhc Stew dares her skipper father Sea nnA skipper will be her second home art and the Misses Grace and Edith all of Toronto highway bridge at Seafarer is a gaffrigged sloops by draught and powered by 30 marine motor The voyage Will be a sort of nautical homecoming for the yacht for she was built for we firmly believe the sooner jrs win finds her soalegs the j visiting Mr and Mrs John better sailed by Art Dawson and his late father- Before his sailboat days Ted Leonard was a junior officer for some years on the steamer Northumberland out of Toronto September could be a quiet month or a few days of OBITUARY r Mrs B Sinclair Sarah Mae Cook Mount Al bert died on Saturday Aug at York County hospital after a short illness She was the daughter of the late Margaret Steele and Benjamin Cook She married Beverly Sinclair in Mrs Sinclair was an active member in church organizations and a member of Mt Albert church choir She also a great worker in local and dis trict home and community and secretary of North York Dis trict The many floral tri butes spoke for the high esteem in which Mrs Sinclair was held Surviving are her husband one son Ben Mount Albert two daughters lone Mrs Webb Archer and Pauline Mrs Harry fit Albert two sisters Mrs Art Laura and Miss Belle Cook Toronto The funeral service was con ducted by Rev P assisted by Rev on Tuesday Aug Pallbearers were Bruce Rolling Norm Har rison W Rain Crone Bert and Harrison In terment was in Mount Albert cemetery Only cor can be the leaded Only one car can be the favorite Only be the mokttouflht martbought car in Canada that car year In out is Chevrolet In the first six months of 19S3 accord ing to the official registration figures bought Chevrolet This is mare cars man were sold by Ms nearest dramatic proa of Canadas continuing p for Chevrolet The tremendous popularity of It means big savings that are value lasts there are extrsi Chevrolet far Chevrolet g lot al Here is contribution from an aged saint May it he a bless ing to all my readers A WITH I have a rendezvous with God To mod Him at dark Calvary tree Oh cleanse me cleanse me with the blood Thou so willingly for me I have a rendezvous with God To offer Him service meet My life my love my all I give The service of brain and hands and feet I have a rendezvous with God To meet Him at the House of Prayer Oh what a blessing I would Should I absent myself from there I have a rendezvous with God To meet Hira at Hi- Holy Word He me love and Joy and And wonders I neve heard I have a with God As though deaths valley I walk I will be with thee he hath So side by side we walk and I have a rendezvous with God Oh World Minn thy Aadht Mr to do you think a small loan e If yau think of a dim room away to the innards of an ancient building you have a surprise coming The offices of consumer finance companies such as Household Finance are pleasant and attractive f In 151 such offices of Household Finance than employees are trained to you quickly quietly conveniently when an emerg ency makes borrowing necessary We operate tinder the Canadian Small Loans law This law wholeheartedly endorsed by us safeguards every man and woman who borrows Pleasant surroundings friendly people and a sincere desire to serve are good reasons why today Household Finance is Canadas largest and most recommended consumer finance organ ization our MONEY MANaGCMINT budget yovr branch or writ Education Department Richmond Toronto 1 Canada A Bank of Toronto Commercial Loan helped build trucking company into one of Canadas inter- transport fleets Money provided by the Bank of Toronto invested in trucks transport trailen and facilities to add an important link in transportation system Commerdil Loans are just one of the Bank of Toronto offers Canadian Bank of Toronto will gladly rfiSiJ designed to help you in your business a a important for you to know tli