PINS ORCHARD Mr and Mrs Beverly Enid and Paul Toronto have been on holidays at the home The of Wesley United church Vandorf will be of the Willing Workers at the Union church on Wednesday af ternoon Aug at oclock Wesley WA will provide the program Grandmother meeting of the Sharon Womens Institute will be held during the week There will be no service at Sharon United church on Sun day next Aug but there will be service at church at am and at Sharon the fol lowing Sunday Aug at Rev John of Victoria College will be the speaker at both services Mr and Mrs Arthur of visited their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Fred at the home of Mrs Emerson Cedar Valley on Wed nesday afternoon Aug at Oclock Mr Howard Fife spent a few days with Mr and Mrs Harold Dixon at Lake Mr Fred Donaldson of Cali fornia visited his brother and sisterinlaw Mr- and Mrs Donaldson on Wednesday night Mr and Mrs and Mr and Mrs Donald Kiteley spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs- Arthur at Lake Mr and Mrs Drake and bro ther spent the past week with their sister and husband Mr and Mrs Ralph Long Mr and Mrs Kenneth and two sons Detroit Mich spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Fred McLeod HAMILTON CLAN The fourth annual Hamilton family reunion was held on Sun day at the new York County park near Sutton This was felt by all to be the logical meeting place as North township was the original home of nearly all the branches of the Hamilton families Over 100 at tended from Toronto Markham Stouffville Vancouver Ste Marie Sutton and Newmarket In table decoration remember that when balancing two objects of unequal bulk the larger ob ject is placed nearer the of the table See Village Improvements For King In Near Future Deputations village road work a local improvement for Dew street parking restrictions stop signs and stop lights at In tersections were the main points of business dealt with by King Village trustees at a meeting on Monday night Village will be done by the township at the expense of the village Advise on the lest method of carrying out the was sought by trust- A i ir y t Fancy good large size soft and ab sorbent Reg auners SIX Elastic waist in white pink Sizes 246 Reg WASHABLE Se Good quality cotton panties elastic Sizes 2 Matoe blue and Pink Knitted from fine combed cotton yarns Keg ML WORK SOCKS Reg pair Mans Tshirts Made from fine quality yarn Fancy in white blue and yellow Sim Keg DUMB TOWtt SCIS hand towels wash cloths Boxed in colors gold pink blue and white flood quality 269 each fluid t 9c each 75c Boys Sport Skirts Washable Sizes Reg Lovely colors clastic waiit Sizes Sanforized and grey Reg beige green Boys Cotton front Sizes 246 Reg in popular shades Reg MISSES sums Assorted colors end sizes Colorful cottons Reg MBTS WORK PAWS Good quality AND CMS- I i a a r s MinaMi VWTV J ft ji ij from Black town ship road who was present by invitation com missioners A program of grad ing ditching retreading and till holes wit attention to cer tain culverts will be carried out Trustee Bob said all streets should have calcium chloride and shorter streets should be graded King City village trustees will ask King township council to clarify the process of building a road on all Dew St Under the local Improvement act and will request the township to fur nish an estimate of the cost of the The motion was made after a deputation of six property owners sought aid for building up the roadway which had not been completed by the Bob Walker was spokesman Others on the dele gation were M Lee Glen Win The village has neither the power nor money to build a road chairman told the deputation In the opin ion of the township solicitor J Lucas King township lias not taken over the road from the subdivide Fred Dew Mr Find- lay pointed out Under the local improvement act the street could be put under a local improvement plan where by all property owners would he charged over a period of 20 years It would be built up as a municipal road Although court action was mentioned by some of the deputation against the sub- divider the scheme was consid ered feasible by those concern ed The whole job would cost around 1500 or so at a year Interest rate which is about cents per foot per year for each property owner tnistees estimated No objection to the proposal was voiced by the depu tation Other resolutions approved by trustees were as follows That a bylaw bo drafted to prohibit parking on the north side of King street east of Kccle street to the centre line on Doctors Lane and on the south side of King St for feet east of the east side of Keele during the hours of am to That the Toronto and York Roads Commission be asked to review the question of stop signs and stop lights at the in tersection of King and and that the commission confer with village trustees on the matter This motion was approved after Jack Parsons single deputation outlined the traffic dangers that the exist ing intersection gives That the proposal submitted by Simpson of Whitby for painting the village water tank be accepted In proposal to do the Mr Simpson agreed to scrape and remove all rust paint on the outside of the tower and to give it a coat of aluminum paint for the sum of Tills price was considered modest by trustees The inside of the tank would not be done this year The next meeting of village trustees was set for Monday August By that date village trustees hope to have a draft copy of the revised King town ship land use bylaw for their review The Ontario Municipal Board approved the present by law up to September MOUNT ALBERT Mr and Mrs Roy spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Stouffville Mrs Geo Walsh will be home Aug to receive Blue Cross Chamber of Commerce have made a on putting in floodlights In the park as they have poles put Newmarket fins Mrs Leonard Little entertain ed at her home on Saturday July for her daughter Mtes Maty Lou Little who is a brideelect August Assisting Mrs Little in at the trousseau tea was the grooms mother Mrs John Toronto Pouring at the attractively dec orated table were Mrs Donald Davidson and Mrs Grant Sine Assisting were Mrs Frank Hope Mrs Gerald Huber Mr Ethel Atkinson Miss Marion Toronto and Miss Barbara Wilson by Car 7 Art you ktt vegetable contain slumlmak Mi not of earth is Aluminum most able commercially however Is die form of bauxite or Mem hit ore from South to feed it pot Ms Palls P When new Kltlmal completed In shipped up IhnWoM from South or abundant Company of CftfidUdAt4- t Km toWK T I prolHN MA